Automated Aquaculture System That Regulates PH, Temperature and Ammonia

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Automated Aquaculture System that Regulates Ph,

Temperature and Ammonia

Aaron Don M. Africa, Jeremy Czar Christian A. Aguilar, Charles Martin S. Lim Jr .,
Paulo Arnel A. Pacheco and Steven Edward C. Rodrin
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
Gokongwei College of Engineering
De La Salle University Manila
2401 Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila, Philippines 1004

Abstract— The current method of raising tilapia in the possibility of fish kill. The system takes advantage of
Philippines is through fish ponds exposed to the weather. electronic sensors to provide real-time parameter
Methods for measuring pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and measurements, a controller to process, store the data, and
ammonia are limited to manually using a chemical test kit. The automatically take corrective action when needed, perform the
current system relies on manually regulating the water quality so said corrective action while notifying the user through SMS.
the fish are at risk of harmful situations resulting from unsafe Elements found in previous studies and recommendations were
levels of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, or ammonia. This integrated to design this system.
study aims to solve that problem by creating a system that
automatically measures and regulates the pH, temperature,
dissolved oxygen, and ammonia. This study takes advantage of II. LITERATURE REVIEW
electronic sensors for pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen, The National Aquaculture Sector of the Philippines
while computing the ammonia factor, to allow the user to observed the typical method of raising tilapia in the
measure the levels of the said parameters at any given time,
Philippines involves placing the tilapia in large outdoor ponds,
process, send the data to a LabVIEW database, and use the data
to automatically take corrective action against harmful levels of pens, and cages. These containers are usually placed in
pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and ammonia while notifying freshwater lakes or man-made ponds. The tilapia are fed and
the user through SMS. The proponents of this study built the sampled or transferred when necessary. It is usually an
prototype and tested it on two different trials of 50 fingerlings affordable and basic set up [3].
each in a 1 cubic-meter glass aquarium.
The Metropolitan Fishing Group based in Singapore uses
Keywords— Tilapia farming, pH, Temperature, Control Dissolved Oxygen (DO) sensors to monitor the DO levels of
Actuators , Ammonia
their fish tanks. When the sensors detect critically-low levels
of DO, their system immediately notifies the staff to manually
I. INTRODUCTION replenish the DO through operating a special pump. Their
tanks also use electronic filters to ensure optimal water quality
for their fish. [4]. It is recommended that future studies utilize
Tilapia farming is a very large industry in the Philippines.
The Philippines produced 260,525.67 metric tons of tilapia in a database to record data trends, and a GSM module to notify
2012 [1]. Fish farms are all over the country usually raise the the user remotely [5].
fish in containers fresh-water lakes or large man-made ponds;
the majority with a common depth of 70-80 cm [2]. The In the area of real-time pH measurement, a research group
current system leaves the fish outdoors and exposed to explored the use of Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE)in
elements. The fish are vulnerable to situations where the pH, measuring ammonia and the pH levels of a solution. They
temperature, DO, or ammonia levels become harmful. It only fabricated their own ISE’s by combining a disposable
takes one of those parameters to be at a lethal level for entire potentiometric creatinine with a disposable solid-state
batches of fish to die off and cause major losses for the whole reference electrode. According to the data, the ISE had a very
growing cycle. This requires constant vigilance which can be quick response time of about less than 30 seconds and
cumbersome for the staff. exhibited good operational stability [6].
This study intended to provide a solution for such events.
The system proposed is meant to provide a means to provide In the area of raising tilapia fingerlings, a research group
real-time measurements and regulation for pH, temperature, tested the effect of stocking density on growth of male tilapia
DO, and ammonia. The system was designed to measure and fingerlings. The proponents used five different stocking
automatically take corrective action as soon as harmful levels densities: 0.125, 1, 4, 12, and 20 fingerlings/m2 in 32 m2
of any of the said parameters are detected to reduce the concrete ponds with a depth of 90 cm. Their growing period

978-1-5386-0912-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

was 8 weeks. According to their data, the biggest stocking The pH is measured through a gel-filled glass pH sensor
density, 20 fingerlings per square-meter, had the highest and corrected by dispensing fish-friendly pH buffer solutions
mortality rate and the lowest growth rate (0.43 g/day). Their according to the pH of the system: alkaline for low-pH
smallest stocking density had the best monthly growth rate situations and acid for high-pH situations.
(3.03 g/day) and the lowest mortality rate [7]. The temperature is measured though a thermistor-based
stainless steel sensor. High temperature is corrected by
A similar study in 2009 tested the effect of stocking draining part of the water and replacing it with colder water by
density on male tilapia fingerling growth. The researchers pumping it from a separate reservoir.
used three different stocking densities: 7.143, 9.524, and
11.905fingerlings/m2in 4200 m2 ponds. The growth period The DO content is periodically sampled every 30 minutes
and usually maintained by constant aerations. Low DO levels
lasted 26 weeks. According to the data, the biggest stocking
are corrected by an auxiliary air pump.
density had the lowest monthly growth rate (0.7 g/day), while
lowest stocking density had the best monthly growth rate (1.2 The ammonia factor is computed based on pH and
g/day) [8]. temperature using the equation below derived from Millichip
[10]. The ammonia factor is indirectly controlled by controlling
In the area of using a tank to raise tilapia rather than a the pH and temperature.
pond, a research group in Nigeria tested the effect of stocking −1
density on male tilapia fingerling growth using tanks. The ª (0.0901821)+ §¨¨ 2729.92 ·¸¸− ph º
A = «10 © 273.15 −TC ¹
+ 1»
proponents used three different stocking densities: 32, 63, and « »
95 fingerlings/m2 in nine fiberglass 3-cubic-meter tanks. The ¬ ¼
fish were specifically given feed infused with chicken egg for Where:
added protein. The growing period was 12 weeks long. At 65
A = Ammonia Factor
fingerlings per square-meter, their monthly growth rate of
0.8571 g/day [9]. TC= Temperature in Celsius
ph = pH reading
B. Prototype Design
A. System Overview The prototype used in this study is an aquarium tank that is
The proposed system of this study is composed of an mounted with the various corrective devices, sensors, and a
aquarium system, pumps, correction devices, their respective main circulation mechanism. The aquarium itself is a 30 by 54
actuator circuits, a controller, GSM modules, and a database. by 40 in glass tank that holds 1m3 of water. The two pH
The system measures the pH, temperature, DO, and relative solution containers were mounted above the aquarium while
water level of the aquarium system through analog sensors the reservoir and the reservoir was place behind the tank where
while the ammonia factor is computed based on the readings a pump would transfer water from there to the tank. An air
for pH and temperature. The sensors produce an analog voltage pump with tubes connected to air-stones provided constant
that is read by the controller and converted to digital readings aeration in the bottom tank.
that are immediately recorded in a database after conversion. The main pump takes in water from the bottom of the
The parameter readings are compared to programmed set- aquarium and pumps it to a filter above the aquarium. The
points based on the safe limits of each parameter for fish. water would pass through a filter that removes the fish waste
Should any of the parameters outside the safe range, the system and food particles before being read by the sensors and
automatically takes corrective action by actuating the dropped back into the aquarium. The main drain is integrated
respective correctional devices and immediately notify the user with the piping so water can be flow out of the system at a
through SMS. Once the system completes self-corrective the decent rate.
said parameter the corrective action is stopped and the system
notifies the user. The figure below shows the overall block The sensors were placed in specific positions to avoid
diagram of the system. electrical interference between them. The pH sensor was in
direct contact with the water, the temperature sensor was inside
container that electrically (but not thermally) isolated the
sensor from the water, and the dissolved oxygen sensor was
connected to a water sampling circuit that takes water out of
the aquarium for sampling. All sensors were calibrated once a
week during testing and the grown period. The figure below
shows a diagram of the actual prototype that raised the tilapia
in this study. Two water level switches were used to determine
whether the water level was too high or too low (one for each).

Fig. 1. System block diagram

minutes while every reading was sent to the database. After
each sampling period, the average value is computed and
compared against the programmed set points. Should any
parameter be detected to be outside the safe range, the system
would turn on a flag, alert the user through SMS, and take
corrective action for the next sampling cycle. The flag variable
is the basis for halting corrective action and the follow-up
message once the parameter reaches the safe limit upon the
next checking time. Figure 4. shows the flowchart for pH,
temperature, and ammonia factor (computed).

Arduino 2 handles functions related to DO. The controller

Fig. 2. Prototype diagram samples water from the system every 30 seconds to isolate it
from the other sensors. When the water is sampled, the DO
The prototype used two Arduino Mega 2560 sensor measures the DO level and the controller stores that
microcontrollers to process the data from the sensors, control value in the database, compares it to the set-point, and
their respective corrective devices, send SMS to the user, and activates the auxiliary air pump if needed. Figure 5 shows the
send parameter readings to a database on a laptop computer corresponding flowchart.
[11]. All functions related to pH, temperature, ammonia factor,
and water level were handled by one controller (Arduino 1);
while all functions related to DO levels were handled by the
other controller (Arduino 2). The microcontrollers actuated
correction devices through various circuits. DC components
were actuated though N-type MOSFET switching circuits,
while all AC components were actuated using relay circuits
that were triggered by the output digital voltage of the


A. Arduino Programming
Arduino was the software used for programming the
Arduino microcontrollers [12]. Each microcontroller
continuously repeats a programmed cycle where each assigned
parameter is measured, compared against the set-point, and
then dealt the corresponding corrective action if needed [13].
Every hour, the system updates the user of the current level of Fig. 4. Temperature and pH flowchart
each parameter through SMS. The figure below shows the
overall cycle of the controllers.

Fig. 3. Arduino flowchart

The Arduino 1 handles functions related to pH,

temperature, ammonia factor, and water level. The pH and
Fig. 5. Dissolved oxygen flowchart
temperature were each measured for a sampling period of 10
B. LabView Database VI. RESULTS

LabVIEW is an integrated development environment

software made by National Instruments, a program A. Parameter Correlation
specifically for visual programming and system-design Since the system alters different parameters in the same
platform for creating custom applications that interact with body of water it was important to note how altering one
data or signals. LabVIEW is also used to interface hardware parameter affects others. The proponents varied pH and
devices for data collection by example [14]. LabVIEW temperature and determined their effects on the other
programs are called Virtual Instruments (VI) as this simulate parameters.
in appearance and operation of physical instruments. Each VI When altering the pH, it was discovered that it does not
has a front panel and a block diagram. Front panel is the user have a direct effect on the temperature. The graph does show a
interface of the program while block diagram is the graphical definite trend in the data and the correlation-coefficient (r) was
source code of the program [15]. 0.554565998. That suggests there is a weak relationship
between these two parameters. Figure 6 shows the visual
LabVIEW is used as the real time display and extraction of relationship.
parameter (Calculated Ammonia factor, Dissolved Oxygen, When increasing the pH, it was also discovered that the
pH, and Temperature) data from the Arduino boards to ammonia factor increases exponentially. This verifies the
LabVIEW [16]. “Equal? function” and “Replace Substring findings of Millichip. Since the hydroxide and ammonium
function” from the block diagram is used to segregate the raw convert to ammonia and water molecules, more hydroxide ions
data to their respective parameter “Case Structure” that goes present (higher pH) result in larger toxic ammonia content.
through indicators, plots, and charts. In layman’s terms, Figure 7 shows the visual relationship and the equation
LabVIEW detects the corresponding character that is coming describing the relationship in the typical range for pH in water
from the raw data to segregate the parameter data so if for raising fish.
LabVIEW detects the character “p” from the incoming raw
data LabVIEW would treat the incoming raw data as pH, if
character “t” it means for temperature, “a” for calculated
ammonia, and “d” for dissolved oxygen. Write to
Measurement file Express VI is used as the automatic
extraction of parameter data for every 1 hour interval in excel

There were two trials of using the prototype to raise 50
tilapia fingerlings each. The growing periods for both trials
lasted 28 days. Prior to the start of the growing period, three
(3) samples of 10 fingerlings each were weighed to record the
initial weight of each fingerling. The same process was done
at the end of each trial to determine the final weight.

During the trial period, the fish were fed twice a day. Once Fig. 6. pH vs. temperature correlation graph
at 8am and once at 4pm. Dead fish were immediately removed
from the aquarium to reduce any additional ammonia. The
prototype didn’t require frequent maintenance but required the
filter to be changed at least once per trial.

Instead the originally planned weekly weight sampling, the

proponents sampled the final weight at the end of the trial to
minimize the stress on the fish during the growing stage. The
same sampling procedure was used, three (3) samples of 10
fingerlings each, was used to measure the final weight. The
initial and final weights of each sample were compared and
used to compute the growth rate for each trial.

Fig. 7. pH vs. ammonia factor correlation graph

When the temperature increases, it was discovered the TABLE I. EFFECTS OF FEEDING
ammonia factor slightly increases in almost a linear fashion.
Minutes 0 20 40 60
The correlation-coefficient was 0.992385036 so that suggest a
strong linear relationship between the parameters. The effect pH 7.4260 7.5200 7.5200 7.5200
on the ammonia factor is negligible compared to that of pH. Temperature 22.5130 22.3260 22.1390 21.6730
Figure 8 shows the visual correlation and the equation of the Ammonia
relationship. 0.0125 0.0153 0.0151 0.0146
6.4951 6.4951 6.4951 6.4951

The only major change was a 0.01 increase in pH while the

other parameters weren’t significantly affected. With that
change in pH (and possibly ammonia factor) noted, the
proponents looked through the parameter data for pH and
ammonia factor during the feeding time of two days in a trail
period: one day during the beginning of the trial, and one day
toward the end of the trial. According figure 10, there weren’t
any significant increase trends in pH and ammonia factor.
Given the results it can be concluded that direct administration
of feeds to the water does not significantly influence the pH,
Fig. 8. Temperature vs. ammonia factor correlation graph temperature, ammonia factor, or DO.

When the temperature increases, the DO content slightly C. Fingerling Growth

decreases in a linear manner. The correlation-coefficient After conducting the growing periods for both trials, the
calculated was -0.975640054. This suggests a strong linear initial and final weights were compared and used to compute
relationship between the two parameters. Figure 9 shows the the daily growth rate of each trial. The results were compared
visual relationship and the equation describing that the first-month growth of a reference study that also used a
relationship. tank and had a similar stocking density, 63 fingerlings/m3 .

Fig. 9. Temperature vs. DO correlation graph

When the pH was altered, there was no change in DO level

at each testing point. It was concluded that the pH of water has Fig. 10. Ammonia factor readings during feeding period
no effect on DO.

B. Effects of Feeding Initial Final Weight Growth

When administering feeds for the fish, it was important to Weight Weight Gain Rate/day
note if there were any effects on any of the parameters. So the
proponents administered 1 gram of feeds to a water container Reference 1.09 g 25.09 g 24 g 0.8571 g
and measured the parameters every 20 minutes for 1 hour. The
table below show the results. Trial 1 2g 11.1667 g 9.1667 g 0.2957 g

Trial 2 1.1667 g 3.8333 g 2.6667 g 0.0952 g

Upon comparison, it was discovered that the growth rate of REFERENCES
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measurement of pH and temperature was relatively easy due [6] A. Yakubu, O. Ajiboye, N. Nwogu, E. Olaji, T. Adams, and E. Obule,
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database be improved. [10] I. Millichip . (2012, September). Amonia Calculations.
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the system’s data gathering. Also, it is recommended to find a [12] Arduino. (2017). [Online].Available:
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Lastly, the database and software could be improved.

Rather than having the user scroll through a file directory, it is
recommended that future proponents create a user interface
that can locate past parameter readings easily and bookmark
instances that the system corrected parameters. It is also
recommended that a user interface be created to allow the user
to change the programmed set points without having to disrupt
the system and reprogram the controllers individually.

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