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DATE: Select Date of Delivery to Professional

TO: Dandanakka Chandrabose

FROM: Leader’s Name

SUBJECT: Performance Expectations

The growth of our Firm is dependent upon Client Relationships, successful completion of Client Projects,
In a project, you were supporting with Microstation tool to make deliverables, in which, you took 1.5 to
2 times of additional time over & above the required time to finish the drawings. Due to which, we were
unable to deliver the drawings on time.
1. In another project, you had to make the deliverables in AutoCAD tool for a stainless-steel
frame with enclosure, but you took excess time to deliver the drawing. Eventually, we were
unable to add many other required details such as isometric views, additional connection
details which was essential detail for the fabrication.

2. You took two days to complete your CV in DG format for which the content to be simply
copied from your existing CV. It must have not taken more than 2 hrs.

3. You took 3 weeks to reproduce the as-built steel frames in Revit though it deserves 3 days

4. There were set of tasks lined up & committed with clients with schedule, delay in one task
impacted the other deadlines as well.

Within our team, I meet regularly to discuss tasks and mutually agree upon deadlines. When
these tasks are not completed or deadlines are missed, the team and the projects suffer. You
are expected to meet all deadlines going forward. You are expected to understand the tasks
assigned to you and to complete the tasks per the client’s deadline. If there is a reason you
cannot complete a task or if help is needed to complete the task, this must be communicated to
leadership in advance. If you are unsure of the prioritization of the tasks for which you are
responsible, please seek the advice of a member of the leadership team for guidance.

Following Direction and Completing Tasks

You are expected to complete your tasks as assigned by your Project Manager/team lead and/or

Below are examples from when you did not adhere to this expectation:

1. In a project task in which not much external directions are needed, we engaged another
Engineer to stay in continuous virtual call with you to make the drawings in MicroStation by
translating each & every mark-up. We had to engage the Engineer because you lacked the
required understanding to read the simple redlines. Though you have completed the
drawings, the Engineer’s other priorities and deliverables were affected and could not be
delivered on time.
2. In another project, you were asked to develop Revit model from as-built drawings with
focus only on ‘Main Steel framing’, but you missed to model the required main framing
members such as bracings, instead you were spending time to find out a discrepancy in an
elevation about few inches in the as built drawing.

1. In a project, you were asked to update the Revit model with base plate details, column
Schedule, you didn’t pay attention to the miniscule of the baseplate & column orientations
and the table properties in the Revit tool. In turn, it called for rework and other Revit
designer to fix the mistakes you had done in the baseplate orientations and column

2. In a task, where Revit model to be created from as built drawings, you couldn’t organize the
proper check prints for modelled items and appropriate framing members.

1. You had used incorrect line types & Incorrect line thickness while making detail for a
client, though you were provided with client standards, CAD guidelines and
reference drawings. This is not in line with the expectation from an expert like you.

2. Drawings produced by you in Revit tool was lacking basic detailing aspects though
you were provided with client standards, CAD guidelines, Go-by’s and reference

1. You were absent frequently and we are unable to plan work.

2. Due to your frequent absence to work, we are unable to commit a date to deliver drawings
to the clients. Otherwise, after we commit and if you are absent to work, we get other
designers time to complete the work, in turn it affects other project priority & schedule.

These types of unapproved variations to your schedule are considered unacceptable. You must
adhere to the standard attendance expectations going forward or obtain approval from your

Due to your performance and behavior, you are no longer considered in “good standing” and therefore
you will be ineligible for any incentive payments until such time as you return to “good standing”, and
you are not being recommended for an annual merit increase.

Your actions are unacceptable and will not be tolerated going forward. We must see immediate,
significant and sustained improvement or further disciplinary action up to and including termination of
your employment may occur.

If there are any items included on this document for which you are not 100% clear on your expectations,
please let me know immediately. I am willing to answer any questions you may have. 

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