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The use of Dubbing Video Technique for Improving Students Speaking

Skill and Confidence of Student’s University of English Language

Education of Lambung Mangkurat University



NIM. 1610117320004



TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................2
CHAPTER I.......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of The Study...................................................................................1
1.2 Research Problem....................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the Research........................................................................................3
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the study..........................................................................3
1.5 Significance of the Research....................................................................................3
1.6 Research Hypothesis................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II......................................................................................................................5
REVIEW OF LITERATURE...........................................................................................5
2.1 Teaching Speaking...................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Nature of Speaking............................................................................................5
2.1.2 Micro- and Macro-skills of Speaking...............................................................5
2.2.3 Principles of Designing Speaking Techniques................................................7
2.2 Theories of Dubbing.................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Definition of Dubbing........................................................................................8
2.2.2 Techniques of Dubbing......................................................................................9
2.2.3 Terms for Being a Dubber.................................................................................9
2.2.4 Basic Exercise Becomes a Dubber..................................................................10
2.2.5 Procedure of Dubbing.....................................................................................11
2.2.6 Advantages of the Technique of Dubbing......................................................12
CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................13
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................13
3.1 Research Design......................................................................................................13
3.2 Population, Sampling and Sample........................................................................14
3.1.1 Population........................................................................................................14
3.1.2 Sampling...........................................................................................................15
3.1.3 Sample...............................................................................................................15
3.3 Variable...................................................................................................................16
3.4 Research Instrument..............................................................................................16
3.5 Data Collecting Method.........................................................................................17
3.5.1 Pre-test..............................................................................................................17
3.5.2 Post-test.............................................................................................................18
3.6 Validity and Reliability..........................................................................................18
3.6.1 Validity.............................................................................................................18
3.6.2 Reliability.........................................................................................................22
3.7 Data Collection.......................................................................................................23
3.8 Data Analysis..........................................................................................................24


1.1 Background of The Study

In the particular community or country in conventional way that have

language as human communication which consists of words. It means language as
the system of communication and according to Gonzales (2004:2) “Language are
more than skills, they are medium through which communities of people engage
with, make sense of and shape the world”. One person can express his thought to
another person by using the language that they can speak. Speaking is the oral
communication that include by two elements which are speaker and listener that
can give information each other. To keep off misunderstood of the communication
that speaker have position as the sender the information and the receiver of it will
be the listener. Zaremba (2006) stated among the four skills of macro English
skills, speaking seems to be the most important skill required for communication.

Speaking is very important to be taught to the students because it will help

them to use their English in communication and interaction with other people.
Speaking means conveying information or expressing feeling and thoughts
through language. By speaking, people can communication with other someone
usually face some troubles in social interaction like he or she cannot produce his
ideas, arguments and feeling communicatively. Nowadays English becomes an
international language in modern and global communication. Therefore, many
countries demand the inclusion of English language teaching in their curricula
including Indonesia.

For Indonesian students, they have to study English language as the

foreign language. Thus, English is the main subject in curriculum which should be
learnt from secondary level up to university. Although in general, English is still
considered as a difficult subject for the students because it is completely different
from Indonesian language in the system of structure, pronunciation and
vocabulary. Therefore, the English teachers are supposed to be able to organize
teaching learning activities. They may develop their students‟ ability by using

English as a target language in the classroom. As an example in University of
Lambung Mangkurat, it develops an English program at Faculty of Teacher
Training where the main purpose is to prepare students to be a competent English
teacher. Afterward, teachers also need to provide an appropriate teaching method
and media to provoke the students speaking skill.

As additional internet connection, computers, and various interesting

media can support and improve the teaching and learning process. According to J
Burston (2005) dubbing provides various types of strategies that can improve
different skills in language learning. Of course, this kind of research has been
done before but the few of them are available such as a research by Yi-hui Chiu
(2012) who has investigated the dubbing projects positive effect in EFL classes
that can facilitate the learner’s English pronunciation acquisition.

Film Dubbing utilizes authentic film clips, with which learners dub the
voices of muted characters (Chiu, 2012). VD is much different with role plays as
the students have to perform from beginning until the end. Dubbing is filling a
conversation or speech and students tried became a dubber, so it can made
students improve their ability in speaking English language and implementation
dubbing in process of learning made students interested to study. On the other
hand, the process of video dubbing is a time-consuming which may takes hour to
record the audio and match to the video.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on the background of the study above and related to some

researcher before, the writer found some research problem:

 How is the use of Dubbing Video Technique for Improving Students

Speaking Skill and Confidence of Student’s University of English Lan-

guage Education of Lambung Mangkurat University?

1.3 Objective of the Research

The general objective of this study is to find out the use of Dubbing Video
Technique for Improving Students Speaking Skill and Confidence of Student’s.

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the study

This research focuses on the implementation of video dubbing project and to find
out the improvement of the students’ speaking skill after the implementation of video
dubbing project in teaching speaking of Student’s University of English Language
Education of Lambung Mangkurat University.

1.5 Significance of the Research

This research is expected to give some contributions to English language

teaching and learning, these are:

1. The teacher

The result of this study is expected to be useful input for English teachers

to get the alternative solution in teaching speaking.

2. English students

The result of this research could become a reference for some English

students and give an opportunity for students to get learning and solve

their problem in mastery speaking skill.

3. Further researcher

They can get references and other information from this research. So, they

can do their research deeper and better than this research.

1.6 Research Hypothesis

The hypothesis is as follow:

1. Null Hypothesis (Ho) :

There is no significant different score on students‟ speaking ability between

experimental class and control class after giving video dubbing project in teaching

speaking of Student’s University of English Language Education of Lambung

Mangkurat University.

2. Alternative Hypothesis :

There is a significant different score in speaking between experimental class and

control class after giving video dubbing project in teaching speaking of Student’s

University of English Language Education of Lambung Mangkurat University.


2.1 Teaching Speaking

2.1.1 Nature of Speaking

Spratt et. al (2005) defines speaking as a productive skill. It involves using speech to
express meaning to other people. Speaking is defined operationally in this study as the ability
of English students to speak English appropriately in a given meaningful context to serve
both transactional and interactional purposed using correct pronunciation and grammar.
Nunan (2003) agrees with Spratt that speaking is a productive oral skill which consists
of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. Brown (2004) also adds that
speaking is a productive skill in the organs of speech to express meaning which can be
directly and empirically observed.

In addition, related to speaking ability, Nunan (2003) states that speaking ability is the ability
of the speaker to convey information, express ideas, thoughts feeling and reaction, in
appropriate structure, speech sound, and sound pattern, appropriate vocabulary, according to
situation and subject matter and used the language quickly and confidently. It can be
concluded that speaking ability is a skill, which is communicating the speech sound for
expressing and conveying a messages or ideas. The ability to speak a language is the same as
knowing a language since speaking is the most basic means of the human communication.

2.1.2 Micro- and Macro-skills of Speaking

Speaking as well as other skills has a list of various components. The purpose is to serve
taxonomy of skills from which the teacher will select one or several that become the
objectives for the students to acquire effective speaking strategies. Those are micro-skills and

1) Micro-Skills

The micro-skills refer to producing the smaller chunks of language such as phonemes,
morphemes, words, collocations, and phrasal units (Brown, 2004: 142). The students have to
orally produce the different English phonemes and allophonic variants; produce chunks of

language of different length; produce English stress patterns, words in stress and unstressed
positions, rhythmic structure, and intonation contours; produce reduced forms of words and
phrases; use an adequate number of lexical units (words) in order to accomplish pragmatic
purposes; produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery; monitor their own oral
production and use various strategic devices- pauses, fillers, self-corrections, backtracking-
to enhance the clarity of the message; use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.),
systems (e.g., tense, agreement, and pluralisation), word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical
forms; produce speech in natural constituents – in appropriate phrases, pause groups, breath
groups, and sentences; express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms; use
cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

2) Macro-Skills

The macro-skills imply the speaker’s focus on the larger elements such as fluency,
discourse, function, style, cohesion, nonverbal communication, and strategic options (Brown,
2004: 143). The students have to accomplish appropriately communicative functions
according to situations, participants, and goals; use appropriate registers, implicates,
pragmatic conventions, and other sociolinguistic features in face-to-face conversations; covey
links and connections between events and communicate such relations as main idea,
supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification; use
facial features, kinaesthetic, body language, and other nonverbal cues along with verbal
language to convey meanings; and develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as
emphasizing key words, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of
words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is
understanding you.

Van Ek and Trim (1998) explain six categories of language-functions for threshold level.
The first is imparting and seeking information. This category includes reporting (describing
and narrating), correcting, asking, and answering question. The second is expressing and
finding out attitudes. This category includes expressing agreement and disagreement;
expressing about pleasure, happiness, displeasure, unhappiness; expressing likes and dislikes;
expressing about satisfaction/dissatisfaction; expressing surprise/lack of surprise. The third is
deciding on course of action (suasion) includes expressing hope, disappointment, fear,
gratitude; reacting to an expression of gratitude; offering and accepting of apology;
expressing about approval/disapproval.

The fourth is for socializing. This category includes attracting attention; greeting people
when meeting a friend or acquaintance; replying to a greeting from a friend or acquaintance;
and addressing a friend or acquaintance; addressing a stranger. The fifth is structuring
discourse includes asking someone’s opinion; showing that one is following a person’s
discourse; interrupting; asking someone to be silent; giving over the floor; indicating a wish
to continue; encouraging someone to continue; indicating that one is coming to an end;
closing; and telephone opening. The last is communication repair includes signalling
understanding/non-understanding; asking for repetition of sentence; and paraphrasing.

One of the implications of the list is the importance of focusing on both the forms and
functions of language. In teaching speaking, the teacher does not limit students’ attention to
the whole picture but he/she also help students to see the small parts of language that make
up the whole. As the teacher plans a specific technique, such a list helps the teacher to focus
on clearly conceptualized objectives. The teacher can select one or several from the list as the
objective to teach speaking to the students and to assess their speaking ability.

2.2.3 Principles of Designing Speaking Techniques

In regard to the speaking techniques, Brown (2001: 275) outlines some

principles for designing speaking techniques as follows:

1) Use techniques that cover the spectrum or learner

needs, from language- based focus on accuracy
to message-based focus on interaction, meaning,
and theory. It means that to concern on how to make
meaningful activities without throwing away learner
needs. For example, make any drilling as meaningful
as possible.
2) Provide intrinsically motivating technique.
It means that the teacher should link the students’ interest and their need for
knowledge to achieve the competence. The teacher should help students to
see how the activity will benefit them.
3) Encourage the use of authentic language in
meaningful contexts.

The meaningful interaction is important to encourage the students’
willingness to speak in the target language. The teacher can find some
help from teacher resource to devise authentic contexts and meaningful
4) Provide appropriate feedback and correction.
Since the most EFL students are totally dependent on the teacher for
useful linguistic feedback, the teacher should give correct feedback that
are appropriately for the moment.
5) Capitalize on the natural link between speaking
and listening.
As the teacher perhaps focusing on the speaking goals, listening may
naturally precede. Skills in producing language are often initiated
through comprehension. The teacher should not lose out on
opportunities to integrate the two skills.
6) Give students opportunities to initiate oral
It means that the activities should give a lot of opportunities for the
students to initiate the target language. When design and use speaking
techniques, teacher should have allowed students to initiate language.

7) Encourage the development speaking strategies.

The students do not have to worry about their low level of
proficiency since they will build their personal speaking
strategies for accomplishing oral communication purposes.

These principles are intended to design appropriate techniques to teach

speaking. The teacher should consider the aspects of teaching speaking to encourage
students’ confidence and give them a lot of opportunities to communicate in
English. These principles concern on how to make meaningful activities without
throwing away learner needs.

2.1 Theories of Dubbing

2.1.1 Definition of Dubbing

English in Indonesia is a foreign language. Related to this,
students learn the target language (English) in their own culture and the
available practices or activities in the classroom. The key factor in the
English learning development is the opportunity given to students to
speak in the target language. Teachers must improve the students’
willingness and give them reason to speak. Amir Hassanpour explains
dubbing or voiceover is the replacement of dialogue and narration of a
foreign language or the source language into the language used by the
viewer. According to Zatlin, Ph., (2005), Theatrical Translation and Film
Adaptation: A Practitioner’s View that explains dubbing is replacing the
source language (foreign language concerned) with the target language.
Dubbing is the post-production process of recording and replacing voices
on a motion picture or television soundtrack subsequent to the original
shooting. The term most commonly refers to the substitution of the
voices of the actors shown on the screen by those of different
performers, who may be speaking a different language remains in use to
enable the screening of audio-visual material to a mass audience in
countries where viewers do not speak the same language as the original

2.1.2 Techniques of Dubbing

There are two techniques of dubbing as follow:

1. Technique of Wet Dubbing

Preparation of mouth motion with sound files that already, so that the
author simply adjusts the motion of the mouth with a voice that already

2. Technique of Dry Dubbing

Preparation of mouth motion with sound
files that has not been made so that the
author must determine how long the
mouth animation required.

2.2.3 Terms for Being a Dubber
There are terms for being a dubber such as:

1. Character
A dubber before playing role, he must know the character of the player and a
dubber should be able to distinguish one character to the other players.
2. Manage Emotions

A dubber must have technique manage emotion because technics emotions can take the
example of the exercise when the figure was angry, happy or sad.

3. Lip-synchronization

Hassanpour said that the lip-synchronization is one of the requirements that must be con-
sidered in the process of dubbing. To make it look natural, as much as possible the words
which are used in accordance with the motion of the lips or actors and actresses whose
voice was replaced.

4. Improvisation

Improvisation is in need for a dubber in order to turn the character or

atmosphere in the film.

2.2.3 Basic Exercise Becomes a Dubber

In doing basic exercise become as a dubber, the students can train their speaking

performance because the students learning about articulation related to accuracy

and intonation related to fluency. There are two basic exercises becomes a dubber

as follow:

a. Vocal Exercise

Vocal exercises are necessary for sound to be honed properly and have high

weight or quality. To be able to have good vocals we have to qualify the volume,

Articulation of fragments, tempo and color of sound:

1. Volume means our voice must have power or weight. We must dare to sound,

not afraid or embarrassed in voicing

2. Articulation is the clarity of sound pronunciation. So the sound should be heard

clearly not like gargling

3. Catching is that we must be able to determine exactly when we cut off a long


4. The intonation that we should be able to set when we have to say high when to

low noise, when noise fast and when to speak softly.

5. Voice color is we have to find what kind of sound is right to turn on or fill it the

given role.

a. Flavor

The sense of feeling is processing our inner in order to appreciate the role given so

that it can turn it on properly. Taste is divided into:

1. Concentration (Concentration of mind) is the ability to direct all spiritual

Power and mind toward a target.

2. Memory of emotion is our ability to sue or present emotions or

events we’ve ever experienced. For example, everyone must have

felt sad, happy and others and how we can feel it again.

3. Imagination or imagination is that we must be able to imagine or

explore the character that we will play.

4. Observation or observation that we must always observe all hu-

man characters, observing all human professions with the aim

that we can know the habits of life, the view of his life so that

when we play a character like that we can turn or play a figure like That

we can turn on or play well.

2.2.5 Procedure of Dubbing

The use of Media in process learning is very important because it will make

students become interested in study. There are many media can used in learning such

as video with technique dubbing. Applying video with technique dubbing is another

way to try practice speaking English.

Procedures of dubbing in process learning are:

a. Students viewed overall video so that they understand the story of its

b. The video was made become mute

c. Students start to do process dubbing and the voice recorded

d. Recorded from students enter into the video that already become

mute by using windows movie maker application.

2.2.6 Advantages of the Technique of Dubbing

There are advantages of the technique of dubbing such as:

Dialogues do not need to be abbreviated as in theory there is no limit to space.

However, the writer of a dubbed script will have to pay attention to the
movements of the lips.


3.1 Research Design

Research is careful study on investigation, especially in order to discover new facts or

information, such as scientific, historical research (Homby, 1995:996). It means that a study
is done carefully and accurately on investigation of an event, problem or phenomenon about
scientific to find out new information. One of important things that should be considered in
conducting research is research design. Research design in commonly defined is as the way
of thinking and doing preparation to complete and achieve the goal of research (Burn and
Grove, 2005). Research method refers to the general strategy followed in gathering and
analysis the data necessary for answering the question. In this study the research design
used was quasi experimental with quantitative approach. This research was intended to
investigate the use of dubbing video technique on students‟ speaking achievement of
the student’s University of English Language Education of Lambung Mangkurat


This study used quasi experimental design. The researcher chose this design is to
determine the validity of conclusion can be drawn from the study. There are many kinds of
experimental research, such as pre – experimental, randomized experimental or quasi –
experimental (Ary, 2002:302). This study used quasi experimental design in the form of two
groups. One control group and one group experiment group with pre-test-post-test design
within quantitative approach. This design can be used to compare the results between pre-
test and post-test. The medium will be used dubbing video for experimental class and
control group will be taught through conventional teaching. After that, both groups were
given post-test to measure students’ achievement.

This research is a scientific investigation in which an investigator manipulates and

controls one or more independent variables and observes the dependent variable or variables
for variation concomitant to the manipulation of the independent variables (Ary, 1979).
Quasi experimental research can be done in the laboratory, in the class and in the field. In
this study the quasi experimental research will be done in the class with taking students as

In two groups pre-test-post-test design usually involves three steps:

(1) Administering a pre-test measuring the dependent variable, (2) applying

the experimental treatment X to treatment class and no treatment in
control class, and (3) administering a post-test, again measuring the
dependent variable (Ary, 2002:302).

Table 3.1 Diagram of Two-Group Pre-test Post-test Design

Pre-test Treatment Post-test
(independent variable) (dependent variable)
Y1 X Y2

In this study, the procedures of quasi experimental research that use Two-Group
Pre-test-Post-test design are:

1. Administering a pre-test measuring speaking achievement of the
students of English Language Education of Lambung Mangkurat

2. Applying a treatment teaching speaking by using dubbing video

technique to the students of English Language Education of
Lambung Mangkurat University.

3. Administering a post-test measuring speaking achievement of the

students of English Language Education of Lambung Mangkurat

The differences attributed to application of the quasi experimental treatment are

determined by comparing the pre-test and post-test score. In this study, the effectiveness
of using dubbing video technique towards speaking achievement will be known after
knowing the significant differences scores of the students on speaking achievement
before and after being taught.

3.2 Population, Sampling and Sample

3.2.1 Population

There are some explanations about the meaning of population. Population defines
as a group of element or case, whether individual, objects, or events that confirm to
specific criteria and to which intend to generalize the result of the research (James H,
The small group that is observed is called a sample, and the large group about which
the generalization is made is called a population. Population is defined as all members of
any well-defined class of people. Event or objects (Ary et al, 2002:138). Population is used
more generally; it refers to any collection of entities, of whatever kind, that is the object that
have certain characteristics and it becomes the source data that is used by researcher in the
study. The population of this research is the fourth semester students of English Languge
Education who take Advanced Speaking class. They are two groups into A1 and A2
where each class consists of 30 students. The total number of populations is 60 students.

3.2.2 Sampling

The sampling is a technique to take a sample. Sampling is the process of selecting a

number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the large
group from which they were selected (Gay, 1992:123). The purpose of the sampling is
to get information about a population. In this study purposive sampling was chosen as a
technique of choosing sample. Arikunto (2006:139) says that purposive sampling is the
process of selecting sample by taking the subject that is not based on the level or area
but it is taken based on the specific purpose. Basically purposive sampling involves
selecting a sample which is believed to be representative given population in the other
word the researcher use expert judgment to select a representative sample.
The researcher used purposive sampling technique to find the individual or sample.
Purposive sampling is technique of taking sample by definite consideration from the
researcher. Purposive sampling belongs to non-probability sampling. Purposive
sampling is used because of reasons. First, because of the researcher who selecting the
sample is who tries to make the sample representative for the population of the study.
Second, because the researcher points to her/his opinion or purpose to choose the
current sample. Thus, the sample is being the representation subjective of the study
(Barreiro and Albandoz, 2001:4).

Practically, there are some of reasons why the researcher chooses the class. First,
the class has average proficiency on speaking based on the English teacher there.
Second, the English teacher gives an official instruction to the researcher due to choose
the class as a sample of this research among another class. Based on the English lecturer
in English Language Education of Lambung Mangkurat University.

3.2.3 Sample

Selecting sample is a very important step in conducting a research study. According

to Gay (1992:126), sample is one that is representative of the population from which it
was selected. It means that a good sample must be representative of entire as possible,
so that the generalization of the sample as true as the population. In this research the
researcher took Advance Speaking class A1 and A2 as the sample of this research that
consisted of 60 students.

3.3 Variable

According Ary (2002), a variable is an attribute that is regarded as reflecting or

expressing some concept or construct. Variable is divided into two; they are
independent variable and dependent variable.
Based on the explanation above, in this study dubbing video technique is as media
on the teaching speaking at A1 class for the fourth semester students of English
Language Education of Lambung Mangkurat University which became independent
variable. The dependent variable is A2 class for the fourth semester students of English
Language Education of Lambung Mangkurat University. Thus, the present study was
intended to find out the effectiveness of using dubbing video technique on the students’
speaking achievement through experimental study.

3.4 Research Instrument

An instrument was needed to collect the data. In order to collect data for research,
the researcher used some methods and instruments. Instrument of the research played an
important role in research project. The instrument was used to achieve the accuracy of
the data and it can indicate that the researcher was successful in this research.
The instrument that was used in this study is speaking test that was developed based
on syllabus that the teacher used in the faculty. By the test, the researcher supposed to
assess students speaking achievement. Test in simple term, a method of measuring a
person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain. The researcher applied
pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was taken before doing an experimental study or before
teaching by pre-test was aimed to measure the students preliminary their speaking
knowledge and achievement before they entered the experimental circle. After getting
the result of pre-test, the researcher gave treatment to teach speaking for all the students
in treatment class by using dubbing movies and no treatment but traditional way for
control class.
After doing treatment, the researcher gave post-test to all students. Post- test was
taken after doing an experimental study or after teaching by using dubbing video
technique. Post-test was used to know the students speaking after taught by using
dubbing video technique. The researcher wanted to know how far the students can speak

when treatment was on progress. Apparently, the result of the test showed that the
students speaking mastery improved significantly compare to those who do not receive

3.5 Data Collecting Method

Data collecting method is the method that is used by the researcher to collect data.
Data collecting is systematic and standardized procedure to obtain the necessary data
(Tanzeh, 2009:57). If the data are wrong, the result of research will not be valid; a good
data collecting methods should be applied. Methodology is a way used by researcher in
order to collecting data in order to easier the research and better result in short the data
is more accurate, more completed, and more systematically so that it will be easier to be

Data is a note of fact or information that will be processed in the research activity.
Arikunto (2006), data is a whole fact and number that can be used as material for
arranging information is used as need. The data are very significant in the research. The
research cannot get information without the data. The data of this research were
students of English Language Education of Lambung Mangkurat University in the form
of speaking test which were divided into two group, treatment class and control class,
pre-test and post-test.

After the researcher got permission from lecturer, the researcher started collecting
data. The researcher gave test for experimental group using dubbing video technique.

Applying the test, the students were tested to perform their speaking. The test was
in the form of telling story to measure achievement of an individual.

There are two kinds of test:

3.5.1 Pre-test

Pre-test was administered before doing an experimental research study or before

teaching by applying dubbing video technique. The pre-test were given task to tell about
their assumption which has been prepared by the researcher before. The researcher gave

a movie and asked the students to listen and watch. The researcher asked the students to
see what was happened on this movie, about place and about moral value. The
researcher asked the students‟ assumption in front of the class for maximum 3 minutes.
When the students‟ show their performance, the researcher recorded them and made the

3.5.2 Post-test

In this study, post-test was administered after doing the experimental research study
to treatment class. Post- test is a measure taken after the experimental treatment has
been applied. Post-test was used to measure students‟ ability after treatment process to
know their knowledge after they got treatment for treatment class and after taught by
traditional way for control class. It was done to know the final score and to know the
students difference competence before and after they get treatment. The process of post-
test is same with the process in pre-test.

3.6 Validity and Reliability

According to Donald Ary, research is always dependent upon measurement. There

are two important concepts that research must understand when they use measuring
instrument. There are validity and reliability (Ary, 2010:242). So, to know whether the
test is good or not, and to make the data more valid and reliable, it needs validity and
reliability testing for both of them.

3.6.1 Validity

According to Basrowi (2010, p.17), a measurement can be said to have validity,

when the content of the measurement is eligible to measure an object which should be
measured and suitable with the fixed criteria. Valid instrument means that the
instrument is suitable for measuring the object that will be measured (Arikunto,
2006:168). Validity means an accuracy of a measurement in measuring data. Based on
this research, the researcher would use content validity; construct validity to know the

validity of the test.

1) Content Validity
To make the test valid, the researcher used content validity. This kind of validity
depends on careful analysis of the language being tested and the particular treatment
activity. The test should be constructed to contain representative sample because the
relevancy of the objective and the content of the test items showed the content validity
of the test. The test is said to have content validity if its contents constitutes a
representative sample of language skill, structure etc. being tested (Ida Isnawati,
2013:27). Therefore, the test used in this research to fulfill the content validity of
The content validity in this research can be shown as bellow:

Table 3.2 The Blue print of pre-test and post-test

Material Task Competence Sub-competence Indicator

Analytical Speaking Expressing a. Expressing 1. Students are
Exposition test social the function able to express
Text function and the structure the topic of dub-
and of Analytical bing video tech-
structure of Exposition nique based on
Analytical Text about the context.
Exposition dubbing video 2. Students are
Text technique able to express
b. Expressing the the content and
content of the structure of
analytical ex- Analytical
position text Exposition Text
video tech-


Based on the table above, the test had content validity because of there is
appropriateness between the test and the purpose and indicator. In order to obtain the
validity of the test, the researcher used content validity by showing that the content of the
test was a representative sample of the domain that was to be tested (Fulcher and
Davidson, 2007: 6). For this, the grammar, vocabulary, and functional contents of the test
were selected on the basis of the course syllabus. In addition, the test had proper to the
syllabus in the fourth semester students of English Language Education of Lambung
Mangkurat University

1) Construct Validity
A test said to have construct validity if it can be demonstrated that it measures just
the ability which is supposed to measure. The word construct refers to any underlying
ability which is hypothesized in a theory of language learning. Brown (2004:25)
mentioned that a construct is any theory, hypothesis of model that attempts to explain
observed phenomena in our universe or perception.
According to Brown (2004:172-173), the aspects of speaking consist of five items:
Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Fluency, and Pronunciation. Those 5 aspects
should be used as the criteria of good speaking. In this research, the speaking test also
used the 5 criteria above as the aspects of good speaking. The researcher asked the
students to speak for 5 minutes based on the topic.

The criterion of success of the students speaking ability adapted and modified from
Rubistar. They as follow:

Table 3.3 Analytic Oral Language Scoring Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Fluency Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often mumbles
and distinctly and distinctly and distinctly or
all (100- 95%) all (100- 95%) most (94- cannot be
the time, and the time, but 85%) of the understood OR
mispronounces mispronounces time. mispronounces
no words. one word. Mispronounces more than one
no more than word.
one word.
Vocabulary Uses Uses Uses Uses several (5
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary or more) words
appropriate for appropriate for appropriate for or
the audience. the audience. the audience. phrases that
Extends Includes 1- 2 Does
are not
Audience words that not
vocabulary by might be new Include any understood by

defining words to most of the vocabulary that the audience.

that might be audience, but might be new
new to most of does to the
the audience. not audience.
define them.
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem
understanding understanding understanding to understand
of the topic. of the of parts of the the topic very
topic. topic. well.
Time Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is
5-6 minutes less than 3
4 minutes 3 minutes
long. minutes OR
long. long.
more than 6

2)Face validity

A test called to have face validity if it looks as if it measures what is supposed to
measure (Hughes, 1989:33). In this research, the test given to the students to measure
speaking achievement especially used dubbing video technique. A test that does not
have face validity may rejected by the validator, advisor, and the teacher. Another
explanation said that face validity refers to the extent to which examinees believe that
the instrument is measure what it is expected to measure (Ary, 2010:228). The example
of face validity, a test which pretended to measure students speaking achievement but
which did not required the test take to read might be thought lack of face validity.

In this research, the researcher used face validity by consulting with the expert as a
validator. After that the test has some view point that makes it reliable in the face
validity such as; the instruction is each section have to understandable for the students,
the question must not be ambiguity to make students able to answer it, the time
allocation is appropriate for students who have to finish the test punctually.

3.6.1 Reliability
Fraenkel (2012) stated that reliability is the consistency of score obtained. A reliable
test is consistent and dependable. Thus, if the students are given the same test on two differ-
ent occasions, the test should yield similar result and the more similar the score are, the
more reliable the test is. The test of try out through interview between the researcher with
ten students. The researcher showed some pictures to students and then the researcher asked
students to tell about the story based on each picture. Then, the researcher made score from
the result of interview. Besides that, the test was evaluated by the teacher after it was de-
veloped. Finally, try out is also done by the researcher.

To measure the reliability of instrument, the researcher used inter-rater reliability

where the two scorers did the scoring and two sets of scores gotten from the two scorers
were calculated to get the correlation coefficient. To fulfill the inter rater reliability, the
teacher and an English Education Department student as the correspondents conducted
the classroom try out. After the completed observation guides were given back to the
researcher, the researcher made the recapitulation to check whether they agreed in most
of the categories of the observation guide to make it consistent and reliable. The try out
test was done on May 16, 2018.

It was found out that the results were similar. The scores were then subjected to the

Pearson’s Product Moment statistic to find the reliability of the test items.

 Calculating Product Moment Correlation

The steps for calculating Product Moment Correlation are as follows:

Formulate hypotheses (H1 and H0)

Determining the significance level (α = 0.05)
Calculating Product Moment Correlation with a formula.

There are several Product Moment Correlation formulas, namely:


To find the significance test:

To test the significance of Correlation Product Moment, in addition to using the r table, the
researcher can also use the t test, with the formula:

which later we will compare with the value of t table with dk = n -2

The conclusion criteria for the one-sided test are as follows:

– If t count > t table, then rxy is significant

– If t count < t table, then rxy is not significant

While the conclusion criteria for the two-sided test are as follows:

– If -t table > -t count or t table < t count then rxy is significant

– If t count is between -t table and t table, then rxy is not significant

3.6 Data Collection

This section discusses about the technique of collecting data that is the way used

to collect the needed data. The data will be collected from these students using a test as

instruments. The test will be done in both experimental and control classes with pre-test

and post-test. The test result of each experimental class and control class are calculated

after the test is given. Based on the score from pretest and post-test, the researcher would

like to conduct a statistic test about “The effectiveness of dubbing movie strategies on

students‟ speaking ability at the second grade of MA AT Tohiriyah Ngantru


3.8 Data Analysis

Quantitative approach was used in this study. Quantitative data is a

technique to analyze and count the data. It means that the technique of quantitative

data analysis is the process of data shaped by number. In this study, the researcher

used the quantitative data to know the students achievement in speaking after they

are taught by using dubbing movies as a media in teaching speaking. the researcher

analyzed the result of the test after collecting the data by using an oral test. The

result of the test was processed by comparing the data before and after treatment by

t-test. But before, the researcher has to make sure the result pass the normality

testing and homogeneity testing.

1. Normality Test

After the researcher got the result of the pre-test and post-test, the result

has to pass normality testing. In statistics, normality tests are used to determine

if a data set is well-modeled by a normal distribution and to compute how likely

it is for a random variable underlying the data set to be normally distributed

(Székely and Rizzo, 2005).

2. Homogeneity Test

This test determines if two or more populations (or subgroups of a

population) have the same distribution of a single categorical variable. Or the

test for homogeneity is a method, based on the chi-square statistic, for

testing whether two or more multinomial distributions are equal.

3. T-Test

The researcher used t-test to analyze the data. According to Cohen et al

(2007:543), the t-test assumes that one variable is categorical (e.g., males and

females) and one is a continuous variable (e.g., marks on a test).

The researcher in this study used the formula of T-test to analyses the

data to know the result of students‟ test which are conducted before and after

doing treatment. The data were analyzed using the following of t-test (Ary et al,


The researcher used T-test using statistical program to know the

effectiveness and to get stronger conclusion. The t-test was taken from result of

students‟ test which was conducted before and after doing treatment or taught

by using dubbing movies.


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