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IPR4EE – Unit 1, Session 4

Consortia and Collaborative Projects

Consortium or Collaborative Project title:

Aim of Consortium or collaborative project: What do you want to achieve?

Outline of purpose: Short description of learning activities/learning outcomes/deliverables.

Why is forming a consortium or project collaboration useful?

You may want to consider the possibilities from the perspectives of:
 your institution
 your students
 your colleagues
 yourself
 across the education sector.

This resource was created by University College Falmouth and released as an open educational resource through the
Intellectual Property Rights For Educational Environments (IPR4EE) project. The IPR4EE project is funded by HEFCE and part
of the JISC/HE Academy UKOER Phase II programme.

© 2011 University College Falmouth

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence. When repurposing this resource
please acknowledge University College Falmouth and the IPR4EE project.
Who are the best partners to achieve the purpose of the Consortium / Collaborative Project? Why?
What specialist expertise will they cover that you do not?

What exactly will the consortium or collaborative project be seeking to achieve?

This resource was created by University College Falmouth and released as an open educational resource through the
Intellectual Property Rights For Educational Environments (IPR4EE) project. The IPR4EE project is funded by HEFCE and part
of the JISC/HE Academy UKOER Phase II programme.

© 2011 University College Falmouth

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence. When repurposing this resource
please acknowledge University College Falmouth and the IPR4EE project.
How will you know if your consortium or collaborative project has met its objectives? Please list at
least 3 means for evaluation.

What would be your preferred type of agreement to establish a collaborative working arrangement:
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), formal agreement, etc?

This resource was created by University College Falmouth and released as an open educational resource through the
Intellectual Property Rights For Educational Environments (IPR4EE) project. The IPR4EE project is funded by HEFCE and part
of the JISC/HE Academy UKOER Phase II programme.

© 2011 University College Falmouth

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence. When repurposing this resource
please acknowledge University College Falmouth and the IPR4EE project.
What contingencies will be in place should a partner fail to meet its obligations and/or becomes
unable to persist in the consortium or collaborative project?

How might you mitigate these factors?

This resource was created by University College Falmouth and released as an open educational resource through the
Intellectual Property Rights For Educational Environments (IPR4EE) project. The IPR4EE project is funded by HEFCE and part
of the JISC/HE Academy UKOER Phase II programme.

© 2011 University College Falmouth

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Licence. When repurposing this resource
please acknowledge University College Falmouth and the IPR4EE project.

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