Extraordinary Sound Screening in Perforated Plates: Physical Review Letters September 2008

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Extraordinary Sound Screening in Perforated Plates

Article  in  Physical Review Letters · September 2008

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.084302 · Source: PubMed

126 281

6 authors, including:

Héctor Estrada Pilar Candelas

ETH Zurich Universitat Politècnica de València


Antonio Uris Francisco Belmar

Universitat Politècnica de València Universitat Politècnica de València


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Extraordinary sound screening in perforated plates

Héctor Estrada, Pilar Candelas, Antonio Uris, Francisco Belmar, and Francisco Meseguer∗
Centro de Tecnologı́as Fı́sicas, Unidad Asociada ICMM- CSIC/UPV,
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Av. de los Naranjos s/n. 46022 Valencia, Spain

F.J. Garcı́a de Abajo

Instituto de Óptica - CSIC Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid, Spain
(Dated: April 17, 2008)
We report extraordinary effects in the transmission of sound through periodically perforated
plates, supported by both measurements and theory. In agreement with recent observations in slit
arrays [M. H. Lu et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 174301 (2007)], nearly full transmission is observed at
arXiv:0804.2830v1 [cond-mat.other] 17 Apr 2008

certain resonant frequencies, pointing out at similarities of the acoustic phenomena and their optical
counterpart. However, acoustic screening well beyond that predicted by the mass law is achieved
over a wide range of wavelengths in the vicinity of the period of the array, resulting in fundamentally
unique behavior of the sound as compared to light. The randomness of the hole distribution and
the impedance contrast between the fluid and the solid plate are found to play a crucial role.

PACS numbers: 43.35.+d, 42.79.Dj, 43.20.Fn

Wave phenomena manifest themselves through differ- plate. The signal is detected by the receiving trans-
ent physical realizations [1], ranging from the mechanical ducer, acquired by the pulser/receiver, post amplified,
nature of sound to the electromagnetic origin of light. In and finally digitized by a digital PC oscilloscope (Pico-
particular, the enhanced optical transmission observed scope model 3324). Each measure consist in the average
in metallic membranes pierced by subwavelength hole over 256 pulses to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The
arrays [2] has prompted interest in areas as diverse as plates are 200 mm wide, 350 mm long, and clamped dur-
quantum optics [3] and negative refraction [4]. In the ing the measurements. Each transducer is located at a
case of acoustic waves, full transmission through sub- distance of 90 mm from the plate and aligned for normal
wavelength hole arrays was firstly predicted in [5] and incidence. The transmission spectrum is then obtained
confirmed experimentally for 1D case in [6]. Similar to from the power spectrum of the signal normalized to the
light transmission through holes, which is boosted when reference signal measured without the plate. Holes were
they are arranged periodically [2], plates can be made mechanically drilled to form either periodic square arrays
nearly transparent to sound at certain frequencies if they or disordered arrays, in plates of PMMA, aluminium and
are pierced by a periodic array of apertures. Like in brass. Plates of different thickness t, hole diameter d, and
its optical counterpart, this extraordinary acoustic phe- period of the array p have been examined. Figure 1(a)
nomenon occurs for openings much narrower than the shows transmission spectra for various periodic hole ar-
wavelength. But in contrast to light, (a) small holes rays drilled in aluminium plates. Two common distinct
drilled in hard materials can support at least one guided features can be observed. First, the transmission is very
mode, regardless how narrow they are (provided the hole low at water wavelengths close to the period, a mani-
radius remains larger than the viscous skin depth of the festation of Wood anomalies similar to those observed
fluid), and (b) sound penetrates into the solid depend- in optical grating [7], first explained by Lord Rayleigh [8]
ing on the impedance contrast between fluid and plate, and ultimately related to the piling up of inter-hole inter-
making sound unique and giving rise to colorful behavior action under that condition. Perforated plates can thus
of perforated plates. We have measured sound transmis- shield sound much more effectively than uniform plates.
sion in perforated plates immersed in water at ultrasonic This effect, which is dramatic in the measured d = 3
frequencies using a transducer to generate a pulse that mm, p = 6 mm, t = 3 mm plate at a wavelength of 7
is normally incident on a plate, transmitted through the mm (Fig. 1(a)), violates the mass law, shown as a black
sample plate, and detected by another transducer on the dashed curve in Fig. 1(a) and stating that more massive
far side of the sample. We use a couple of transmit- walls produce more efficient soundproofing [9]. This ef-
ter/receiver ultrasonic Imasonic immersion transducers fect is observed not only at normal incidence, but also for
with 32 mm in active diameter, -6 dB bandwidth between different tilted angles as shown in Fig. 1(b) This result
169-330 kHz (corresponding to wavelengths between 4.5 can have enormous impact in soundproofing of machines
mm and 8.8 mm in water), and with a far-field distance of that require efficient cooling, with the latter facilitated
42 mm. A pulser/receiver generator (Panametrics model by the presence of the holes and achieving around 15 dB
5077PR) produces a pulse which is applied to the emit- more attenuation than a panel without holes. As a second
ter transducer to launch the signal through the inspected feature, plates become completely transparent to sound

plate/water interface, which effectively translates into a

0 description of sound via a scalar pressure φ , subject to
p=5 mm p=5 mm the wave equation in the water medium and vanishing
t=2 mm t=3 mm normal-derivative boundary condition
(∇2 + k 2 )φ = 0, ∂n φ = 0 , (1)
|T| (dB)

where k = 2π/λ is the wavevector and λ is the water

wavelength. In this limit, the pressure field does not
−15 p=7 mm

penetrate into the plate material because the plate/water

t=3 mm interface is completely rigid, so that the gradient of pres-
−20 sure must be zero along the interface normal. We rig-
p=6 mm d=3 mm orously solve Eq. (1) using an extension of Takakura’s
−25 t=3 mm in all cases method for light in a single slit (ref. [11]). Namely, (i)
we expand the pressure in terms of guided modes in-
5 6 7 8 9 side the circular hole cavities using Bessel functions with
Wavelength (mm) zero derivative at the wall of the holes. (ii) A Rayleigh
plane-wave expansion is used on either side of the film.
b (iii) Inside and outside solutions are matched at the film
surfaces to satisfy the vanishing of the normal deriva-
−10 tive at the solid surface and the continuity of both the
field and its derivative at the hole openings. This re-
−20 sults in a set of linear equations involving the expansion
|T|2 (dB)

coefficients inside and outside the film. (iv) The latter

−30 coefficients are expressed in terms of the former, thus
o reducing the system to a linear set of equations involv-
−40 0 ing only hole-cavity-mode coefficients for a representa-
−50 15o tive hole, which we solve for a finite number of low-order
o modes. Convergence is achieved for ∼ 20 guided modes in
−60 o the cases explored throughout this work. (v) The trans-
45 mission is finally obtained from the coefficients of the
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 noted expansion. This procedure leads to similar ana-
λ/p lytical results as in ref. [5] when only one cavity mode
is selected (the propagating, cutoff-free guided mode).
FIG. 1: (a) Measured transmission spectra of Al plates for We have performed numerically-converged calculations,
different geometrical parameters, as indicated by labels. For which are required for the wide set of geometrical pa-
comparison, we show the transmission of a 3-mm thick plate rameters t/p and d/t actually tested, as shown by the
without holes (black solid curve), along with the prediction of dots of Fig. 2(a), in which the contour plot represents
the mass law for that plate (black dashed curve). (b) Trans- the filling fraction of the holes in the array. Figures 2(b)-
mission spectra of the perforated plate with d = 3 mm, p = 5 (d) show some measurements as compared to calculated
mm, and t = 3 mm (solid lines) and the non perforated plate
results. No other approximation beyond the hard-solid
with t = 3 mm (dashed lines) at different angles of incidence.
limit has been made in our theory (black solid curves),
which agrees well with experiment (red curves) and pre-
dicts a transmission maximum of 100% at wavelengths
for a broad range of wavelengths above the period, ex- above the period, immediately flanked by a minimum
hibiting a maximum of transmission at a wavelength that of vanishing transmission on the lower wavelength side.
depends both on the filling fraction occupied by holes This behavior is reminiscent of Fano resonances produced
and on the ratio between plate thickness and array pe- by coupling of a discrete state to a continuum [12]. Ac-
riod. In some cases the transmission spectrum shows tually, similar Fano resonances have been identified in
step like behavior typical from the low band pass filters. optical transmission resonances through perforated ar-
It can have important applications to ultrasonic non de- rays [13]. In the optical case, the discrete resonance has
structive testing and to invisible materials at ultrasonic been assigned to lattice singularities originating in Wood
frequencies, as it happens in the optical case [10]. We anomalies [14, 15, 16]. However, the situation is more
can gain further insight into the mechanisms of sound complicated in sound.
transmission in these holey arrays through comparison Indeed, the condition of vanishing normal gradient
with model calculations in the hard-solid limit, that is, pressure in the hard-solid limit has interesting implica-
when an infinite impedance contrast is assumed for the tions for the performance of the holes, and in particu-

a b
2 b
a 0
0.8 d = 3 mm 10
1.5 d p = 7 mm
0.5 0.6 t = 3 mm


1 0.4
0.2 random
0.5 0.2

0.5 1 1.5 2 0.8 1 1.2

t/p λ/p
d 1 without holes
d = 3 mm 1
0.8 p = 5 mm 0.8 d = 2 mm
p = 6 mm
t = 3 mm
0.6 0.6 t = 3 mm


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

1 1.2 1.4
1.6 1.8 0.8 1
1.2 1.4
5 6 7 8 9
Wavelength (mm)
FIG. 2: (a) Filling fraction of perforated plates as a function b c
2 2
of t/p and d/t. The dots are the coordinates of measured sam-
1 1
ples. (b), (c) and (d) Measured (red curves) and calculated 0.03 0.03

k p/2π
k p/2π
(black curves) transmission of arrays with different geometri- 0 0

cal parameters (see insets). The measurements are for 37 × 14 1 0.01
1 0.01
holes and the theory corresponds to infinite arrays [17]. 2 2
2 0 2 2 0 2
k p/2π
k p/2π

lar, a propagation mode is found confined inside each

hole, with uniform pressure along any plane parallel to FIG. 3: (a) Transmittance spectra of 2-mm thick aluminium
plates pierced by 39 × 39 holes of 3 mm in diameter, dis-
the plate, acting as an acoustic mass. This mode ex-
tributed periodically (black line, for a period p =5 mm) and
ists for arbitrarily-large sound wavelength compared to randomly (red line). The transmission without holes is shown
the size of the openings, similar to the TEM optical for comparison (blue line). (b) and (c) 2D Fourier transforms
mode in metallic slits and annular holes [18, 19]. Fabry- (contour plots in log scale) of the periodic and random arrays,
Pérot (FP) resonances in each hole regarded as a cav- respectively, showing hot spots of the former and a broad dis-
ity are then set up by reflection of this mode at the tribution of the latter in reciprocal space.
entry and exit sides of the plate, giving rise to reso-
nant coupling of sound that produces enhanced trans-
mission at specific wavelengths. A similar phenomenon Another aspect that makes sound transmission unique
has been observed in transmission through narrow slits with respect to light transmission is the absence of a skin
[11, 20]. Therefore, and in contrast to light, even a sin- depth effect. In real solids deviating from the hard-solid
gle hole produces transmission resonances of sound. In limit, sound can penetrate and is not attenuated expo-
a hole array, the position of the resonance is dictated nentially like light inside a metal. Also the existence of
by the interplay between the noted FP resonances and surface waves in the plate (leaky Lamb waves) and in-
the interaction among holes. And similar to its optical terface waves [21] (Scholte waves) between the plate and
counterpart, sound transmission displays Fano profiles as the fluid can play an important role in the sound prop-
well because it also involves coupling of a discrete reso- agation, especially if the incidence direction is not nor-
nant state (the hybrid of FP and lattice resonances) with mal to the plate. Our sound transmission study would
the continuum of sound propagating in the surround- be analogous in that instance to optical transmission
ing medium (i.e., water in our case). Although both through holes in dielectrics of high index of refraction.
sound and electron wavefunctions in quantum mechan- In other words, conventional materials behave as optical
ics respond to the same wave equation in homogeneous dielectrics for sound, although the equivalent of metal-
regions (e.g., Schrodinger’s equation in the latter), the lic behavior, characterized by a negative dielectric func-
boundary conditions for electron waves involve the van- tion, has been also observed in acoustic metamaterials
ishing of the field rather than its derivative at the inter- [22]. The above considerations are supported by further
face with infinite-potential regions (the equivalent of our investigating sound transmission in disordered holes ar-
hard-solid material in sound), thus precluding the exis- rays, as compared to transmission in ordered arrays (Fig.
tence of guided modes in narrow hole cavities. These two 3). Strong transmission dips and regions of large trans-
types of waves are thus prototypical examples of trans- mission do occur in both cases, and so does the Fano
mission of scalar waves through hole arrays in opaque mechanism discussed above, via FP resonances involving
films, showing extreme boundary conditions. TEM modes. However, the periodicity of ordered arrays

sound passing through drilled plates, which make them

Hard solid theory more complicated as compared to other types of waves,
1 Al and which produce interesting interplay phenomena: (1)
0.8 PMMA transmission assisted by cutoff-free waveguide modes of
Brass individual holes; (2) interaction among holes in periodic


(or aperiodic) arrays; (3) direct transmission through the

bulk material, in which the absence of a skin-depth ef-
fect allows appreciable contributions in low-impedance-
0.2 contrast materials, even for relatively large plate thick-
nesses. Control over these different mechanisms can find
potential application to mimic with sound similar effects
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
λ/p as those realized in photonic metamaterials, like cloak-
ing [24, 25], subwavelength imaging [26], light focusing
FIG. 4: Transmission spectra of the d = 3 mm, p = 5 mm, t = via the Talbot effect [23], and resonant wavelength filter-
3 mm perforated plates made of brass (blue curve), aluminium ing [27].
(red curve), and PMMA (green curve), compared to theory
in the hard-solid limit (black curve). This work has been partially supported by the Spanish
CICyT (projects MAT2006-03097; MAT2007-66050, and
Consolider CSD2007-00046), Intramural Project CSIC
facilitates a cooperative effect in the transmission of the Nr.:200560F0071. H. Estrada acknowledges CSIC-JAE
holes, since translational invariance guarantees a single scholarship.
resonance for each direction of sound incidence, whereas
random arrays have different resonant wavelengths for
different hole environments (i.e., the interaction of neigh-
boring holes modifies the reflection coefficients of the hole
cavity, which influences in turn the actual wavelength of ∗
To whom correspondence should be addressed.
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