Knowledge-1. Define Poultry Farming and Its Types. Skills - 2. Design A Poulty Farm. Attitudes - 3.appreciate The Importance of Rearing A Chicken

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Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s.

TEACHER: Allan John F. Baylon LEARNING Introduction of Poultry Farming
TEACHING December 14, 2021 QUARTER: 3rd

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding in practicing rearing chicks in poultry farming.
B. Performance Standards The learner are able to understand and to know the poultry farming
C. Learning Importance of Poultry farming
Competencies /
D. Specific Objectives Knowledge- 1. Define poultry farming and its types.
Skills- 2. Design a poulty farm.
Attitudes- 3.Appreciate the importance of rearing a chicken.
II. CONTENT Poultry Farming
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide TLE AFA-1 pp. 10
2. Learner’s Materials Technology and Livelihood Education 7 Agri-Fishery pp. 34
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resources
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Agricultural References:
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting 1. ELICIT
the new lesson A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
Anyone who will lead the prayer? Let us bow our head and let`s pray… Our Lord and
Savior.. Amen!
2. Greetings
Good morning Class! Good morning Sir!
Good morning classmates
3. Setting the classroom condition
Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

Before we start, pick up the pieces of papers under your chair. Okay Sir!

You may now take your seat.

4. Checking of attendance
Who is absent today? No one is absent Sir

5. Checking of assignment.

Class, pass all your assignments Yes Sir.

B. Recall
Class, can you still remember our last topic? Yes Sir

Okay! What was our topic yesterday? Sir our topic yesterday is Safety Measure in farm
operations, because many hazards are present in the farm.
If the farmers are not aware of these hazards these may
cause injury to their body or may cause diseases and even
death. Farmer should always apply appropriate safety
measures while working in the farm, and it is important to
apply safety measures to avoid serious and fatal accidents.

Very Good, What are the different types of hazards? 1. Physical

2. Mechanical/Electrical
3. Chemical
4. Biological
5. Psychosocial environment
Very Good!
Now, What is the relationship of hazard to PPE? PPE means Personal Protective Equipment. The
relationship of hazard to PPE is to minimize exposure to
hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses.

PPE is designed to protect the routes of pesticide exposure

to human from a wide variety of pesticide types and
Good job! So now, Let`s proceed. toxicities.

B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson 2. ENGAGE

C. Motivation
I will show you some pictures and you will define what it is.
Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

A. D A. Chicken

B. Pigeons


C. Ostrich

C. S

D. Turkey


Sir, I think the different kinds of birds in our environment.

Now, what the pictures all about?

Very Good

D. Presentation of the Lesson Sir our topic for today was all about birds.
Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Good! Now class based from the activity above, what do you think
our lesson or topic for today ? Sir about feeding birds
Sir about breeding birds and its benefits
Good, What else? Sir our topic for todays lesson is all about poultry farming.
Nice, Next?
Great, What else?
Excellent! Okay, Let`s proceed to our new topic.

Activity: ” Watch and Learn”

Video Presentation: Poultry animals.

Videos about poultry animals ( chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigeons, and geese )

What are the different poultry animals? 1. Chickens

2. Ducks
C. Presenting examples / 3. Turkeys
instances of the new 4. Pigeons
lesson Very Good 5. Geese.

What is the purpose of poultry? Sir Poultry provide humans with companionship, food, and
fiber in the form of eggs, meat and feathers. Many people
love to raise and show chickens and other poultry species
at fairs and other poultry shows. Others just love to raise
Excellent them for backyard pets and for fresh eggs every day.

D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing 3. EXPLORE
new skills #1 Activity: “Name Me”

Domectic Birds Name Domectic Birds Name

Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016





E. Discussing new Activity: Matching type __b__1. Ostrich

concepts and practicing
new skills #2 Directions: Match column A to column B. __e__2. Chicken
Column A
Column A Column B __a__3. Quail Column B
Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
_____1. Ostrich

_____2. Chicken

_____3. Quail

_____4. Duck

_____5. Geese a.

_____6. Peacock

_____7. Pigeons

_____8. Turkey




Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
F. Developing mastery 4. EXPLAIN
What is Poultry Farming ? Sir poultry farming is the act of raising domestic fowls to
ensure the production of adequate number of egg, chicken
and meat.

Excellent! What else? Sir poultry farming is the form of the animal husbandry
which raises domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks,
turkeys, and geese to produce meat or eggs for food.
Very Good!
Sir by covering the flooring of bird`s aviary with grit or
How can you raise domestic birds properly? newspaper and clean the aviary at least once a week,
including emptying and replacing the grit.


Is penguin can be consider domestic? Why ? No Sir because penguins are considered exotic animals.

Very Good
Is raven can be consider domestic? Why ? No Sir, federal law proclaims it is illegal to keep a crow
( or raven) in captivity without a special permit.
Nice, brilliant idea
What is the importance of poultry farming? Poultry farming has become one of the most important
aspects of agriculture. Poultry production is an important
and diverse component since egg and meat are part of
health and diet for larger population all over the world.
4. Finding practical
application of 5. ELABORATE
concepts and skills GROUP ACTIVITY: Search and Draw
in daily living I will divide you into five groups.
Directions: Draw a house of animals using materials available in the community and
present in the front of the class.

Presentation Drawing
Performance – 40% Creativity – 40%
Delivery – 30% Skill – 30%
Content – 30% Teamwork – 30%
Total – 100% Total – 100%

Group 1: Chicken Group 4: Duck

Group 2: Geese Group 5: Turkey
Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Group 3: Ostrich

5. Making Summarize the concept of Poultry Farming

generalizations and What is Poultry Farming? Sir poultry farming is the form of the animal husbandry
abstractions about which raises domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks,
the lesson turkeys, and geese to produce meat or eggs for food.

Very Good
How important rearing a chicken in your own backyard? Sir the importance of rearing a chicken in our backyard has
many benefits, from supplying us with fresh, healthy eggs
from well care for animals, to giving you great fertilizer
for gardening, to providing lively pets as well as being part
of the drive to local, sustainable food systems.
Very Good
What are the types of poultry birds? 1. Turkey
2. Ducks
3. Geese
4. Quail
5. Chicken
6. Pigeon
Correct! 7. Ostrich
6. Evaluating learning 6.EVALUATE
Directions: Encirle the letter of the correct answer.

1. _____ is the form of the animal husbandry which raises domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese to produce meat or
eggs for food.
a. Poultry Farming c. Types of animals
b. Breeding birds d. None of the above
2. ____ provides humans with companionship, food, and fiber in the form of eggs, meat, and feathers.
a. Feeding c. Poultry
b. Breeding d. Rearing
3. What are penguins?
a. Mammal c. omnivore
b. Bird d. None of the above
4. Which of the following is not typically included in Poultry Farming?
a. Cow c. Duck
b. Chicken d. Turkey
5. Which animal do not reared in poultry farm?
a. Turkey c. Rabbit
b. Geese d. Duck
7. Additional activities 7. EXTEND
for application or Assignment: Write an essay about poultry farming. Write atleast two paragraps.
Annex 28.3 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
requires additional
activities for

Prepared by:

Observed by:

Date Observed: ____________________________ ____________________________

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