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The Importance of Writing Essays

Is essay writing a skill that college students should develop? Writing essays is a common
practice that is required in plenty of colleges worldwide. Currently, almost any job demands
professionals who master some writing skills. However, what is the role of writing in students’ life?
Writing has become more and more important over time. Although some students believe that writing is
a waste of time, I truly think that assigning essay writing is necessary in universities because they help
students to master their subject and to foster critical thinking skills.
The main reason in favor of assigning essay tasks is that they are assist students to develop
mastery of their study subject. In other words, writing essays enhance understandings about the subject
matter. This is because students need to practice what they have learned in an academic context, and
essays definitely provide the perfect opportunity. For example, when students are assigned to write an
academic research paper, they have to search for information on a specific topic. This means that they
gain some expertise in a certain field they are researching. As a result, they become little experts on their
topic of interest; therefore, more knowledgeable about the subject they are studying.
The second argument in favor of essay writing has to do with critical thinking. Critical thinking
is a higher order level of reasoning. This is why when students write essays, they are pushed to develop
a deep reasoning of the topic they are working on. For instance, all the students who are required to
demonstrate their progress through an essay, have to analyze and synthesize information that is usually
complex. In order to achieve that level, it is necessary to practice certain skills that are present when
writing. Consequently, they become more mentally critical.
In conclusion, writing essays is essential in college education not only because they help learners
gain more mastery of the subject, but also because they can become more critical. Although many
students may not enjoy writing, next time you write an essay, think in the possible benefits of it.

What a nightmare!
Do you hate writing? If so, there is some terrible news for you. HA HA HA! You know! write is
good for you. Universities should have essay writing because they domain an asignature and become
more intelligent.
The first reason, essays help to domain a matter. I think essays that teachers send for students are
good because they practice. Write is not easy, but is good that students write. Is necessary that teachers
motivate students to write. Because, need practice and much times happens only in the classroom. For
example, childrens first listen and after speak. This point is important, but the next is better.
Exist another reason to write and is about intelligence. He he he, people who doesn’t write are
more stupid. I don’t know, they think in a material way. Or people who writes are bad. They don’t think
and analysis things for example they watch novelas and others.
This is all, write or die.
Punctuation Paragraph Examples:
Adolescence is the best age to learn beacuase it is easier to retain data and information to be
used in the future, and I think that it would be useful to me if I had received a better education in
different subjects at school, mainly because the career that I want to follow, chemistry, is very
complicated. At the university, new responsabilities are acquired and having a good foundation would
have made easier for me to learn eveything the teachers were teaching me.

First of all, in Ecuador, education is a privilege despite the fact that it is free in many schools
there are not teachers this is because the demand for teachers or translators are focused on courses or
tourism agencies in addition to the lack of support of governments to promote knowledge of English for
example an English teacher can earn more working in academys for English than in a public school.

Firstly English teaching in coutries like Colombia is very bad. In schools only taught about what
structure are for writing a sentence in additon to classes are taught in Spanish and don't encourage
students to speak the language. Even though English is a subject taught in Colombia since school,
teaching methods are very bad and don't provide levels basic of english. This situation is a big problem
for students because they don't give basic knowledge abouth English and when they  follow with their
higher education they show many problems in this subject.

Unity and Coherence Paragraph Examples:

Topic: Why is it difficult for some students to learn english?
The second problem is that the concepts or topics become monotonous and boring If there is no
practice. In my experience, I always had to study many times and after I have forgot everything
because I did not practice it. Therefore, I recommend practice and going a head with the english in your
live and practice it. As, the researches show that the knowledge with emotion becomes in long term
memory. You can learn english making it fun.

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