4Ps Reviewer

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In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements
in Agrarian Law

Presented to:
Atty. Ethelbert Oano

Presented by:
Jan Julia Jumagdao
Cristopher John Rosero
Melvynn Seno
Kyle Stoud Villoga
Maria Larrydelle Acebuche
Joseph Gepte

daily classes. Their parents benefit from the

What is 4Ps? program since their children learn a lot in
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino school and they are also given dietary
Program (4Ps) is a human development allowances for food of their children as their
measure of the national government that children go to schools.
provides conditional cash grants to the
poorest of the poor, to improve the health,
nutrition, and the education of children aged What are the objectives of the 4Ps?
0-18. It is patterned after the conditional cash The 4Ps has dual objectives as the
transfer (CCT) schemes in Latin American flagship poverty alleviation program of the
and African countries, which have lifted Aquino administration:
millions of people around the world from
poverty. 1. social assistance, giving monetary
support to extremely poor families to
What is the history of 4Ps? respond to their immediate needs; and
The Department of Social Welfare and
Development patterned the conditional cash 2. social development, breaking the
transfer system from developing countries intergenerational poverty cycle by
investing in the health and education
particular in Brazil and Mexico by John
of poor children through programs
Gerald B. Santiago. In 2007, the DSWD pre-
such as:
pilot tested in municipalities
◦ health check-ups for pregnant
of Sibagat and Esperanza in Agusan del Sur; women and children aged 0 to
the municipalities of Lopez 5;
Jaena and Bonifacio in Misamis Occidental, ◦ deworming of schoolchildren
the Caraga Region; and the cities aged 6 to 14;
of Pasay and Caloocan in a 50 million pesos ◦ enrollment of children in
budget. daycare, elementary, and
secondary schools; and
It was renamed Pantawid Pamilyang
◦ family development sessions.
Pilipino Program (4Ps) by Santiago and
Samantha A. Vizconde on July 16, 2008 by The 4Ps also helps the Philippine
administrative order number 16, series of government fulfill its commitment to the
2008 and set implementing guidelines. It is Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)—
the flagship poverty alleviation program of specifically in eradicating extreme poverty
the administration of former President Gloria and hunger, in achieving universal primary
Macapagal-Aroyo. It aims to educate many education, in promoting gender equality, in
Filipino children starting from pre-school reducing child mortality, and in improving
education to secondary education by giving maternal health care.
them daily allowances as they go to their

Submitted by: Jan Julia Jumagdao, Melyvnn Seno,

Cristopher John Rosero, Joseph Gepte,
Maria Larrydelle Acebuche, Kyle Stoud Villoga Page 2 of 8

What is the coverage of the 4Ps? For a household with three children, a
The 4Ps operates in all the 17 regions household may receive P1,400 every month,
in the Philippines, covering 79 provinces, 143 or a total of P15,000 every year for five years,
cities, and 1,484 municipalities. Beneficiaries from the two types of cash grants given to
are selected through the National Household them.
Targeting System for Poverty Reduction
(NHTS-PR), which identifies who and where These cash grants are distributed to
the poor are in the country. the household-beneficiaries through the Land
Bank of the Philippines or, if not feasible,
In general, the following criteria must through alternate payment schemes such as
be satisfied to become eligible for the Globe G-Cash remittance and rural bank
program: transactions.

• Residents of the poorest Who are eligible for cash grants?

municipalities, based on 2003 Small Classified as poor or near-poor
Area Estimates (SAE) of the National
Statistical Coordination Board Have members who are aged 0-18 years old
(NSCB) or have members who are pregnant at the
• Households whose economic time of registration
condition is equal to or below the
provincial poverty threshold Willing to comply with the conditions set in
• Households that have children 0-18 the oath of commitment and mutually-
years old and/or have a pregnant agreed household intervention plan
woman at the time of assessment
• Households that agree to meet Who created 4Ps?
conditions specified in the program Vizconde on July 16, 2008 by
administrative order number 16, series of
2008 and set implementing guidelines. It is
What are the Cash Grants under 4Ps? the flagship poverty alleviation program of
The 4Ps has two types of cash grants the administration of former President Gloria
that are given out to household-beneficiaries: Macapagal-Aroyo.

• health grant: P500 per household When was 4Ps started?

every month, or a total of P6,000 The 4Ps began as a pilot program of
every year the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) in 2007 (Fernandez
• education grant: P300 per child every and Olfindo, 2011) and was launched as a
month for ten months, or a total of full-scale cash transfer program in February
P3,000 every year (a household may 2008, covering 330 000 beneficiaries in Set 1.
register a maximum of three children
for the program)

Submitted by: Jan Julia Jumagdao, Melyvnn Seno,

Cristopher John Rosero, Joseph Gepte,
Maria Larrydelle Acebuche, Kyle Stoud Villoga Page 3 of 8

What are the benefits of 4Ps (c) Children one (1) to fourteen (14)
beneficiaries? years old must avail of deworming pills at
The 4Ps also helps the Philippine least twice a year;
government fulfill its commitment to the (d) Children three (3) to four (4) years
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)— old must attend day care or pre-school classes
specifically in eradicating extreme poverty at least eighty-five percent (85%) of them
a n d h u n g e r, i n a c h i e v i n g u n i v e r s a l time;
primary education, in promoting gender
equality, in reducing child mortality, and in (e) Children five (5) to eighteen (18)
improving maternal health care. years old must attend elementary or
secondary classes at least eighty-five percent
Who is qualified for 4Ps? (85%) of their time; and
A regular revalidation of beneficiaries
will be done every three years. (f) At least one (1) responsible person
must attend family development sessions
Eligible beneficiaries are farmers, conducted by the DSWD, at least once a
fisherfolks, homeless families, indigenous month.
peoples, those in the informal sector, those in
geographically isolated areas and those in When shall a beneficiary exists 4Ps?
areas with no electricity.
The last monitored child in the house turns
What are the conditions for 19 years old
entitlement of cash grant?
The last monitored child in the household
•All qualified household-beneficiaries finishes high school
shall comply with all of the following
conditions as a requirement for continued The household is no longer poor, based on
program eligibility: the latest assessment thru the adopted
standardized targetting system
(a) Pregnant women must avail of pre-
natal services, give birth in a health facility The household voluntarily waives its
attended by a skilled health professional, and membership
receive post-partum care and post-natal care
for her newborn; The household commits offenses wherein
the sanction is delisting
(b) Children zero (0) to five (5) years
old must receive regular preventive health What if a household fails to comply
and nutrition services including check-ups with the conditions?
and vaccinations; A household that fails to comply with
the conditions will be warned. Non-
compliance and multiple warning will result

Submitted by: Jan Julia Jumagdao, Melyvnn Seno,

Cristopher John Rosero, Joseph Gepte,
Maria Larrydelle Acebuche, Kyle Stoud Villoga Page 4 of 8

to termination of the grants and removal from transfer of cash is CONDITIONAL—which

the program. means beneficiaries must comply with
The responsible person of a reported program conditions related to increasing
qualified household-beneficiary who fails to human capital in order to continue receiving
comply with conditions set forth in Section 11 CCT grants.
of this Act shall at first be notified in writing
and the payment of cash grants will The CCT grants serve specific
immediately be terminated. After four (4) objectives of keeping the children healthy and
months of noncompliance, the household- in school. A compliance verification system is
beneficiary shall be subject to case in place and co-implemented with schools
management process of DSWD. and health centers nationwide to monitor if
the children are indeed attending school and
How do the household beneficiaries taking up the necessary preventive health
access the grants? services.
To provide them with direct and
secure access to the cash, the DSWD works What is Pantawid Pamilya’s impact on
with Accredited Government Depository poverty reduction?
Banks, or contracts the services of rural In this case, it is more strategic to
banks, thrift banks, cooperative banks, and ensure that children of poor families graduate
institutions engaged in money remittances from high school first so that they have better
duly accredited by Bangko Sentral ng chances of enjoying better quality of life than
Pilipinas. their parents’ generation.

How should the 4Ps Act be One of the major factors in this
implemented? improvement of poverty reduction is the
The Philippine Institute for increased budget in government’s social
Development Studies evaluates every three development programs, which significantly
years the veracity of the beneficiary list, and augmented the income of the poorest
tracks the effectiveness of the program. households… The regularity of the cash
In addition, the implementation of 4Ps is kept transfer sustained for three years for many
in check by three major systems: CCT beneficiaries has accorded them some
resiliency to weather certain shocks. The
Beneficiary Update System program also induced more economic activity
Compliance Verification System in the poor barangays given the presence of a
Grievance Redress System cash economy. These conditions may have
also encouraged a number of them to
Is Pantawid Pamilya a “dole-out” diversify their livelihood sources.
Pantawid Pamilya is NOT a “dole- How does Pantawid Pamilya reduce
out” program in the sense that it does not poverty?
hand- out cash only for the sake of helping The main pathway is through the
beneficiaries. From the word itself, the accumulation of human capital which is long

Submitted by: Jan Julia Jumagdao, Melyvnn Seno,

Cristopher John Rosero, Joseph Gepte,
Maria Larrydelle Acebuche, Kyle Stoud Villoga Page 5 of 8

term. 4Ps intends to break the What is the purpose of the Family
intergenerational transfer of poverty, helping Development Sessions?
poor families escape the poverty trap of being The Family Development Sessions
poor because they have no decent jobs or (FDS) intends to strengthen the capacities of
undereducated and sickly; the 4Ps families, particularly the parents/
grantees, to become more responsive to the
• Through investment in the education and health and education needs of the family and
health of the children of poor families today, their children. It also enables the households
we hope to see the next generation to be to become socially aware, involved, and
comprised of more children who have at least participative in community development
graduated from high school and have kept activities.
themselves healthy so that they become
productive citizens who have greater chances The FDS is the venue where
of getting decent paying jobs than their beneficiaries gain enhancement and
parents. acquisition of new skills on –
• The other pathway is short-term- 4Ps
augments the income of the transitory poor • Parental roles and responsibilities
whose income level could already have towards strengthened marital relationships,
returned to above the poverty threshold shared parenting, family development, and
because of the continuous receipt of grants. promotion of positive values;

Does giving CCT grants make the poor • Advocate active citizenship, spiritual
lazy and discouraged to find work?
development, gender sensitivity, disaster
No, the two 4Ps impact evaluations resiliency, financial literacy, entrepreneurial
have shown that there are more working adult skills and volunteerism; and
members of CCT households compared to
non-beneficiaries, and that more of them are • Community organization where
looking for additional work. This is consistent community members become active
with international evidence in other CCT participants as decision makers for
programs that giving cash transfers does not community programs; and organizers of
reduce labor force participation of the poor. Parent Groups as an evolved venue of FDS
that provide peer support and cooperation.
We should be conscious of the
possible prejudice in thinking that the poor What is Pantawid Pamilya’s impact on
are poor because they are lazy to find and do education?
actual work. Mostly, the poor are not able to 4Ps keeps more children in school
go school (only 10% of 4Ps adult members especially those in age cohorts at risk of
are high school graduates), that is why their dropping out.
level of productivity is low and they could not
get good-paying, long-term jobs. 4Ps children display more grit or
determination in terms of school-related
activities like asking for help when lesson

Submitted by: Jan Julia Jumagdao, Melyvnn Seno,

Cristopher John Rosero, Joseph Gepte,
Maria Larrydelle Acebuche, Kyle Stoud Villoga Page 6 of 8

was difficult, striving to get higher grades, the average family size of both beneficiaries
and finishing school work before playing or and non-beneficiaries is 7 members. This is
resting. consistent with findings from impact
evaluation of other countries’ CCT programs
that show the continuous receipt of cash
What is Pantawid Pamilya’s impact on transfers does not induce higher fertility rate.
Why not just give livelihood projects
Impact on Family Planning and instead of cash grants?
Reproductive Health: 4Ps raises awareness As provided in RA 11310, qualified-
and trial use of modern family planning household beneficiaries are prioritized to
methods among program beneficiaries. avail the modalities of interventions from the
Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) or
Impact on Maternal Health: 4Ps increases other similar programs offered by other
the availment of prenatal care services and government agencies or accredited private
skilled birth attendance institutions.
DSWD through SLP has already
Impact on Child Health: 4Ps increases provided employment facilitation or
access to child health care services livelihood grants to some 1.897 million (Dec.
2019) 4Ps beneficiaries.
• Regular weight monitoring among children
0-2 years old is higher among beneficiaries Livelihood projects do not increase
the human capital of the children, which is the
• Regular weight monitoring among 2 -5 main thrust of 4Ps. That is why the program
years old is significantly higher among conditions revolve around enabling children
beneficiaries of poor families to get more years of
education and get all the basic preventive
• Higher intake of Vitamin A within 6 months health services.
among beneficiaries
Even if all members of the program
• Positive impact on receiving deworming receive livelihood assistance, it is not
pills at least twice for school-aged 4Ps guaranteed that it will get them out of
children poverty. Operating a business or livelihood
regardless of size entails a lot of financial
• Higher likelihood of being fed with risks. Poor entrepreneurs are at a greater
vegetables disadvantage in dealing with risk of business
loss because they do not have much capital or
Does Pantawid Pamilya encourage the savings in the first place.
poor to conceive more children?
Pantawid does not encourage poor How does the 4Ps monitor its
households to conceive more children based beneficiaries considering the criticism
on the results of impact evaluation that says and skepticism?

Submitted by: Jan Julia Jumagdao, Melyvnn Seno,

Cristopher John Rosero, Joseph Gepte,
Maria Larrydelle Acebuche, Kyle Stoud Villoga Page 7 of 8

The DSWD regional office has been

conducting Case Management trainings per
province as preparation for the case recording
of every household beneficiary of the

The Municipal Link (ML) of the

Pantawid Pamilya shall be the case manager
of every household beneficiary in the area.
Through a case folder that contains the
Household Assessment Form, Geographic
Information System, Social Welfare Indicator
(SWI) profile and other progress notes, the
ML shall be able assess and provide proper
intervention to the family with the help of the
Municipal Social Welfare and Development
The case management will help the program
in identifying problems on why a beneficiary
cannot comply with program conditions, and
also, in facilitating other interventions.

Submitted by: Jan Julia Jumagdao, Melyvnn Seno,

Cristopher John Rosero, Joseph Gepte,
Maria Larrydelle Acebuche, Kyle Stoud Villoga Page 8 of 8

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