Secnona: Time Allowed: 3 Hours

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Time Allowed: 3 Hours MaximllmMarks: 300

Candidates should attempt Question 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining
questions selecting at least om question from each Section. All questions carry equal marks.

wapセrJi@ ᄋセ@
I Answer any three of the followtng
(a) What 1s meant by temporal and spatial coherence? Show that the 」ッィ・イョ セ l@ = J..Q, where 1..
is the mean wavelength and Qrepresents the pw1 ty of a spectral lin +
(b) A satellite has apogee and perigee heights above the sumac o s 4000 km and 640 km
respectively. Calculate the eccentricity of the orbit and semi . Radius of the earth is 640 0
(c) The angular separation between two distant stars is I
is 5 50 0 A; what should be the diameter of the
- . f the effective wavelength of light
telescope so that the stars are just

(d) A vacuum of the order of 10-11 em ッヲ セ@ in the laboratory. Estimate the number of
molecules of gas per co bi c centimeter at Z セ セ nイ 。」オュN@
2.(a) A particle of mass m1 moving with0 1 :111undergoes an elastic collision with a particle of mass
m2 at rest, in laboratory-frame. A r si on the first partie! e moves at a certain angle to the
direction of 1ts uu tlal velo 」Qエケ セ 、@ e 1s a tn I ab oratory-frame and 4> m centre of mass-frame

If the rat1o of masses H セ QR@ I

s a, ow that a and 4> are related as tan 91 = (
sm 1 )
cos 91A

(b) A sphencal body mass and rad1us 'a 1s falltng through a v1scous flu1d If 1t started from rest
and 11 is co ef , ヲカ セ @ッ sity of the fluid obtain an expression for its velocity as function of time.
What is m t ation time ? On what factors will it depend in this case?
(c) What is motion? Deduce Einstein's formula for translatory Brownian motion of particles
susp a liquid and hence detennine the avogadro's number.


91(r)= -91.[ z(; J-(; rJ

Where 4u and ro are constant.


Prove that for small oscillations the frequency is given by "' = )

Where m is mass of each molecule.
(b) A Particle of mass m, moving with an initial velocity v0 is acted on by a central repulsive inverse-
square force, F = 2 . Show that the scattering angle <1> depends on the impact parameter b as

(c) Write the equation of motion for an oscillator driven by a simple harmonica!! y varying force. Obtain
the condition for maximum energy transfer to the oscillator.
4.(a) State the principle of equipartition of energy. What are its limitations? Show that it is applic
when the energy is a quadratic function of the associated variable.
(b) Using Maxwell's thermodynamic relations show that the internal energy of an ideal g
temperature is independent of its volume while for a real gas it is a function ofVollJjjlllllira!
(c) To what extent the pressure in a cathode ray tube must be reduced so that 9 '
emitted by the cathode reach the anode which is at a distance of 20 em fro ..,,,........,...,
molecular radius of main constituent gases of atmosphere is 2A and the
standard pressure (76 0 mm of Hg) is 3 x I 025 per m3

SEC110NB 0 +
5. Answer any three of the following: セ セ@
(a) The coordinates of an event in an inertia! frame
co ordinates of this event in another interntial · s
:e セ@
0, 0, 5 x I 0-a s). What will be the
oving with a velocity 0.6 c in+ x- direction
with respect to S. The origins of the two fr we otncident at t = t' = 0
(b) What is a quarter キ\イ^セ・@ plate? Explain it e in e production and detection of circularly polarized
light. セ@
For calcite for 1.. = 5472 aL セ N@ 5 セe]@ 1.488. If the minimum thickness of a plate that can

be cut from calcite is 3 0
Explain the concept of
fa 'P
-· Ji d be the minimum thickness for preparing a quarter wave

The specific heat of a · al depends on temperature T according to the relation:

セ MNL NL@ cr\rhere a, b and c are constants,
·on 'or the change in its entropy when the temperature changes from T 1 to T2.
(d) lis ore e. Obtain an expression for the Coriolis force. How does it account for the
セ ャ セ pョ 、ウ@ in opposite directions in Northern and Southern hemispheres?
the interference fringes obtained in Young's two slit experiment are hyperholic in shape.
B セ キィ。エ@ conditions these are expected to appear straight?
tain an expression for the ratio of the probabilities of stimulated and spontaneous emissions. What
do you infer from this rei ati on? How is population inversion interpreted thermodynarni cally?

(c) A fine slit is illuminate by mono chromatic light of wave-length 6 0 00 A. A thin wire is placed
parallel to the slit and the eli ffraction pat tern is observed on a screen at a distance of I m from, the
wire. In the shadow of the wire equidistant fringes of thickness I. 5 mm are observed. How do you
explain this observation ? Calculate he diameter of the wire a! so.

7.(a) How is absolute scale of temperature obtained with the help of Camol cycle? Hence define absolute
(b) State Bernoulli's theorem.

A horizontal pipe has a cross-section of I 0 cm2 in one region and 5cm2 in another. The pressure of
water in the two regions is 2.370 x I 05 N/m2 and 1.995 x 10 5 N/m2 respectively. Calculate the
amount of water flowing through the pipe per minute.

(c) Describe the working principle of a three level solid state laser giving the transitions involved in the
laser action.

8. Write short notes on any three of the following:

(a) Stellar spectra

(b) Specific heat of solids

(c) Holography

(d) Mass-energy equivalence

(e) Solar constant

(d) Fourier transformation


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•'•r イᄋセヲゥN[}GAZHャ|LエQョ@
Time Allowed: 3 Hours MaxittmmMarks: 300

Candidates should attempt Question 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining
questions selecting at least one question from each Section

IPAPI!R • ii

I Answer any three of the following:

(a) An electric dip ole moment, ji2 . is pi aced at (r, 8) in he electric fi

pi aced at he origin. Asswning that the electric potentia!, V,


(d) Derive the expression for the fr,.. - -.· s ectrwn of a carrier wave of frequency f.: which is
amplitude modulated by a frequ cy ,.
A certain transmitted radiat power when the carrier wave is unmodulated and I 0.12 kW
power when the 」。イゥ・ セ ᄋ@ st usoidally modulated. Cal cui ate the modulation index.
2. (a) A relay has a coil resis •e o I 0 0 and inductance of I H. It is energized by a single voltage pulse
of I 0 V which イ セ ᄋ@ ns ant for 25 0 ms and then falls to 0 V. Relay contact closes when the
increasing セ エ@ 。」ィ セ@ 2 00 mA and opens when the decreasing current is at I 0 0 mA. Calculate
the time for w , relay contact is closed.
(b) aョ セ エ・ュ@ ·n tage is applied to the circuit shown in Fig. I. Show that it has two resonant
frequ · .. an f. interrelated as

セ@ ,-f.JRJ
Where r = HセZI@


.( Gヲャセ@ f.
c. .....__,___,

3.(a) Show that electromagnetic propagating in a homogeneous isotropic medium, arc transvers
(b) Show that attenuation constant a, and phase factor セ@ for an electromagnetic wave, pr gat
perfectly conductmg med1um, are equal At what frequency the skin depth m s1lveo
conduct1111ty of s1lvens 3 0 x I 06 S1emens/meter and relative p ermeab1ltty 1s I 0?
4.(a) Define ex-OR G1ve 1ts truth table and draw the poss1ble logtc blocks r
A S1 BJT 1s connected as shown F1g
'" m•d oNアセBy@ '" • セG@ •.emu h. •
Show that 1t 1s m active reg1on
I kO '-0 ". 。ョ G|ZN セ ᄋ A@ as an amphfi er
セ ッ@ゥ ""


be Frank Hertz exp enment to estabhsh the quantization of energy levels

(b) ng only the sptn motion of electron, proton and neutron and assummg them as p omt particles,
obtain their magnetic moments. How far the values thus obtained agree with experimental values? If
not, why? Explain.
(c) Cal cui ate the velocity and direction of recoil electron for back scattered X -ray photon of Mo K.. of
0. 707 A in Compton effect.
(d) Write a comparative account of the following four processes:
(i) セM、・」。ケ@

(ii) positron emission

(iii) electron capture
(iv) inverse セM decay
6. (a) Explain the fine structure of H,line of H-atom arising due to LS coupling.
(b) Cal cui ate the bond length and force constant of the bond of 12 C 16 0 molecule; given 0 セ@ I rotational
line in v= 0 state is at 115.3 GHz and the wavelength of the vibrational frequency is 14.71J.m.
7. (a) An electron moving with energy E encounters one dimensional potentia! step as given below:


8. Define parity for a quantum mechanical system. Describe an appropriat

parity vi alation in weak interaction. How can the parity violation in weak in
Explain. -----

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