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A comprehensive company wide assessment to measure operational excellence level and identify
improvement areas, target to manufacturing companies.
Can be used as
- An assessment tool to standardize and speed up diagnosis/report delivery for consultants
- A part of internal analysis in strategy formulation process
- A survey for industries
Institute of Management and Technology Promotion © 2005-2018.
Strategy (to create values to the company): a company should create values in a systematic
way, and competitive advantages should be started from the top. Meanwhile, operational activities
can never achieve best results without strategic alignment. Vision, strategy, strategy deployment,
financial management, ethics and CSR will be covered in this dimension.
Execution (to deliver values to customers): ranged from outbound to inbound activities, in
which 8 dimensions will be covered: Targets, standards and kaizen, Plant and machine, QCDS and
Working Environment, QMS, Energy, Market and Product, SCM, Technology and Knowledge
Management will be taken into consideration. The target of those dimensions is to build up QCD
and agility.
People and culture (to live the values): ensuring the soft part of the company is helping in
delivery strategic alignment and effectiveness. People and culture will be evaluated in 3
dimensions: Leadership, Competence and Culture.
Scoring system key target is to define measurable objectives in order to compare the ability of
making improvements happen. Score itself does not bring any significant benefit to the
Scoring guideline
Assessor need to keep in mind that they should unfold actual implementation of the dimensions
rather than finding evidences from documents or answers. In order to extract data for scoring,
assessors need to ask open questions especially on how the job is being performed, examples and
documented/on-site evidence. A site check before interview session is highly recommended to
validate hypotheses.
Each item will be scored by following guideline
0- if there is no evidence.
1- if there is some evidence prove that the item is actually undertaken with documents/process
available, or being done using habitual activities that come from profound experience, or
well planned and to be implemented very soon
3- if the item was fully implemented and bringing expected results
Each item will be sorted in either Foundation or Progressive. An Progressive item shall not be
scored at 3 if the related Foundation item is not scored at 3.
Company name



Contact person





Assessment day


Payment to suppliers is normally ontime

There is no outstanding bad dept

The organization comply with legal

requirements on key aspects

Internal relations are being taken well

External relations are being taken well


Category Item Sub Assessment item Description Current Target


Vision & Strategy 1 1 There is a vision statement The vision is officially published internal 3 3
published in the company and externally. Vision is not changed
frequently (yearly). The managers and
staffs know that vision via printed
document or online media and can repeat
that vision.

Vision & Strategy 2 2 The vision motivates Members at all level can explain how the 1 3
organization members in their vision motivates them and how the vision
daily activities guide them in problem solving or daily

Vision & Strategy 3 1 Business owners know what Business owners and/or BOD know what 1 3
direction they should take in are the key changes in market,
the next 5 years technology, internal structures, etc. and
critical things they should do in the future

Vision & Strategy 4 2 There is a documented The company could present that they 1 3
strategy in place have a strategy formulated and
documented in a structured way, which
consist of target, analysis and action
plans. Financial and other resources
forecast is in place.

Vision & Strategy 5 3 The strategy is properly There was an official annoucement of the 1 3
communicated strategy. Senior managers know what
role they should take in the strategy, and
can recall key points of the strategy.

Strategy 6 1 There are business plans to Business plan yearly available and 0 1
Deployment support strategy supported by functional plans. The plans
implementation were clearly communicated to related

Strategy 7 2 Strategy and plans are The organization used a structured way 1 1
Deployment cascaded into KPIs in an such as OGSM to roll-out, measure and
structured way keep track of strategy implementation

Strategy 8 3 Strategy and plans are Reports are available proving that the 1 3
Deployment reviewed and updated organization take a serious care of its
periodically external and internal conditions. There
are meeting at least quarterly to review
strategy and plans.

Organization 9 1 There is a clear and updated The organization chart illustrate all 0 1
organization chart existing SBUS and departments. It should
be presented in a structured way. There
is good reason why each unit exist. There
are no conficting or seriously duplicated
in functions.

Organization 10 2 Vision and functional Vision of each unit is well defined. FD is 0 1

descriptions of each unit in available and updated. There may be a
the organization are in place slight difference between actual tasks
compared with FD but not significant.

Organization 11 3 Organization structure fits Organization structure cover all key 1 3

with strategy elements in the strategy and can foster
implementation in an agile way.

Financial 12 1 Cashflow is positive or inline Cashflow is actually generate profit for 3 3

Management with investment plan the company. There might be some short
in cash but will be shortly covered. If the
company is in investment period,
negative cash flow is acceptable only if it
is well suited with plan.

Financial 13 2 There is a financial plan in Financial plan for the year (at least) or 0 1
Management place plan for long-term activities is in place.
There is specific measure for large
investments (if any).

Financial 14 3 Financial risks are seriously Key financial ratios are monitored 1 1
Management evaluated frequently (Dupont chart or the like).
Report and management
recommendations are acknowledged by
top management. Risk handling measure
are available.

Financial 15 4 Payment from clients is Standard payment terms are in place. 0 0

Management normally ontime Clients normally pay on-time or at least
not so different to agreed terms.

Financial 16 5 Payment to suppliers is Standard payment terms are in place. 1 1

Management normally ontime Suppliers normally get paid on- time or at
least not so different to agreed terms.

Financial 17 6 There is no outstanding bad Respective people in charge were trained 3 3

Management dept and have measures to ensure that there
is minimum risk for ongoing activities,
such as: accounting and tax, labor
standard conditions, insurance.

Ethics and CSR 18 1 The organization comply with Respective people in charge were trained 1 1
legal requirements on key and have measures to ensure that there
aspects is minimum risk for ongoing activities,
such as: accounting and tax, labor
standard conditions, insurance

Ethics and CSR 19 2 Internal relations are being Staff faces are positive and look 1 3
taken well fine/healthy. Assessor can feel a positive
atmosphere from working environment.
The company actively organize activities
for the sake of her members such as
healthcare programs, annual holidays,.

Ethics and CSR 20 3 External relations are being The company actively participate in 1 1
taken well community activities. There is no
significant or long term complaints from
the community regarding matter related
to company operations.

Category Item Sub Assessment item Description Current Target


Targets, 21 1 Key manufacturing processes are in Documented processes and forms 0 1

standards and control are available. Data were collected
kaizen frequently according to check
points in the processes.

Targets, 22 2 Work standard utilized in operation & There are job instructions and/or 0 1
standards and improvement activities work standards widely available at
kaizen workplace. Staff can access to
those document easily. If it is a
manufacturing plance, work
standards/Jl should be printed out
and sticked at staff position. There
are evidences that WS/JI are used
for improvement activities.

Targets, 23 3 Key goals are visualized in the Goals for the year or 0 1
standards and workplace month/week/day are displayed
kaizen properly at places that people can
easily see. Information of target
and result is up to date.

Targets, 24 4 There are effective frequent Senior managers, managers and 1 1

standards and (daily/weekly) meeting staffs join meetings in order to
kaizen update information and solve
problems frequently. The meeting
should be organized properly with
an appointed leader, and produces
appropriate meeting minutes. The
MM should be delivered right after
meetings with clear issues,
measures, target, person in
charge, timeline.

Targets, 25 5 Kaizen program is activated Kaizen proposal is recorded and 1 1

standards and recognized. There are evidences
kaizen that kaizen proposals are
evaluated properly and some of
them are implemented. Budget
and policies to foster kaizen
activities are in place

Plant and 26 1 Factory/workplace outline are Convenience in moving parts, 3 3

machine designed to bring efficiency in products and communication.
operations Machines/people are connected

Plant and 27 2 Machines in good condition with high Actual operation of machines is 1 1
machine OEE mostly ok at all times. OEE is
measured for each and all
machines. OEE is higher than
85%. Managers use statistical data
to formulate loss analysis and
counter measures.

Plant and 28 3 Automous maintenance is in place There are AM instruction at each 1 1

machine machine. Workers were trained on
AM procedures and actively
perform AM activities.

Plant and 29 4 Maintenance plan is in place Senior managers know which 1 1

machine machines are critical to their
operations. Plan for periodic
maintenance was made and
followed for critical machines.

QCDS and 30 1 Quality is consistently met client Acceptance rate after delivery is 1 3
Working expectation high compared to industry
Environment standards. Changes in customer
requirements are properly keep
track of. There are standard
procedure in handling customer
feedback and evidences to prove
that those feedback are carefully
analyzed and improved from time
to time

QCDS and 31 2 Cost is consistently met client COGS is competitive. All big cost 1 1
Working expectation items are clearly identified and
Environment monitored

QCDS and 32 3 Delivery time is consistently met Orders are delivered on time. Risks 0 1
Working client expectatic to delivery time are considered. If
Environment there is a change that may affect
delivery time, make sure that the
client is updated early (not at the
end of deadline)

QCDS and 33 4 Safety conditions are maintained at a Labor protection measures 3 3

Working high consciousness (uniform, gloves, shoes, glass,
Environment machine protection, fire
extinguisher, clear exits.) applied
properly. Reports are being
updated to top management even
in the case there is no accident.
EHS policy is published

QCDS and 34 5 Working environment is safe, 55 is properly implemented. There 1 3

Working organized and pleasant to work in is enough ighting exit, lines… Tools
Environment for work are provided adequately
and in good shape. Ordor and
noise are controlled up to industry
standards. Worker feel good in
such environment.

Quality 35 1 Key processes are defined and The key processes that contribute 0 1
Management connected largely into organization value
creation model were identified and
connected. Documents for those
processes are available.

Quality 36 2 Processes and forms are frequently There are an organization wide 1 1
Management updated and improved effort on continously improving the
processes and forms in order to
gain efficiency, not bureaucracy.
Lessons learned from project or
ongoing tasks are resulting in
processes and activities

Quality 37 3 Quality performance is measured Quality performance indicators are 0 1

Management identified and keep track of

Quality 38 4 Good ownership in quality problems Managers and workers have a 1 1

Management tendency to acknowledge their role
in quality problems, not to blame
the others. Team/circles are
formed officially/unofficially.
Atmosphere in problem solving
meetings are constructive.

Quality 39 5 An effective problem solving process Key types of problems are 0 1

Management is in place categorized. There are process and
instructions guiding how to solve
problem effectively in each type.
Lessons learned are publicized

Quality 40 6 Speed of response in customer There is an elevated procedure in 0 1

Management problems meet expectation of clients handline customer problems.
Respective people are trained with
that procedure. Standard of
responses are defined and

Energy 41 1 Energy consumption for key areas are There are appropriate devices for 1 1
Management measured measurement or accurate
estimation methods in key areas
(big machine, lighting, HVAC, etc.).
Data on enerey consumption is
available. If energy is accounted
for a large portion of production
cost, energy audit is performed.

Energy 42 2 Initiatives in energy savings are in The company analyze and make 3 3
Management place plans for energy savings. Actual
energy saving measures

Category Item Sub Assessment item Description Current Target


Market and 43 1 Market changes is reviewed Policy on review market changes. 1 1

Product periodically Trends, risks, opportunities are
analysed. Useful decision making
recommendations are recorded
based on analysed data.

44 2 Clear market Segmentation, Target Segments are profiled and 1 1

and Positioning updated. The target segments fit
with existing strategy. Position is
unique considering competitive
environment landscape.

45 3 Customer values are prioritized and The company stated clearly list of 0 1
realized values and their priorities, not to
treat all dimensions of customer
satisfaction equally. There are
specific measures to ensure those
values are delivered to customer
in a structured way.

46 4 Product Portfolio is reviewed Product life cycle management is 0 1

periodically in place. There is a balance status
in product portfolo. New products
are introduce frequently to

47 5 Has a consistent way to develop new Standard process and 0 1

product documented evidences are
available for different kinds of
new product.

48 6 New products go through rigorious There are standard criteria to 0 3

review process before launching assess probabilities of success.
Cost and financial plan are
properly analysed for new
product. Top management review
is included before initiating
launching event.

49 7 New products generated revenue and Ratio of success in launching new 0 1

profit as expected products has been proven over

Supply Chain 50 1 Suppliers are evaluated periodically Criteria for evaluation of different 1 1
Management kind of suppliers are in place.
Procurement department perform
a legal/site check toward new
suppliers. Record of suppliers
evaluation are available.

51 2 SCM met operation delivery There is no significant delay or 1 1

performance need trouble during production process
related to SCM. If there is
trouble, the issue would be
identified in advance and leave
enough time to balance the
production plan to meet

52 3 Inventory properly managed in term of Inventories are in good shape. 1 1

leveling & FIFO Stock cards are used properly.
Stock data and rules is available.
FIFO rules are followed strictly.
53 4 Plan to develop suppliers according to Yearly planning for suppliers 0 1
business plan development published taking
into considerations existing
suppliers performance and future
business needs.

54 5 Procurement is planned and performed Excessive buying is avoided 3 3

to optimize cashflow successfully. Buying process has
a serious check-point to large
order, even when buying item is
in budget.

Technology 55 1 Management system mostly performed Key activities of the company are 1 1
and on software operating on software (ERP, CRM,
Knowledge PM, etc.). Reports are used by
Management top management. Data is entered
correctly. Users acceptance at
high level.

56 2 Daily tasks are assisted by respective Calendars, to-do lists, 3 3

computer aided tools communications, CAD/CAM.. are
widely used in the organization

57 3 Machines, software, equipment used Machines, PC, laptop, electronic 0 1

are up to-date devices are not obsoleted

58 4 Technology can create competitive Specific or advanced technology 1 3

advantages is in place compared to
competitors. Need for new
technology from clients are
considered and put into
investment plan.

59 5 Use software licences properly Most of software used in the 1 3

organization is properly licensed
60 6 Has a plan to anticipate and take A plan with analysis on which 0 1
advantage of digital transformation part of the business will be
changed or utilized using digital
transformation is in place

61 7 Knowledge management is in place A systematic approach of 1 1

transforming tacit knowledge to
explicit knowledge is in place.
There are evidences that
knowledge are acquired and
documented often from key
persons. People in the
organization use KM tools

Category Item Sub Assessment item Description Current Target


Leadership 62 1 Roles and responsibilities are JDs are available for all positions in the 1 3
defined at all levels companies. JDs are updated frequently
and understood by person in charge.

63 2 Project and tasks are delegated Delegation authorization documents are 1 1

actually published. The tasks and projects are
truly delegated in a way that managers
can actively solve problems and take full
responsibilities and accountabilities.
BOD play the role of support rather than
strict control.

64 3 Leadership supportive style is Managers and subordinates are doing 1 3

easily identified fine in rapport. Everyone can ask for
help freely and receive timely support.

65 4 Result oriented mindset is Managers show their concern on 0 1

popularized delivering results rather than talking
about nice to have activities. Purposes
and specific targets are always identified
upon a project or task. Timeline are
strictly checked.

66 5 Management level competence Leadership competency framework 0 1

development plan is in place defined, assessed and development was
developed and implemented using
multiple interventions rather than
training only

Competence 67 1 Skill matrices are available and There is a list of members, skills and 1 3
updated current level of proficiency. Skills are
identified for each position. Proficiency
of each person is assessed and illustrate
on skill matrices.

68 2 Operation instructions are Handy instructions are often given. 1 1

delivered effectively Members can understand and do their
tasks as instructed.

69 3 Competence development plan in There is an multiple interventions plan 0 1

place for development for critical positions.
Participants in the plan say that they get
real benefit from the program.

70 4 Members at all level can solve Members of the organization were 1 1

problem effectively trained on problem solving skills. They
should know which tool to be used in
which case. Advanced problem solving
tools such as G8D, DMAIC, FMEA, etc.
are applied.

71 5 Current skillset suits with current Skillset and level of proficiency from 0 1
products/services members is adequate for current
strategy deployment needs. There are
program to ensure new comers to be
trained effectively by experienced

72 6 Time and actual self-learning The company leave time and provide 1 1
activities are ensured other favorable condition for life- long
learning. There is an atmosphere of self-
learning in place. People use their
learning time effectively and can report
improvements/lessons learned in the
73 7 Required skills for future are Skills related to big changes required by 0 1
identified and prepared company strategy are identified. The
company set up a plan to gain new skills
from various sources and measures.

Culture 74 1 People proactively handle Members of the organization show a 0 1

assigned tasks can-do attitude. There are volunteers on
hard tasks. Tasks are disscussed until
expectations are cleared. People speak
out their concerns during performing the
tasks. Deadlines are normally met.

75 2 People communicate positively Positive languages are often used in 0 1

most of time. Communications are well
understood. Communications base on

76 3 People collaborate effectively Atmosphere at meetings is constructive.

There may be argument but the
argument is targeted to issues, not

77 4 People have ideas to improve Improvement suggestions are observe 1 1

work company wide at all level to improve
their job and job of the others.

78 5 People respect discipline There is less evidence on violation of 0 1

policies, procedures, standards and
deadlines. Conflicts are handled
professionally rather than emotionally.

79 6 Diversity is respected The organization does not show 1 1

discimination of sex or sexual tendency,
race, regilion. Diversity in personalities,
point of view are respected or
scientifically managed.

80 7 Culture values and standard Core values identified. Standard 1 1

behaviors are defined behaviors are defined and linked to
performance expectations.

81 8 Engagement level to corporate There are various activities performed to 1 1

culture is high foster daily practice of values. People
recognize themselves as "Company A
people" rather than denying values.
Number of Max Score Score_C Score_T Culture Targets

Strategy, People 20 60 21 39 35% 65%

and Culture

Vision & Strategy 5 15 7 15 47% 100%

Strategy Deployemen 3 9 2 5 22% 56%

Organization 3 9 1 5 11% 56%

Financial Management 6 18 8 9 44% 50%

Ethics and CSR 3 9 3 5 33% 56%

Leadership 5 15 3 9 20% 60%

Competence 7 21 4 9 19% 43%

Culture 8 24 4 7 17% 29%

Number of Max Score Score_C Score_T Culture Targets


Operations 22 66 20 32 30% 48%

Targets, Standards and 5 15 2 5 13% 33%


Plant and Machine 5 15 6 6 40% 40%

QCDS and Working 4 12 6 11 50% 92%


QMS 6 18 2 6 11% 33%

Energy consumption 2 6 4 4 67% 67%

Market and Product Porfolio 7 21 2 9 10% 43%

Supply Chain Management 5 15 6 7 40% 47%

Technology Management 7 21 7 13 33% 62%

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