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1. Philosophy
2. Love of Wisdom
3. Reflection
4. Holistic Thinking
5. Partial Thinking

Process Questions:
What is the moral lesson of the story?
 The moral of the story is that humans have a tendency to claim absolute truth based on their limited,
subjective experience as they ignore other people's limited, subjective experiences which may be
equally true.
Do you see the truth in partiality or holistically? Explain.
 Holistically, every individual in their perspective they gave a limited standpoint that does not posses
the monopoly of the truth. Instead, it holds that while one’s personal take about something may be
true, it may not be the absolute truth, for others’ take on the same matter may also be true.

Activity 1
 Flash floods in remote village kill a hundred people
~SIMPLE – “How can they cope up with the disaster that happened?”
~SERIOUS – “How can the government prevent this disaster happen to them again?”
~DEEP – “Do they deserve to die?”
 Abused child kept chained in basement for five years finally rescued
~SIMPLE – “How old is the kid?”
~SERIOUS – “How will the kid cope up with his/her trauma?”
~DEEP – “Is she okay with it?”
 Man sentenced to ten years for stealing milk to feed his baby
~SIMPLE – “Why can’t they just forgive him?”
~SERIOUS – “Does he deserve treated like this?”
~DEEP – “Why can’t we just apply humanity to this situation?”
 Lotto winner donates half of winnings to local orphanage
~SIMPLE – “Why did she did that?”
~SERIOUS – “Does she get the praise she deserves on her donation?”
~DEEP – “Did she fake her donation?”
Personal Reflection
What questions about your life are struggling to find answers to?
Are we created by god?
Is god real?
How do I know what other people think?
When will the world end?
Does heaven and hell really exist?
Do dragons still exist?
What do animals think when we are talking to them?
Is there a parallel universe?
Is our universe being just a Science project of an Alien?
Is water wet?
Does megalodon still exist?
Does alien exist?
Are Simpson’s prediction true?
Is it true that there are aliens lurking around us? Just disguised as a human?
Do dogs see ghost with their eyes?
Do toys move when we are not aware of them?

Activity 2




Meaning Wisdom


Personal Reflection
1. What does it mean to be a lover of wisdom? What characteristics should a philosopher possess?
 To be a lover of wisdom means to have an unyielding eagerness in learning and having a limitless of
2. What other philosophical question have you asked yourself? What led you to ponder those question?
 Are Aliens real? If Aliens are real, why can’t they show themselves?
This question leads me to a never-ending research on aliens, from the beginning of life in earth till the
present time.
3. Do you think that you will be able to figure out the answers to philosophical questions?
 No, because at some point in our life, we already have the ultimate ideas to it but not absolute to
know. That’s why we must keep on learning to achieve what we want to know.
Question: (Answers)
1. The reason that compel a person to engage in philosophical thinking are one’s sense of wonder, being
doubtful, because of one’s personal experience and because of ones having an insatiable desire for
truth and love of wisdom.
2. For ones to extend learning capacity, remember that our minds have no limits. Even our ideas are not
absolute it still widens one’s intellectual learning. Let’s apply this idea, there is 2 doors in front of you.
If I told you on the left door, you’ll have an idea what aliens really are and on the right door is you’ll
know where and when they show themselves to us. You cannot learn from it if you just choose 1 side,
in this we need/try to learn both from it. Instead why not learn both?

Characteristics of Philosophy

Way of analyzing frameworks

An examination of a
particular area of knowledge

A distinct area of knowledge
with its own goals, concerns
and ways of doing things

Reflective and meditative


Questions: (Answers)
1. Yes, because anyone has their own opinions and beliefs. Any person can question a certain belief
because people has its own way of thinking that makes every person unique.
2. Holistic thinking refers to general thinking or thinking generally. Thinking about bigger picture, it
pertains to a large viewpoint and is broad nature, while Partial thinking refers to smaller parts of an
idea, or specific parts of an idea. It only focuses only on a certain aspect of a problem to understand it.

Process Question: (Answers)

1. When I had an argument with my brother, thinking holistically helped us to understand each other’s
right or wrong. It helped us settle the conflict easily and it’s easier for us to reconcile.
2. It helps us to have a wider view on our perspective. Holistically thinking helps to show the right or
wrong and the pros and cons of a certain situation.
Venn Diagram

Partial Thinking
Holistic Thinking
* Small viewpoint.
* Large viewpoint
* Focuses only on a
* General thinking
certain idea.


*they both pertain to the view of a person

1. You go to a restaurant and the waiter hands
you a menu. You are deciding which dish to order.
 Simple – “What kind of food that will satisfy me?”
 Serious – “Should I buy expensive food?”
 Deep – “Is there a person eating the same food at the same time I ordered just now?”
2. You and your friends are deciding on a “fun” thing to do while at the mall.
 Simple – “What would be a fun thing to do at the mall?”
 Serious – “Will get detained by the mall if I’ve done some crazy thing inside the mall?”
 Deep – “As we walk at the mall, is there someone stalking us?”
3. You open your wallet and saw that you still have a hundred pesos left from your weekly allowance.
 Simple – “So what can I buy with this 100pesos left in my wallet?”
 Serious – “Do I still need to buy something?”
 Deep – “If I donated this money to a poor, would they use it for a bad thing?”

1. How can philosophy help you succeed as a student?
- It will help me on my everyday basis. Like thinking, communicating and other things. It will help me
develop myself and aim to be wiser day by day. This will also help me on solving problems and
making decisions.
2. How can philosophy help you become a productive individual and citizen?
- It will help me know myself more. It helps me to accept my imperfections and help me understand
thing that I don’t understand.
Practice Task

Problem or issue important to my family: “Anomalya sa Philhealth”

My mother’s views: “There should be proven that there is anommalies in the Philhealth”, “Those are still
allegations to them”

My father’s views: “Totoo and anomalya sa Philhealth”

My brother’s views: “I don’t know what is happening to Philhealth because I’m still a kid”

My own views: “Yes, the anomalies in Philhealth are true, I’ve seen some written articles about it in social

Other important views or things to consider: Due to failure of services in Philhealth officials, we lost billions
of monies.

Solution: Replace the appointed officials on the said Anomaly in Philhealth.

3. – the issue that was discussed was the Anomaly in Philhealth

- I am very disappointed on what is happening in our country. The fact that they found some lead on
the anomaly in Philhealth, some of the officials disappeared like nothing happened.
- Large amount of money was wasted/just disappeared out of nowhere in Philhealth. That large
amount of money could be a very big help on our countries problem like poverty.
- The only thing that is not inevitable in our country is CORRUPTION.

1. Philosophy 6. Wonder
2. Love of wisdom 7. Karl Jaspers
3. Reflection 8. Doubt
4. Holistic Thinking 9. Framework
5. Partial Thinking 10. Internal Questions

Assignment (Preparation)
1. Love of Wisdom
2. >Why does everything exist?
>Why is it we are the only planet who has living things in it?
>Does alien really exist?
>Does God really exist?
>Does heaven and hell really exist?
3. No, not yet, there still more to come in my life. Being still alive. A happy life.

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