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11,t· r 111,w•iu l·o1111Ju1 l,,11 Scct1t1dttty Sdwul

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1111gl 111'1 l.Ui1KUli1'0
/fr11//111 1½,rk,hel'I "'l1il' //Itch hllu•r ..

Nm,1 0·.)) 。1 Av. 、 l 古,`刁' C 'lu皿; ,J l. IJuLc:

11J.. 7I,,呵Hplttltt leltlt!ltCt!N)

An,l'lfltr th卟llowln11 q11trtlon,r (An.fwtr Qut.,1l/on

I Whu1 kind ,1 丨 叩 wuH lhc 11ur,rntor drl-vl11u'1

h. Mcrt:elicH
c. Ml111 Coo per

2. Whut ttrc the other f'cotu rc,c tJf Lhc c缸/

► It hud u top 11pccd of -'. /~Y I" - Y J, =一-

,`• I he color o 「 the ct1r wu11 -=c'.I必'立立 ' k,

, ·1he 比Olll 画de were ='/乜,) ,. (州 .flJ(J

, 1he 1cot11 were mudc of _佑,.) p. I

3. Where Wlt8 the hitchhiker gol ng 即

三辶 11 「辶 .
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4. 'Jhe narrator compar叫 the hitch-hik er to

a kind of animal. What is it? 曰
a. cat
b. rat
c. rabbit

➔ W加 t do you think the narrator tri 叫 to imply here?

~ 孚-己辶竺
'Inc writer tried t.o make the rcaderHthink that the
hitch-hiker is 一
戶 J ,f }vr)} r;l'0 / --J 』tJ 鬥 ~ ~』二三一
yone? Why or why not?
S. Would the hitch -hiker 111.Ca l thin肼 from ever
f' j'1 )」。
』~r- . .U.』 /It /~-1』比'

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6. Whltl wt:rc the hitch-hiker•~fingers like'/

IY~-0~」 三辶誌


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J ,.,J'戶/伊,, )1; 吹 --v, J 」 I「心伊令「?卜
/ 才
7. The narrator was impressed by the hitch-hiker. What did the hitch-hiker do?

--+~ 三

8. What was the trick that the hitch-hiker played on the police officer?
尹昷志3 竺瓦
一~ (.,I'"\ 玷己心尸

9. Who said each of the following?

a. I m gomg to Epsom, for the races. It's Derby Day today.
b. This is real trouble, I don't like it one bit.
c. In that case, you' ve got yourself into a nasty mess, haven't you?
d. I hope they lock you up for a spell into the bargain.
e. Of course I noticed. It was quite fantastic.
f. You' re my pal. You're giving me a lift.
g. So you' re a pickpocket.
h. I' m a fingersmith.

竺口 d
這孓R.~~~乒 I e.
~'\)~ g. 1).; .

孔駄 - 昷~ l h 蛄 旦
10. Matching
Match the vocabulary items ta屁nfrom "Hitch-hi屁r " in column A with the meanings in column B. Write
appropriate letters in the blanks.
Column A Column B
Vocabulary Meaning
1. triumph e. J.. burning slowly with smoke but without flames
2. K someone who makes things out of metal, especially by
smouldering ^ heating and hammering it to shaoe it
3. breeches 一上 C. graceful and attractive

4. hitch-hiker ~ 屮 walk in a slow relaxed manner

5. peculiar 上 e:-- a very great success, achievement or victory
6. smith -辶 f. trousers that do not cover the whole of the leg
7. stroll 」 ,g. a person who travels by getting free rides in someone else's
8. elegant (_ K. unusual and strange

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