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EDITORIAL Anyway, at this point you might have

noticed that I'm not very good with keeping

plans. I said I would bring all the dungeons
What a year, huh?
to this issue, but I decided it would be better
to focuse on the Bloody Ravine for now.
Believe me, I was planning to complete this
The current plan is to bring the Caves of
earlier in the year, but thanks to the success
Unknown in the next issue, which will
of the previous issue I got a ton of attention
mostly be a dungeon generation tool.
and a lot of people reached out to me for
commissions. I made an adventure for
"Well, what do I do now with these dungeon
Mausritter, a huge mansion map for Spire,
entrances in the Palovalley that are not complete?
two maps for My Body Is A Cage and plenty
Should I create them myself ??"
of maps and small illustrations for a ton of
cool RPG projects. Two years ago this
Fear not for I have found a use for them!
would have been utterly unimaginable.

Meanwhile, the RPGLATAM community is
When the adventure enters one of the
rocking like a hurricane! So much passion
dungeon entrances that are currently under
and creativity, I couldn't be more proud of
construction, they find a bunch of
being part of this process.
serpentine maze-like tunnels. Roll a D6 to
discover where they end up:
No matter how much time passes, this all
feels surreal to me. The only thing that
1 - The cave below the Stronglaw Keep
actually feels real right now is the pain in my
2 - The vault inside the Whispering Tree
back for sitting in a bad chair all this time.
3 - A garden under the Woods Devourer
4 - A lake beside to the Flooded Shrine
5 - The Mysterious Portal on Rockfall Range
6 - A burial mound under the Dragon Skull

The tunnels under the Palovalley are always

shifting for a strange reason. Maybe there's a
giant Wyrm there who simply can't stand
still. Check for a random encounter next
time they go through the tunnels!

Alex Damaceno - 13/11/2021

Palewood trees of When adventurers
scarlet foliage spread across first arrive, the creatures from
the ravine. A waterfall hangs over the the Bloody Ravine are off guard. They
landscape, and the air feels fresh and sweet. haven't caught any humans invading their
This place doesn't look as bad as expected. homes in a few months and their presence is
At the end of the gully, an ominous structure rather unexpected. This gives players a initial
gazes upon the visitors and welcomes them opportunity for easy sneaking and safe social
with an open mouth. interactions before things get ugly.

Quick Scouting 1 - The Church Errand (3)
The group may decide to send someone to The High Priest promises a reward for a
investigate the rooms ahead. Make all the stolen relic (The High Priest Staff). He gives
tests necessary to see if they manage to the exact coordinantes to the Bloody Ravine
return undetected. If sucessful, the scout and asks for discretion. If the group
returns with information from 2D6 rooms. manages to return his staff, he brings the
group under the church and casts a powerful
Alert Level spell knocking everyone out. They awake in
When characters make loud noises inside a the Castle's dungeon behind thick iron bars,
dungeon, the alert is raised to 1 for 1 hour. and must find a way to escape before the
If they are spotted inside or outside the priest returns to perform the sacrifice ritual.
dungeon and the situation goes badly, the If the ritual is completed, the Priest
alert raises to level 2 for a week. If the becomes a demon and turns the entire
characters steal something important or kill garrison into snake servants.
anyone, the level raises to 3 for a indefinite
amount of time. The level returns to 0 after 2 - The Kidnapped Merchant (8)
the time has passed, unless the group killed The Guild received a bloody ransom letter
someone, in which case it stays at 2. for a very important member. The only
thing they know about the ravine is that it is
Level | Effect | Encounter Rate (D6) located at the scarlet forest. If the group
0 - Relaxed | Off Guard | 1/6 refuses the quest, they hire another group.
1 - Suspicious | Weapons Ready | 2/6 He is located in the Bugboar's Slave Pen.
2 - Watchful | Loaded Traps | 3/6
3 - Paranoid | Can't be Surprised | 4/6 3 - The Disguised Princess (13)
She asks for aid to fight the forces of Chaos.
D6 Sample Traps She doesn't know the location of the
1 - Heavy Net, no action in the first turn temple, but she has a "tracking device".
2 - Hidden Snare, put invaders upside down If the group refuses to go with her, she will
3 - Covered Pit, cripple the distracted ones ask another group to aid her. If she trusts
4 - Hanging Stone, crush the clumsy ones the group, she reveals that she is looking for
5 - Suspended Weapons, slash the slow ones lost elven relics to contact her ancestors and
6 - Ambush hole!!! (your back is not safe) cast out the human invaders from the Keep.
After gathering the relics and performing a
Adventure Hooks ritual, the princess becomes the avatar of
The notice board at the Stronglaw Keep has the Mother Goddess, and the creatures of
three requests linked to the Bloody Ravine: the ravine will aid her to storm the castle.
20 Kobolds
8 Giant Rats
1 Royal Spider


2 - A hooded figure selling potions Hidden Storage Bin (4)
3 - Bugboars capturing Kobold kids 6 Jars of Bluewine worth 200SP each.
4 - Kobolds and Goblins trading goods Chief's Battleaxe (5)
5 - Guards changing shifts 2-handed, teturns to owner when thrown.
6 - Guards going on patrol To become the new owner, kill the old one.
7 - Kobold kids running around Elven Chalice (5)
8 - Elders praying to their gods Fills with sunlight wine once a day (full HP)
9 - Elders telling children stories Bone Flute (7)
10 - Chief and warriors planning a raid Soak in a creature's blood to charm that
11 - Chief going to his room (5) species. Currently: giant rats. D6 uses.
12 - Chief going to storage room (4) Golden Fish (8)
Regenerates itself from its bones once a day.
BEHAVIOUR Turns gold coins into common fish.
Kobolds are ANGRY and CAUTIOUS. Giant Rat Milk Cheese (9)
Won't trust humans without a reason. Exotic food. Nobles pay 50SP for each.
1) Entrance 7) The Alcoves*
A large pit blocks the passage, too wide to easily This is the darkest place in the lair. The air smells
jump over and deep enough to break a leg. like dog sweat and fried fish. You hear snoring.
Two large wooden boards are stacked by the There are eighteen skin beds here, under one
wall on the other side. of them is a bone flute and a large ruby.

2) Rat Barn 8) Cave Pond (secret entrance)*

A strong smell of rotten fish fills the air, and a loud A blind kobold is peeling silver fish. He is kind and
snoring sound is coming from the ground. speaks an old human dialect. Asks the group to feed
Seven, saddled, giant rats sleep soundly in the silver fish and stay away from the golden fish.
this room. Loud noise will wake them. The silver fish duplicate themselves once a
day after being fed. This cave is connected
3) Guard Room to the waterfall in the Scarlet Forest (6,3).
A group of dog-headed men wearing fur clothes are
playing an intense game of dice, not paying attention 9) Cheese-Making Chamber*
to the door behind them (4). Their wooden man- A bronze cauldron, two wooden forms and a
catchers rest nearby. cheesecloth. A large wooden bin in the center of the
Adventurers can easily sneak pass them. room holds 12 wheels of cheese in salt water.

4) Storage Room* 10) Rat Nursery

Barrels holding man catchers, wooden bins A giant rat breastfeeds a litter of 6 pink baby rats.
containing raw meat and vegetables. She looks tired but cozy.
There's a hidden bin under the food bins. If someone touches a baby, she jumps to
defend them with mad strength.
5) Chief's Room**
The ground is covered in fur and pillows. 11) Weaver Workshop
A couple of wine jars and six silver cups lie The room contains a broken spinning wheel and 9
scattered around a large battle axe. balls of a strange golden yarn.
Locked treasure chest containing 1200 SP. If the wheel is fixed, the kobolds will make
spider silk armor for the entire ravine.
6) Common Chamber
This room is wide and well lit. The Chief is here 12) Improvised Cage
roasting fish for his tribe and listening to them. A giant crippled spider behind a wooden cage.
The Chief is much bigger than the others, Her 5 remaining legs are tied with a strong knot.
but unarmed. Wears a large key on his neck The spider speaks arcane and elven
that opens the treasure chest. languages. She begs to be released.
9 Bugboars
6 Captives
12 Cave Bats


2 - Angry earth elemental Coin Purse (2)
3 - 2D6 hungry cave bats At the bottom of the pool, very heavy.
4 - A lone stirge looking for prey Elven Longbow (5)
5 - Two stirges draining a goblin of blood Casts 6 sunlight arrows per day (ignores
6 - Cave bat swarm flying away armor). Needs the bailiff elven ring to work.
7 - A lone bugboar patrolling the room Locked Treasure Chest (5)
8 - Two bugboar wrestling each other A Golden Triangle (Elven Relic).
9 - Two enslaved kobolds running away Hidden Bin (8)
10 - A enslaved goblin running away Gold Ore: raw, bulky, worth 10GP
11 - A bugboar looking for a fugitive Moonstone: extremely rare, can store living
12 - Mother Boar looking for help souls and magic energy, D6 uses.
Large Diamond (9)
BEHAVIOUR Glimmering under the stones, worth 20GP
Bugboars are CONFIDENT and Lost Grimoire (10)
HOSTILE. They only respect strength. Near skeleton, has 3 random spells.
1) Lower Entrance 7) The Forge
The wall is decorated with animal heads in various A giant female bugboar stares at the big furnace on
stages of rot. The goat head looks well preserved. the wall. She pulls out a big chunk of hot metal and
The goat face is a goblin watching the starts hammering it on the anvil.
entrance to warn the tribe of intruders. This boar is the mother and the leader of
tribe. She is working the last available iron
2) Dump Pool* ore into a huge halberd for herself.
This room smells like manure.
Dark, viscous sludge floats atop a pool of water. 8) Storage*
The air is highly flammable. The pool leads A stack of six wooden bins, all empty but
to a secret passage to the training room (4). the last one hidden behind the stack.

3) Banquet Chamber 9) Iron Mines*

Two boarmen stand near the firepit cooking meat for This corridor leads to a dead end blocked by a big
themselves. One is toasting a deer by the fire, while pile of rocks. Looks like it collapsed recently.
the other is at the table preparing anotheer deer. Behind the rocks is a big vein of iron.
The bugboar ocasionally gather here after
their training sessions, then go sleep in (6). 10) Bat Nest*
Twelve giant bats hang from the ceiling.
4) Training Room They occasionally drip a mixture of blood and
Six boarmen liftt weights and practice grappling. saliva and their breathing is a slow, rhythmic buzz.
One is clearly bigger and stronger than the others. They will wake and attack if someone enters
The group is too distracted to notice here carrying a light source.
intruders immediately.
11) Slave Pen
5) Arsenal** A pair of kobolds, three goblins, and a human
Weapon racks hold clubs, spears, and axes, half merchant are all behind bars. They look exhausted.
made of stone, and half iron. A richly ornate bow The slaves are being used to re-excavate the
is displayed on the wall and a (locked) treasure chest entrance to the iron mines.
sits beneath it.
12) Upper Entrance
6) Dormitory A big pile of dirt and rocks partially covers a
This place smells like grease. Dirty skin beds and tunnel. Heavy dust is coming out of the passage.
lots of bones are scattered around. Two bugboars guard this entrance. A pair of
If a random encounter is rolled in this kobolds and goblins come out regularly
room, you find 2 bugboars sleeping. carrying stone bins to dump on the pile.
13 Goblins
6 Hobgoblins
1 Giant Goblin


2 - The goblin king doing his necessities Golden Arrow (4)
3 - A group of mushrooms running away In the mouth of the bear skin. The arrow is
4 - A lone mushroom sneaking around charmed to return to quiver on command.
5 - Two hobgoblins fighting each other Mushroom Beer (5)
6 - A drunk hobgoblin sleeping soundly Well preserved in twelve palewood barrels.
7 - A lone goblin sharpening his spear The bluewine keeper might be interested.
8 - Two goblins practicing spear throwing Treasure Chest (6)
9 - Three goblins playing stone marbles 6000 gold coins with elven symbols.
10 - The Troll playing marbles with goblins Golden Alembic (7)
11 - Troll practicing goblin throwing Valuable to alchemists and apothecaries.
12 - Troll fighting two bugboars Elven Crown (9, goblin king's head)
Casts "mind control" spell once a day.
BEHAVIOUR Blue Mushroom (10)
The goblins are SCARED and HOSTILE. Used for cooking and brewing. Has
They won't hesitate to protect their home. unpredictable effects if consumed raw.
1 - Lower Entrance 7 - Distillery*
The entrance looks unguarded. One passage goes A large golden alembic drops a foaming blue liquid
straight, and another turns to the right. You hear into a wooden bucket. Two barrels line the walls.
some squeak noises coming from the former. A drunk hobgoblin comes once a day to fill
The noise comes from the training room. the alembic and restock one of the barrels.

2 - Training Room 8 - Banquet Hall

Three goblins throw spears at distant targets. Tables and stools surround a pitfire. Behind the
Looks like they have a very good aim. stalagmite. A crowned goat sits majestically on a
There's a passage on the right that leads wooden throne flanked by two hobgoblins.
behind the guards in the guard room (3). All goblins gather here twice a day to feast
with their king.
3 - Guard Room
Two goblins watch a staircase. 9 - Throne Room*
One looks bored and the other keeps nodding off. The goblin king welcomes the intruders and
They are both watching the path from the asks their business. He might accept trading
entrance. Intruders coming from the training their mushroom beer if the group rescues
room passage can easily sneak past them. his servants from the Bugbear slave pen.

4 - Troll Chamber* 10 - Mushroom Farm*

This place smells strongly of dirty armpit. This room smells sweet but nauseating.
A large bear skin rug covers the floor. Large crops of blue mushrooms fill the area.
When the Troll is not working on the farm, The mushrooms are always sleeping. They
he is found here sleeping very soundly. wake with heat or when harvested. The Troll
works on the crops when he is not playing
5 - Storage Room* marbles or sleeping in his chamber.
The palewood door is tightly closed from inside.
The boxes are filled with dried meat, carrots 11 - Crushing Room
and potatoes. The barrels holds mushroom Two goblins are busy crushing mushrooms with their
beer, highly invigorating and alcoholic. feet in a large tank. Another goblin waits with a
bucket to collect the blue liquid.
6 - Treasure Chamber*
The passage is partially blocked by wooden beams. 12 - Hidden Entrance
It's possible to see a wooden chest on the other side. The palewood door is tightly closed from inside.
The space is very tight, and jostling the If the door is forced or broken, the alert
wooden beams drops a big boulder. level of the dungeon is raised.
9 Hynolls
12 Scorpions
20 Fire Bugs
1 Owlbear


2 - The Owlbear looking for fresh meat Rare Herbs (3)
3 - A swarm of bats fleeing the owlbear Makes a delicious poisonous tea.
4 - Hynolls putting the Owlbear to sleep Strong pain reliever when chewed raw.
5 - Swarm of cave bats hunting scorpions Scarlet Crystal (4)
6 - Giant scorpions eating giant bugs Spill a drop of your blood, see your future.
7 - Giant bugs running away to hide Golden Censers (5)
8 - Hynolls killing giant scorpions to eat Valuable to alchemists and arcane scholars.
9 - A lone Hynoll carrying a jar of water Elven Amulet (8)
10 - Hynolls lighting the cave candles Hidden inside the pond. Allows a sorcerer
11- Hynolls fighting Bugboar invaders to recast one of their spells once a day.
12 - Ethereal Guru fighting Bugboars Silver Candlestick (9)
Engraved with elven sigils, worth 100GP.
BEHAVIOUR Mindstone (11)
Hynolls are PLEASANT but Catalyzes the separation of the body and
UNFRIENDLY. They want to be left alone. the soul with deep meditation.
1 - Entrance 7 - Meditation Hall
Candles line a path leading up the ramp. Six hynolls gathered in deep meditation.
There is an open passage to the right and movement One walks around the group striking a golden bell.
in the shadows beyond. The bell can put the owlbear to sleep.
Two hynoll guards are stationed in room 12.
They can block the main entrance with a 8 - Owlbear Nest*
huge stone door if necessary. Bones are scattered all over the floor of this vast cave
complex. The sound of flowing water can be heard,
2 - Front Shrine and a huge furry creature appears to be hibernating
A carved statue of a canine head with a serene in an nest made of rotten corpses.
expression surrounded by candles. This cave has passage to the Bloody Ravine.
Hynolls come here to pray sometimes.
9 - Candle Workshop*
3 - Mystic Garden* A cauldron of grease bubbles over a large fireplace.
An opening in the ceiling lets sunlight bathe a Sieves, candle molds and other tools cover the table.
bountiful garden of well tended plants. An old A lone candlemaker is working peacefully.
hynoll is watering the plants in deep meditation.
The hynoll ignores them if not disturbed. 10 - Training Hall
Six hynolls practice a strange martial art.
4 - Hidden Tomb* Some of them are able to project their souls to fight
The narrow tunnel leads to a small cave with a in the place of the body.
skeleton holding a glowing scarlet crystal. They are distracted enough to ignore any intruders
When someone touches the crystal, they see going in this room.
the stronglaw keep burning to the ground,
then the crystal stops glowing. 11 - Secret Cave*
A strange vibration resonates in the air.
5 - Guru Chamber* A huge obelisk, surrounded by black stones, is
An ancient hyena-man sits in deep meditation, carved with red glowing sigils.
surrounded by smoking golden censers. Arcane scholars read the sigil as a spell to sepparate
If someone makes noise, the Guru appears the soul from the body.
as an ethereal projection to interrogate the
intruders and fight if necessary. 12 - Guard Room
Two hyena-man stand in the center of the room.
6 - Storage Room They seem to be in a deep meditative state.
This room is filled with large pottery. Some empty, The guards are alert, ready to project their
but most store fresh berries or cold water. souls and fight any intruders.
6 snake cultists
1 Medusa
Lots of Statues


2 - Medusa singing a lullaby Tapestry (4)
3- Two snake-man fighting a warrior statue Valuable to nobles and elven scholars.
4 - A lone snake-men crying in despair Sunlight Wine (5)
5 - Two snake-men staring at nothing Fully invigorates health and regenerates
6 - Three snake-man praying out loud light wounds. Highly valuable to nobles.
7 - A petrified chaos cultist Elven Cloak (8)
8 - Three petrified goblins Suppresses any sound and turns the wearer
9 - Two petrified tomb robber almost invisible when completely still.
10 - Warrior statue sharpening its sword Large Golden Bell (9)
11 - Warrior statue searching for intruders Worth 2000GP. Needs 2 people to carry.
12 - Stronglaw Bishop (Hostile) Strange Paintings (10)
Valuable to nobles and elvish scholars.
BEHAVIOUR High Priest Staff (11)
All creatures are HOSTILE until the curse is Turns into a snake and allows telekinesis in
broken by killing Medusa or the High Priest. exchange for the user's blood.
1 - Tomb Entrance (Moon) 7 - Torture Chamber
A huge stone door engraved with moon-like symbols A rusty iron maiden stands in the center of the
stands partially open. room. It looks empty but a low sound of breathing
Leads to the elven catacombs (1). The other is coming from its holes.
entrance can be opened from inside. A whispering voice reveals the snake curse is
the High Priest's fault. When the maiden is
2 - Entrance Hall opened, a cultist skeleton drops on the floor.
Marble pillars in a long hall surrounded by thin
mist. Faint groaning echoes through the walls. Stairs 8 - Empty Cell*
leading up disappear into absolute darkness. You see nothing but chains and open handcuffs.
The mist keeps the ravine creatures out. A lever in (7) activates a heavy gate. It is
strong enough to trap Medusa.
3 - Main Hall
Weak flames flicker in a large vessel at the center of 9 - Profaned Chapel*
the room. Snake noises echo through the hall and A large golden bell hanging above an altar and a
weird shadows dance on the walls. bunch of broken benchs. The altar looks ready for
The snake-men avoid this room when the some kind of ceremony.
vessel is lit. If the flames go out, roll a
random encounter. 10 - Art Gallery*
The walls are covered in paintings of natural
4 - Reliquary* landscapes, bowls of fruits, elven portraits, arcane
A small cabinet with golden ornamentation on a sigils and weird abstract forms.
wall. A large illustrated tapestry hangs next to it. The gallery window is broken and might be
The cabinet is empty. The tapestry shows used as an escape route or entrance.
elves protecting a sacred mountain as a
shadow demon swallows the sun. 11 - Catacomb Stairway*
The door is shattered. A cultist stands petrified near
5 - Hall of Statues the wall. The sound of scales sliding on stone comes
Five statues of armored elven warriors stand on from the Art Gallery (10).
pedestals. The sixth pedestal is empty. Medusa attempts to make a surprise attack.
The warrior statue is a random encounter. The staircase leads down to the Twin's
Tomb (4) in the Elven Catacombs.
6 - Wine Cellar*
This room smells incredibly sweet. A ray of sunlight 12 - Tomb Entrance (Sun)
from the window illuminates a large shelf holding This huge stone door, engraved with a sun-like
dozens of bottles of golden wine. symbol, appears immovable from the outside.
36 Skeletons
1 Cursed Minotaur


2 - Minotaur, two warriors and two archers Red Glowing Sabers (4)
3 - Minotaur skeleton with a rusty cleaver Harms incorporeal and undead creatures.
4 - Six skeleton warriors and four archers Elven Mail - Cursed (9)
5 - Four skeleton warriors and two archers The user doesn't feel bleeding wounds and
6 - Two skeleton warriors and one archer turns into a ghoul after dying.
7 - Tomb robber corpse (loot) Elven Diadem (9)
8 - Two skeleton archers and a warrior Allows telepathy with the user's familiars.
9 - Four skeleton archers and two warriors Elven Kiln (9)
10 - Six skeleton archers and four warriors Turns regular ore into magic ore, allowing
11 - Elven ghost lighting the blue candles the replication of magical artifacts.
12 - Ancient Lich and six skeleton warriors Profane Slab - Cursed (9)
Kill a person to bring another back to life.
BEHAVIOUR Tome of Revelations (9)
Magic cannot be cast in this place unless the Incomplete reports of the recent conflicts
sorcerer is carrying an Elven Artifact. between the human and elven realms.
1 - Moon Entrance 7 - Stone Portal
A dense fog hangs over the ground. This large room has elven runes carved on all the
This place smells like wet stone and old bones. walls. A big pile of stones on the ground emits a
After everyone enters, the stone door shuts. blue glow that forms an archway.
There's a lever on the wall, but it's broken. The broken portal teleports to a random hex
of the wicked pallovalley. A sorcerer could
2 - Painted Wall attempt to control the final destiny.
Two empty tombs and a fresco painted on the wall:
Elves worshiping a giant tree, while a big snake is 8 - Hidden Vault
underground eating it's roots. The wall has an awkward division. It is also
If the wyrm under the Whispering Tree is engraved with elven runes and a crown.
killed or released, the undead are banished. The runes say "long live the Eternal Queen".
Both passages open by speaking her name.
3 - Moon Hall
A big wall depicts all the phases of the moon. 9 - Treasure Chamber*****
One of them is a giant lady coming down to earth to Empty tombs decorated with marble and gold line
meet with her worshipers. the walls here. The corridor leads to a large hoard
There's a lady statue with a missing hand. of gold and jewelry.
The other hand is a lever that opens a secret This hoard has enough treasure to buy a
passage to room 4. manor for each character.

4 - Twin's Tomb* 10 - Sun Hall

Two tombs side by side hold two skeletons without A big wall depicts the seasons of the year. A large
their skulls. Each one holds a red glowing saber. statue of a headless man holds an apple in one hand
A staircase leads upwards. and a snake in the other.
This room is connected to the temple (11).
11 - Broken Wall
5 - Memorial There was once a fresco here, but it's ruined,
Empty tombs embedded in the walls, each engraved cracked, and falling.
with a relevant elven name above melted candles. The corridor connects to the core atrium (6)
through the broken tomb.
6 - Core Atrium
Upon entry all candles ignite with blue fire, and the 12 - Sun Entrance
elven skeletons slowly rise from their tombs. There's a lever on the wall, it seems functional.
Extinguishing the candles will dismantle The gate leads back to the bloody ravine and
them for a short time. stays open unless it's closed from inside.
Kobold Giant Rat
HD 2 (7hp) AC 11 HD 1+1 (4hp) AC 12
Man-Catchers D6 dmg Toxic Bite D6+1 dmg
Non-violent, tries to Hostile and hungry
capture intruders first Terribly afraid of fire

TROG, Kobold Chief Yvana, Royal Spider

HD 3+2 (12hp) AC 14 HD 4 (14hp) AC 15
Battle Axe D6+3 dmg Sharp Claw D6+2 dmg
Protects his people Captive to produce silk
Hates the Bugboars Returns to dusky woods

Goblin Hobgoblin
HD 1+2 (5hp) AC 13 HD 2+2 (9hp) AC 14
Stone Spear D6 dmg Stone Axe D6+2 dmg
Hiperactive jumper Sadistic bastards
Very good aim (+2) Very poor aim (-2)

Joreen, Goblin King Troll, Giant Goblin

HD 4+2 (16hp) AC 12 HD 5+1 (18hp) AC 15
Flying Kick 2D6 dmg Hammer D6+6 dmg
Hates humans deeply Heavy and Clumsy
Loyal ally to the elves Passionate Farmer

Cave Bat Bugboar

HD 1 (3hp) AC 12 HD 2+3 (10hp) AC 13
Ravenous Bite D6 dmg Fang Club D6 +2dmg
Paralysing Scream Competitive fighters
Attracted to heat No respect for the weak

Barly, Mama Boar Rocky, Elemental

HD 4 (14hp) AC 14 HD 6 (21hp) AC 16
Hammer D6+3 dmg Heavy Punch 2D6 dmg
Capable blacksmith Barly's loyal friend
Secretly loves flowers Deeply introspective

Fire Bug Giant Scorpion
HD 1 (3hp) AC 13 HD 1+1 (4hp) AC 11
Explosive Jet 2D6 dmg Claw and Bite D6 dmg
Walk and fly clumsily Paralyzing poison sting
Delicious pulp Hide and ambush prey

Hynoll Monk Owlbear

HD 3 (10hp) AC 16 HD 5+2 (19hp) AC 15
Martial Art D6+3 dmg Claw and Bite 2D6 dmg
Soul projection D6 dmg Passionate hibernator
Non-lethal fighters Always hungry for meat

Biped Snakes Walking Armor

HD 2 (7hp) AC 14 HD 4 (14hp) AC 16
Sharp Claws D6 dmg Great Sword D6+2 dmg
Deadly Poison bite Hunts snake cultists
Hates sunlight Everyone is a cultist!!!

Snake Cultist Primordial Gorgon

HD 3 (10hp) AC 11 HD 6+2 (23hp) AC 13
Cursed Knife D6 dmg Claws 2D6 dmg
Petrifying poison Petrifying gaze
Can't leave the temple Turn mamals into snakes

Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Soldier

HD 2 (7hp) AC 12 HD 2 (7hp) AC 13
Great Sword D6+2 dmg Short sword D6 dmg
Fast and agressive Shield bash 1dmg (stun)
Rolls and backstabs Slow and careful

Skeleton Archer Cursed Minotaur

HD 2 (7hp) AC 11 HD 6+6 (28hp) AC 15
Short Bow D6+1 dmg Battle Axe D6+3 dmg
Covers behind walls Fire breath 2D6+3 dmg
Capable aim (+1) Immune to weak magic

Jackalope Mushroom Kid
HD 1+1 (3hp) AC 14 HD 1 (3hp) AC 13
Strong Bite D6-1 dmg No attack, just run
Proactive jumper Difficult to catch
Delicious meat Medicinal & Poisonous

Fire Boar Wingless Gryphon

HD 3 (10hp) AC 15 HD 5+2 (19hp) AC 12
Tusk Lunge D6+2 dmg Claws & Beak 2D6 dmg
Protects other creatures Jobin's loyal friend
Hates humans Guards their home

Giant Spider Mandrake Kid

HD 2 (7hp) AC 13 HD 1 (3hp) AC 11
Sharp Claws D6 dmg No attack, just scream
Shoots sticky cobwebs Can cause fainting
Paralysing bite Valuable to alchemists

Living Vines Onom, Baphomet

HD 3 (10hp) AC 12 HD 6+3 (24hp) AC 12
Abrasive Whip D6 dmg Punch D6+3 dmg
Knockout grapple Fireball 3D6 dmg
Weak to fire Demands worship

Frogman Tetrapod Fish

HD 2+1 (8 hp) AC 12 HD 1+2 (5hp) AC 13
Stone Spear D6+2 dmg Sharp Bite D6+2 dmg
Good jump and aim Poor sight, good hearing
Likes slug meat Likes frog meat

Slug Leech Dragon Fly

HD 1+1 (4hp) AC 11 HD 4+2 (16hp) AC 14
Sucking Bite 2D6 dmg Flying charge 2d6 dmg
Slow and deadly Territorial and hostile
Likes fish blood Worshiped by frogmen

Giant Gecko Goat Demon
HD 1+2 (5hp) AC 12 HD 3+3 (13hp) AC 14
Claws and Tail D6 dmg Headbutt D6+2 dmg
Threat before attack Fire spit 2D6+2 dmg
Leaves its tail and flees Territorial and defensive

Baby Cockatrice Cockatrice

HD 2+2 (9hp) AC 13 HD 4+2 (16hp) AC 15
Strong Beak D6+1 dmg Beak & Claws 2D6 dmg
Loves to hunt geckos Paralysing toxin
Playful and tamable Untamable beast

Crow Swarm Decoy (Wraith)

HD 1+3 (6hp) AC 13 HD 2+2 (9hp) AC 14
Cursed Peck D6 dmg Grab Attack D6 dmg
Absorbs magic attacks Steals life energy
Flee from holy symbols Becomes invisible

Stronglaw Guard Alan, Stronglaw Bailiff

HD 2+1 (8hp) AC 15 HD 3+2 (12hp) AC 16
Short Sword D6 dmg Long Sword D6+2 dmg
Crossbow 2D6 (reload) Commands all guards
Protects the rich Loyal to Osmund

Robert, Guild Master Ecbert, the Castellan

HD 1+2 (5hp) AC 12 HD 2+2 (9hp) AC 14
Short Sword D6 dmg Dagger & Bow D6 dmg
Manages the warehouse Hunts wildlife for sport
Poaches wildlife Searching for a dragon

Isolda, Sea Witch Jobin, the Hermit

HD 5 (17hp) AC 13 HD 4 (14hp) AC 16
Freezing Staff D6 dmg Fireball Staff 2D6 dmg
Expert potion brewer Mushroom Pipe +D6hp
Jobin's secret crush Teleportation Cloak

Gerold, Blacksmith Miguel, Hedge Knight
HD 4+2 (16hp) AC 14 HD 1+2 (5hp) AC 15
Iron Hammer 2D6 dmg Old Lance D6 dmg
Master crafting skills Adventurous spirt
Loves inventive ideas Hates windmills

Otto, Barkeeper Nathan, Archeologist

HD 3 (10hp) AC 11 HD 1+1 (4hp) AC 12
Iron Mug D6 dmg Grapling Hook D6 dmg
Pleasant drinking fella Pacifist explorer
Intense gossiper Looking for artifacts

Karen, Innkeeper Bjorn, Dwarf Warrior

HD 1 (3hp) AC 11 HD 3 (10hp) AC 14
Evil Gaze 1 dmg Battle Axe D6+2 dmg
Crabby old lady Competent fighter
Reports anything weird Looking for the mines

Scott and Jean, Twins Damien, Missionary

HD 2 (7hp) AC 12 HD 2 (7hp) AC 12
Bad Music 2 dmg Long Pole D6 dmg
Sells adventuring gear Proselytist preacher
Collects magical artifacts Healing touch +D6hp

Jon, Undead Peasant Connor, Barbarian

HD 1 (3hp) AC 11 HD 3+2 (12hp) AC 13
No attack, just laugh Great Sword D6+3 dmg
Immortal, always returns No respect for authority
Osmund's fearful lackey Looking for trouble

Osmund, High Priest Erin, the Rogue

HD 4+2 (16hp) AC 12 HD 4+1 (15hp) AC 14
Blessing Rod (+1) Long Bow D6+3 dmg
Secret Snake Cultist Secret elven princess
Seeks divine ascension Seeks to take the castle



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