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This chapter discusses the marketing features of the three major analyses which is the

SWOT analysis, Marketability analysis, and, the Competition analysis.

The figure above is a visual depiction of our product's SWOT analysis, which includes its
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

The following internal factors contribute to the product's strength: the product can be
purchased at a low cost, the product can help everyone reduce hunger, the product is localized
production, which can help sustain local communities and provide job opportunities while
conserving the environmental quality, Finally, the product is versatile and contains a remarkable
array of vitamins and minerals.

Internal aspects of weakness include: not everyone like the product, the product being
quickly spoiled, and a lack of skill manufacturing the spread and bread.
An external aspect that creates opportunities is internet selling. The platform that will
offer the product an advantage will be online selling. The product is nutrient-dense, which will
benefit health-conscious consumers. The product is inexpensive and may be customized by
adding additional ingredients based on current baking trends.

External factors of threats include: customer loyalty to established businesses or

products such as ube pandesal, difficult marketing and promotion of the product, an increase in
the price of squashes will affect the product, lowering the product's price may result in
sacrificing product quality, and competition between low-cost bakeries.

The visual depiction of the TOWS matrix, a modified form of SWOT Analysis that
includes the business's threats, opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths, is shown above. 

The strength - opportunities of the business are the wide range of advertising to tell the
consumers regarding the distinctiveness and low price however top quality product, focusing to
everyone that needs to be healthier and serving to individuals to be a lot of healthy, and lastly,
focusing to low cost production of squash and for being reasonable whereas the customers will
be healthier at constant time. Moreover, The business's weakness - opportunities are making a
way to social media to promote the new product, produce more nutrients, which is why we
would encourage people in social media to buy, and because it is easy to spoil, we will make
what orders we have in our cut off, and focus more on making the product out of our best and
ensuring that what they pay is what they get.

The strength - threats of the business includes finding a way to maintain the low cost of
the product even if the production cost is high but still good quality because of wanting a better
high-quality product for the customers, Even if the business has so many competitors, the
business will stick to the goal which is to reduce hunger and help people to be healthy, and by
using local squash it can help the business to have a name or brand in the market because the
business provide the healthiest pandesal out of all other pandesal products. Furthermore, the
business's weaknesses - threats are to advertise the highlights of the squash pandesal and its
benefits, it's easy to be spoilt, finding a supplier that is cheaper in all other marketplaces, and
lastly, uniqueness makes the business more renowned.

Marketability Analysis

More than seventy percent of people would choose that ube pandesal or the classic
pandesal are everyone’s favorite pandesal. Let’s include the entrepreneurs too. But, as
entrepreneurs, we would like everyone to know that sweets may cost a lot of money and there’s
a possibility that it can also harm to an individual’s health although everyone thinks it’s the
safest one. Sweets could make you smile, also to worry a lot due to your health sickness.
Although the entrepreneurs know that a lot of people would be shock and some would be happy
if they heard about this, everyone can think of us positive or negative, it’s okay. But we now
proved that our Squashy- desal is the healthiest pandesal that everyone can taste and the most
affordable one.

The entrepreneurs would like to recommend their newest contribution to our society to
make a big difference from the food that we always eat or used to eat from the food that we
didn’t explore yet. We recommend this product not only for children but also, for everyone so
that they could taste a new and better pandesal that will give benefit to everyone’s health. Other
way to recommend this product is to recognize the importance of eating squash in our lives. We
believe that if everyone ate this kind of vegetable, everyone can avoid sickness that they can
encounter. Squash has also an important function to work on everyone’s body that one example
is to improve our eyesight which has vitamin A and so much more that everyone can get from it.
Competitor Analysis

The competition analysis is included in the SWOT analysis and TOWS matrix. Squashy-
desal is not yet well-known, so advertising it will be challenging for the entrepreneurs, but it
motivates us to keep coming up with new ideas and putting our ingenuity to work so that the
product may reach the market. Pandesals like ube and the original one are very popular these
days and even before, which is why we came up with the notion that squashy - desal is more
healthy than any pandesal. Finally, we assume that nutritious meals are in high demand,
particularly during this pandemic, therefore the product may finally make it to market and

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