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Arcky Jaimz T.


LESSON 1: Understanding and Evaluating Multimodal Texts

ACTIVITY 1: What I Know

Multimodal texts are characterized by the combination of the five different modes of
communication: linguistic, visual, gestural, audio and spatial. Listed below are the elements or
features that belongs to the different modes. Draw lines to connect these features to its
corresponding mode.

Hand gestures ● ●
word choice ●
delivery of spoken or written text (tone) ●
Body language ● ●
coherence ●
color ●
Proximity between people and objects ●
Organization ● ●
Accent ●
Silence ●
Sound effects ●
Perspective tone layout and style ● ●
Volume of sound ●
Music ●
facial expressions ●
ACTIVITY 2: It Makes Sense
You will watch TV commercial. As you watch the video, answer the following questions:

1. What is the message?

The message of the said commercial is all about how can you help others without
getting in return. It’s all about the value of happiness that money can't buy.
2. What is the purpose of the message?
The purpose of the message is to impart to all people about giving without demanding a
payback. The desire to help wholeheartedly and to make people realize that helping and
giving with love brings you a priceless happiness.
3. How is the message conveyed by the text and/or video?
The message that is conveyed by the video in which the text can be read on the lower
side or also known as the subtitles is good and its kind a very clear. And over all its very
entertaining especially the lesson learned of the commercial.
4. What did you feel while and after watching the commercial? Cite the scene/s that
elicited the feeling/s that you’ve mentioned?
The moment I watched the commercial, since the very first beginning it feels so very
interesting to know what was it all about. I feel very overwhelmed with the message
and also it is so very touchy to witness the goodness of the guy. He is so very Kind-
hearted person; he is able to help other with all his willingness without expecting in
return. One of the scenes there is when he helped the mendicants mother and the child,
it states there that they need help for financial assistance for child's education, so the
guy help it by giving a little amount every day until he witness that the child really go to
school and he is so very emotional when saw the child smiling at him. That was so very
inspirational to see.
5. Who is the target audience of the message?
The target audience of the message is everyone. Nothing's exempted.
6. What modes were used it presenting the message?
Verbal and Nonverbal mode.
7. Do you think it effectively integrate the different modes in conveying its message?
Explain your answer.
Yes. Because some part of it uses verbal and they are using words to express, and some
part of it use gesture especially when they're putting it into action, and also a facial
expression expressing their emotion in which considered as non-verbal
Misinformation on coronavirus is proving highly contagious. —The phenomenon, unfolding
largely on social media, escalated this week when President Donald Trump retweeted a
false video about an anti-malaria drug being a cure for the virus and it was revealed that
Russian intelligence is spreading disinformation about the crisis through English-language
websites. "You don’t need masks. There is a cure,” Dr. Stella Immanuel promised in a video
that promoted hydroxyl chloroquine. “You don’t need people to be locked down.” — None
of that stopped Trump, who has repeatedly praised the drug, from retweeting the video.
Twitter and Facebook began removing the video Monday for violating policies on COVID-19
misinformation, but it had already been seen more than 20 million times.
1. What is the message?
What is the purpose? — The message is all about misinformation of Covid19 uploaded
video. —The purpose of the message is to convinced people that there is a cure of the
said virus.
2. Who is the target audience of the message?
Everyone who can watch the video uploaded.
3. What modes were used in presenting the message?
Did the combination of the modes enhance the message? Be detailed in explaining this
part. What mode was the most dominant? How did it shape the overall message? — The
modes that are used in presenting the message is verbal mode because it uses video to
disseminate information and also the non-verbal mode because it expressing a facial
expression when creating the said video. And both of this modes are combined through
enhancing the message together that it may be able to convince a lots of people. Verbal
mode is the most dominant. And it shaped the overall message by explaining it
persuasively to some people.
4. Why do you believe that your text is misleading?
What do you think is the motive behind the misleading information? — I consider this
text a misleading one because it is very unbelievable that in a short period of time there
are being considered as cure of the said virus and it is also stated that is it just a
misinformation. And I think the motive behind this misleading information is to
persuade people that the world will be able to be back to normal again.

LESSON 2: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology

ACTIVITY 1: What I Know

Online Sample Benefits in Disadvantages

Communication Site/App/Software Communication
Videoconferencing e.g., Google It's totally free. They should
Hangout You can run it in almost allow you to
any platform. connect more
It's very easy to set up than 100 people
and use, with a clean and at a time.
intuitive interface.

Chats It makes it faster to chat. It’s difficult to

Facebook This app connects completely
Messenger directly to Facebook’s protect your
chatting system, so privacy. Part of
people can send and the terms and
receive messages more conditions that
quickly than if they were are accepted
going through when using...

Forums ZetaBoards ZetaBoards offers free The ZetaBoard it

forum hosting that will getting slowly
serves as the great site or choppy when
for growing an online your internet
community. connection is
Voice over IP Skype Skype Web will help you There is a risk of
to connect with people the technical
from anywhere. You can issues of skype,
make calls to mobiles as when there
and landlines. It provides are dropped
the facility to send text connections, the
messages anytime, camera
anywhere. It provides malfunctions and
end-to-end encryption to choppy video
help you keep your streams , it will
sensitive conversations quickly make a
private. video conference
frustrating or
Email Inbox by Gmail If you already have a The main
Gmail account, you can disadvantage is
effortlessly switch over that a profit-
to Inbox. This tool seeking
automatically bundles multinational
your messages into media
categories, including conglomerate
"Trips," "Updates," would be
"Social," "Finance," and scanning all of
more. You can create your email. A
custom categories with secondary
rules -- for example, disadvantage
every email from my would be that
boss goes into its own you would be
folder by default -- and exposing all of
delete ones you're not your email
using. partners to that
same violation of
their privacy

ACTIVITY 2: It Makes Sense

1. LCC
2. LCC
3. HCC
4. LCC
5. HCC
6. LCC
7. HCC
8. HCC
9. HCC
10. LCC
ACTIVITY 3: I Can Do It!

Describe the social issue discussed in the viral post. (5 points)

Lately, it's been controversial about the viral issue of Romeo Librada aka Super Tekla. He has
been accused by his 4 years live in partner Michelle — for being a pervert and disrespectful
to her. Michelle complaint to Raffy Tulfo in action ahead of the day when he took a video
with Tekla and her fighting with each other because of some sort reasons. This video went
viral online and even Tekla has been viral too because of some different perspectives and
judgements of what he has done. The video imparts to everyone that Tekla forcing his live in
partner to have a sex with her but then the girl refuses his favor, that's why they have a fight.
The Part 1 episode of Tulfo in Action has been emit rays of light in all nitizens. Every parts of
Tulfo has become awaits of all curiosity about the said issue. Michelle speaks all
about negativity about the character of Tekla, but Tekla hasn't been permitted to speak
about his issue publicly, though he wants to speak his side but his network won't allow him.
That's why his friends and manager speaks in behalf to him.

If you are to post a comment of your In the post, find two or three comments of
personal stand on the issue, what would it non- Filipinos. Write their comments here
be? Write a brief paragraph here. (3 about the issue. (2 points)

Well, for me, I don't know which side i am So this is what I saw on the comment section
able to believe because i don't know the about non-Filipinos stand about the issue of
whole story behind it. And I don't even know Tekla.
their individual behavior. But if I'm going to 1st: Maybe he's still into drugs. Better do a
comment about my personal stand on the deep investigation into this.
said issue, I am able to see that the 2nd: A sex without consent is considered as
complainant which is Michelle planned rape.
everything about the video in order for her to 3rd: Money only impresses lazy girls. When a
denounce and embarrassed the image of woman works hard, a man with money is
Tekla. It is very clear that its not all about only a bonus.
how Tekla convinced her and how Tekla
forced her into a sexual intimation. But the
very essence of her complains is all about the
money. They planted the video hoping to get
support from Raffy because if you'll analyze
the words, she's asking about the money, her
issue is the money, her allegations are means
to her goals. Maybe Tekla doesn't want to
give her money because she's still an addict
and because of her vices. Overall, this is just
my opinion about my personal stand. We
have three sides about this issue. Mine,
Theirs and the Truth. Let's not judge so
tightly because we don't know the whole

Compare and contrast your comments form from the comments of non-Filipino? What
accounts for the differences and similarities? (10 points)

Filipinos and non-Filipinos who commented on the said issue has a different perspectives and
point of view, some of them don't know yet the celebrity itself and also the woman who
complained, but they have an idea who they are but not that much. According to their
comments they only focus on the content of the issue bought by the complainant but they
don't have any idea about the character of the one who are complained with. They are
different when it comes to perspectives, but they are similar when it comes to
disappointments on both sides.

Why do you need to be culturally sensitive and aware?
In my opinion, being culturally sensitive and aware is not only common decency but it can set
the right example for others who aren’t. Some people aren’t culturally sensitive without
knowing it and being an example could help change that person’s view and actions towards
minorities. In the end we’re all people, whether he has copper skin or her eyes look a little
smaller, everybody has feelings and everybody needs their feelings to be taken in to
But having cultural sensitivity doesn’t mean that you must be an expert in each culture’s values.
It simply means that you’re willing to ask honest questions, seek understanding, and
demonstrate empathy rather than judging those around you. It also means that, when you
knowingly enter a space in which there will be cultural differences at play, you do a bit of
homework beforehand and avoid knee-jerk reactions or jumping to conclusions.
How are these traits contributory to your pursuit of becoming a productive and responsible
For me it has a big contributory being a productive and responsible Filipino, because each step
we take towards being responsible and productive helps to raise our self-esteem and our
relationships with friends, family, co-workers and society improve ten-fold. Being responsible
pays big dividends – we have much less stress and chaos in our lives and we gain the respect of
How will this promote positive change in society?
They need to trust the process, to contribute to some common cause of good and to have the
authentic conversations as well.
In order to bring a positive change in your social circle, community, and country, firstly you
have to have the positivity in yourself. Only then you could inspire someone else with your
positive vibes. One of the following steps could be taken to bring productive changes in society
and ultimately in our country.

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