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The Believer’s Authority.

-When GOD created humans, He gave them dominion over the world. GOD was
the source of their dominion and authority. (Genesis 1;26, Psalm 8;4-8)
-When Adam and Eve disobeyed GOD and listened to the devil, satan got the
authority that GOD had given to them. (Genesis 3)
-That’s why satan is called the ruler/ prince of this world because he is the one in
charge of the world. (John 14;30, Matthew 4;8-9, 1 John 5;19)
-Jesus the Son of GOD came to restore the original authority that we lost.
(Colossians 1;15-16). He didn’t give into the devil’s temptation. Jesus was
victorious and kept His Authority. (Matthew 28;18, John 16;33)
-The devil therefore has no authority over Jesus the Son of GOD. (John 14;30) and
whoever believes in Him is given the right to become GOD’S child as well. (John
1;12, 1 John 4;15, Romans 8;16)
-Therefore, as GOD’S children we can exercise the same authority that Jesus has
over the devil and the world. (John 16;33, Luke 10;19, 1 John 5;4-5, Ephesians
2;1-6, Colossians 2;6, 9-10, Hebrews 2;8-14)
-Jesus then commissioned His followers / disciples/ whoever believes in Him to
have and walk in the same authority that He walked in. (Mark, 16;15-16, Mark
16;20, John 14;12, 1 Corinthians 15;57, Philippians 4;13)


-In order to exercise GOD’S Authority on earth, the believer needs a new set of
clothing through which GOD’S Power can flow. This is known as the armor of
Components of the Armour of GOD. (Ephesians 6;14-17)
1. The Belt of Truth.
The Belt of Truth is the foundation of GOD’S word that the believer is
supposed to build his life upon.
-All through scripture, GOD expects His people to have His word as their
standard of living. (Leviticus 20;7, Deuteronomy 4;40, 28;9-10, 30;15-16,
Joshua 1;8, 1 Samuel 12;14,24)
-Putting on the belt of Truth requires total dedication to living according to
GOD’S Word. (John17;17)

Principles of living in Truth

1. We live in Truth by obeying GOD’S Word.
2 Timothy 3;16, John 14;6,23, John 8;31, 2Thessalonians 2;15, 2 John 9,
3Jihn 3-4,11, John 15;10, 1 John 2;3-6, James 1;22-23

2. Living in truth requires knowledge and understanding of GOD’S Word.

John 8;32, Colossians 1;9-10, John 15;15, Psalm 32;8

3. Truth is opposed by lies and doctrinal error.

2 Timothy 3;16, 2 Peter 3;17, Jude 4, 2 Corinthians 11;13, 2 Timoty 3;6-
7, 4;3-4, 1 John 4;5-6, 2 John 7-8, Colossians 2;8, 2 Peter 2;1-22

4. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.

John 14;16-17,26, 15;26, 16;13-15, 1 John 2;20, 1 Corinthians 2;10-13, 2
Thessalonians 2;13, 1 John 2;27

The Breastplate of righteousness.

-Righteousness means to be in right positioning with GOD.
-The position of righteousness is what gives us legal entitlement to have
the authority of GOD to work through us. (1 Peter 3;12)
-The righteous are those who belong to GOD; those who have Jesus
Christ as their Lord and Savior. (2 Peter 2;24, 2 Timothy 1;8, Colossians
1;22-23, Galatians 2;26, 2 Corinthians 5;21, Romans 10;9, Hebrews
-Living in righteousness means living a life of repentance.
2 Timothy 2;19, 1 John 2;1-2, 2 Corinthians 8;21, Romans 5;18-19, 1
John 3;7.
Readiness of the Gospel of Peace.
Understanding Peace. Matthew 8;23-27
The Gospel sends out the message of peace which is; Peace with GOD
(Romans 5;1) and peace with man. (Romans 12;8, 14;19, 2 Corinthians
Philippians 4;7, 2 Thessalonians 3;16, 1 Corinthians 1;3, Colossians 3;15

Shiels of Faith
This refers to enduring faith that has been defined to be persistent, resilient
belief that GOD’S Word id true against every wrong thought, problem or
Hebrews 11;16, Luke 17;6, Mark 11;22-23, Romans 10;17, 2 Corinthians
5;7, Galatians 3;26, Ephesians 3;12, James 1;6

Helmet of Salvation
-Salvation is the rescue of the soul from sin. (Ephesians 2;8, 1 Timothy 2;3-
-The Helmet of Salvation has to do with our though patterns. (Proverbs 4;23,
Romans 12;2, Philippians 2;12-13, 4;8,)

The Sword of the Spirit.

This refers to a quickened word of scripture (Rhema) or a Word from the
LORD that the Holy Spirit supernaturally drops into a believer’s mind,
causing it to come alive and impart special power or direction to that
-The Rhema words are empowered by the Holy Spirit to enable you to
withstand the adversary’s spiritual, mental and emotional physical attacks.
Hebrews 4;12
Psalm 119; 91

The Back- The Unguarded area.

-Ecclesiastes 4;9
-Deuteronomy 32;30
-Mark 6;7
How do we put on the armour of GOD?
Unbroken ongoing fellowship with GOD is absolute guarantee that you are
constantly and habitually dressed in the whole armour of GOD.
If we are not properly dressed for war, we are sure to experience frustration
in prayer and get wounded in the battlefield.
-Ephesians 6;18
-Philippians 1;28

Lifestyle Warfare.
The Armor of GOD is based on GOD’S character of greatness and holiness.
And we should have the same in our lives for His Power to flow through us
1 Peter 2;11, -12, 3;13-15, 4;2-6, 2 Peter 3;14, 2 Timothy 2;19, 1 John 1;5-6,
3 John 11, Hebrews 12;1, Philippians 2;14-16.

Armor / Spiritual Leakages.

1. Disobedience
-James 4;7, 1;5
-1 Kings 13;1- 32
-Exodus 34;12, Joshua 9;1-27

2. Sin
-1 John 3;9-10

3. Wrong Association / Evil Friends

-Judges 16;4-21
-Galatians 4;17

4. Unforgiveness
-Leviticus 19; 7
-Mark 11;25

5. Pride
-1 Peter 5;5

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