Competition Entry Carreño Juan 1404

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Being more green is the best option

Environment is more polluting every day, but a “green thinking” has emerged. More people care
about their environment and do better actions. But there is an important question what need to be
answered: Why is it important to be a more greener person?

The wold is changing and it affects us. It seems that every year is hotter than the and it seems that every
hurricane is more stronger that previously one. A lot of people do not believe this is real, but it is a fact
and we are who can stop it, but what can we do?

There are some little actions that we can do. If we want to stop the destruction of forests, we can
recycle paper. If we want to take care of water, we do not have to pollute it, and if we want the best
future to children, we must educate it, in this way they are going to take care too.

However, being a green person is not the only thing that we need. We need another industrial
revolution. We need modernize our technology whit greener technology. And to get better what we
think about globalization. So in that way, we really are going to care about environment.

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