2020-Tổng câu hỏi MOS Word 2016

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Địa điểm thi: Phòng Test 2, Tầng 3 tòa nhà Trung Yên Plaza, Số 1 Trung Hòa,
Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội. Khi thi phải xuất trình CMND (hoặc hộ chiếu) bản gốc
Thời gian thi: 50 phút gồm 35 câu hỏi bằng Tiếng Anh, điểm đạt 700/1000. Đề bài cho 7
file Word tương ứng với 7 Project; mỗi file có khoảng 5 câu hỏi. Có thể Undo/Redo, sửa
lại nếu sai. Có nút: Reset Project - Làm lại bài thi từ câu 1 đến câu 5 của file Word
(Project) đó và Finish - Nộp bài
- Được bảo lưu và học lại trong 2 tháng kể từ ngày kế thúc lớp; sau 2 tháng lệ phí thi
nộp cho IIG không còn giá trị
- Chứng chỉ Online sẽ có sau khi thi 1h tại http://www.certiport.com/; tên đăng nhập là
CMND/CMNDa/CMNDb, mật khẩu là CMND1/CMNDa1/CMNDb1; bản cứng sẽ
được nhận sau ngày thi khoảng 4 tuần (có thông báo trên Group)
Giao diện: Ribbon, Tab, Groups, Launcher, Document = File, Page.
- Ẩn/hiện Ribbon: Kích đúp trên 1 tab bất kỳ trừ tab File
- Ẩn/hiện thanh công thức: View/ Fomular Bar
- Chuyển sang định dạng English (United States): Search Control Panel/ Region/
Format: English (United States)/ OK
- Đổi đơn vị đo trên thước: File/ Option/ Advanced/ Display/ Show measurements in
uints of: chọn inch
- Đánh dấu: + Từ: Kích đúp tại từ
o Hàng: Kích chuột tại lề trái/ Bỏ đánh dấu ký tự trắng bên phải: Giữ Shift + Left
(phím mùi tên sang trái)/ Nhiều hàng liên tiếp: Di chuột tại lề trái
o Đoạn: Kích 2 lần bên lề trái/ Câu: Di chuột
o Tất cả văn bản: Ctrl + A
I. File
Add values to document property fields Keywords “MosFTU”
2. Change the Status property of the document to Draft. 1
3. Change document options: hide Check grammar error
4. Remove the Check spelling as you type option.
5. Configure autocorrect to replace UT with Utah
6. Embed fonts in the file.
7. Inspect document and remove document properties and personal information
8. Inspect document and remove headers footers and watermark about the document.
9. Save the document as a Word Template/PDF. Keep the current file name and save the
template in the Documents folder.
II. Home
Font: Text
10. Move the sentence “It’s abundantly clear that climate change is already having
an impact on human rights.” to after “And that this impact will only intensify in
coming years.”, but not italic format
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11. Copy the text “Between developed and developing nations.” then paste to other
position, after the the text “BETWEEN DIFFENT ETHNICITIES AND
CLASSES.” with italic and align left formatting/ with bold, italic and align left
formatting/ with bold and align left formatting.
12. Formatting font 14-point bold with thick underline and blue accent 1 color to the
heading “What causes climate change?”
13. Set the bold text to the sentence “The planet's climate has constantly been
changing over geological time, with significant fluctuations of global average
temperatures.”, underline this text with blue, accent 1, darker 50%
14. Apply a Text Effect Gradient Fill Gray Format to the heading Overview
15. In Table Amount in water, highlight text in the row containing Bicarbonate in
16. Highlight the text “Too little salt 1 consumption” to Pink color
17. Using Goto Features to navigate to 2th heading. Change character spacing of the first
paragraph under into Expanded by 4 pts.
18. After the heading What is climate change? add bullet to the indented list from
“3200 cases” to “50 deaths”
19. After the heading “Too little SALT 2…” continue numbering list from 1., 2., 3.
20. After the heading “Too little SALT 1…” change the numbering from 1., 2., 3. to A.,
B., C.
21. After the heading “Too little SALT 3…” change the numbering from 1., 2., 3. to A.,
B., C, then continue numbering list from D., E., F.
22. Add bullet list to after the heading “Too LITTLE SALT 4” that has a parenthesis
after the number.
23. Add bullet list to after the heading “Too LITTLE SALT 4” change the numbering
from 9), 10), 11),....
24. For the first bulleted list, define a new bullet that uses the Salt_Shakers.jpg graphic,
located in the Pictures folder.
25. After the heading “Too LITTLE SALT 5” decreasing level list of the paragraph i)
and ii) so that it is showed paragraph a) and b)
26. In the first bulleted list, increase the indent of the second, third, and the fourth items
one level each (increase/ decrease the indent).
Paragraph: Line spacing
27. Show all hidden formatting marks entire document
28. Adjust line spacing so that the entire document is doubled spaced
29. Apply 1.15 line spacing to only the first paragraph after the heading “What are the
effects of climate change?”
30. Apply Exactly 20 pts (points) line spacing to only the first paragraph after the
heading “What are the effects of climate change?”.
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Find/ Replace/ Goto/ Cut/ Copy/ Paste
31. Use Go to function, go to the 5th heading, cut the second paragraph and paste to other
position, after the first paragraph of the heading “Amnesty International will build
on its work”
32. Replace all the text “people” with “human”
33. Use the Find and Replace feature to simultaneously replace all instances of the
bolded word Germany with the word France.
34. Apply the Strong Style to the headings “Who is responsible for stopping climate
change?” and “Why do we need to stop climate change?”.
35. Format text What is climate change? as Intense Emphasis
36. Format Title style with 18 pts Spacing After
37. Remove all formatting from the sentence “We are all born with fundamental
human rights, yet these rights are under grave threat from climate change.”
III. Insert
Cover Page
38. Insert Banded Cover Page, delete the Company Address field
39. On page 1, insert a blank table with 5 columns and 4 rows with a Fixed column width
of 1.25” (3.2 cm) so that it replaces the note Insert table here.
40. Convert table to text, separate by tab for The chemical composition of sea salt table
41. In page 3, for the text “Chemical… Known as lead-sugar” insert the table so that it
spread width to the whole window.
42. Apply Grid Table 1 Light – Accent 2 to the Chemical table
43. Add title “FTUers” and description “MOS 2016” alt text properties for the Alt Text
Salt production table
44. On the table Salt production sort the Production (in millions) column with
ascending/ descending (Smallest to Largest/ Largest to smallest)
45. On the table Salt production make sure the top row is repeated when the table is on
page 2
(On the table of first page, repeat heading columns into the next page)
46. Distribute columns width for the Salt production table
47. Distribute rows height for the Amount in water table
48. On the Amount in water table, line spacing table rows exactly at 18pts.
49. On the table Amount in water, merge cell/ delete/ insert rows 2
Pictures/ Shapes
50. Insert picture Climate.png locate in Documents after the text “and a range of other
51. Remove Background then Reset Picture to the photo on the last page
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52. Apply a Pencil Sketch effects to the photo of the peach.
53. Move the picture contain a cup of coffee to before heading What is climate change?
54. Apply the Offset right Shadow Photocopy art style to the photo on the last page.
55. On the page 4, after heading What causes climate change? contains the text “We
are humans who want the same thing every other human wants …..and we must
act now.”, modify the text wrapping options for the picture so that the picture is In
Line With Text.
56. On the page 4, before heading What is climate change? contains the text “What is
climate change? …..of hundreds of people.” so it is square wrapped in the left/right
of the picture.
57. Before Chemical table, insert Horizontal Scroll shape, insert text “Climate Change”
in the shape, align bottom center with square text wrapping of the page
58. Before Chemical table, inset shape 12 Points of Star with text “IMoS”, align top
left with square text wrapping of the page
59. Change picture border color to Blue Accent 1 Darker 25%, apply Photocopy art
effect to the picture.
60. After the heading What causes climate change?, insert Basic Chevron Process
diagram (=Smart Art) between two paragraphs, from left to right insert text: “A”,
“B”, “C”
61. On the paragraph below the “Salt production” table, insert Basic Chevron Process
SmartArt, then type the texts from left to the right “ Abc”, “Xyz”, “Ghk!”.
62. After the heading Why do we need to stop climate change?, insert Vertical Bullet
List SmartArt, then type texts “abc” in the first green shape
63. For the 123 Smart Art move the text in the smart art so that the “abc” is above “xyz”
64. On the second/ seventh page, below the heading “What is climate change?”, apply
colorful range – Accent colors 2 to 3 to Smart Art and Moderate Effect SmartArt Style
Hyperlink/ Bookmark
65. Insert bookmark for the heading What are the effects of climate change? name
66. Use Go to function, go to IMos bookmark, then remove/delete this bookmark
67. Create a hyperlink to www.ftu.edu.vn on the text click here, located at the end of the
68. Add a hyperlink to the picture, located on page 1, to link to the heading What are the
effects of climate change?, located on page 8.
69. Add a hyperlink to the “Overview” heading, located on page 4, to link to the climate
bookmark, located on page 8.
Header/ Footer
70. Insert Banded header, not display in the first page, type document title as IMOS
71. Insert Blank header, not display in the first page
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72. Change the distance of the header/ footer from the bottom for the entire document to
0.7” (1.78 cm).
Page Number
73. Insert Page number type Plain number 3 at Bottom of page
74. Insert Page number, accent bar 2, bottom of the page
Text Box
75. On the page 3, insert a Banded Quote text box in the bottom of center the last page,
insert text “Amount in water”
76. Align “Amount in water” text box top right with square text wrapping of the page
Word Art
77. Apply a word art Gradient Fill, Gray to the word art Corporations
Object/ Text/ File
78. After the heading Who is impacted the most by climate change? insert text from a
At a national level.rtf file located in the Documents folder.
79. Below the paragraph “and subject to discrimination.”, insert the file Flowerlist.odt
located in the Documents folder.
80. In the sentence: “They experience markedly higher … the overall US
population.”, insert a Registered Sign at the end of “US” (= symbol)
81. In the last page, replace the word “[Symbol]” with the Copyright Sign.
82. Insert Registered Sign right after the name of company in header.

IV. Design

83. Apply Basic (Symple) document’s style

84. Apply Casual Style set to the document.
85. Apply the Ion theme to the document. Change the color of Accent 1 to yellow color
and named as IonNew
86. Apply the Arial font theme to the document.
87. Add a custom watermark with DO NOT COPY 1 style to the document.
88. Add a custom watermark with the text IMOS to the document. Set the Font to Times
New Roman and the Size to 65.
89. Apply Green Accent 4 Lighter 80% as page background (= Page color)
90. Apply a Box page border with a 3pt width and Gold- Accent 3 to the document.
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V. Layout
91. Before What causes climate change? heading add a Next Page breaks
92. Before heading “What are the effects of climate change?” insert Text wrapping
page break
93. Before heading “What is Amnesty doing to address climate change?” insert Next
page Section breaks
94. Set margins to the document so it is mirrored.
95. After the section break, apply the Landscape Orientation
96. With the text “This is not a recent conclusion. ……….by the UNFCCC.”, create 2
columns with spacing between the columns of 0.3 inches.
97. Apply Center Vertical alignment to the entire documnet
VI. References
98. Create a citation for the website IMOS located at http://www.imos.net.
99. Create a citation for the book, Thor authored, Infomatics title and the year is 2010.
100. Modify the citation by Thor so the year is 2012.
101. Insert the Built-in Bibliography at the very end of the document so that it replaces
the note Insert Bibliography here.
102. Insert footnote for the title of Salt production table, cut the text “Between
communities.” and paste to the footnote
103. Insert footnote after heading “Why is climate change a human rights issue?”,
move paragraphs “Juliana vs United States Government, Lawsuit filed by Children
Against the US Government” into the footnote.
104. On the page 1, update Table of Contents with entire table
VII. Review
105. Add a comment that uses the text Verify to the heading Overview.
106. Goto then delete Good comment
VIII. View
107. Display/Show/Enable/Disable/Hide/Unhide Ruler before finish
108. Show ruler/ Gridlines/ Navigation Pane before finish your test
109. Zoom the document 125%
Chú ý: Tên các tiêu đề, đoạn văn, cũng như vị trí các trang, vị trí bảng và các tranh ảnh
sẽ được nêu cụ thể trong bài thi thật. Vị trí ở trên chỉ mang tính chất tương đối. Thường
xuyên lưu bài, tắt ký hiệu đoạn, Navigation Pane nếu đề không yêu cầu hiển thị
trước khi nộp bài.
Bài tập về nhà: Thuộc Ngân hàng đề + Viết ra vở cách làm từng câu 2 bộ Test
MOS FTU Ths. Trần Phương Chi – Page 7/8 http://fb.com/mos4community

MOS WORD 2016 – TEST 1 2

1. On the page 4, after heading Greenhouse gases and global warming contains the
text “Greenhouse gases and global warming …..known as global warming.” so it
is square wrapped in the left of the picture.
2. Apply a Box page border with a 3pt width and Orange- Accent 2, Darker 25% to
the document
3. On the table of second page, repeat heading columns into the next page
4. On the table “Game time”, sort the “ Game time” columns with ascending
5. Configure autocorrect to replace UTa with Tah
6. Before heading “How does the greenhouse effect work?” insert Text wrapping page
7. Apply the Offset left Shadow Photocopy art style to the photo on the last page
8. Apply Casual Style set to the document
9. Below the paragraph “The ocean also absorbs a lot …This is called ocean
acidification.”, insert the file/picture Flowerlist.jpg located in the Documents folder.
10. On the bottom of center page 5, line spacing table row exactly at 18pt.
11. Insert a Banded Quote text box in the bottom center of the cover page and insert the
text “Sam, 2020”.
12. On the paragraph below the table “The countries with greatest hydropower energy
production”, insert Basic Chevron Process Smartart, then type the texts from left to
the right “ 1”, “2”, “ 3”.
13. Insert footnote after heading “The greenhouse effect”, move paragraphs
“IMPORTAN…….good.” into the footnote.
14. Show all the hidden formatting symbols
15. Use Go to function, go to IMos section, then apply the Landscape Orientation.
16. Insert bookmark for the heading How are humans impacting the greenhouse
effect? name “Greenhouse”
17. Move the sentence “Human activities are changing Earth's natural greenhouse
effect.” to after “NASA has observed increases in the amount …This causes
Earth to warm up.”, but not italic format.
18. Apply the Strong Style to the headings “The greenhouse effect” and “Greenhouse
gases and global warming”.
19. Remove all formatting from the sentence “More acidic water can be harmful to
many ocean creatures, such as certain shellfish and coral.”
20. In the last page, replace the word “[Symbol]” with the Copyright Sign.
21. Change the Status property of the document to Draft.
22. Inspect document and remove header, footer and watermark about the document.
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23. Set the bold text to the sentence “In Werne's opinion, there are three options from
this point forward:”, underlight this text with blue, accent 1, darker 25%
24. Set margins to the document so it is mirrored.
25. With the text “Just like a glass greenhouse, …called ocean acidification.”, create 2
columns with spacing between the columns of 0.3 inches.
26. On the second page below the heading “What Is the Greenhouse Effect?”, apply
colorful range – Accent clolors 2 to 3 to Smart Art
27. Convert table to text, separate by tab for Chemical list table
28. Add number list to after the heading “And,” that has a parenthesis after the number.
29. Create a hyperlink to www.break.com on the text click here, located at the end of
the document.
30. Apply double line spacing to only the first paragraph after the heading How does the
greenhouse effect work?.
31. At the end of the document, increasing level list of the paragraph 2. and 3. so that it is
showed paragraph a. and b.
32. After the heading “Can the greenhouse effect be reversed?” continue numbering
lists from 1., 2., 3 (1. a. b.).
33. Convert text “Nutrition Facts…% Daily Value*” to table with 3 columns separate by
tab, auto fit the window.
34. Split paragraph between “Can the greenhouse effect be reversed?” and “Do
nothing and live with the consequences.” heading into two columns. Ensure the
second column will start with the text “Josef Werne”
35. Add the current date to the left footer of the entire document except the first page.
The date will be updated automatically. Accept all other default settings.
36. Create a citation for the website IMOS authored by the Phuong Chi and located
at http://www.imos.net, year 2019.
37. Insert the Built-in Bibliography at the very end of the document so that it
replaces the note Insert Bibliography here.
38. On the page 1, update Table of Contents with entire table
39. Insert the content from file Flower.docx under the horizontal line near in the middle
of the last page
40. On the last Page, add a Horizontal Scroll shape with text “Begin in October!”. Align
it to the bottom center of the page
41. Insert the word art Gradient Fill Gray for the title “Chemical list” of the table
42. Apply Center Vertical alignment to the entire documnet

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