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Modal auxiliaries

1. Can he speak German?

2. You have to help him a little.
3. He must be furious.
4. He may not know where we are.
5. He cannot know where we are.
6. It might snow tomorrow.
7. Can I borrow your scissors? (May)
8. You should go and spend a couple of days in Cambridge before leaving England.
9. She may not like this book.
10. You must tell us the truth.
11. Don't you think we should tell the police?
12. I can't hear anything; this phone doesn't work.
13. Can you play the piano?
14. He cannot be guilty.
15. He may not be guilty.
16. We had to stand in line for twenty minutes.
17. We were able to put out the fire. (could)
18. We could play a record while waiting for them.
19. How well you can tell a story! (know how to)
20. He should invite his mother-in-law more often.


1. He looked around feeling that he was being followed.

2. The prisoner broke away from his guards.
3. You ought to put the clock backwards it’s nearly twenty minutes fast.
4. The house is quite nice, but the fact that it’s so near the main road put us down.
5. Old St Paul’s was burnt down in 1666.
6. The peace conference failed and the war went off.
7. “Thick fog over the Channel. Continent cut away”
8. Come round and see us after lunch, I want to show you our new lawn-mower.
9. His temperature has gone down the doctor thinks he’ll pull through.
10. The crowd shouted, “down with the tyrant”, but the police held them up.
11. Drink up your tea it’s time to start.
12. Hurry up we must be off.
13. London is very hot in July; we all go up to the country every week-end.
14. He paid off all his debts and went away to Australia.
15. He put on the brakes so suddenly that I bumped my head against the windscreen.
16. (on the phone) Will you put me through to the fire-brigade? It’s urgent.
17. The advice he’s given you is very good; you ought to think it over.
18. Take off your coat and gloves, it’s very warm in here.
19. When can you pay back the money you borrowed from us?
20. Christmas will soon be back again. How time flies!

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