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Big Picture in Focus: ULOa. a.

Assess different services for fitness;

In this part, it is designed for you to get acquainted with the current and continually
evolving fitness products and services of today. It likewise educate you wit fitness products and
services alternatives that suit your needs.

Fitness Services and Products

- The fitness market includes a wide-range of products and services such as

clothing and footwear, training equipment, nutritional food and energy drinks,
wireless health and fitness devices, as well as provision of gyms, clubs and
fitness/training centers.
Fitness Services

- Fitness centers are manned by fitness experts who are readily available to
suggest a fitness program according to your needs to help you meet your
fitness goals. Also, fitness centers offer friendly and reasonable packages for
customers to encourage them to regularize and remain loyal to the center.

Please proceed immediately to the “Essential Knowledge” part since the first lesson is
also definition of essential terms.

Essential Knowledge
A quality fitness gym is expected to be equipped with the latest and modern gym health
machines manned by staff that is knowledgeable in biomedical and body building science.
These machines are not only modern and easy to use, they also integrate the most advanced
technology to expedite the fitness routines at the same time lessen the pain and pressure of the
exercises. Examples of machines readily found in fitness centers health machines like:

The Rise of the Machines

1. Treadmills
A device generally for walking,
running or climbing while staying in
the same place.
2. Cross Trainers
Also called as “X-trainer”,
is a stationary exercise machine used to
stair climb, walk, or run without causing
excessive pressure to the joints, hence
decreasing the risk of impact injuries.

3. Upright Bikes
Is a special-purpose exercise
machine resembling a bicycle without

4. Rowers
Also called as “Rowing Machine”
is a machine used to simulate the
action of watercraft rowing for the
purpose of exercise.

The modern health center is a combination of science, sport, relaxation and

socialization. The services offered can range from a standard gym program to a
sophisticated program of exercise, diet and relaxation prepared by a health professional.
You can visit popular fitness centers here in the city. The following are common services
offered by specialized centers.

Specialized Fitness Centers

1. Kickboxing
Kickboxing burns calories like
any other exercises. Since weight
loss is a matter of burning more calories
than you take in, this will help you
establish the calorie deficit you need
in order to lose weight.

2. Yoga
Yoga is a mind and body practice
that is used for health and fitness purposes.
Yoga combines physical postures, breathing
techniques, and meditation or relaxation.

3. Pilates
Pilates is a physical fitness systems
which aims to strengthen, stretch, and
stabilize key muscles.

4. Personal Training
A personal trainer is an individual
certified to have varying degree of
knowledge of general fitness involved
in exercise prescription and instruction.

5. Group Fitness Sessions

Group exercise workouts are
accomplished with the instructor
leading the class by doing the
workout along with the participants
who follow his/her lead.

6. Strength Training
Strength training is a type of
physical exercise specializing in the
Use of resistance to induce muscular
contraction which builds the strength,
anaerobic endurance, and size of
skeletal muscles.

7. Body Building
A sport involving strenuous
physical exercise in order to strengthen
and enlarge the muscles of the body
through exercise and diet.

Other Services Offered in Specialized Center

 Rock Climbing Walls
 Aqua aerobics and Swimming lessons
 Volleyball, badminton and even indoor soccer

Group Workout Popularity

Working out or having a regular exercise regimen with classmates or friends help
sustain your commitment towards physical fitness and wellness. Today, group workouts are
very popular in malls, parks and multi-purpose venues not just keep the body fit but also to gain
new friends and establish linkages for future employment and support system. The following are
the benefits of group workout like cardio, dance and yoga classes:

 Cardio classes help to strengthen the heart and lungs. They also help in burning
calories fast, reduce stress, trim off fat, lower cholesterol, lessen risks of heart
diseases and improve your health.
 Dance classes are great way to keep your body in perfect tone and revive your
activeness. While you are dancing, you can burn calories, enjoy the energy
themed music, and keep fit at the same time.
 Yoga classes can be a lot of fun as long as you choose the right type of yoga for
your age and fitness level. Gentle stretching and a little quiet meditation can
really give your day a lift.

Fitness Products

The growing industry of fitness centers has resulted in growing demand for
fitness careers and products. These products include:

1. Gym Equipment
These include treadmills, elliptical,
lifecycle exercise bikes, rowers, indoor cycling,
benches and racks, weight plates and bars,
dumb bells, hammer strength.
It includes accessories like mats, foam rollers,
bar clamps, resistance bands and exercise balls.

2. Sports Apparel
The apparels used by sportsmen
and women particularly of professional
athletes do not only reflect necessity but
a fashion statement as well.
Today, apparels like shoes, shorts, swim
suits, jogging pants, shorts, socks, even
head bands, sweaters and caps are very
attractive to both teenagers and adults.

3. Food Supplements
These supplements include energy drinks,
performance enhancement medicines or drugs,
synthetic vitamins and minerals. However, the
fitness and sports worlds were attacked by a foray
of scandals with sportsmen and women taking
prohibited performance enhancing drugs to make
a name in their chosen sport. Consequently, the
International Olympic Committee and all professional
Sports organizations have implemented policies
to punish convicted athletes. The natural way of
Keeping one’s body competitive and healthy is still
the best option ever.

4. Fitness Gadgets
Exercising or working out is
relatively boring without fitness gadgets.
The millennial market is highly sophisticated
that even in physical fitness activities,
gadgets are a must to make a fashion
statement. These include IPods,
headsets, watches, armbands, trimmers,
bracelets, ropes, wall balls, belts, head,
arm and wrist bands, and cameras.
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson:

Kirsty. (2019). Trendy Fitness Activities For Leisure Facilities. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from

Greenfield, B. (2017). Free Weights vs. Weight Machines: Which is More Effective? Retrieved
August 10, 2020, from

Greenfield, B. (2017). Free Weights vs. Weight Machines: Which is More Effective? Retrieved
August 10, 2020, from

Let’s Check
Activity 1. Bottom Line. Getting acquainted with the essential terms in assessing the
different services for fitness is not enough, what also matters is you should also be able
to apply your knowledge in your own understanding. Your essay will be assessed by a

1. Among the services offered, what is the most availed by clients? Why?

2. Research on and enumerate the food or drug supplements that are

commonly abused by athletes. Cite at least 1 case of professional athletes
convicted by court and indicate the reasons for the commission of the

3. If you cannot afford nor have no time to go to the gym, what are other
options can suggest keeping yourself physically active? Explain.

Let’s Analyze

Activity 1. Visit a fitness Center in Davao City (online). List down the gym
equipment from what is being asked below.

for Cardiovascular Fitness for Muscular Endurance for Strength

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.

for Flexibility For Power for Agility

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.

for Coordination for Balance for Reaction Time

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.

Name of the fitness center: ___________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________

In a nutshell
This ULOa highlights the importance of getting acquainted with the current and continually
evolving fitness products and services of today.

In this activity, you will be required to draw conclusions or perspectives from your
understanding in the ULOa. I will supply the first item and you will continue the rest.

1. Everyone's fitness journey is unique. Achieving the fitness results you want can sometimes
feel overwhelming with so many experts giving advice on diet, exercise, and even sleep but the
goal is to show you that fitness and wellness can be an interactive, engaging and a life-long


Question and Answer:

This part of the module is the enumeration or listing of the questions or queries that
comes to mind after the discussion and assessment task. You may address these questions to
your teacher in your online discussion. Be sure to also write the answers of your online
discussions have come up with.

Questions Answers
Key Words Index
The following are the terms and concepts discussed in this lesson. The table below is
given to help you recall these important words as you progress in taking this course.

Fitness Services Fitness Products Fitness Services

Treadmill Cross Trainer Upright Bikes

Rowers Kick Boxing Yoga

Pilates Personal Training Group Fitness

Strength Training Body Building Gym Equipment

Sports Apparel Food Supplements Fitness Gadgets

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