Lebak Legislated National High School

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Department of Education

Region XII
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Poblacion III, Lebak, Sultan Kudarat


MARCH 9, 2021

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 recognize the different communicative strategies;
 use acceptable; polite, and meaningful communicative strategies;
 demonstrate effective use of communicative strategy in different
real life’s situations.
II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Types of Communicative Strategy

b. Reference: Deped Region XII SLM - Oral Communication in Context,
Quarter 2, Module 1
c. Materials: LED television, power point presentation

III. Procedure

a. Preliminaries
 Prayer
 Attendance
 Review
Directions: Supply the graphic organizer below with the three types of
speech act and its meaning in various situation.


b. Motivation

Directions: Choose one of the two options given below.

Option 1:
Look for any videos about General Santos City’s tourist spots. While watching
the video clip, try to visualize your own place, General Santos City in this what
we call the “NEW NORMAL WORLD” living not in fear but with the courage to
surpass the challenges of this world’s Pandemic Crises “COVID 19”

Option 2:
Let’s travel around General Santos City using our imagination. Imagine what
you can see and do as a tourist in the following places:
1. Sabrina Mountain Resort
2. General Santos Fish Port Complex (Tuna Capital of the Philippines)
3. General Santos City Airport
4. Olaer Spring Resort
5. Queen Tuna Park
After doing the Imaginary Trip, exchange ideas with your group or with the
members of your family and decide on the “Most Exciting Tourist Spot located
within your own locality”.

c. Activity Proper
 The teacher will present a PowerPoint presentation about the
Types of Communicative Strategy.


Activity 3. What is it?

1. Students will be grouped into seven (7).
2. The teacher will give each group a few paper strips the contain
phrase/s and each group will determine what type of communicative
strategy it is.
3. They will present their output in front. (3 minutes)
4. Rubrics:
a. Content- 10
b. Presentation- 5

d. Abstraction
The teacher will process the group presentation and explain the
Types of Communicative Strategy.

e. Application

Direction: Identify the type of Communicative strategy in each

statement. Write your answer on the space provided before each
number. Write the answer in the ¼ sheet of paper.
1. A student is presenting his or her report in front of the class.
2. You were having conversations with your friends about the
earthquake which happened last night.
3. The Department of Health Committee were exchanging ideas about
possible solutions to the increasing number of infected COVID 19
4. The teacher is asking the students to give their ideas about what is
5. You were asked by your teacher to brainstorm about the
importance of understanding the use of the different communicative
6. You were told by your Oral Communication teacher to deliver your
speech using English Language only.
7. A doctor is explaining his/her diagnosis to a patient, at the same
time, the patient is asking the doctor for his/her medical advice in
regards to his or her diagnosis.
8. Students are having their debate activity about the advantage and
disadvantages of our new normal world.
9. You were by your teacher to give your answer based on the choices
given only.
10. In a class, you are going to make a chain story, where one student
gives the first scenario and will be added by the next student and it
continues to the next until it will be completed.

IV. Assessment

Direction: Recognize the type of communicative strategy used in the following

statements. Write only the letter of your choice on a 1/4 sheet of paper.

1.“Do you have anything to say?”

A. Nomination
B. Turn Taking
C. Topic Control
D. Termination
2. “One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is the
importance of sports and wellness to a healthy lifestyle.”
A. Restriction
B. Nomination
C. Turn Taking
D. Topic Shifting
3. “Excuse me? I think we should speak one at a time, so we can clearly
what we want to say about the issue.”
A. Termination
B. Topic Shifting
C. Repair
D. Turn taking
4.“Go on with your ideas. I’ll let you finish first before I say something.”
A. Topic Control
B. Nomination
C. Topic shifting
D. Repair
5. “Have you heard the news about the latest achievement of our
A. Repair
B. Nomination
C. Topic Control
D. Turn taking
6.“Hey, how are you? I missed you!”
A. Repair
B. Turn taking
C. Restriction
D. Nomination
7. “Best regards to your parents! See you around!”
A. Topic Control
B. Repair
C. Termination
D. Turn taking
8. “Good to see you. Anyway, I came to visit you because I want to personally
apologies for what I did yesterday.”
A. Restriction
B. Nomination
C. Turn taking
D. Topic Control
9. “Sorry, I can’t decide on that now. I am still focused on my writing
Let’s talk next time, okay?”
A. Repair
B. Termination
C. Nomination
D. Topic Control
10.“Now, it’s your turn to ask questions.”
A. Topic Control
B. Nomination
C. Repair
D. Turn taking

V. Assignment

Prepared by:


Teacher I


Master Teacher I

Noted by:

Junior High School Asst. to the Principal
 The teacher applies extensive knowledge of content
beyond her area
of specialization.
 The teacher employs structured activities that
enhance and support
learner’s higher level of literacy and/or numeracy
skills as significant
part of her instruction.
 Learners synthesize or summarize information within
or across disciplines.
 The teacher utilizes proactive classroom structure
management practices to
support flexible movement of the learners in all
learning activities.
 Well-established procedures for learners to self-
monitor their own classroom behavior are evident.
 The teacher provides thoughtful and appropriate
instructional adaptation for individual learner needs.
The adaptation of instruction is realistic and effective.
Diverse learner’s opportunities to actively engage in
various learning activities.

Congratulations! Keep up the good work!

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Poblacion III, Lebak, Sultan Kudarat

MARCH 9, 2021


1. ___________________________________ ___________
2. ___________________________________ ___________
3. ___________________________________ ___________
4. ___________________________________ ___________
5. ___________________________________ ___________
6. ___________________________________ ___________
7. ___________________________________ ___________
8. ___________________________________ ___________
9. ___________________________________ ___________
10. ___________________________________ ___________
11. ___________________________________ ___________
12. ___________________________________ ___________
13. ___________________________________ ___________
14. ___________________________________ ___________
15. ___________________________________ ___________
16. ___________________________________ ___________
17. ___________________________________ ___________
18. ___________________________________ ___________
19. ___________________________________ ___________
20. ___________________________________ ___________
 Varied teaching strategies were applied to develop
critical and creative thinking skills.
 The progression from the warm up into the main
activity was thoughtfully planned to review some
basic concepts, followed by the activities that would
take application of this knowledge to the next level of
 Instructional materials are diverse and are
consistently aligned with the instructional purposes.
 The teacher uses assessment strategies which
engage learners in assessment criteria to self-monitor
and reflect on their progress.
 Activities were planned well hence the
implementations were done fast and easy.

Congratulations! Maintain enthusiasm of allowing

your students to actively participate while learning by

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