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Example: Equiangular spiral antenna

This is one geometrical configuration whose surface can be described by angles.

Specify f ( ) /derivative of f ( ) :

df  
 f ' ( )  A    
d 2 

A: a constant,  : Dirac delta function


 Aea  0 ea ( 0 )   /2
r   /2     (4.8)
0 elsewhere

where A  0e a0

In terms of  ,

 A a
  e  Aea[  In (  )/ a ]  Aea (  )

 

where 1  In( )


1  
  ln    tan ln    tan (ln   ln A)
a  A  A

where 1/a: rate of expansion of the spiral,  : angle between the radial distance  and the
tangent of the spiral .
Fig 4.2
2. Single spiiral

The totall L of the spiiral can be caalculated by:

1 2  d  2 
L       1 d 
0 
  d   

 L  ( 1  0 ) 1 

0 , 1 : innner and outter radii of thhe spiral.

Various geometrical
g arrangemen
nt of the spirral have beenn used to forrm differentt antenna sysstems
as shown
n in Fig.4.3.
Singlle spiral piral( 0  0,  )
Two sp Multiple spiral
( 0  0,  / 2,3 / 2 )

g.4.3. spiral wire
w antennaa

This anallytical formu

ulation can be
b extended to create twwo different aantennas. Onne antenna w would
consist of two metalllic arms susp
pended in freee-space [Figg. 4.4(a)] annd the other oof a spiralingg slot
on a largge conducting plane [F Fig. 4.4(b)]. Both thesee antenna arre tapered tto provide bbetter
matchingg terminationn.

Fig.4.4. Sp
piral plate an
nd slot antennna

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