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Engineer ae (} s ge" vl Manual on Contracts 2007 PART-IV : REPORTS AND RETURNS-APPENDICES: (485) | Annexure P.3 + Market rates-of materials and Labour j Half year ending sine) ; Formation Sl.No. Station Description of Unit Prevailing market | Remarks 4 Bi Beaten tg, 4 a | 6 Annexure Pos i Quarterly Return for forecast percentages over SSR for Preparation of AEs to be initiated during the succeeding quarter (Quarter ending Formation i St | Station | Bldg | Runways & Text | Road, | Ext | Ext [Drainage] Compound Remarks | & Path & | Water | Electric fall/Fencing Rigid _| Flexible | Culver | Supply | Supply | Sewage | & Gate | icf ROR OF Zz 8 9 10 at Notes : 1. Report will be issued by Zonal CEs. However wherein abnormal variation between same stations of various Zones occurs, comection will be issued by CE Command within 15 days. 2, 5% extra to be added for works in restrict 2 4 Percentage indicated above are assessed. percentage based on market trend and are not exclusively based ‘on concluded coniracts, excl freakishly high/low accepted contracts, 5. Difference in cost of stores. willbe shown. separately under respective cols, only for stations wherever applicable. | a 6. Percentage indicated are for normal specifications including internal services as catered for in Zonal ‘Specfications. Any additional effect of superior specifications to be taken separately. 7, Percentage are for AEs purpose only and not for acceptance of contracts.

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