V. Sandeep Dr.B. Pohutezhini

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The E-Commerce Revolution of Amazon.

V. Sandeep*
Dr.B. Pohutezhini**
This paper looks forward to the web based business transformation of Amazon.com. Amazon is the world's biggest online
business commercial center, AI assistant provider, and cloud computing platform as measured by revenues and market
capitalization. Internet business has turned into a key driver of business achievement these days. This article draws near and
talks about how big Amazon is according to market capitalization, product range, search engine optimization and revenues of
entire product categories.
Keywords: Amazon.com, Disruption, Market Capitalization, Product range, Search Engine Optimization.

The development of globalization has prompted the rise of the computerized economy. New ideas have risen, for
example, electronic business (e-Business) or electronic trade (web based business), as the electronic option in contrast
to the customary method for working together or exchange. Working in an exceptionally aggressive economy
dependent on data advances and media transmission, expected firms to embrace new plans of action. Under these
conditions, web based business turned into a reality in today's business world and the privilege of getting achievement
in the market for any organization. Web based business has known during the most recent decades a critical
development, ending up increasingly more significant for the organizations around the world. These days because of
globalization, innovation is developing at an extremely quick speed, compelling every one of the organizations to
receive new advancements. Web based business plays and it will assume a key job in the economy later on, and an
ever increasing number of organizations should change their business procedures.
Amazon was founded in 1994 by Jeffrey P. Bezos. Jeff Bezosi corporated the company (as Cadabra) in July 1994.
The name Amazon was founded soon after because the Amazon River is the largest in the world, and the letter "A"
would help the company to show up at the top of alphabetical lists. And the site went online as Amazon.com in 1995.
The name Amazon was founded soon after because the Amazon River is the largest in the world, and the letter "A"
would help the company to show up at the top of alphabetical lists. The one thing that made them famous was their
books. Their first profit was reached in the last quarter of 2001.The logo itself is the company name. Amazon, with
an arrow below, pointing from A to Z, representing that they could provide every product in the alphabet and also
customer satisfaction, as it forms a smile. Amazons headquarters is in Seattle Washington United States. A major
provider of cloud computing services.
Amazons stock was opened to the public in 1997 under the Nasdaq symbol AMZN at the price of $18.00 per share.
The stock prices over the past 10 years have increased from around $20 a share to nearly $170 per share. The last
great climb in stock prices began in 2008 and the company has managed to stay on top. Amazon's goal for the stock
price is $400. The progress has gradually continued steadily over the years and there is no sign that this company's
growth will stop anytime soon. One thing that is the similar between the Amazon of today and the Amazon of 20
years ago is that there are still many problems.
Since its creation in 1994, Amazon has grown far beyond books. It has turned out to be practically synonymous with
web based shopping, while at the same time constructing an enormous physical impression of stockrooms and stores,
a workforce of in excess of 600,000 individuals and a cloud business utilized broadly by the U.S. government, among

*Research Scholar, Annamalai University and Assistant Professor, Sir C.R.R College of Engineering, Eluru, A.P., India
**Research Supervisor, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Chennai, India

33 l Splint International Journal of Professionals I ISSN : 2349-6045 I Vol. -VI, Issue-04, October-December 2019

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