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a. To Be Family-Centered− Amidst the misunderstandings and quarrels that we’ve been
through, I know that once a family will always be a family. Once the world has turned
its back on me, I still have them. When I’ve made mistakes, they are there, ready to
correct me. Yet they’d be accepting me in the midst of being upset of me whenever I
have failed.
Especially when the time where I thought my family will continue on falling apart. I
have really and strongly hold on to the thought of that one day will come where the
feud that our family had will come to an end already. Since then, I have learned to give
much more importance, love, care, and attention towards my family.

b. Forgive but don’t Forget− Forgive whoever have sinned to you. Forget the pain, the
scars it had brought you. Don’t keep a grudge towards that someone who have wronged
you. Let the grudge or any bad feelings go. Equate the pain he had inflicted into a good
energy and add it up on the foundation of your personality and the character that you’re
building up.
a. Get out of your Shell− Learn to be an extraordinary through getting one step away from
your comfort zone. Explore the things through the guidance of the teachers as well as
the parents. Explore and learn to strive for the goal that you’re aiming to reach. Just
have to know and recognize your limitation.

b. Be Engaged but Know the Boundary− Interact with the people around you but be
sensitive enough if you’re being too close or already invading their boundaries. There
were people who dislike those who are clingy and “FC”. Since I (I think) am that kind
of person who’s clingy, I have learned to be sensitive enough to distinguished if
someone is already getting irritated of me. And so, I am trying to distance myself from
him/her. I myself have also set that something invisible line “boundary” between me
and others. Coz my experiences way back has taught me that sometimes, giving too
much permission may have made them think that they could already invade our inner
lines. Sometimes, it could get into the point where we are being violated and

a. Stand with your Principle− Before standing with my principle, I got to shaped it, hone it,
through the learnings from my experiences and good teachings I have gained from my fam
as well as the word of God. Once I’ve come up with this firm principle, I got to stand with
it. Don’t let the bad outside factors intrude and destroy it.

b. See and Dig Deeper Beyond the Pictures− Not all what we see is true. Don’t easily let the
says of others come up with how you would perceive of everything what you see here.
Learn to conduct further investigation and observation. And hone the skills of speaking up.
Learn to have that right timing of speaking up and do not keep on firing up which is
sometimes too stupid and nonsensical to argue with.

c. Don’t be Someone’s Pup/Robot− Together with that letter A, don’t let greediness eat your
principle and integrity up and put it on the mud like a poop. Personal Interest (bad)? Scratch
that away. You shouldn’t be put and stayed there while carrying a wicked personal interest
while pretending to serve your people.

a. Be True− True to the words you are spitting out. Because with just a glint of mistake
on whatever you are saying might have a huge infliction with the entire situation. Much
worse, might get you more into the trouble and you might drag innocent people with
your own mistake.
b. Stand with the TRUTH− Stay and firmly stand with what you have taken an oath with.
Stand with the TRUTH and don’t be like others who’s easy to push away their
principles and promises.

a. Exchange the HATE you’ve received with T.L.C- “Binato ka ng bato, batuhin mo rin
ng tinapay.” Spread love. Don’t give out extra hate with the hatred that someone is
throwing up. In that way, toxicity will at least be avoided.

b. Make GOD as the CENTER of Your EVERYTHING- Once you have put him in the
center of everything, your everyday life will get more abundant. Amidst the hardships
that your life is throwing up on you, once there is GOD in your heart, everything will
be perfectly fine.

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