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DECEMBER 19, 2020

Management and Economics
Motivation is the necessary impulse for actions, willingness and goals. Motivation can
be a beneficial tool for a chief or manager, increasing the performance of the employees.

The great importance that has been gaining the application of this tool for companies makes it
necessary to be studied as well its influence on companies as a key to improve the work
environment, its theories, advantages and disadvantages.

The origin of the word derives from the Latin "motus" (of motio), meaning "moved"
and in "movement", respectively. Motivation is a process that increases our state of
wakefulness and may vary depending on circumstances and people, since everyone will have
different reasons or reasons that may motivate him or her.

Motivation has been classified into up to four different types according to the factor
that influence on it: extrinsic, intrinsic, introjected and identified motivation.

Extrinsic motivation is driven by an external factor, like someone else speech, money
or by someone who has some type of power over us. Intrinsic Motivation is the oppositive to
Extrinsic motivation because it is due to internal factors, for example the motivation of
working in areas where we have a special interest. Introjected motivation is also internalized,
but if it is not done, it could bring a feeling of guilty to the individual. Meanwhile, identified
motivation is when we know we have to do something but we haven’t decided to do it yet.

Different factors can motivate us, these are called motivators, they are rewards
bestowed on our efforts that motivate us to take the initiative to satisfy our desires or goals.
There may be several categories to classify motivators, such as rational, emotional, self-
centered or altruistic motives, can also be of attraction or rejection, the point is that they must
increase the impulse to satisfy a purpose or desire.

The factors that affect our motivation can be extrinsic such as money or material
goods, or intrinsic that deal with the desire to do something because of its importance, such as
autonomy (freedom of control and initiative), Mastery (being good at something we care
about) and purpose, which is the intention to act for something that goes beyond ourselves.

Aunque la motivación pueda darse de manera personal, también es necesario que las
empresas consideren mantener a sus trabajadores motivados para aumentar su rendimiento.
En países subdesarrollados pueden existir políticas inadecuadas, que dificultan un desarrollo
de un ambiente laboral motivador y desafiante, por lo que es más que necesario implementar
un sistema que incluya la motivación como influencia en la organización, ya que esta permite a
los gerente lograr maximizar el desempeño y rendimiento de sus subordinados, estos deben
ser capaces de utilizar la motivación como una herramienta para unificar los intereses de la
empresa con los de los empleados para alcanzar las metas de la empresa de manera eficaz.

La motivación es importante tanto en el aspecto psicológico como en el laboral, nos

incentiva a superarnos como individuos, así mismo también son necesarios los estímulos para
agilizar este proceso. La organización debe enfocarse en la motivación intrínseca y extrínseca,
pues ambas se relacionan y complementan, la motivación intrínseca puede apoyarse en la
extrínseca alcanzando los objetivos de ambas partes a través de programas de recompensas,
beneficios y reconocimientos por el desempeño laboral, así como una compensación
económica. Es importante no perder de vista lo que motiva a las personas sean de una
organización o no si deseamos que alcancen ciertas metas u objetivos.

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