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Report: Assignment 1

M. Planning First Year

Environmental Issue: Water Pollution in


Submitted by: Archana Mohanty

Roll No. 10

School of planning and Architecture, New Delhi

Table of Contents
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
2.Water pollution in River Daya .............................................................................................................................. 2
3.Reasons of water pollution .................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1: Absence of Sewage Treatment Plant ........................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Industrial Discharge ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1.2 Domestic Discharge ................................................................................................................................ 5
............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
4. Impacts of water pollution in River Daya ........................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Degradation of Biodiversity in Chilika ........................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Daya water not fit for regular use ................................................................................................................. 7
4.3 Increasing pollution in the open drains ........................................................................................................ 7
5.Solution ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
6.References ........................................................................................................................................................... 8

List of Tables

Figure 1 Water Pollution in River Daya ................................................................................................................... 2

Figure 2 Water Quality index of River Daya ........................................................................................................... 2
Figure 3 Water quality index at various monitoring stations. ................................................................................ 3
Figure 4 Water Quality index of River Daya ........................................................................................................... 3
Figure 5 Confluence point of River Daya and Gangua Nallah in Bhubaneswar ...................................................... 3
Figure 6 Flowchart showing the flow of Wastewater drainage ............................................................................. 4
Figure 7 Map showing the Natural drains of the city ............................................................................................. 5
Figure 8 Natural drains of the city .......................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 9 Water Quality index of River Daya ........................................................................................................... 5
Figure 10 Map showing Daya river confluence at Chilika Lake .............................................................................. 6

1. Introduction
Bhubaneswar, the modern capital of Odisha is located between 20° 14' 0" N and 20° 15’ 40” N latitudes and 85°
5T 30” E longitudes. It lies in the coastal plain of Odisha in Khorda district. The drainage of the city is dependent
on the Kuakhai and Daya rivers, flowing along the city on the north and the south. Bhubaneswar city poses
problems of liquid waste disposal causing water pollution in River Daya. Bhubaneswar has a daily water supply
of 182 MLD (except personal drawls) and corresponding liquid waste is 145.6 MLD (80%).The total BOD load as
organic matter as suspended is 100.64 t/day and dissolved solids is 127 t/day.

2.Water pollution in River Daya

Daya river, a distributary of Kuakhai river originates from Kuakhai near Balianta village. It flows along the south-
eastern side of Bhubaneswar city. The river Daya which is the hydrographic life line of South Mahanadi delta
and major fresh water source to the largest lagoon of Asia, the Chilika.


1 Temperature 10°C -30°C 32.3 30
2 Turbidity 1-5 3.63 3.75
3 pH 6.5-8.5 8.35 7.8
4 DO(mg/l) 4-5 14 5.3
5 BOD(mg/l) 3 466 330
6 COD(mg/l) 250 270 640
7 TDS(mg/l) 500-2000 300 300
8 Chloride 5mg/l 56 -

Figure 2 Water Quality index of River Daya

Figure 1 Water Pollution in River Daya

State Pollution Control Board, Odisha monitors the water quality of Daya river at four stations, such as, Gelapur
(Upstream of the confluence of Gangua nallah with Daya river) , Bhubaneswar downstream at Kanti
(downstream of the confluence of Gangua nallah with Daya river), Bhubaneswar further downstream at Manitri
and at Kanas.

Figure 3 Water quality index at various monitoring stations.

Figure 4 Water Quality index of River Daya


Figure 5 Confluence point of River Daya and Gangua Nallah in Bhubaneswar

3.Reasons of water pollution


3.1: Absence of Sewage Treatment Plant

The major sources of water pollution are the industrial and domestic discharges. The discharges are through
wastewater drains, overflow of the septic tanks and oxidation ponds and rest through 88 industries and 2
industrial clusters, of which 34 are water pollution potential industries.

Figure 6 Flowchart showing the flow of Wastewater drainage

3.1.1 Industrial Discharge
The following are the major industries, which are the main sources of water pollution.

1. Fabrication industry Mancheswar;

2. Plastic industries, Mancheswar Industrial Estate
3. Crusher Industry in Khorda

Each industry causes metal contamination from solid and liquid waste disposals into river Kuakhai, Daya and
Dhanua. The size of the existing effluent treatment plant is inadequate and the liquid effluents are directly
discharged to the nearby water source.

3.1.2 Domestic Discharge

With rapid expansion of cities and domestic water supply, quantity of wastewater is increasing in the same
proportion. In absence of sewerage system, people are using septic tanks and soak pits. In most of the places
sewage is discharged in to open drains without any treatment.

Figure 8 Natural drains of the city Figure 7 Map showing the Natural drains of
the city
Figure 9 Water Quality index of River Daya

4. Impacts of water pollution in River Daya
4.1 Degradation of Biodiversity in Chilika
Chilika Lagoon one of the largest brackish water wetland of Asia with estuarine character. One of the hot spot
of biodiversity, and some rare, vulnerable and endangered species listed in the IUCN(International Union for
Conservation of Nature) Red List of threatened Animals inhabit the Lake area for at least part of their life cycle.

Figure 10 Map showing Daya river confluence at Chilika Lake

Confluence of River Daya with Chilika lake. Around 40 MLD of

sewage water is discharged into the lake

Runoff from agricultural

Concentration of heavy
Increase in industrial land containing chemical
metals and radioactive
effluent and increase in fertiliser effluents(like
elements present in the
BOD zinc, magnesium and
sulfate )

Affects the flora and Affecting the migratory Causes eutrophication

fauna of the place avifauna and harms the aquatic life

There are 52 rivers falling on Chilika out of which River Daya is the most influential in the lagoon ecosystem.
The pollution of River Daya has a serious impact on the biodiversity of Chilika Lake. Without proper measure
shall be a dead zone for the aqua fauna which in turn will create imbalance in the ecology of the South
Mahanadi delta.

4.2 Daya water not fit for regular use
With increasing population and industries in the capital the quantity of Effluents being discharged into Daya has
resulted in high levels of coliform bacteria which are present in the water of the rivers below Daya bridge (NH
203). The DO, BOD, COD and E coli were beyond permissible limits in the Daya water deeming it unfit for human

4.3 Increasing pollution in the open drains

Open drains carrying sewage across the city pose severe threat to health in addition to bad odor and over flow
during monsoon. The natural drains were enough to dilute the incoming effluents discharged into it. Increase in
the population and industries in the capital has led to increase in effluent discharge hence saturating and
polluting the drains.

The root problem of water pollution in Daya River is the lack of any sewage treatment plant in the city. There 6
new STPs coming up in Bhubaneswar. One is proposed under the Odisha Integrated Sanitation Improvement
Project or OISIP (48 MLD) and other 5 are proposed under JNNURM scheme (each of 56 MLD, 28 MLD, 43.5
MLD, 8.5 MLD and 1.2 MLD). This is likely to get completed in next 2 years.

Figure 11 Proposed STPs in the city


• Jena, S. K., & Lohani, T. K., Dr. (2014). Integrated study and quality analysis of surface drainage and
sewer water for Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, India. International Journal of Engineering and
Technical Research (IJETR), 2(10), 121-127. Retrieved October 15, 2020, from
• Joshi, A., Mr., & Mishra, S. P., Dr. (2017). Anthropocene Effects On The River Daya And The Lagoon
Chilika By The Effluents Of Bhubaneswar City India: A Physico-Chemical Study. Anthropocene Effects
On The River Daya And The Lagoon Chilika By The Effluents Of Bhubaneswar City India: A Physico-
Chemical Study, 5(10), 1370-1384. Doi:10.21474/Ijar01/5656

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