Tutorial 5 Solution Orbital Angular Momentum

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PH3101: Quantum Mechanics IT Tutorial 5: Orbital Angular Momentum Problem 1: Given the following angular momentum relations: by = ha tily b= tb, -iky (a) Ly Mm) = nV) — nen + Dna I) (2) Elim) = hVTF I) = alow Dont (3) Le {l,m) = mhll.an) (a) EP |, m) = 10-4 1)R? fm) 6) where 1 is the angular quantum munber and m is the magnetic quantum number. Consider a system with | = 1, Find the matrix representation of Lz , Ly, Es and [? in the basis of Migemeeto oss Phatan Spin AL i‘ V Problem 2: Consider orbital angular momentum. A system with 1 = 1 is in the state 1 L 1 eae ies Zale got si) with |J,m) denote an eigenstate of £? and £, with corresponding quantum number 1 and m, Find (Lz), (Lx); (ey), and (12), Problem 3: Section 5 3 Gensm) Famralan? of Arquiac Womens Angular Momenta and Uncertainty Fahim §-4 tin Seetign 58 Sclyed Probout f 2am 1. Using the basic commutator relations, [#; #2] = #6, show that aa] = thy 2. The commutator relations you derived above imply an important set of uncertainty relations ‘amongst the angular momenta, hip h n AbeAly 2 5K{Ls)|, AlyAb, > 5\(bx)h, AL:ALe > 5K(Ly)| Consider a particle in a normalized eigenstate of £? and L,, |v) = |I,m). {97 Show that in this case (i.) = (dy) = 0. Hints use the operators y and £_. Zakir (5°84) —s, (yj Show that (12) = (£3) = 2 [0+ 1) ~ m2}, Hint: use 2? = 22 + 13 + 12 (G- yy (©) Using your results, verify the firs uncertainty relation above. Can the uncertainty in any two components of E ever vanish simultaneously? 1 v Problem 4: (a) For an observable that satisfies A? = J where J is an identity show the following holds eM = Je0s-+iAsind ZeAhli: Femiens + Ordnay motte r= Qactons, Pretirs, Aiuirens , Mutrins, quacks, eee (b) For J = 1/2 the components of angular momentunnis given béllow in J; bats 3 nah(O1) ,_ ho i hilo Sone x e=5(1 0) Ha(E 0) HA Blo Fouls Mork Now take 1/2 rotation along d axis, ie. R = #4, Show that the components of angular momentumstransfotin as follows: Jf = Jey J, = Je, and J! = Jy Yhoton + Spe 1, Tutorial 5 Problem | and Solution Reading: Zettili Example 5.3 in Section 5.4 Matrix Representation of Angular Momentum. Given the following angular momentum relations: by Ly|m) = hYUC+ 1) = mGn + DIL, + 1) 2) L_|Lm) = hYl(U+ 1) — mm = 1Il,m — 1) 6) in|, m) @) xt iby L a) Lell:m) PL, m) = UL + 1)h2|Lm) (6) where / is the orbital angular momentum quantum number and m is the magnetic quantum number and [J, 7m) are normalised eigenkets of L and ?. Consider a system with /= 1. Find the matrix representation of Ly , Ly, Lz and L? in the basis of eigenvectors of L. Solution When /= 1, m = ~1,0,1. From (4), for a system that has angular momentum 1 = 1, the eigenvectors of L are 1,1) corresponding to/= 1, m=1 with eigenvalue h 1,0) corresponding to/= 1, m=0 with eigenvalue 0 |1,-1) corresponding to /= 1, m=~1 with eigenvalue —h ‘The matrix representation of an operator Q with respect to an orthonormal basis {¢4, .., n} is given by Lett yj = (elle) Al Thus L, matrix representation in the basis of eigenvectors of L, i hz =| (1,0[Lz11,1) — (1,0[L,11,0) — (4,0|L211,—1) (1,0}h|1,1) — (1,010]1,0) —(1,0|—Al1, (112141) (1, 1211,0) (1,1 [bel1,—-1)} Ka, —1)Al4,1) (1,-10]1,0) (1, (1,1]bz14,1)—(1,11L,11,0) ca [sami (1,1/0]1,0) (1,1|~Al1, ‘A|=h|1, -1)) hoo =|o 0 0 A [amon 00 - 0 0-1 Using (1), we have Ly = (Ly +L) and Ly ple — L_). From (2) we have Leb) =F, + L111) = 31411) = “2 ]1,0) FQ, + L110) wa Lx|1,0) ht) + 11,1) 3 be + LIL 1) = L611) = 82 ]1,0) bylt-1 Ba ‘Thus Ly matrix representation in the basis of eigenvectors of Ly is (:3|2.4} oa Fans] (ul (Laltelta) —(Layt40) (alta. bee] Cole) (011.0) Coie, ~—1) | = (sof442 fa) caoifS2 a+ 1.19] (uo 10 (1,—A[by11,1) (1,—11Ly11,0) (1,111.1) bf} -nfZanenin] 0 (LAf{(14.1) + | 0) jo 1 0 = Mh onan +t 1 af ° | jo 1,1) + 1,11 of Ylo 1 ol Ina similar manner, we can show that the matrix representation of Ly and 1? in the basis of eigenvectors of Ly are o -i 0 10 0} io =| and eaae[o 1 ( 0 00 1 Pabow 2 Gia fe 4 2 me yo,t. \ Woe By - Suor 4 Susy Bees (RI C4 LY = 1 YD nermetired, Ortranemal basa Key = SMO? ; : Ci MT wap See Lely = Le) Bi ~dhor 4 Liyayt euproceivrs of Ly @ ee) 4 BAW -S wey ed yay F RAW ~ doe Ihe + LEO ay ~*fkuwed Way? + kur] MLD = FR Syn ~k sored crn} CH Uy ip ~Enjoy +4472 LR 0 4 az GLa badd sme. tne Now, kx Los & {ir ~d yoo tdtyayt PELE Wy ~ Slater # 4g Wy FFs SRR Wy LKR ILO BL wer 7) Hef] = | ee [er EHR] Lilwy = L. (din -d ey sky] > dw ~ her + Lay = ~ Baler ~ PR ija7 2 fy § Wer - Busy g KML s Senha +hcyayy § or~ 87} > ho -4 = £8} Ss -R( 2), fons [Ly = ~ Baek), 22 (2+ 53) Fearn} © * C24 J betey 2 gkuys yp edt hs 4 Aloe < tty = § > Me? = ~Rearsy AL = { okey . at y q » [ar 2] k clay <>] 7% A ea (2+ nf Swwhmen — 2 2 > B ays x Llyy= 0 72,72 a> kanrd ap CEP wpe) ~ CZK XP ZC yp2 2%) * Qe ehe = Spempe ~ apyepa + ZAyXPE)= (ePePe ~ BKzy — HPAP HPL v v v v K® We + wed - oa = We PeZ ~ yx ph - 2? py py + rovers ~ =r Py SpE ¥py = Cpa 2PzD yp + OAY~ Yd OF + C Pepys pypaoz® + RXCZR- Pez) = shy Pk + th pyx = th Cpyx ~ y ped > ih. Swrtorty , Tete = Lyte lady = CePr-xfe>Ca¥y~ yp ~ CRY -y PCP pe S Gere, ~ 2PKYP« ~ Pe%py + *PLYPx) ~ CREP PY MF —YR2B + yp) ” SPR MY ~ ZK YP ~ XPeXPy + *PeYPK — XPYZ PX + XPYXPZ + YOXZPy — perro v 2 Vv , TESPAR A 29 Pm SB PoP + padlepe ~ py v v 3 L SPP + Py Pe + Ye BE ype pax 8 24 (Pax xPKI + Pry Copa BD + EC ype Rey) + 2-24 >p2 = 2y Ghd + Py Cin) = WC yR- 2H) = ihly Lastly ; 3.) 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