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The Hindu News Analysis – 01st March 2022 – Shankar IAS Academy
S. Page Number*
News Articles
No. C B D H T

1 Previous Year Question Discussion @ beginning of the video

2 Turkey may block access to Russian warships 13 13 13 11 11

3 Smooth-coated otters seen near Mukkombu after many years 2 - - - -

4 Debunking Russia’s international law justifications (Editorial) 8 8 8 6 6

5 IPCC warns of multiple climate hazards 1,10 10 1,10 1,8 1,8

6 Prelims Practice Questions

@ end of the video
7 Mains Practice Question
*C – Chennai; B – Bengaluru; D – Delhi; H – Hyderabad; T – Thiruvananthapuram


Previous Year Question – Prelims 2019

Long Term Evolution (LTE)
Q. With reference to communications
technologies, what is/are the • Standard for high-speed cellular data
difference/differences between LTE (Long- communication systems.
Term Evolution) and VoLTE (Voice over Long-
Term Evolution)? • Associated with the 4G and 5G wireless
1. LTE is commonly marketed as 3G and VoLTE
is commonly marketed as advanced 3G. • Provide higher speeds than the 3G.
2. LTE is data-only technology and VoLTE is
 Download speed - 100 Mbps
voice-only technology.
Select the correct answer using the code given  Upload speed - 50 Mbps.
• May or may not support data and voice call
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only services at the same time.
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2


• Does not provide good quality voice call while

using the data services.
• Supports data and voice call services at the
• Video calls - external apps
same time.
• Turns off data connection while making voice
• Do not turn off data connection while making
voice calls.
Voice over Long-Term Evolution (VoLTE)
• Video calls - No external applications.
• Much-standardized system to make high
• Widely used now-a-days.
definition voice calls.

• 4G LTE network.

• Make voice calling while using the data

services without changing the quality.


Pg: 13 – C, B, D; Pg: 11 – H, T

Turkish Straits

• Dardanelles strait - connects Sea of Marmara

and Aegean Sea.

• Bosphorous strait - connects Sea of Marmara

and Black Sea.

 48,000 vessels transit each year.

 Important chokepoint for transit of oil - 3

% of global supply - Russia and the Caspian

 Grains from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan

to world markets.

• Major role in world trade - World’s busiest

maritime gateways.


• Ukraine officially asked Turkey to close the

Dardanelles strait.

 Reason - to Stop Black Sea access to

Russian ships - Montreux Convention.

• Turkey - strong ties with both Russia & Ukraine.

Montreux Convention

• 1936 agreement - regulate transit and

navigation in the Dardanelles Strait, Sea of
Marmora & Bosphorus Strait.

• Response to Turkey’s request to refortify the


• Agreed to return the zone to Turkish military


For War vessel’s passage

• An essential element in Black Sea security and
• Aircraft carriers - no passage.
• Submarines - Only riparian states:
 Purposes
• Merchant vessels enjoy freedom of passage.
 Rejoining base in the Black Sea - first
• War vessels subject to some restrictions -
time after their construction or purchase.
Black Sea riparian States or not.
 Repairing in dockyards outside the Black
• Non-riparian States’ war vessels - subject to
specific restrictions.
• Foreign naval forces:

 Total number - 9

 Maximum aggregate tonnage - 15,000 tons.


• Non-riparian states war vessels - cannot Practice Question – Prelims

stay more than 21 days in the Black Sea. Q. Consider the following statements with
• Passages through Turkish Straits - notify reference to Montreux convention:
Turkey prior to intended passages. 1. It regulates the transit and navigation
in the Black Sea.
 Notification time:
2. War vessels should be notified to
 8 days - riparian States war vessels. Turkey through diplomatic channels
 15 days - non-riparian States war
prior to intended passages.
vessels. Which of the statement(s) given above
is/are correct?
• Article 20 of Montreux Convention
a) 1 only
 War time - passage of warships shall be
b) 2 only
left entirely to the discretion of the
c) Both 1 and 2
Turkish Government. d) Neither 1 nor 2

Pg: 2 – Chennai Edition


Smooth-Coated Otter

• Features

 Limbs are short, strong.

 Fore and hind paws are large & well-webbed

- Strong swimmers.

• Food - Mainly Fish - fish specialist.

• Distribution - South and Southeast Asia -

India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh,
China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia,
Indonesia and Brunei.

Distribution of Smooth-Coated Otter


• Habitat - Freshwater - Wetlands, rivers,

lakes and rice paddies.

• Threats

 Loss of wetland habitats - hydroelectric

projects, agriculture, settlements.

 Reduction in prey.

 Poaching.

 Pesticides contamination.

• Conservation:

 IUCN - Vulnerable

 CITES - Appendix - I

 WPA, 1972 - Schedule II (Part I)

Pg: 8 – C, B, D;
Pg: 6 – H, T


Part A—Preliminary Examination

Full-scale invasion of Ukraine
Paper I - (200 marks)
 Economic and Social Development-Sustainable • Russian President recognised independence and
Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, sovereignty of the Donetsk & Luhansk People’s
Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
General Studies-II: Governance, Constitution,  Signed friendship treaties of friendship - pave
Polity, Social Justice and International way for Russian troops - “peacekeepers”.
• Based on Theory of remedial secession - secession
 India and its neighborhood- relations.
may be last resort for ending oppression.
 Bilateral, regional and global groupings and
agreements involving India and/or affecting  Russia intervened and violated the sovereignty of
India’s interests.
Ukraine - Recognising statehood of Donetsk and
 Effect of policies and politics of developed and
developing countries on India’s interests, Indian

• Position of Ukraine:
Use of force by Russia
 Agreed to recognise their autonomy under
• Russian missile strikes in Ukraine and
Minsk Accords - peace agreement signed in
Russian forces marching through Ukrainian
 Promising to protect the right to self-
• Reason given by Russia - self-defence -
determination of territories.
Article 51 of the UN Charter.
• Russia violating Article 2(4) of UN Charter.
 Recognises inherent right of individual or
 Members refrain in international relations, collective self-defence.
from threat or use of force against
 When there is armed attack by one state
territorial integrity or political independence
against another state.
of any State.

 Remedial secession requires high threshold.

 No evidence of genocide of ethnic Russians.


Crime of aggression

• Violation of Article 51: • Under Rome Statute of the International

Criminal Court (ICC).
 Right to collective self-defence exists only
for states - Donetsk and Luhansk are not • Article 8 (2) - act of aggression - use of

states under international law. force against the sovereignty, territorial

integrity, or political independence of another
 Ukraine did not launch an armed attack.
• Russia’s claim of anticipatory self-defence -
• Aggressor state and its leaders - face
international criminal responsibility for

• ICC unable to exercise jurisdiction as

aggressor & victim states need to be party
to the Rome Statute.

Responsibility to Protect (R2P) • Disputed doctrine in international law.

• Russian President indirectly invoked this • Violation - No evidence of ethnic Russians

doctrine of humanitarian intervention. facing atrocities in Ukraine.

• Meaning - State’s responsibility to protect its  Lack of an armed attack against Russia
population from gross violations of human by Ukraine.

• International community’s responsibility - Conclusion

assisting states.
• Russia’s belief - world divided into influential
• Russian President justified use of force spheres.

stating Ukraine failed in its duty to protect

• Author’s - Destroy it by the efforts of global
its citizens. community.

• May or may not be authorised by UNSC. • Strengthen International law.


Practice Question – Mains

Q. How does Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
violate the International Law?
(150 Words, 10 Marks)

Pg: 1, 10 – C, D; Pg: 1, 8 – H, T Pg: 10 – Bengaluru Edition


Summary for Policymakers (SPM)

• Major conclusions from Working Group II’s contribution to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report

• Connection of climate, ecosystems,

biodiversity and human societies.

 Concurrently developing
non-climatic global trends.

3. Half of the species assessed globally - moved
1. Despite adaptation efforts - human induced
polewards or to higher elevations on land.
climate change along with intense extreme
events has caused widespread adverse  Hundreds of species - lost locally as the

impacts to nature and people. magnitude of heat extremes has

2. Climate change - caused significant
deterioration of ecosystem structure &  Hydrological changes caused by glacier

function, resilience, and natural adaptive retreat or changes in some mountain &

ability. Arctic ecosystems caused by permafrost

thaw reaching irreversibility.
 Shifts in seasonal timing, with negative
socioeconomic consequences. 4. Global sea levels - increase 44-76 cm this
century if governments follow their existing
emission-cutting targets.


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Consider the following statements:
1. The objective of the IPCC is to provide
governments with scientific information
that they can use to develop climate
2. Through its assessments, the IPCC identifies
the strength of scientific agreement in
different areas and conducts research
wherever needed.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2


Practice Question – Prelims

Q1. Consider the following statements with
reference to Montreux convention:
1. It regulates the transit and navigation
in the Black Sea.
2. War vessels should be notified to
Turkey through diplomatic channels
prior to intended passages.
Which of the statement(s) given above
is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2

Practice Question – Prelims

Q2. Consider the following statements:
1. The objective of the IPCC is to provide
governments with scientific information
that they can use to develop climate
2. Through its assessments, the IPCC identifies
the strength of scientific agreement in
different areas and conducts research
wherever needed.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2


Practice Question – Prelims


Q1. Option (b) – 2 only

Q2. Option (b) – 2 only

Practice Question – Mains

Q. How does Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
violate the International Law?
(150 Words, 10 Marks)



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