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Activity 3 – Focusing on Creating my Classroom/Remote

Learning Management Plan


Name of FS Student This world is yours

Course, Year and Section Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English

Name of FS Mentor Ms. Mithsuhela Peralta

Date January 3, 2022

At the end of this activity, the FS student must be able to achieve the following intended learning outcomes:
1. describe the components of learning management plan;
2. explain the importance of learning management plan;
3. identify the best practices in creating effective classroom or remote learning management plan; and
4. promote behavioral, social and academic success in a structured environment that caters to tolerance,
exemplary behavior and learning.

Classroom management or meeting the needs of students can be one of the crucial parts of teaching-learning
process. However, it is the key component in any educational setting. If students are safe in a learning environment, then
teaching-learning process can take place. This activity focuses on creating a classroom routine that will make teachers and
students more productive. As a pre-service teacher, you should be committed in making classroom a safe and challenging
environment, engaging your students through the curriculum, as well as getting to know them and interacting with each other.
You should develop a democratic and equitable learning environment so that students can learn effectively.

Direction: Read the following items below before doing the indicated tasks.

1. Conduct interview with a teacher or adviser regarding best practices about effective learning management plan.
2. Observe etiquette and netiquette during the online observation and interview process.
3. Always follow the minimum safety protocol.


Making an Online or Virtual Learning Environment Safe and Conducive
Activity 3 – Focusing on Creating my Classroom/Remote
Learning Management Plan


Attach on the specified area the interview result or data gathered from the teacher or adviser.

Classroom Design

Based on the interviewed that we’ve conducted

with teacher Almaida, she use google meet as her
online platform.

Based on teacher Almaida, she always tells her

student before she starts the class to be aware of
their surroundings, her students should stay in a
Rules and Discipline silent place, mute their microphones when they
are not talking, and speak up specially if her
students have trouble in listening or viewing her
presentation, or if there are something that they
did not understand about the topic.

Teacher Almaida scheduled and organized her

synchronous and asynchronous class by
establishing a timeline, also she established a mid-
Scheduling and Organization
week deadline and set a schedule and routine for
the students “ME TIME” and a time to
communicate to her students.


Making an Online or Virtual Learning Environment Safe and Conducive
Activity 3 – Focusing on Creating my Classroom/Remote
Learning Management Plan


Based on teacher Almaida, her instructional

techniques that she implemented during online
class is simply Engaging herself with her learners
Instructional Techniques online, also she creates a supportive learning
Environment using a mix of learning tools for
better engagement and provide ongoing

Teacher Almaida say’s that communication

between students and teacher must be the
important to be focused on, to make the
communication effective, study or determine your
student’s interest, likes, dislikes and on how they Communication
change in a short period of time, always encourage
them to speak up their mind, and not to be afraid
to make mistak

1. Based on the result/data of your interview, are you going to apply or adapt those best practices? Justify your answer.

Based on the video that we watched, we noticed that the strategy the teacher used were good and
E- PORTFOLIO effective, therefore
STUDY 2we are given an idea to adapt and somehow use it in our future teachings, we also
noticed that the students
Making an Online or Virtual Learning are being
Environment cooperative
Safe and Conducive with each other meaning to say that the teacher’s
____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1
Activity 3 – Focusing on Creating my Classroom/Remote
Learning Management Plan


2. Is there a meaningful effect of a well-planned classroom management in achieving a productive study environment?
Substantiate your answer by providing evidence.
Of course, there is, having a well-planned classroom management are effective for instance, if the teacher
organized her topic well, she would apply it well onto her students, with this the flow of the learning would
be smooth as possible because the teacher are well aware of what being teach in her classroom. Like on the
previous lesson we watched and observed we saw that a proper and well-planned learning were have a great
impact for the students, with this many unwanted happenings can avoid.

3. What is the set of ideals, values, beliefs, and goals on classroom or remote learning management plan?
For us as we observed and felt on how to engage in an online learning class were at least having a clear and
easy to catch up directions would be possible o fit for everyone’s comprehension. Also considering that
engaging in an online learning class has a lot of Dis-advantages and advantages. Also, with this being said
having this standard will make the learning more conducive. For example, implementing an English only policy
an English subject will help the students to use their second language but it will also help them to hone their
fluency and accuracy. Meaning to say implementing set of ideals, values, beliefs, and goals on classroom will help to
have a better learning.

4. What set of criteria and/or standards will you set to judge the quality of the classroom/remote learning environment?
As we engaged in an online learning environment there are things to consider with implementing this. for
standards we think that setting a mid-standards are good as long as there was a learning and secure that every
student can achieve the desired goals, because we believed that every student can excel with a proper
guidance and teaching, we also believed that every student has a potential that other doesn’t have, with that
unique skills they have they can achieve the goals and standards given.


Making an Online or Virtual Learning Environment Safe and Conducive
Activity 3 – Focusing on Creating my Classroom/Remote
Learning Management Plan


How will you design your classroom to create an appropriate and effective learning environment? Illustrate and justify your design.

As our meeting goes by, we decide that if we are able to design the classroom itself, we would like to engage the students with the use
of Technology, like the picture above there are computers and monitors also this computers are child friendly that only educational
websites and application were able to use. there are still a black board where in the use of technology will limit because prolong
use of gadgets like this will harmful also. And we can notice that there are enough space for the students to move carefree,
this ideal classroom setting we think will have a great impact for the learning of the students.


Making an Online or Virtual Learning Environment Safe and Conducive
Activity 3 – Focusing on Creating my Classroom/Remote
Learning Management Plan


1. What classroom rules and procedures will you formulate to ensure discipline and order in your class? How will you
ensure safety and security of your students?
For us our classroom rules and procedure would be; first a prayer before the class actual begin, checking of
attendance and so on, of course rules are essential to a classroom, like every group will obliged to clean their
respective areas in the four corners of the room, for it was their second home as well, another rule would be
to avoid noise in class like in recitation they just need to raise their hands, also the cue for raising their hands
are very important into many aspects, another rule would be respect ones point of view and also it represent
respect towards one another. Having this rule are essential in our modern period. Especially in newer

2. What strategies will you employ for rewards and consequences?

Giving rewards and consequence are very crucial to every student, somehow It can affect their confidence, for
giving a reward to every student it is important to be very fair specially to avoid misconceptions and bias. For
rewarding it is good to incorporate good feedback whether they answered it correctly or not, for
consequences like punishment, it is good to know the reason first before giving a punishment, the punishment
would be better if they will caught themselves in the same scenario and learn to correct their mistakes,
because we believe in learning a mistakes is not a taboo but a lesson, a pointers to review, a coverage of the
areas we are lacking and areas we need to learn.

3. What techniques are you going to use to maximize the effectiveness of your classroom management? Include the
description of your specific techniques.
for us think that these techniques will help the environment more conducive to learn where, avoid punishment,
let them know how to initiate, let them know how to document their paper works, be punctual in any set
deadlines. And also, last but not the least be a model for everyone that can inspire them to carry on their own
goals, be gentle towards them but see to it they still feel hardships to hone themselves in more complex


Making an Online or Virtual Learning Environment Safe and Conducive
Activity 3 – Focusing on Creating my Classroom/Remote
Learning Management Plan


Note: Attached here all the photos or documents in every task you accomplished. It will serve as your evidence
in doing your activity. Make it a work of art using your creativity and colorful imagination.

Self Rating Peer Rating FS Over-all

Mentor’s Rating


Making an Online or Virtual Learning Environment Safe and Conducive

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