Devising Customer Centric Innovation: Ideation

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Devising Customer Centric Innovation
There are four (4) methods that can be applied during the ideation phase:
Brainstorming is best used when there is a large volume of ideas. In the process of ideation, brainstorming
provides a rich approach to generating ideas about important issues that have emerged during the first
two (2) phases of design thinking (i.e., empathy and defining the problem).
In order for brainstorming to be directed and focused on creative solutions for identified opportunities,
raw field data and a moderator can be used to stimulate the team. In addition, for brainstorming to be
successful, observe the following precepts:
• Quality through quantity. The quality and vigor of the ideas generated are attained through
quantity. The greater the amount of ideas generated by the team, the greater the chance of
producing an innovative and functional solution.
• Refrain from judging ideas. Criticism should not hinder the creative process and the
generation of bold ideas. The focus should be on producing and embellishing ideas, postponing
evaluation to a later time.
• Bold ideas are welcomed. New ideas and different angles on the same idea can generate
innovative solutions. Therefore, it is best to contribute bold perspectives without letting one’s
critical sense derail the discussion and the development of the idea.
• Combining and embellishing ideas. Brainstorming should be a 100% collaborative process.
Ideas can be combined, adapted, transformed, and split into many others by any member of
the team (Mauricio, Vianna, Adler, Lucena, & Russo, 2014).
Co-creation Workshop
Co-creation workshop is a meeting organized in the form of a series of group activities aimed at
stimulating creativity and collaboration, fostering the creation of innovative solutions. This method is best
used when there is a large amount of data that can best be dealt with by an extended team, or when it is
necessary to add knowledge from different specialists involved in a project. In addition, it is very useful
for moments of gridlock when new insights about ideas are needed. It can also be used to validate the
ideas of a team that is not necessarily involved in the project on a day-to-day basis, but can contribute
significantly to its progress on that particular occasion (Mauricio et al., 2014).
Menu of Ideas
This is best used in collaborative meetings, project presentations, and co-creation workshops when it is
necessary to make the volume of ideas generated to be tangible. This allows better visualization for the
decision-making process. It also serves to document the partial results of the project.
Decision Matrix
In Decision Matrix, the ideas generated in the project are listed and may be grouped by similarity or, with
very large volumes, an arrangement may be worked out in advance. Then, the Guiding Criteria and/or
the Personas created over the course of the project are combined to form a matrix that is filled
collaboratively, with an evaluation of how each idea meets each requirement (Mauricio et al., 2014).

Mauricio, V., Vianna, Y., Adler, I.K., Lucena, B., & Russo, B. (2014). Design thinking: Business innovation.
Lambeth, London: MJV Press.

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