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An Inexpensive, Low-Maintenance, Precision Amplifier, Dissolved Oxygen

Sensor, and Miniature Data Logger System Designed for Long-Term
Deployment in Riverine Systems

Article  in  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society · March 2010

DOI: 10.1577/T08-011.1


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2 authors:

Lawrence Keenan Steven J. Miller

St. Johns River Water Management District St. Johns River Water Management District, Palatka Florida


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Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:593–597, 2010 [Note]
Ó Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 2010
DOI: 10.1577/T08-011.1

An Inexpensive, Low-Maintenance, Precision Amplifier, Dissolved

Oxygen Sensor, and Miniature Data Logger System Designed for
Long-Term Deployment in Riverine Systems
Division of Environmental Sciences, St. Johns River Water Management District,
4049 Reid Street, Post Office Box 1429, Palatka, Florida 32177, USA

Abstract.—The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration is a Methods

dynamic water quality variable that is critical to fisheries. To Design and construction.—The DO recording de-
obtain simultaneous DO data at 15-min intervals over long
vice consists of a DO probe, a miniature data logger, a
periods (i.e., months) at a number of points along a river, a
simple, inexpensive (,US$40) differential voltage amplifier signal conditioning circuit, and rugged waterproof
circuit was developed to provide an interface between a housing. A Mackereth-type galvanic, or self-polarizing,
galvanic DO probe and a miniature data logger. The circuit is DO probe was chosen because it requires no external
designed around precision, micropower, single-voltage supply power source and produces a voltage signal linearly
operational amplifiers and consumes less than 3 W while proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen in
isolating and amplifying the output of a galvanic DO probe. solution (Mackereth 1964). Specifically, the Sensorex
The circuit is efficient and rapid enough to be powered by the DO-7000T (Sensorex Corp., Garden Grove, California)
data logger’s 2.5-V, 1-mA, 18-ms-read sensor trigger signal.
DO probe was chosen because it is designed for long
The complete unit, including the enclosure and floats, was
constructed for less than $700. Fourteen were deployed in the
deployment in harsh environments. This probe is
upper portion of the St. Johns River, Florida, over an 18- commonly used in wastewater, industrial process, and
month period. The units remained continuously deployed for aquaculture settings. The probe has an internal
4- to 6-month periods 82% of the time, and 93% of the thermister to provide automatic temperature compen-
collected data passed quality assurance tests. sation for membrane permeability and requires only a
single-point calibration. This model probe has been
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the most biologically discontinued but Sensorex’s DO-6400T probe, with a
relevant water quality measurement of lakes and slightly different housing, has the same electrochemical
streams because it is fundamental to the metabolism specifications and would serve as a direct replacement
of aerobic aquatic organisms (Wetzel 2003). However, in this system.
developing a detailed understanding of the temporal The HOBO U12–008 (Onset Computer Corp.,
and spatial dynamics of DO in aquatic systems is often Pocasset, Massachusetts) data logger was chosen for
difficult because of equipment and personnel limita- this project because of its low cost, high resolution,
tions. To collect DO data at multiple locations, a weather resistance, and simplicity of use. The data
relatively simple, inexpensive DO recording unit is logger has four 12-bit analog-to-digital (A–D) channels
needed that can collect measurements at relatively that will accept a selection of Onset sensors or a DC
frequent intervals (e.g., every 15 min) and be deployed input of 0–2.5 V. Direct connection of the DO probe to
for extended intervals with minimal maintenance. The the data logger was not feasible because the maximum
unit needs to be portable, have low power consump- output voltage from the probe at oxygen saturation is
tion, and be able to withstand demanding environmen- so low that it extends over less than 2% of the data
tal conditions. This paper describes the design, logger’s measurement range. To achieve greater
construction, calibration, and performance of such a resolution of the DO concentration, a high-precision,
DO recording apparatus and provides information on linear signal conditioning circuit was designed to
the precision and accuracy of measurements on the increase the probe’s voltage output by approximately
basis of laboratory as well as long-term field 50-fold.
deployments. The signal conditioning circuit was developed to
meet the following criteria: (1) the output signal should
use the full measurement range of the HOBO U12 data
logger; (2) the voltage and amperage requirements
* Corresponding author: should be completely met by the data logger’s sensor
Received January 16, 2008; accepted October 22, 2009 activation signal output; (3) the signal should be
Published online February 8, 2010 stabilized before the beginning of the data logger’s read


FIGURE 1.—Schematic diagram of the sensor signal conditioning circuit using LM1077 operational amplifiers (picofarad).

cycle; (4) the circuit should not interfere with other circuit layout file used in our work can be obtained by
sensors connected to the data logger; (5) the circuit contacting either author. This copy can be submitted
should be stable over long periods and large temper- directly to ExpressPCB, Inc., to order finished circuit
ature ranges; (6) the circuit should be small enough to boards ready for parts placement. The completed
fit inside the data logger’s weather-resistant case; and circuit boards are tested by measuring output voltage
(7) the circuit should be easily assembled out of readily with an input of approximately 40 mV and with the
available, inexpensive parts. inputs shorted. Because of the small power require-
An integrated circuit operational amplifier (Op Amp) ments, the voltages needed to power the circuit and run
is an appropriate choice to begin design of a stable, the tests can be developed using a rheostat and a 3-V
linear, floating differential amplification circuit. We battery to power the circuit and another rheostat to
chose a precision Op Amp LT-1077 (Linear Technol- produce the 40-mV input. The 40-mV input should
ogy Corp., Milpitas, California) for various suitable read approximately 2 V or about 50 times the actual
characteristics, particularly its ability to be powered by input voltage. The output should read approximately 16
the data logger’s 2.5-V sensor read signal and its ability mV with the input shorted. If either reading is
for output to swing from nearly 0 to 2.5 V, almost the incorrect, check for solder tracks between component
entire measurement range of the data logger. Two Op solder joints, poorly soldered joints, and misplaced
Amps were used to meet the impedance and amplifi- components. These problems are the cause of nearly
cation requirements. A schematic of the amplification every failure and are easily repaired.
circuit is supplied (Figure 1). All resistors were metal- The sensor wires were sealed by using the watertight
film–type rated at 0.125 W (accuracy, 61%). All parts compression glands provided with the data logger
were readily available by order from Digi-key enclosure. The DO sensor-circuits were connected to
Corporation ( channel 4 of the data loggers. This can be hardwired
The circuit design is relatively simple and layout of a directly or by way of a 2.5-mm stereo plug, the wiring
circuit board from the schematic should be easy for order being trigger signal, positive output, and ground
anyone with moderate electronics experience. We used from tip to base of plug. Detailed color pictures of
free layout software from ExpressPCB, Inc. (www. hardwire attachment points for channel 4 can be, which greatly simplified the task. obtained from either author by e-mail. The data loggers
This software also allowed direct Internet ordering of were also set to record temperature on channel 1, using
custom-printed circuit boards with predrilled holes for temperature sensors strapped to the side of each DO
component mounting, an epoxy solder mask, and silk- sensor housing (TMx-HD Soil/Water temperature
screened labeling for parts placement. Using a custom sensor; Onset Computer Corp.).
layout and a solder mask allowed the entire circuit to be For field applications, DO sensors equipped with
constructed on a compact 1.1 cm 3 6 cm board that fit signal conditioning circuits and connected to data
within the data logger’s weather-resistant housing on loggers were deployed as anchored floating units in the
top of the its circuit board. An electronic copy of the upper reaches of the St. Johns River, Florida, USA.
NOTE 595

These field units had loggers installed into 20.3 cm 3

20.3 cm polyvinyl chloride (PVC) electrical boxes, and
the DO and temperature sensors were threaded through
PVC pipe extending down approximately 50 cm. Next,
a 1-m section of 5.08-cm PVC electrical conduit was
attached to the back of the data logger housing and two
styrene-foam crab floats were bored out to fit over the
conduit (Figure 2). The 5.08-cm PVC conduit on back
of the unit was fit over 3.0-cm PVC water pipe driven
into the sediments at each sampling site. The crab
floats provided buoyancy and maintained the DO and
temperature sensors at a constant depth during rising
and falling water levels. The DO sensors were angled
slightly (;158) off vertical to minimize trapping
bubbles against the sensor membrane. Wave action
provided small-amplitude vertical movement of the DO
sensor. This, combined with careful site selection
within river flow, provided the flow across the DO
sensor membrane needed to obtain accurate readings.
The wide temperature operating range of the compo-
nents and watertight packaging of the circuit made it
suitably rugged for field use over a wide range of
weather conditions.
Calibration.—Only a single-point calibration was
needed. Calibration began by placing the DO sensor in
moisture-saturated air at ambient temperature for
several hours. The DO saturation concentration for
the recorded probe’s temperature was calculated by
using an equation for DO saturation concentration
(Weiss 1970). The voltage recorded from the equili-
brated probe circuit unit was reduced by 16 mV (the
average 0-V input offset), and the calculated DO
saturation concentration was divided by the reduced
voltage, which yielded a conversion factor for the unit.
Later readings were reduced by the 16-mV offset and
multiplied by the conversion factor to calculated
observed DO concentration.
Air calibration is typical of commercial DO meters
and is recommended before each use. Calibration
checks typically are performed at the end of each
sampling effort for all units. Calibration is critical after
membrane or electrolyte replacement or after storage in
air. Aside from these standard calibration procedures,
no special steps beyond calculating conversion factors
are needed for these units. Further details on proper
calibration and theory are available (APHA et al.
FIGURE 2.—Dissolved oxygen data logger enclosure for
Temperature and flow regime tests.—Temperature deployment.
response was conducted with DO and temperature
probes suspended in a common insulated 12-L plastic
cooler with constant mixing and aeration provided by
an aquarium air pump and an air stone. Measurements
were taken in oxygen-saturated water over tempera-

tures ranging from 58C to 338C with units previously approximately 0.1 mg/L higher than the constructed
calibrated at 218C. units did. With only mild mixing using the air pump,
The sensitivity of the DO sensors to flow was measured DO differed by less than 0.1 mg/L between
assessed by operating four units simultaneously with a any of the instruments. Although flows in the mild
YSI multiparameter sonde (Yellow Springs Instru- mixing regime were so low they were hard to observe
ments, Yellow Springs, Ohio) in the laboratory. Tests or accurately measure, this was apparently enough to
were conducted with the DO and temperature sensors allow accurate DO measurements, even though the
and the YSI sonde suspended in a 113-L aquarium. The manufacturer stipulates a 2 cm/s minimum flow. The
sensitivity to flow was compared in three different flow DO probes may be more sensitive to low flows with
regimes: a vigorous mixing regime in the tank low DO concentrations or high temperatures but this
maintained by a 120-V AC submersible fountain pump was not tested in the laboratory.
rated for 150 L/min; a mild mixing regime using only
an aquarium air pump and an air stone; and a stagnant, Field Tests
no-flow regime. The vigorous flow regime had Measurements between constructed units, YSI
minimum observed flows between DO sensors esti- recording sondes, and spot checks during service visits
mated at 5 cm/s and maximum flows near the bottom generally showed good agreement. Constructed units
of the tank greater than 30 cm/s. The mild mixing had a operational period of at least 4 months 82% of
regime had flows visually estimated at 4 cm/s in the the time with approximately 93% of the data passing
immediate vicinity of the bubble stream but only initial quality assurance requirements. Units rarely had
between 0.5 and 0.1 cm/s next to the DO probes. differences larger than 0.25 mg/L DO for data that
Visual measurement of the velocity of particulates in passed quality assurance.
the water could not reliably discriminate by better than
0.5–0.1 cm/s. In the static flow test, no water Discussion
movement was visible in the tank. Dissolved oxygen measurements over wide temper-
Field tests.—Several long-term deployments were ature ranges generally are not recommended by meter
completed between 2003 and 2007, generally in pairs manufacturers because of inaccuracy under those
at seven major locations. All deployments used 15-min conditions. Calibration near the expected sample
intervals for measurements. Several included simulta- temperature is recommended. Still, the results for our
neous deployment of YSI recording sondes. Data were units indicate that they are broadly, if not universally,
downloaded and the probe’s membrane was wiped applicable used with simple linear calibrations tech-
clean every 2 weeks. During each service visit, the DO niques. Because less than a 1% difference from
was measured independently with a freshly calibrated expected values was observed between 118C and
YSI sonde. The units were retrieved after 4 to 6 months 338C in the temperature tests, we found that application
to replace the desiccant and battery in the data logger of a simple linear conversion factor at local observed
and the membrane and electrolyte in the DO probe. water temperatures from 138C to 348C provides a good
prediction of DO levels in our system. Still, the use of
Results this design in rivers where temperatures fall below
Temperature and Flow Regime Tests 108C may require additional calibration.
Less than a 1% difference from expected values was The sensitivity of the DO probe to flow varies with
observed between for temperatures between 118C and temperature and oxygen concentration. The effective-
338C. At temperatures below 148C, DO measurements ness of bulk water flow past a probe is affected by the
began to underestimate the expected values, differing probe’s shape and orientation and by nearby structures.
by more than 3% at 88C and by more than 5% at 68C. Our trials indicated probe results in very low flow
Differences less than 0.5% were observed as temper- could be effective, but this might be very site-specific.
atures exceeded 308C Furthermore, we believe that having the units moored
In all flow regimes, the constructed DO units had as a floating platform allowed even small surface
nearly identical responses. However, in the stagnant waves to reduce the sensitivity to low flow by
regime, the YSI with its flow-insensitive pulsed DO providing vertical movement.
probe, measured DO concentrations nearly 2 mg/L A 4–6-month service interval is likely to be similar
higher than the constructed units. This probably for all situations when 15-min readings are taken;
resulted from the constant consumption of oxygen by however, the membrane cleaning and data downloads
the galvanic probes and the development of an oxygen- are more site-specific. Our units, which were in waters
depleted zone at the membrane surface of the probes. with high organic loads, would build up organic
With vigorous mixing, the YSI measured DO at coating on the Teflon membranes over a period of
NOTE 597

several weeks. Additionally, given the potential effects and Bond 1999). Limitations include the need for
of alligator bites, boat strikes, the occasional hurricane, complicated temperature compensation techniques in
and rafts of floating vegetation, we were reluctant to coldwater systems and the addition of a stirrer or
chance losing more than 2 weeks worth of data. Service agitator for very-low-flow or still waters, which would
intervals could be much longer under less demanding entail significantly greater costs.
circumstances. Because the units were fairly inexpen-
sive to construct, they could be deployed in pairs; References
problems with a unit were immediately obvious when APHA (American Public Health Association), American
the measurements from the two units differed from Water Works Association, and Water Environment
each other or from the spot check measurement taken at Federation. 1998. Standard methods for the examination
the service interval. of water and wastewater, 20th edition. APHA, Wash-
In conclusion, this design provides an inexpensive ington, D.C.
(,$700) alternative to commercial units for collecting Mackereth, F. J. H. 1964. An improved galvanic cell for
frequent and remote recorded DO measurements. It is determination of oxygen concentrations in fluids. Journal
easy to construct Even persons with little electronics of Scientific Instruments 41:38–41.
Phillips, N., and B. J. Bond. 1999. A micropower precision
knowledge can easily construct this device, which is
amplifier for converting the output of light sensors to a
easy to calibrate, rugged, and dependable and requires
voltage readable by miniature data loggers. Tree
little maintenance during long deployments in harsh Physiology 19:547–549.
environments. In addition, because two A–D channels Weiss, R. 1970. The solubility of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon
remain unused on the data logger after DO and in water and seawater. Deep-Sea Research 17:721–35.
temperature sensors are attached, use of additional Wetzel, R. G. 2003. Limnology, lakes, and river ecosystems,
sensors such as light sensors may be possible (Phillips 3rd edition. Academic Press, San Diego, California.

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