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Reflection Paper of the learnings gained from the Immersion

To start with, I was one of the student complainants questioning these kinds of
activities because it is not really that helpful. I have observed that students can falsify
and fabricate their data so what is the purpose of the activity if facilitators and students
does not take it seriously? This question stroke back my ego and made me realize that
immersions like these are more beneficial to engineering students. This serves as a
training ground for us who are just starting and who dreams to be one of the successful
engineers in the world someday. Thus, being humble and learning to obey teachers and
facilitators are the most valuable learnings I have gained from the immersion.

Indeed, it was a bit fun doing such activities. Though I was lacking with
important knowledge and skills that an engineer would have, I accepted the challenge of
leading our group mates in assessing buildings. I may not be that accurate and precise in
answering survey forms, but my lackluster performance made me more interested to deal
with buildings and other things in the engineering world. I have learned that the
immersion was really essential for us engineering students to gradually learn things about
engineering, train ourselves early and discover more.

Moreover, I have also applied what I have learned from our Engineering Design
subject. It is easy to say things such us to conceive, design and implement theoretically
but if you see things beyond those limits, it is really hard to apply these concepts in real
world. I have also learned how to communicate with my group mates, establish rapport
and develop teamwork as well as the comfortability in team-building. It was actually
harder to communicate with them than to assess the buildings assigned for our group. So I
think it was an achievement to somewhat establish relationships and leadership skills that
would mold our interpersonal skills and help us in our future appointments with clients.

One more essential thing that I have learned is to manage time wisely
accompanied with being on time always. To become a successful engineer someday, time
is relevant. But for now, I have difficulty battling with this problem but I will surely
overcome this one. Nevertheless, it was a fun and memorable experience to reminisce
with. I have gained new knowledge, skills, techniques, experiences and friends.

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