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Try to apply the skills on reading the articles entitled, “Action Call on Crisis Families.

‘Tough times can provoke tragedies’ Action call on crisis families By Sanna So Family
problems surface and worsen during hard times, and they could lead to violence and
tragedy, speakers at the City Forum said yesterday. Professor Leung Jin-pang of the
Chinese University’s Department of Psychology urged the government to take a more
active role before more tragedies occurred. “We should not wait,” he said. “Many of these
families do not know where and how to seek help.” Prof. Leung said the economic turmoil
might not lead directly to family problems. “But the economic factor may expand these
problems in some families, although these may not immediately lead to tragedies,” he said.
He warned that violence and tragedy might follow as problems worsened. The psychology
professor explained that the overwhelming attention of society and the news media on
family tragedies could affect the next generation. Tang Lai Yuen-yee, chief social welfare
officer, said the government was aware of the situation. She revealed the number of
families the Social Welfare Department and nongovernment organisations dealt with had
risen 12 per cent last year, mainly as a result of emotional problems and family disputes.
Stressing the need to increase manpower to deal with the problem, Mrs Tang said the
number of case workers had grown by 40 per cent in the last three years—from 504 to
present 706. She said 26 more case workers would be added to the team by year-end.
“Though we have not studied the reasons behind family tragedies, experience showed that
those people in trouble are not willing or confident enough to seek help,” Mrs. Tang said.
“Their unwillingness to disclose their problems openly may also lead to tragedies.” Cecilia
Kwan Ho Shiu-fong of the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society said, “Many people seek
outside assistance too late, and multiple efforts are needed. We need to understand that it is
very common to ask for help.” She called on people in trouble to seek assistance as soon as
The Caritas Family Service Project on Extramarital Affairs has received 56,000 calls since
the hotline counseling service was established in 1995. It helped in 1,502 cases on
extramarital affairs last year and 2,386 new cases since 1993. Supervisor Eliza Chan Lam
Yee-wan said extra-marital affairs were not only a family problem but also a social
problem and could lead to violence. She urged the government to put more resources in
family services to offer help and counseling before tragedies occur. Meanwhile, some
organizations have called on parents to play more with their children to increase their
family’s resistance to problems and violence. “Through games, parents and children can
establish close relationship and be more willing to share feelings and problems,” said
Maggie Ng Miu-man, chief editor of a children’s and parents’ magazine, Parentage.
(Source: Hong Kong Standard, 11 May 1998)
Week 12: Reading Skills
Step 1: Skim Read the title of the article and fill in the blanks.
The article aims at _______________ people, organizations or most likely _______________
to _______________ on crisis families. The small heading suggests that family tragedies are
easily provoked if the families _________________________________________________.

Step 2: Read paragraphs 2-6 and choose the best answer.

Statement T F NG
1.Professor Leung Jin-pang urged the Department of Psychology of the
Chinese University to take a more active role before more tragedies
2. Professor Leung thinks that economic pressure is the trigger of family
3. Professor Leung urges the government to take measures on mass media
since it is reporting family tragedies overwhelmingly.
4. Professor Leung spoke at the City Forum yesterday.

Read paragraphs 7-11 and answer the following questions.

Mrs. Tang, who is working at ________________________________________________,
claimed that family problems are mainly caused by________________________________
_______________________________________. She also pointed out that ____________ in
family tragedies are usually _________________ to report their problems and seek help.

Imagine you were a social critic, what would you ask Mrs. Tang or how would you comment
on the officer’s speech?

Read paragraphs 13-15 and answer the following questions.

Statement T F NG
1. The Caritas Family Service was founded in 1995.
2. There is a continuous rise in the number reports of extra marital affairs.
3. Eliza Chan Lam Yee-wan claimed that extra marital affairs led to

Summarise the main ideas of paragraphs 13-15


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