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Progress in Human Geography

Geographies of shit: Spatial and temporal variations in attitudes towards human waste
Sarah Jewitt
Prog Hum Geogr 2011 35: 608 originally published online 14 February 2011
DOI: 10.1177/0309132510394704

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Progress in Human Geography
35(5) 608–626
Geographies of shit: Spatial and ª The Author(s) 2011
Reprints and permission:
temporal variations in attitudes 10.1177/0309132510394704
towards human waste

Sarah Jewitt
University of Nottingham, UK

Taboos surrounding human waste have resulted in a lack of attention to spatial inequalities in access to
sanitation and the consequences of this for human, environmental and economic health. This paper
explores spaces where urgent environmental health imperatives intersect with deeply entrenched cultural
norms surrounding human waste and the barriers they create for the development of more appropriate
excreta management systems. The primary focus is on the global South (particularly India), although
literature on sanitation histories in Europe and its colonies is drawn upon to illustrate spatial and
temporal differences in cultural attitudes towards excrement.

global South, human waste, India, sanitation, taboo

I Introduction none of the other Millennium Development

Goals, to which the world has committed itself,
According to Stephen Turner, the former Policy
will be achieved’ (UN, 2008b).
Director of WaterAid, the need to address and
As a result of the ‘great distaste’ surrounding
enhance understandings of global sanitation
shit (Black and Fawcett, 2008: 138) however,
problems means that ‘we need to put the word
the impacts of inadequate sanitation on human
shit into people’s mouths’ (quoted in Sanitation
health have been severely neglected, or con-
Now 2008: 2). In an attempt to draw attention
flated with water as part of broader (and less dis-
to the 2.6 billion people lacking access to
tasteful) ‘watsan’ initiatives.1 Sanitation was
‘improved sanitation’ and highlight how this
only added to Target 10 following lobbying at
‘hidden global scandal constitutes an affront to
the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Devel-
human dignity on a massive scale’ (UNNGLS,
opment in Johannesburg and charitable appeals
2010), the UN General Assembly declared
concerned with ‘unsafe water’ often fail to men-
2008 as the International Year of Sanitation
tion ‘the real culprits – shit and the lack of sani-
(UN, 2008a). This initiative was also part of an
tation’ (Black and Fawcett, 2008: 73).2
effort to accelerate progress towards Millennium
Development Goal 7, Target 10 (access to safe
water and basic sanitation) that seeks, by 2015,
Corresponding author:
to reduce by half the 2.6 billion people without School of Geography, University of Nottingham,
access to basic sanitation. According to the University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
United Nations, without ‘improving sanitation, Email:

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Sanitation is further marginalized by the topic, and observations of social practices are
absence of a ‘threat from below’ (of disease and few’. Notable exceptions include Kira’s (1976)
social revolution) in the global South today study of bathroom design plus research (focused
comparable to that associated with 19th- primarily on the global North) on toilets as gen-
century sanitary reform in the UK (Chaplin, dered public spaces (Banks, 1990; Cavanagh
1999; Gandy, 2008). Close associations between and Ware, 1991; Cooper et al., 2000; Cowen
crime, immorality and unsanitary conditions et al., 2005; Daley, 2000; Edwards and McKie,
were important drivers of sanitation reform 1997; Foucault, 1977; Gershenson and Penner,
within Britain and its colonies (McFarlane, 2009; Greed, 2003; Kristeva, 1982; Lefebvre,
2008b). Following the 1857 mutiny in India, the 1974; Penner, 2005).
threat of rebellion as well as the spread of This paper examines the impacts of spatial
disease and odours from overcrowded slums inequalities in access to sanitation and the conse-
provided an important impetus to sanitation quences of this for wider human, environmental
improvements in Bombay (Gandy, 2008). Paral- and economic health in different regions.
lel improvements in the 21st century have been Geographical research on sanitation and urban
slow to materialize and a report by the House metabolism (Gandy, 2004, 2005: Swyngedouw,
of Commons International Development Com- 2004, 2006; Swyngedouw et al., 2002) has
mittee (2007) estimated that at current rates of highlighted the need for more place-sensitive
progress the MDG sanitation target will not be and participatory approaches to the management
met until 2076 – a situation described as ‘a hid- and use of human excrement that are sensitive to
den international scandal that is killing millions local culture, socio-economic status, political
of children every year’.3 Black and Fawcett ecology and physical environments (Gandy,
argue that in order for sanitation to be a central 2008; McFarlane, 2008a, 2008b; O’Hara et al.,
item on decision makers’ agendas it is important 2007).
that the ‘squeamishness that surrounds the sub- Although faeces have formed only a minor
ject with silence and taboo is tackled head on part of my own field research in the global South
. . . today’s sanitary crisis requires that we dis- thus far, I have been fascinated and horrified in
mantle the last great taboo, and learn to talk fairly equal measure by the deeply embedded
about . . . shit’ (Black and Fawcett, 2008: 10). taboos surrounding human waste and the envi-
Wider problems hindering the development ronmental health problems resulting from a lack
of solutions to inadequate sanitation include of effective excrement-management systems in
inappropriate, top-down sanitation interventions many parts of the Indian subcontinent. When
that prioritize ‘hardware’ and neglect wider undertaking fieldwork in India, I was shocked
political ecologies and ‘software’ (socio- by the social (and economic) ostracism suffered
economic, cultural) dimensions.4 This in turn by those Indian Scheduled Castes responsible for
has helped to prevent a thorough analysis of why the removal of human excrement from public and
different sanitation systems succeed or fail in private latrines (Ramaswamy, 2005; Srinivas,
different cultural contexts. Another problem has 2002). I was also astonished by the lack of aware-
been an ‘absence of academic curiosity’ ness of faecal health risks among many rural
(George, 2008: 151) about toilet habits. Srinivas households with above-average income and
(2002: 369) argues that although ‘defecation and education levels. Research on agrarian change
self-cleaning, like procreation and food con- which revealed significant gendered competition
sumption, are an inextricable part of the human over animal dung (for household energy and
condition’, toilet styles and behaviour have agricultural manure) in northern India (Baker and
‘received far too little attention as a research Jewitt, 2007; Jewitt and Baker, 2006) intrigued

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610 Progress in Human Geography 35(5)

me further in terms of the very different levels of Building upon Douglas’s research, a range of
disgust and taboo (quite the opposite in many fascinating studies have examined how dirt, con-
cases)5 associated with cattle and human tamination and disgust are conceptualized (and
excrement. find expression) within different geographical
This encouraged me to explore the literature contexts (Campkin and Cox, 2007a; Cresswell,
on how urgent environmental health impera- 1996, 1997; Miller, 1997; Sibley, 1995). Cox
tives intersect with entrenched cultural norms (2007: 153), for example, emphasizes how ‘the
and powerful emotions surrounding human traditions of writing on urban sanitation, squalor
excrement in different geographical contexts. and decay have no counterpart in rural studies’
I was also interested in how deeply embedded which gives rise to intriguing tensions between
taboos surrounding human faeces have often imaginations of rural spaces as clean, pure and
(but not always, and not everywhere) created healthy and the actual importance of dirt, sweat
barriers to the development of more effective and manure in traditional rural livelihoods
and/or sustainable excreta-management sys- (Holloway et al., 2007). In the country, dirt
tems. Some of the findings from this literature (and shit more specifically) is not ‘matter out
review are presented here along with insights of place’ but ‘an integral part of how the coun-
gained from recent preliminary fieldwork in tryside is constructed, in the imaginations of
India regarding local attitudes towards human both rural communities and urban dwellers’
waste as a source of energy and fertilizer. (Cox, 2007: 154).
Although excrement-related taboos and the need In the colonial imagination, binaries separat-
for more effective/sustainable ways of managing ing clean and sanitary Europeans from their
human waste are both fairly universal, the paper disgusting colonial Others created ‘geographies
will focus primarily on the global South6 where of contamination’ linked to dirty, undrained
the environmental health implications of ineffec- and malodourous spaces (McFarlane, 2008b,
tive shit-management systems are most profound 2008c). Likewise, American disgust at indigen-
(Jewitt, 2010). Literature on the history of sanita- ous defecation practices in the Philippines was
tion and the use/management of human waste in linked to ‘excremental colonialism’ (Anderson,
Europe and its colonies is also drawn upon to 1995) as modernizing strategies were employed
illustrate how cultural attitudes towards shit have to enforce and disinfect social and racial bound-
changed over time and space. aries. Reformers frequently faced local resis-
tance to modernist norms about the use of
public and private spaces. McFarlane (2008b),
II Temporal and spatial variations for example, cites Leith’s complaint that despite
in the ‘great distaste’ signs threatening penalties for urinating or defe-
As theoretical frameworks for understanding cating in particular places, ‘nuisances of the
ideas of shit as taboo, Mary Douglas’s (1966) most odious kind are daily or nightly committed
definition of dirt as ‘matter out of place’ and her under them’ (Leith, 1864: 16). Similar conflicts
conceptualization of pollution and taboo as over the use of public space are common today
means by which different cultures create and as parks are used by India’s middle classes for
police social and environmental boundaries are recreational purposes and by its urban poor as
especially valuable. Douglas’s identification of places for open defecation (McFarlane, 2008b).
cultural differences in ‘natural’ and ‘unnatural’ Addressing such convergent uses can be very
behaviour also enhances understandings of spa- difficult, as individual (private) acts of defeca-
tial and temporal variations in cultural attitudes tion soon become a significant public problem
towards excrement. that is difficult to police: a situation that reflects

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wider tensions between the private production A rare anthropological investigation into
and public management of faeces (Hawkins, cultural attitudes towards shit in Ghana (van der
2006; Laporte, 2000; Poovey, 1996).7 Gay Geest, 1998) reveals that faeces are similarly
Hawkins elaborates on this theme, arguing that taboo among the Akan community where jobs
waste ‘that is most threatening to the self has to involving the emptying of toilet buckets and the
be rendered out of sight as quickly as possible’ cleaning of public lavatories are carried out by
(Hawkins, 2006: 46) and highlighting the effec- krufoo (people of the night) who traditionally
tiveness of sewers in transforming ‘shit to efflu- originate from Sierra Leone and Liberia.
ent, from private waste to public problem’ (p. 67). According to van der Geest, nobody from the
Although taboos surrounding human excreta Akan community ‘would ever think of perform-
are extremely widespread (Douglas, 1966), there ing this kind of dirty and poorly paid work. Nei-
are significant spatial and temporal variations in ther would they be willing to do this work if it
their nature. Very generally speaking, some (fae- were well paid’ as krufoo ‘are the personification
cophilic) cultures tolerate the handling of shit, of the Akan horror of shit and have to make
whereas other (faecophobic) cultures find it themselves and their work invisible’ (p. 10). Yet
abhorrent or ritually polluting and even the defecation in Ghana is associated with many
words that describe it are deeply offensive to contradictions. A desire to rid the body of dirt
them (Esrey et al., 1998; van der Geest, 1998). is hugely important to Akan culture and mani-
In urban China, for example, night soil workers fests itself in the Twi language where expres-
wheeling wooden ‘honey carts’ remain common sions of beauty are almost synonymous with
in unsewered residential areas and in northern those of cleanliness. But despite their obsession
Vietnam there is a long tradition of using fresh with avoiding dirt, Akan people have extremely
human faeces to fertilize rice fields (Esrey inefficient systems of dealing with faeces. These
et al., 1998; Hart-Davis, 2008). range from the use of filthy, crowded and often
In India, by contrast, the handling of human overflowing public latrines to defecating in plas-
waste is taboo for many Hindus and has been tra- tic bags which are later thrown either in the bush
ditionally designated as a job for so-called or out with the household garbage. This paradox
‘Untouchable’ or ‘sweeper’ communities that is described by van der Geest as ‘the hygienic
have responsibility, under India’s caste system, puzzle’ which he attributes to the fact that the
for disposing of human excreta (Ramaswamy, faecophobic Akan are so afraid of shit that they
2005). Close to 800,000 such people make a liv- simply refuse to think about it and the fact that
ing from collecting and disposing of human they ‘have to pass through dirty places and
faeces – often working with their bare hands – faeces’ is a consequence that they are able to put
and the persistence of cultural norms relating out of their minds (p. 12).
to notions of pollution and purity reinforces such Similar observations are made by Mukhopad-
practices. Although most Indian states have hyay (2006: 226) who notes how, in Kolkata,
made ‘manual scavenging’ illegal, the removal public indifference to dirt and filth contrasts
of human waste, often by headloading, is still strikingly with the scrupulous attention paid to
widespread in rural areas and from dry latrines private cleanliness and bodily ‘purity’ as ‘once
in urban areas (Ramaswamy, 2005). And while waste is pushed out of the physical boundary
such work is loathed by the communities respon- of the house, it then belongs to the ‘‘public’’ . . .
sible for it, wider social prejudice against them domain . . . and therefore, everybody is entitled
makes it difficult to obtain alternative employ- to dump rubbish or even defecate in it’.
ment (Baker and Jewitt, 2007; Jewitt and Baker, Likewise, Srinivas (2002: 382) argues that
2006; Ramaswamy, 2005). Indians have ‘a paradoxical relationship with

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excrement’ and notes how they are ‘particular in removing shit from the private to the public
about its removal from the private sphere, [but] sphere where it became the state’s problem
no infrastructure is designed to remove it from the (Hawkins, 2006).
public sphere’. As a result, attempts to privatize
faeces by encouraging people to defecate in indi-
vidually owned toilets rather than on public land
III Contemporary sanitation
have often met with resistance in urban areas. In geographies
rural India, meanwhile, tensions often exist The main methods of dealing with human waste
between the ritually polluting nature of excrement today consist of either ‘flush and discharge’
and its potential value as agricultural manure. systems or ‘drop and store’ approaches that do
Yet cultural attitudes towards shit are by no not require piped water and sewers (Esrey
means static over time and space. Douglas et al., 1998). Over the past 150 years, flush and
(1966) and Cohen (2005) recognized ambiguity discharge technology has become dominant in
in human perceptions of dirt, and Laporte (2000: municipal areas with many developing world
32) shows how ‘that which occupies the site of cities seeking, often with the help of interna-
disgust at one moment in history is not necessa- tional funding, to adopt such systems.
rily disgusting at the preceding moment or the Unfortunately, flush and discharge systems are
subsequent one’.8 A good example is changing unlikely to be affordable or environmentally sus-
attitudes towards the use of human waste as an tainable for many parts of the global South.
agricultural fertilizer (Bacon, 1956; Duncker According to Esrey et al. (1998), annual invest-
et al., 2007; Esrey et al., 1998; Jewitt, 2010; ments in such systems amount to around US$30
Laporte, 2000; Rockefeller, 1998).9 In 19th- billion, excluding maintenance costs, while
century France, Pierre Leroux (1840, 1853) shortages of fresh water are a serious constraint
sought to refute Malthus by developing his ‘cir- in many areas.13 To complicate matters, around
culus’ theory which linked excrement to the abo- 4 billion people – mostly poor people from the
lition of poverty through improved cycles of developing world – will live in countries with high
nutrition and secretion (Laporte, 2000).10 Like- water stress by 2025 unless drastic developments
wise, Goddard (1996) describes the use of town are made in terms of pollution control and water-
waste as a fertilizer in Britain during the first half use efficiency (Cosgrove and Rijsberman, 2000).
of the 19th century as growing towns created a Yet each person using a flush and discharge toilet
sewage disposal problem that rural areas helped typically flushes 5 litres of faeces, 4-500 litres of
to alleviate. Echoing Leroux, there was enthusi- urine and 15,000 litres of pure water per year.
asm that by ‘practically transforming filth into To this, a further 15,000–50,000 litres per person
food’ a ‘peaceful, moral and social revolution of ‘grey water’ (from bath, kitchen and laundry
would be effected’ (F.C. Krepp, 1876, cited in water) is added, so a very small amount of excre-
Goddard, 1996: 277).11 ment is allowed to contaminate a huge amount of
At around the same time, Henry Moule advo- pure and ‘grey’ water (Esrey et al., 1998).
cated recycling the contents of earth closets for The lack of wastewater treatment in many
use as a garden fertilizer and wrote widely about parts of the global South results in the majority
the relative disadvantages of water-borne sanita- of such water being allowed to discharge,
tion (Hart-Davis, 2008).12 For many years, water untreated, into rivers, lakes or the sea, leading
and earth closets were in competition, but mias- to a ‘loss of fresh water, food insecurity, destruc-
matic theories of disease favoured water closets tion of soils, and loss of biodiversity on land as
for their ability to remove foul odours (Esrey, well as in marine environments, global warming
2001). Another advantage was their efficiency and depletion of ozone’ (Esrey, 2001: 4). As less

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than a fifth of wastewater is treated in Brazil and low-cost, community-based alternatives currently
Mexico and around 13.5% in India (Black and being emphasized is the use of human waste to
Fawcett, 2008), there is growing recognition that address soil fertility decline and reduce poverty.
inadequate sanitation improvements can be The UNDP (2008) states that for ‘food security
worse than no improvements at all. and agricultural purposes there is a need to utilize
According to the UNDP (2008), ‘Conven- the valuable nutrients in human excreta’. Its
tional sewage systems, based on flush-toilets, favoured method for achieving this is through
have failed to solve the sanitation needs for the use of ‘ecological sanitation systems’
developing countries’. Esrey et al. (2001) criti- (ecosan) based on the use of either composting
cize such systems for being based on 19th- or dehydrating toilets. Resonating with Leroux’s
century assumptions that ‘human excreta are a (1853) circulus theory, Esrey (2001: 2) describes
waste suitable only for disposal, and that the nat- ecosan as a ‘closed-loop ecosystem approach to
ural environment is capable of assimilating this the management of human excreta’ whereby
waste’. Esrey (2001) argues that such systems waste is returned to the land to help produce
are incompatible with sustainable development food, plants, trees, etc., which are then returned
as they destroy pathogens only when combined to humans. Additional advantages of ecosan
with effective sewage treatment facilities, which include the fact that it does not require water for
are largely absent in developing world countries. flushing and not only is ‘water preserved for
As a result, the pollution/infection problem is drinking, rather than flushing, receiving bodies
simply shifted downstream ‘to those who are of water are protected from nutrients and organic
poorer who won’t complain’ (Esrey, 2001: 4–5). matter. The environmental and human health
In order to meet the sanitation MDG target, risks are minimized and eliminated’ (Hannon
therefore, there is a need for governments in the and Andersson, 2001a: 1). Nor do ecosan systems
global South to consider expanding sanitation need to be connected to conventional sewers as
options to a range of cheaper and more sustain- they render faeces pathogen free, in situ and
able alternatives to flush and discharge systems without causing pollution downstream.14
(Arby, 2008a; Esrey et al., 1998; Satterthwaite, Ecosan systems also reduce the need for
2003). This will require policy-makers and chemical fertilizers that deplete fossil fuel
development practitioners to develop better resources and leach into ground and surface
understandings of diverse spatial, socio- water sources (Esrey, 2001; Hannon and
economic and cultural variations in existing Andersson, 2001a; Jewitt, 2010). Dehydrating
sanitation practices and translate these into ecosan systems usually contain ‘urine diver-
‘improved’ (and locally acceptable) sanitation sion’ (UD) arrangements that take advantage
systems and behaviour (Black and Fawcett, of the fact that the 400–500 litres/year of urine
2008). According to Satterthwaite, the challenge produced by an average adult contain ‘enough
is as much to do with ‘developing ways to sup- plant nutrients to grow 250 kg of grain, enough
port bottom-up processes accountable to low- to feed one person for one year’ (Esrey et al.,
income groups (and often initiated and managed 1998: 75). Ecosan has been introduced in many
by low-income groups), as it is to do with total parts of China, southern India, South Africa
financial flows’ (Satterthwaite, 2003: 190). and Central America and has been effective
in generating incomes for local communities
through the sale of compost and from higher
1 Ecological sanitation crop yields resulting from increased soil fertility
Given its strong links to historical associations (Esrey et al., 1998; Hannon and Andersson,
between shit and wealth, one of the most interesting 2001a; Echoing

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19th-century claims (Bertherand, 1858; Leroux, added advantages in terms of its ability to clean,
1840, 1853) that shit can help to abolish poverty, scour and expunge smells from the sanitation sys-
Hannon and Andersson (2001b) – whose views tems that it works within. As a result, water closets
are endorsed by the UNDP – argue that: ‘are the toilet of choice throughout the world, and
no-one who is anyone wants to endure the humi-
ecological sanitation systems can make an invalu-
lity of inferior domestic arrangements’ (Black and
able contribution to sustainable livelihoods and
poverty reduction . . . by increasing food security
Fawcett, 2008: 9). And because of such aspira-
through the return of nutrients from excreta to the tions, development NGOs and investors often cre-
soil to increase soil fertility and by reducing pollu- ate new environmental and health problems when
tion and health risks . . . Ecological sanitation they ‘pay for conventional water closets without
approaches are far more feasible than conventional considering sewage disposal’ (Arby, 2008a: 10).
sanitation systems both financially and environ- Although ecosan offers more promising solu-
mentally . . . and thus offer more from a sustainable tions than traditional ‘dry conservancy’ meth-
livelihood and poverty reduction perspective.
ods, it faces significant cultural barriers to
(Hannon and Andersson, 2001b: 4)
adoption. Systems with urine diversion present
But, despite their obvious advantages, ecosan particular difficulties for people unused to
systems, like dry conservancy methods before directing urine and faeces to different areas of
them, are unlikely to threaten the dominance of the toilet. Unlike sewered flush and discharge
flush and discharge systems. To understand why systems, users also have to handle the end
this is the case, it is necessary to delve into the products, albeit in a much less offensive form:
spaces where powerful emotions and taboos a situation that has greater acceptability in faeco-
associated with human waste interconnect with philic societies than faecophobic ones.
a similarly powerful desire, by many (but not So, although hundreds of thousands of com-
all), for the improvements to environmental posting and dehydrating toilets are currently in
health, convenience, cleanliness and social use around the world, people who already use
status that water-borne sanitation can provide. or aspire to use flush toilets often regard ecosan
Geographical insights are particularly important with suspicion. Speaking of Uganda, Jemsby
in this regard as they are sensitive to variations in notes that ‘people dream of toilets that flush.
socio-economic, cultural and environmental To own one means you’re successful’ (Jemsby,
conditions and emphasize the need for locally 2008: 6). Elaborating on this issue, Black and
appropriate initiatives. Fawcett (2008) argue that:
Most people used to a water-seal porcelain toilet
IV Understanding local priorities: which accepts both forms of waste plus cleaning
materials and disposes of them with infinite ease
The need for sanitation ‘software’ will be difficult to persuade that UD and dry systems
According to Chaplin (1999), the global popu- are superior, whatever their ecological merits . . .
larity of flush and discharge systems can be and . . . given a choice between ‘wet’ and ‘dry’,
attributed in part to a long-standing ‘obsession’ people new to sanitary ware, especially in faecopho-
with water-borne sanitation by civil engineers bic socieites, tend to prefer ‘wet’. (Black and Faw-
cett, 2008: 132)
which has in turn resulted in a lack of attention
to alternative systems. Black and Fawcett Such preferences illustrate the importance of
(2008), meanwhile, highlight the convenience, considering locally specific sanitation ‘software’
congeniality and cultural acceptability of flush and the dangers of attempting to impose hardware
and discharge systems to the user as a major fac- solutions that are inappropriate to individual
tor in their worldwide popularity. Water also has sociocultural settings.

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1 Geographies of resistance to sanitation achieve, people often choose open defecation

One ‘software’ factor that has received increas- in preference to using a smelly, mosquito-
ing recognition is the fact that education and infested toilet that other users have not bothered
knowledge about excrement-related health risks to clean properly. We only have to think about
are rarely sufficient to create demand for our own distaste for using poorly maintained
improved sanitation. Initial attempts to improve public toilets to empathize with such choices.
sanitation access focused on educating poten- In hot countries where plenty of space is avail-
tial users about ‘faecal perils’ and how to able, open defecation makes sense. Chickens,
reduce faecal to oral pathogen transmission dogs and pigs are effective ‘faecal vacuum clea-
(Black and Fawcett, 2008). But because local ners’15 and what they leave behind is quickly
defecation practices are often influenced by sanitized by the sun (Esrey et al., 1998; Hall and
deeply entrenched cultural norms and taboos, Adams, 1991). During my own fieldwork in
health education often changed sanitation rural India, early morning walks to a nearby field
practices little beyond encouraging better hand necessitated the collection of sufficient ammuni-
washing. Approaches emphasizing personal tion (stones, sticks, clods of earth) to ensure that
cleanliness have often been more effective hovering pigs and dogs waited until my daily
than health messages alone. A highly effective visit was completed before moving in.
initiative in Indonesia, for example, linked
sanitation to purity and environmental cleanli-
ness: messages reinforced by local imams who 2 The dangers of open defecation
prevented people without pit toilets from mar- Although such arrangements are commonplace
rying or participating in the Haj (Black and in the global South, it is important not to roman-
Fawcett, 2008; Mathur, 1998). ticize open defecation. While it may be appro-
Many less successful initiatives have demon- priate, in combination with wider hygiene
strated that people are often reluctant to adopt messages, in rural areas where there is strong
sanitation; sometimes because of locally specific resistance to toilet use, open defecation is highly
cultural taboos, but often because open defeca- problematic in more densely populated settle-
tion is actively preferred. Although research on ments. Many of the 2.6 billion people that cur-
why people shun modern sanitation is scarce, a rently practise open defecation do not do so by
few studies have highlighted some fascinating choice. In urban areas, people are forced, by a
reasons behind sociocultural resistance to toilet lack of working public facilities, to defecate in
use. In parts of Madagascar, there are strong ditches, buckets, plastic bags and by lakes, rivers
taboos against storing sewage underground and railway tracks: arrangements that encour-
(where it would contaminate the dead) and put- aged Paul Theroux to coin the phrase ‘the turd
ting one person’s faeces on top of another’s; both world’ (WaterAid, 2009). In India, wider cul-
of which exclude the use of drop and store sys- tural taboos surrounding human waste tend to
tems (Black and Fawcett, 2008; Ramanantsoa, reinforce open defecation because manual sca-
2004). Colonial reports in Uganda, meanwhile, vengers continue to have responsibility for
indicated resistance to the use of cess pits as they cleaning up the mess (Ramaswamy, 2005).
might allow excreta to be used by sorcerers to Where water is used to dispose of faeces,
cause harm (Gillanders, 1940). health problems are particularly widespread as
A more widespread reason for resistance to the same water is often used for drinking and
sanitation is that in rural areas where there is washing purposes due either to a lack of
plenty of space, and privacy is not hard to knowledge about the diseases spread by human

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waste or a shortage of alternative water. On land, Ahmedabad Slum Networking Project to pro-
human faeces facilitate the breeding of parasites vide water infrastructure and individually owned
and flies, which act as important disease trans- flush toilets had few difficulties in attracting
mission vectors when they settle on food and investments of Rs. 13,880/family, of which the
human bodies ( government provided Rs. 5940 (Parikh, 2010).
For women in many parts of the global South, According to Parikh and McRobie (2009) most
the problems are even more pronounced as cul- participants in Sanjaynagar were happy with
tural norms coupled with a desire to maintain their return on investment in terms of the
some privacy dictate that they must relieve increased value of their housing stock (to which
themselves under cover of darkness (Hannon the government had given them secure tenure),
and Andersson, 2001a). Unfortunately these reduced infant mortality rates (by a third), lower
are times when the risk of scorpion or snake medical expenses (Rs. 1069 to 350/month) and
bites are highest and the predictability of fewer working days lost (from 64 to 9/month).
women’s movements also puts them at risk In more densely populated slums where
of being attacked or raped (Hannon and there is no scope for individual latrines, local
Andersson, 2001a; www.wherevertheneed. communities are sometimes happy to pay a small During interviews with slum dwellers daily charge to use a clean, well-maintained
in Mumbai and Pune, one woman told Bapat block of public toilets (Burra et al., 2003;
and Agarwal (2003: 74) that ‘A few of us Hanchett et al., 2003; McFarlane, 2008a). Such
generally go together for the toilet. Men hide blocks have also been shown to be socio-
behind the bushes and watch women when they economically appropriate and environmentally
are squatting. If they see a woman alone, they sustainable where local communities play a
creep in and molest her’. In addition, the dis- major role in their construction and management
comfort caused by restricted defecation times (Burra et al., 2003; Hasan, 2002). Conversely,
(which increase the risk of urinary, gastric and many ‘top-down’ donor- or government-funded
other infections) and a lack of privacy should sanitation projects have failed because they dis-
not be underestimated (UN, 2008c).16 covered that demand for community toilets or
funds for their upkeep were insufficient for
users to commit to the time and expense of main-
3 Promoting appropriate sanitation that taining them (Black and Fawcett, 2008; Burra
meets local demand et al., 2003; Davis, 2006; McFarlane, 2008a;
In order to increase the number of people Satterthwaite, 2003). A major stumbling block
benefiting from improved sanitation, there is is that open defecation is free of (financial) cost,
an urgent need to understand which systems are and if improved sanitation turns out to be an
appropriate in different socio-economic and cul- unpleasant experience many will soon stop pay-
tural settings. As most of the 2.6 billion lacking ing to use/maintain it and will revert to open
access to improved sanitation are the same 2.6 defecation or ‘wrap and throw’ where open
billion that live on under US$2 per day, eco- spaces are hard to come by.
nomic constraints are a clear limitation. But as A key ‘software’ factor in the success of
the rapid uptake of mobile phones in the global improved sanitation, then, is the existence of a
South has illustrated, many impoverished com- strong demand for some form of toilet. Where
munities have important sources of latent wealth this is lacking, it is important to know how it can
and ‘resource mobilization potential’ (Parikh be created and, more importantly, maintained,
and McRobie, 2009) that can be tapped if there if progress towards the sanitation MDG target
is sufficient demand. Initiatives in India by the is to be achieved. Convenience is a clearly an

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important factor influencing demand for a toi- areas. During my own village-based fieldwork
let. This is especially true in urban areas where in Jharkhand (India), I came across only two
privacy and open spaces are in short supply households that had pour flush latrines. These
(Jenkins, 2004) and for women given the health belonged to villagers who worked in govern-
and safety risks they face during open defeca- ment service and lived in urban areas during the
tion (Bapat and Agarwal, 2003). In an interest- week. They installed toilets primarily for the
ing development linked to increasingly convenience of their family members but also
masculine sex ratios in northwestern India, to ensure that urban visitors would have a decent
women have gained greater bargaining power place to ‘go’.
when seeking a marriage partner and are pla- But a toilet must also be pleasant to use if it is
cing toilets high on their list of priorities. The to encourage people to part with their hard-
Indian press has publicized their demand for earned cash when they could ‘wrap and throw’
the convenience and privacy of a toilet with the for free. In a study conducted by Jenkins and
slogan: ‘No Loo? No ‘‘I Do’’!’ (Wax, 2009). Scott (2007) in Ghana, disgust with existing
This is not a recent trend, however. Historical public facilities was a major factor encouraging
experience in urban Britain indicates that an households to consider building private toilets.
increased desire for privacy and personal cleanli- Elsewhere, a wider desire for cleanliness (envi-
ness was far more important in creating demand ronmental and personal) has been important in
for improved sanitation than health concerns.17 creating demand for improved sanitation. In
Strong historical parallels also exist in terms of Bangladesh, the ‘shame approach’ was effective
the social status associated with a WC (Campkin in shocking villagers into making linkages
and Cox, 2007b; Laporte, 2000). The first flush- between dirtiness and open defecation (Arby,
ing toilets in Britain and France were owned by 2008b).18
the aristocracy who introduced the desirability But even when demand for improved sanita-
of defecating in private and in comfort to the rest tion is in place, excrement can still create serious
of the population. Srinivas (2002) describes a health hazards if not properly contained or
similar process in his analysis of changes to ‘tra- disposed of safely. In India, it is common for toi-
ditional concepts of purity and the more modern lets to discharge directly from middle-class
notions of cleanliness’ in Bangalore, India. In households into open ditches where children
particular, he shows how the traditional separa- play. The problem here seems to reflect wider
tion of polluting (toilet) areas and the pure spaces private/public divides between the production
of home has been gradually eroded with the shift and management of human waste (Hawkins,
to large, modern ‘attached bathrooms’. 2006) as well as a degree of ignorance about
Even among less wealthy urban households, ‘faecal perils’. Another difficulty is that the cre-
there is a high degree of social status associated ation and maintenance of effective on-site sani-
with having a toilet as ‘No-one who aspires to be tation and sewerage has been severely neglected
anyone in town chooses to live without a proper in the developing world, despite a long tradition
place to shit if they can afford one’ (Black and of public-funded sewers in the global North.19
Fawcett, 2008: 51). A study by Jenkins (2004) Consequently, unsewered flush systems provide
in Benin revealed that prestige and the desire limited health benefits for local communities
to demonstrate ‘modern behaviour’ were key and on-site systems that lack adequate arrange-
factors behind toilet construction in areas within ments for cess-pit emptying create serious envi-
3 km of urban centres. ronmental and health problems (and reversion
In a similar way, experience of urban living by previous users to open defecation) when they
can be important in bringing sanitation to rural overflow (Black and Fawcett, 2008).

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So, in the absence of widespread demand for a source of biogas and agricultural fertilizer
ecosan-type systems that render human waste (derived from the biogas slurry) indicated that
harmless, innovative solutions are urgently 46% thought that this was a good idea and
needed for the management of human waste dis- 48% indicated a willingness to install such
charged from conventional water flush systems. systems if the cost was acceptable (Jewitt and
One of the most successful low-cost sanitation Labhsetwar, 2009). The remaining 52% were
initiatives, the Orangi Pilot Project (OPP) in mainly concerned that food cooked with
Karachi, Pakistan, used a combination of partici- excrement-derived biogas would not taste good.
patory techniques and technical assistance to When asked about the use of slurry derived from
mobilize the residents of Karachi’s informal set- such biogas as agricultural manure, half were in
tlements into digging, laying and maintaining favour and 52% said that they would be willing
their own sewers. The scheme was financed to use it on their own fields or homestead gar-
largely by the local community and, since its dens. Although these data reflect what villagers
inception, over 96,000 households have installed said they would do, rather than what they would
sewered toilets and have invested over US$1.5 actually do in practice, they indicate scope for
million of their own money in these systems, investigating the acceptability of linking latrines
achieving sanitation at a sixth of the cost that the to biogas digesters within different areas of India
Karachi Municipal Corporation would have and elsewhere.
charged (Alimuddin et al., 2004; Hasan, 2002). Other important ways of tackling on-site sani-
In a similar community-based initiative, the tation involve raising the status of people that
Ahmedabad Slum Networking Project has used deal with shit. After all, people that deal with
the natural topography of their sites to drain sew- human waste in the global North can often com-
age out of the slums and towards the city’s trunk mand good wages because of their willingness to
sewers which connect, in turn, to a local treatment undertake tasks that repulse others. Black and
plant (Parikh, 2010; Parikh and McRobie, 2009). Fawcett advocate the encouragement of small-
With on-site initiatives, there is potential to scale sanitation businesses that offer affordable
use the waste to provide ‘humanure’ and/or bio- cess-pit emptying services that can operate
gas where cultural taboos and health concerns even in settlements with poor accessibility. For
permit this (Duncker et al., 2007; Jewitt, 2010; such systems to succeed in the Indian context,
Li and Mae-Wan, 2008; Mae-Wan, 2008). The however, there is an urgent need to address the
use of human waste to produce biogas is wide- invisibility and social ostracism suffered by
spread in China where long detention times in ‘untouchable’ sweepers (Ramaswamy, 2005).
settling chambers reduce the risk of spreading In the mean time, there are sound arguments for
pathogens and internal parasites (Reddy et al., providing subsidies for sewerage and the empty-
1995).20 Also there is little sociocultural resis- ing of on-site systems on the grounds of the
tance to biogas sludge containing human waste wider (public) waste disposal function that they
because of China’s long tradition of using have in addition to their provision of private
human excrement directly on agricultural fields. sanitation (Black and Fawcett, 2008).
Although it is widely assumed that such systems
would be culturally unacceptable in India’s
faecophobic culture, a recent pilot study that V Conclusion
I initiated in rural Madhya Pradesh indicated In spite of efforts during the 2008 International
that cultural resistance may not be as great Year of Sanitation to tackle the ‘great distaste’
as expected. Discussions with 50 households and raise awareness of the problems associated
regarding the acceptability of human waste as with inadequate sanitation, major strides

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need to be taken if there is to be any hope of training: a situation that generated intra-
meeting the sanitation MDG target by 2015. community pressure to participate (Hasan,
Sanitation continues to be largely neglected in 2002).
many developing countries’ poverty-reduction Although the OPP approach has been quite
strategy papers, and government-backed sanita- successful elsewhere (Alimuddin et al., 2004),
tion initiatives, where they exist, often prioritize the culturally sensitive nature of attitudes
flush and discharge systems over low-cost or towards shit and sanitation often means that
community-based alternatives, regardless of attempts to ‘scale up’ community-based initia-
demand for them by potential users or their tives fail because they are uprooted from the
appropriateness within local socio-economic, social and political geographies that enabled
political, cultural and geographical contexts the original projects to function (Gandy, 2008;
(Black and Fawcett, 2008; Burra et al., 2003: McFarlane, 2008a). Although international
Hanchett et al., 2003; McFarlane, 2008a; donors increasingly recommend engagement
Satterthwaite, 2003). with local communities during the planning of
Experience in Europe and the global South watsan initiatives (World Bank, 2003), partici-
has demonstrated time and again that imposed patory interventions by NGOs are no guarantee
sanitation will not work (World Bank, 2003). of success. More importantly, these organiza-
There has to be strong demand for it and the sys- tions are ‘themselves embedded in social power
tems on offer have to address the priorities of structures and cannot be removed by electoral
potential consumers if they are to consider means if they fail to fulfil grassroots expecta-
investing their limited savings in them. At the tions’ (Gandy, 2008: 120). Black and Fawcett
same time, policy-makers, development plan- therefore argue that detailed information needs
ners and sanitation engineers need to be flexible to be ‘gathered in many settings before not only
enough to work around local environmental con- the ‘‘why’’ of sanitation spread, but also the
ditions and the needs, aspirations and taboos of ‘‘how to do it here’’ can be laid with conviction
local communities (McFarlane, 2008a). before policymakers, programmers and consu-
As Satterthwaite (2003) argues, it is possible mers’ (p. 207).
to achieve a great deal on a limited budget if Even then, human geography will remain cru-
adequate and locally sensitive support is given cial in determining the success and sustainability
to enable different communities to address of sanitation initiatives. Research in Mumbai by
their sanitation priorities. The OPP and similar Gandy (2008) and McFarlane (2008a, 2008c)
community-led sanitation schemes have demon- draws attention to the city’s ‘hydrological
strated this very well, with a key element of their dystopias’ and how its physical, political and
success lying in their sensitivity to local geo- economic landscapes display acute inequalities
graphical contexts and emphasis on local partic- in access to water and sanitation. They draw par-
ipation and skill development. The OPP, for ticular attention to the geography of water and
example, ignored official recommendations on sanitation politics in the city, showing how
drain construction (which had been transplanted access to water and the location of public toilet
from Britain and were designed to withstand blocks are frequently linked to political patron-
frost heave) and designed locally appropriate age in slums, especially where ‘payment for
alternatives that could be maintained by partici- use’ arrangements generate large sums of cash
pating households. The NGO also demanded for the politicians that control them (Davis,
that over 90% of households in each lane had 2006). The political ecology of how state inter-
to commit labour for improved sanitation before ventions combine with an expanding ‘shadow
they would offer technical assistance and state’ (Harriss-White, 2003) is also relevant to

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620 Progress in Human Geography 35(5)

geographies of sanitation as new forms of political explore whether low-tech alternatives to con-
activism have arisen to address the ‘material ventional flush and discharge systems are accep-
realities of social injustice experienced by the table within local socio-economic, cultural and
urban poor’ (Gandy, 2008: 120). environmental contexts. McFarlane (2008a), for
Physical geography also plays an important example, argues for more flexible approaches to
role in the sustainability of sanitation and sewer- sanitation initiatives in slums and informal set-
age systems. Black and Fawcett (2008) argue that tlements that can take account of their ‘diverse
in remote rural areas where the sun acts as an social geographies’ (p. 89) and allow proper
effective sanitizing agent, better health and engagement with potential users.
hygiene education emphasizing the careful dispo- In conclusion, then, it is argued that ‘hard-
sal of faeces and hand washing after defecation ware’ approaches by themselves are unlikely to
may be as much as can realistically be achieved meet the sanitation MDG target and certainly not
if demand for improved sanitation is low. Conse- by 2015. Instead, greater emphasis on sanitation
quently, efforts to meet the MDG target by aiming ‘software’ in different geographical contexts is
improved sanitation predominantly at rural peo- urgently needed if local human waste manage-
ple (around 2 billion of whom currently lack it) ment preferences are to be understood and
could be an inappropriate use of resources in areas appropriate solutions are to be found to today’s
where open defecation is associated with low sanitary crisis. At the same time, there is a need
levels of disgust, inconvenience and risk of attack for sensitivity to the wider political ecologies of
from animals or other humans. Mukhopadhyay sanitation provision in specific local contexts as
(2006) also highlights the need for a shift in mind- well as the environmental, socio-economic and
set with regard to sanitation norms. In particular, cultural appropriateness of different sanitation
he notes how defecation practices other than options. The number of geographers involved
those used in the industrialized North tend to be in such work remains small, but, as Colin
regarded as unacceptable and humiliating: a situ- McFarlane and Matthew Gandy have demon-
ation that often forecloses other options.21 strated, geographical insights obtained from spa-
What is appropriate and sustainable in some tially situated empirical research are central in
rural areas, of course, is likely to have limited promoting better theoretical and applied
applicability in densely populated urban con- understandings of this rather unsavoury topic.
texts. For the (officially recognized) 600 million According to Odumosu (2010), one of the most
urban dwellers who currently lack improved important research challenges that UNICEF has
sanitation, the demand and need for toilets is identified in the watsan sector is to establish
often much greater (Satterthwaite, 2003). Yet under what circumstances people in different
municipal authorities frequently ignore the sani- geographical areas and cultural contexts
tation requirements of the poorest urban popula- become willing and able to change their sanita-
tions because they live in illegal or officially tion behaviour and practices. Perhaps if more
unrecognized slums and present a limited ‘threat geographers were willing to confront the ‘great
from below’ (Chaplin, 1999). In terms of achiev- distaste’ surrounding human excrement, they
ing the sanitation MDG target, urban-based would open up new and exciting lines of
initiatives have many advantages associated inquiry on this topic. At the same time, the
with high levels of demand, existing infrastruc- theoretical and policy-relevant contributions
ture, economies of scale and potential for com- that such work could make would help to satisfy
munity action (Satterthwaite, 2003: 189). recent demands for greater ‘impact’ in academic
Where access to water or sewage disposal are research and ‘engagement beyond the academy’
significant constraints, it may be advisable to (Pain, 2004: 652).

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Acknowledgements citizens of Paris to refrain from emptying chamber

Thanks are due to Charles Watkins, Emma Mawdsley, pots, animal manure ‘or any other kind of unspeakable
Mike Clifford, Ian Smout and Michele Clarke for reading wastes on the streets’ and ordered them to build pri-
earlier versions of this paper, and to the Editors and anon- vate latrines (prive´s) in their homes which discharged
ymous referees for their extremely helpful comments and into cesspools (Laporte, 2000: 5).
advice. 8. Laporte discusses how urine was commonly used in
15th-century France to clean clothes until Parisian
Notes haberdashers appealed to the King in 1493 on the
1. In an excellent book that discusses a wide range of grounds that ‘bonnets and other effects cleansed by
sanitation-related issues in the global South, Black means of piss are neither proper nor appropriate nor
and Fawcett (2008) argue that the ‘great distaste’ sur- healthful to place on one’s head; there lurks infection
rounding sanitation is responsible for the scarcity of in these methods’ (Laporte, 2000: 32). But the practice
academic research and literature on the ‘software’ was again in use by around 1550. Uric acid was also
issues surrounding sanitation practices. To illustrate considered valuable for use in the leather-tanning
the nature of this research gap and highlight how industry, and in Roman times containers were placed
sociocultural attitudes towards human shit vary over in wool and leather workshops for men to urinate into
space and time in ways that are particularly interest- as the urine was used to clean wool and animal skins
ing to geographers, a range of examples is drawn (Ecosan, 2008).
from this book. 9. The use of human shit as a crop fertilizer has a long
2. According to Black and Fawcett (2008), improved history in China and the Japanese implemented a sys-
sanitation reduces diarrhoeal infections by 32% on tem of recycling human and animal faeces for agri-
average, while improved water supplies reduce infec- culture in the 12th century. In China, traditional
tions by 6%. This is because human faeces contain squatting slabs were often designed to divert urine
pathogens, parasites and their eggs which quickly con- so that it could be collected for use as a fertilizer
taminate water used for drinking, cooking and wash- (Esrey et al., 1998). As recently as the 1950s, around
ing when they come into contact with it (Esrey 90% of China’s human waste was put on agricultural
et al., 1998). fields, making up a third of the total fertilizer used
3. In an attempt to encourage world leaders to maintain (Hart-Davis, 2008).
their commitment to the MDG sanitation target, Water- 10. In his ‘Letters to the States of Jersey’, Leroux (1853)
Aid has attracted much recent attention with its ‘dig toi- developed his ‘circulus’ theory, which postulated that
lets not graves’ campaign ( ‘nature has established a circle that is half production
4. As Gandy (2008: 126) points out, ‘the Western model and half consumption; neither of these halves could
of the ‘‘bacteriological city’’, with its universal water exist without the other, and each is equal to the other;
and sewerage systems, rests on the assumption that The circle constitutes the physiological existence of
urban space is both relatively homogeneous and spa- each being, and even of each organ inside each being:
tially coherent, which is at odds with the extreme Nutrition and Secretion’ (Leroux, 1853, cited in
forms of social polarization and spatial fragmentation Laporte, 2000: 130).
experienced in the cities of the Global South’. 11. With regard to the beneficial qualities of urban sewage
5. Cattle are widely venerated in India and their dung is as an agricultural fertilizer, enthusiasm gradually
regularly used for ritual purification. waned, as sewage irrigation proved less economically
6. Particular focus is placed on India given that most of viable in Britain’s wet climate than in Mediterranean
my own field research has been carried out there. countries. Problems of where and how to store the sew-
7. According to Hawkins (2006: 52), Laporte views King age until it could be carted away and the costs of trans-
François I’s sanitation edict of 1539 as the start of an port to rural areas made it difficult to compete with
important political process whereby ‘shit became a other sources of manure. Cultural and health factors
political object through the process of making it an also became important in the 1870s when the threat
individual or private responsibility, making its pro- of sewage to human health started to be prioritized over
ducers legal proprietors’. This edict enjoined the its potential value as manure (Goddard, 1996).

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622 Progress in Human Geography 35(5)

12. Henry Moule argued that: ‘Water is only a vehicle for of adequate toilets (Hannon and Andersson, 2001b).
removing [excrement] out of site and off the premises. According to Burrows et al. (2009), this has signifi-
It neither absorbs nor effectively deodorises . . . The cant socio-economic costs as ‘for every 10% increase
great . . . agent . . . is dried earth, both for absorption in female literacy you can expect a 10% increase in
and for deodorizing offensive matters’ (quoted in life expectancy at birth. You can also expect the coun-
Hart-Davis, 2008: 100). try’s economy to grow by 0.3%’.
13. Already, 40% of the world’s population inhabiting 80 17. Black and Fawcett (2008: 160–161) argue that ‘in the
different countries are suffering from seasonal water 19th century, the spread of the flush WC was initially a
shortages, while much of Africa, the Middle East, response to consumer demand. Its success as a con-
northern China, parts of India, Brazil, central Asia and sumer item helped to precipitate the sanitary crisis in
Mexico suffer from chronic fresh water shortages rapidly urbanizing Britain; it was part of the problem,
(Esrey et al., 1998). not the response’.
14. According to Esrey et al. (1998) the most quick and 18. Arby describes how ‘when people comprehend that
effective way of killing pathogens in human excreta flies, dogs and lack of hygiene transfer excreta to
is to expose them to low moisture levels and high tem- hands, food and water, they realize they are literally
peratures. Around 99% of faecal coliforms in soil die eating each other’s shit! Shame and disgust well up.
within two weeks during the summer and three weeks Reactions are fierce. And immediate action is
in winter although temperatures of above 60 C will requested’ (Arby, 2008b).
kill most faecal pathogens within minutes. Resistant 19. Black and Fawcett ask that ‘if the whole of the sew-
parasites such as Ascaris lumbricoides and Cryptos- ered and industrialized world has had their excreta
poridium parvum are destroyed far more effectively removal system – not their toilets, but the removal and
by heat and dehydration than conventional sludge sta- treatment of their wastes – subsidized from the public
bilization treatment (anaerobic digestion at 20–25 C) purse, why is it sensible or fair to demand of the poor-
which releases surviving pathogens into the est people on the planet that they pay for the whole
environment. operation themselves’ (Black and Fawcett, 2008:
15. Black and Fawcett comment that the ‘rules about what 192–193).
meat is allowed to be eaten in certain religious codes 20. Indian biogas plants, by contrast, have shorter deten-
are directly connected to the eating habits of certain tion times, so if biogas sludge derived from sewage
small livestock, whose presence in the community is was used as a fertilizer it could increase the spread
nothing to do with food-raising or food-hunting, let of intestinal diseases (Dutta et al., 1997).
alone enjoyment as household pets, but is deliberately 21. Mukhopadhyay is critical of Appadurai’s (2002)
tolerated for a certain unsavoury purpose’ (Black and description of Toilet Festivals in Mumbai which links
Fawcett, 2008: 84). open defecation, ‘humiliation’, ‘victimization’ and a
16. According to the UN (2008c), ‘Sanitation enhances lack of dignity in ways that are not necessarily shared
dignity, privacy and safety, especially for women and by the slum dwellers themselves. Drawing on Appa-
girls. It improves convenience and social status. Sani- durai’s work, Gay Hawkins observes that the ‘inability
tation in schools enables children, especially girls to establish distance from their own waste denies slum
reaching puberty, to remain in the educational system. dwellers the most basic sense of dignity and status.
Restricted toilet opportunities increase the chance of Shit confirms their victimization and poverty’ (Haw-
chronic constipation and make women vulnerable to kins, 2006: 66).
violence if they are forced to defecate during nightfall
and in secluded areas. Providing improved sanitation
facilities is a liberating development for women and References
girls and is providing substantial benefits for the Alimuddin S, Hasan A, and Sadiq A (2004) The work of
whole community’. The implications of poor sanita- Anjuman Samaji Behbood in Faisalabad, Pakistan. In:
tion for girls’ education can also be serious, and Mitlin D and Satterthwaite D (eds) Empowering Squat-
research in Tanzania during the 1980s showed how ter Citizen: Local Government, Civil Society and Urban
girls missed school during menstruation due to a lack Poverty Reduction. London: Earthscan, 139–164.

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