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What does it take to be human?

The simple reality is that Homo sapiens are distinct among other species by

having a mind to be a rational being, a body to be able and accomplish daily tasks, and a

soul that gives essence to the existence of self and why man is considered human. A

man needs to be empathetic, moral and must have conscience to be considered as

human because all other species have no capabilities of having these traits. One way

also of knowing what human is, is defining the figure of other species as it constitutes

one of the pillars for identity constructions. Defining distinct species helps demarcating

human identity. Moreover, humanity is a broad concept and the best way to deepen our

understanding on what does it really take to be human is by learning and understanding


There is a need for us to study humanities as it encompasses our everyday lives

as human beings. It fills the curiosity in our head, the knowledge we are lacking with

and the guts in making good decisions in life. Humanities can be used to help people

comprehend and communicate with one another. It is not a subject but an ongoing

process and practice in life. In addition, it can be used to understand the past which has

created the present. Understanding the present and knowing how we came to this

present helps to communicate about it and contemplate on why Homo sapiens are

distinct and have the dominion over all other creatures. The study of the humanities can

also be regarded as a useful realization on the differing interpretations of life and

history. Studying facts of the past helps to understand literature of the past. Art reflects

the cultures of the past and show what we have today. Lastly, history enables people to

understand how religions were developed. These are just examples of how the
comprehensive study of humanities can be used to understand world, and to

communicate fairly and intelligently with people having varying cultures and

perspectives. These are also facts that give us idea on how we became human as

distinct among others.

In conclusion, to better understand on what does it really take to be human, we

need to study humanities. It teaches one how to study and look at how the past

developed and how it has impacted today's world. It also allows people of different

cultures to communicate and understand their sometimes common pasts but present

differences. The humanities show how different disciplines affect and complement one

another. Finally, it shows that this study is ongoing and continual, constantly evolving

and shaping.

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