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VIVA Questions


1. Which algorithm guarantees an optimal solution, A* or AO*?

 A* guarantees an optimal path but not AO* because AO* does not explore all the solution
paths once it gets a solution.

2. Why is A star Algorithm better?

 A* is the most popular choice for pathfinding, because it's fairly flexible and can be used in a
wide range of contexts.

3. What is A star Algorithm is used for?

 used to find the shortest path between an initial and a final point and it is a handy algorithm
that is often used for map traversal to find the shortest path to be taken.

4. Why is A* algorithm popular?

 A* Algorithm is popular because it is a technique that is used for finding path and graph
traversals. This algorithm is used by many web-based maps and games.

5. Difference between a* and ao* algorithm.

 Both A* and AO* algorithms are used in the field of Artificial Intelligence for heuristic
An A* algorithm represents an OR graph algorithm that is used to find a single solution
(either this or that).
An AO* algorithm represents an AND-OR graph algorithm that is used to find more than one
solution by ANDing more than one branch.

6. what is A* algorithm
 A* search algorithm is one of the best and popular technique used in path finding and graph
7. why A* algorithm
 this algorithm is the advanced form of the BFS algorithm which searches for the shoter path
first than the longer paths . It is a complete as well as an optimal solution for solving path and
grid problems


1. What does AO stands for in AO* algorithm?

 AO refers to AND-OR graph that is being used as input

2. Which algorithm guarantees an optimal solution, A* or AO*?

 A* guarantees an optimal path but not AO* because AO* does not explore all the solution
paths once it gets a solution.

3. Difference between a* and ao* algorithm.

 Both A* and AO* algorithms are used in the field of Artificial Intelligence for heuristic
An A* algorithm represents an OR graph algorithm that is used to find a single solution
(either this or that).
An AO* algorithm represents an AND-OR graph algorithm that is used to find more than one
solution by ANDing more than one branch.

4. How does AO * algorithm work?

 AO* algorithm works mainly based on two phases. First phase will find a heuristic value for
nodes and arcs in a particular level. The changes in the values of nodes will be propagated
back in the next phase. There are situations like a non-promising node eventually become a
promising one.

5. What are different types of search techniques explain AO * with example?

 It can be divided into five main types:
Breadth-first search. Uniform cost search. Depth-first search. Iterative deepening depth-first


1. What are the limitations of the find s algorithm that are handled by the candidate elimination
 Limitations of Find-S Algorithm: There is no way to determine if the hypothesis is consistent
throughout the data. Inconsistent training sets can actually mislead the Find-S algorithm,
since it ignores the negative examples.

2. How do you overcome the delimits of candidate elimination algorithm?

 The Candidate Elimination Algorithm goes as follows - Initialize S to the set of maximally
specific hypotheses in H. Remove from G any hypothesis that does not include. For each
hypothesis s in S that does not include d, remove s from S. Remove from S any hypothesis
that is more general than another hypothesis in S.

3. What is the candidate elimination algorithm?

 The candidate elimination algorithm incrementally builds the version space given a
hypothesis space H and a set E of examples. ... The candidate elimination algorithm does this
by updating the general and specific boundary for each new example. You can consider this
as an extended form of Find-S algorithm.

4. Where is candidate elimination algorithm used?

 Candidate Elimination Algorithm is used to find the set of consistent hypothesis, that is
Version space.

5. Where is candidate elimination algorithm used?

 Candidate Elimination Algorithm is used to find the set of consistent hypothesis.

1. what is the use of id3 algorithm?

 ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3) is an algorithm invented by Ross Quinlan[1] used to generate
a decision tree from a dataset.

2. what is information gain?

 Information gain IG(A) is the measure of the difference in entropy from before to after the
set S is split on an attribute A. In other words, how much uncertainty in S was reduced after
splitting set S on attribute A.

3. What is entropy?
 Entropy is a measure of the amount of uncertainty in the (data) set S (i.e. entropy
characterizes the (data) set S).

4. Full form of 1d3?

 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3)

5. What is the output of decision tree?

 The outputs of the Decision Tree change based on your target variable


1. How many types of ANN?


2. In which ANN, loops are allowed?

 Feedback ANN

3. Output at each node is called _________

 Node Value
4. Application of ANN
 Automative, Aerospace, Electronic

5. What do you mean by perceptron

 it is also called an artificual neurons a neural network that does certain computation to detect is used as a linear classifier while working with set of input data

6. What exactly is artificial neural network?

 An artificial neuron network (neural network) is a computational model that mimics the way
nerve cells work in the human brain. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) use learning
algorithms that can independently make adjustments - or learn, in a sense - as they receive
new input


1. What does Naive Bayes requires?

 Categorical Values

2. Spam Classification is an example for which algorithm ?

 Naive Bayes


1. what is em algorithm
 The Expectation-Maximization Algorithm, or EM algorithm for short, is an approach for
maximum likelihood estimation in the presence of latent variables.

2. Which is better between EM algorithm and K-Means algorithm

 EM based clustering matched true table more closely than the K-Means.

3. what is em algorithm
 an expectation maximization algorithm is a iterative method to find maximum likelihood or
maximum estimates of parameters in statistical models where the model depends on
unobserved latent variables

4. What is k means algorithm?

 k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization, originally from signal processing, that
aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the
cluster with the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of the cluster.

5. What does M stand for in em algorithm?

 Maximization

6. what family of classifiers does Naive Bayes classifier belongs to

7. is Naive Bayes supervised or unsupervised.

8. Wht is bayesian classification?

 It predicts the class membership probabilities such as the probability tht gives tuple belongs
to a particular class

9. In which principle naive bayesian classification works?

 Based on the principle of conditional probability

10. What is the principle of naive Bayesian algorithm?

 It is a classification technique based on Bayes' Theorem with an assumption of independence
among predictors. In simple terms, a Naive Bayes classifier assumes that the presence of a
particular feature in a class is unrelated to the presence of any other feature


1. What is “K” in the KNN Algorithm?

 K represents the number of nearest neighbors you want to select to predict the class of a given

2. What is “K” in the KNN Algorithm? 

 K represents the number of nearest neighbours you want to select to predict the class of a
given item, which is coming as an unseen dataset for the model. 

3. How to choose the optimal value of K in the KNN Algorithm?

 The optimum value of K can be found by:
1) Square Root Method: Take the square root of the number of samples in the training
dataset and assign it to the K value.
2) Elbow Method: Start with the minimum value of k i.e., K=1, and run cross-validation,
measure the accuracy, and keep repeating till the results become consistent. Finally, pick
the optimum K at the beginning of the stable zone.

4. Can the KNN algorithm be used for regression problem statements? 

 Yes, KNN can be used for regather KNN algorithm can be applied  when the dependent
variable is continuous. For regression problem statements, the predicted value is given by the
average of the values of its k nearest neighbours.ession problem statements


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