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Baladiva keysha


Exercise 5

1. Country
2. Places
3. Book content
4. Language
5. Subjects
6. Groceries

Unit 5

1. Conv 1
A : I like the color
B : So do I. Red is my favorite color
A : How many miles does it have on it?
B : Only 30.000. They told me it belonged to an old lady. She didn’t use it very much
A : How’s the price?
B : It’s really cheap
A : Then I think you should get it

What are the people talking about? Motorcycle or car

Where are they? A dealer
Underline the words that helped you guess the topic

2. Conv 2
A : Do you think Mom and Dad will be late?
B : No. Air India is always on time
A : But it’s raining so hard and the weather is even worse in New York
B : Don’t worry. The airline agent will tell us if they’re going to be late
A ; You’re right. Let’s go have a cup of coffee while we wait

What are the people talking about? Their parents arrival

Where are they? airport
Underline the words that helped you guess the topic

3. Conv 3
A : When did this happen?
B : Yesterday. I was playing soccer and I fell down
A : Can you move it at all?
B : Only a little
A : Can you walk on it?
B : No. it hurts too much
A : I think we’ll have to take an X-ray

What are the people talking about? An injury

Where are they? clinic
Underline the words that helped you guess the topic

4. Conv 4
A : Look at the long line! Do you think we’ll get in?
B : I think so. Some of these people already have tickets
A : How much are the ticktes?
B : Only $2.50 for the first show. I’ll pay
A : Thanks. I’ll buy some popcorn.

What are the people talking about? Movie

Where are they? Cinema
Underline the words that helped you guess the topic

Unit 6
Exercise 1

A. 1. Mexican Government : Too specific

Large cities : Too general
Mexico city’s problem : ✅
2. Why people are moving to Mexico City : ✅
How Mexicans live in the country : Too specific
Life in Mexico today : Too general
3. Air pollution : Too general
Mexico city’s air pollution : ✅
How factories cause air pollution : Too specific
B. 1. Mexico city’s problem
2. Why people are moving to Mexico city
3. Mexico city’s air pollution

Exercise 2
A. 1. Soap in the united states : Too general
Soap dor washing in the house : Too specific
Ads for soap on American tv : ✅
2. Why news programs have funny stories : Too specific
Why americans like television news : ✅
What is happening in the worlds : Too general
3. The two kinds of television stations in the U.S : ✅
Public television stations : Too specific
Television in the united states : Too general
B. 1. Ads for soap on American tv
2. Why Americans like television news
3. The two kinds of television stations in the U.S

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