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BZTOTRY RO La Se Lan a ae aed mT, A Prove. ne eT eM Mewes a CU Ng emo emer eneOnu me eM Ce Mees PE PU Mure No Moe eae inulin erga RCO NT year. Today we dedicate our success to our staff, workers and customers who gave us active supportand stood by us. Pema eed TEST RIGS - CONVENTIONAL & COMPUTER BASED ICO 1 Single Cylinder Two Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig 1002 Mut Cynder Four Stoke Petrol Engine Tes fig ICO2A Multi Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig {on Single Cynder Fou Soke Patrol Engine Test ig Sige Clder Four Stoke Diol Engine Test ig Node: 604 1C04 Single Cynder Fou Stroke Disol Engi Test Rig [G05 Twin Cyinde Four Stoke Diesel Eng Test fig 1606 Muti Cynder Four Stroke Diesel Engine Test ig ICO7 Multi Cylinder Four Stroke CRDI Engine Test Rig LOADING ROPE / BELT BRAKE, HYDRAULIC, De GENERATOR, AC GENERATOR, EDDY CURRENT LYWAMOTERS. Computer Based Multi Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig ICOZA Nuti Cyinor Four Stroke Patra Engine Test Rig ~ @lsts toh tia CONVENTIONAL & COMPUTER BASED ICO8 VCR Petrol Engine Test Rig Ic9 VCR Diesel Engine Test Rig IC10 VCR Muti Fuel Engina Test Rig Computer Based Multi Cylinder Diesel Engine Test Rig Computer ased VCR Mult Fuel Engine Test Rig ICO8 VCR Petrol Engine Test Rig CUT MODELS / WORKING MODELS 1C34 Valve Timing Diagram (Diesel) IC 35 Valve Timing Diagram (Petrol) 1C36 Port Timing Diagram 1C37 Cut Section model of Multi Cyinder Engine Model of Boilers & Mountings Scrow ype Air Compressor (Eki) Tost Rig _—_-VaNe Timing Cw IC11 Pitot Tube Apparatusi Velocity Profile) IC12 Ai Compressor Test Rig — Single Stage IC13 Air Compressor test Rig - Multi Stage Rig 1C14 Air Blower Test Rig (Centrifugal Blower) IC15 Wind Tunnel Test Rig IC16 Gas Turbine Test Rig - (Under Development) 1C17 Rotary Air Compressor Test Rig IC13 Air Compressor test Rig ~~ Mult Stage Rotary Ar Compressor Test Rig Model: C17 C15 Wind Tune! Test Rig ESE et NF 1C30 Exhaust Gas Analyzer ~5Gas & 6Gas Ic31 Diesel Smoke Meter Ic32 Engine Analyzer C33 MPF! Analyzer aa a J els Diesel Smoke Meter IC 35 Vaive Timing Diagram (Petal) 1C22 Bomb Calorimeter C23 Junkars Gas Calorimeter 1024 Boy's Gee Calorimeter C25 Viscometer — Redwood, Saybolt, Trsion, Enaler 1026 Flasty Fire Point- Ables, Pensky Marten, Cleavand, Ramstactom, Conradson 1C29 Grease Fenetiometer Apparatus 1C38 Thurston Oil Toster aa Redwood Viscometer Thurston OH Tester Bomb Calorimeter agai LEZ eS RCO! Refrigeration Tutor COZ Window Air Conditioner Trainer RCO2D Air Conditioner Trainor — Duct Typo ab COS Re-Circulating Air Conditioner Trainer el ie | RCO4 Domestic Reigoration Trainer * i COS Vapor Absorption Refrigeration Trainer — Electrolux \ COG ee Phan tr | * RCOT Cold Storage Plant Tutor = COB Mechanical Heat Pump Trainer RCO8 Doep Freazor Trainor vam tue ten RC10 Bottle Cooler Trainer Ceolng Tower Test Rg 3 Coola Tost Fig Medel: RC11 (Induced type) Model: R022 ACT Experimental Cooling Tower Cascade Refigeraion Tutor Refigeration System Model: RCOT Experimental Colé Storage lee Plant Tutor Medel :RCOG ‘ainer Modal: BLOT ‘Air Conditioner Trainer - Duct, RC12 Refrigeration Compressor Test Rig | Volumettic Efticiency) ‘Tyoe Model: RCOZD RC13 Automotive Air Conditioner Trainer RC14 Experimental Vapor Jet Refrigeration Trainer AC 15Experimental Thermoelectric Apparatus RC16 Experimental Condensing Unit C19 Tool Kit for Refrigeration & AC RC20 Air Washor Tost Rig RCZ1 Multi Exoansion Devices & Evaporators Trainer C22 Experimental Water Cooler Test Rig RC23 Solar Vapor Absorption System- Electrolux C24 Air Water Heat Pump RC25 Cut Models of various RAC Components Mechanical Heat Pump Cooling Tower Test ig Trainer Model: ROB Medel :RC11 HEAT TRANSFER LAB HTO1 Composite Wall Apparatus HTO1A Composite Slab Apparatus HT02 Lagged Pipe (Thick Cyinder) HIO3 Heat Pipe Apparatus et HT09 Emissivity Measurement Apparatus HT10 Stefan Boltzman Apparatus HEAT EXCHANGER HT1S Parallel Flow/Counter Flow Heat Exchanger HT16 Regenerative Heat Exchanger HT17 Fined Tube Heat Exchanger HT18 Cross Flow Heat Exchanger Apparatus HI19 Shell Tube Heat Exchanger (Steam) HTI9A Sholl & Tubo Host Exchanger(Wator) HT20 Plate type Heat Exchanger Apparatus Forced Convection Apparatus HT11 Condensation in Drop wise HT32 Vertical & Horizontal Condenser ‘Model : HT08 Film wise forms i sid HT21 Thermal Conductivity of Metal Bar HIZ2 Thermal Conductwity of Insulating Powder HT23 Thermal Conductivity Apparatus Liquide HT24 Thermal Conductivity Apparatus — Solids (Two Slab Guarded Hot Plate Method) HT25 Unsteady State of Heat Transfer (Transient Conduction) HIZ5 Thermocouple Calibration HT27 Electrical Analogy Apparatus HT28 Extended Surface Heat Exchanger HT29 Fluidized bed Apparatus, HT!2 Boiling Hoat Transfer Apparatus HT30 Heat Transfer in Agitated Vessel Composite Wall Apperatus Thermal Conductivity of Metal Bar Mode! : HTOTA Mode! : H721 rp Ld HT14 Critical Heat Flux Apparatus Li Pee HT11 Condensation in Drop wise Film wise forms HT12 Boling Heat Transfor Apparatus HT13 Two Phase Heat Transier Apparatus HT4 Critical Heat Flux Apparatus Shell Tube Heat Exchanger Parallel Flow /Counter Flow Heat HTOS Pin-Fin Apparatus Exchanger Model : HT15 HTO7 Natural Convection Apparatus HTOB Forced Convection Apparatus es ee sik Closed Cireuit Experiments ~ Tanks SS or #RP Coated MS FIMO! Losses in Pip Fittings ~ Minor Losses FIMO? Losses due to Friction in Pipes Major Losses MO Combined Venturi & Ortice Meter Test Rig Mutt Stage Cortriugl Pump Test Rig FORA Venturi Motor Tost Rig Model: FMO7 FAO! Losses in Pipe Fittings FMO3B Orifice Meter Test Rig Minor Lessos FMO3C Nozale Meter Test Rig FIMOs Discharge through Orifice & Mouth Pieces FIMOS Discharge through Notches & Weirs FIMO6 Impact of Jet on Vanes FIMOT Centrifugal Pump Test Rig —Single Stage, Mutt Stage FMO8 Reciprocating Pump Test Rig FIMO9 Jet Pump Test Rig FIMIO Self Priming Pump Test ig FIM Vane Pump Test Rig FIMI2 Gear Pump Test Rig FIMI3 Submorsibio Pump Tost Rig FIMI4 Metacentric Height Apparatus FIMI5 Hyérauli Flume — Open Channel FIMI6 Tittng Flime Apparatus FMT Hy¢raulic Jump Apparatus FIMI8 Reyncld's Apparatus FIMIS Verfication of Bernoulis Theorem Apparatus FM20 Turbine Flow Meter Test ig FIM21 Pitot Tube Apparatus FIM22 Rotameter Calibration Test Rig FIM23 Pressure Measurement Apparatus FIMZ2é Hydraulic Bench Apparatus FM25 Flow Visualization Apparatus M26 Hy¢raulic Pressure Test Purnp FM 27 Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge Apparatus FIM3O Pelion Wheel Turbine Test Rig FIM3} Francis Turbine Test Rig FIM32 Kalpan Turbine Tost Rig Felton Wheel Turbine Test Rig Model : FM30 FIM33 Hy¢raulic Ram Apparatus Kaplan Trine Test Rig Model: FM32 FIM3é Velocity Distribution in open channel Apparatus FIM3S Velocity Profi for Turbulent Flow in Round Duct Francis Turbine Test Rig Modal: FSI FMI Reynolds Apparatus Titing Fume (Adjustable Channel) F104 Discharge through FMII7 Hydraulic Jump Apparatus Orifice & Mouth Pieces FOUNDRY TECHNOLOGY LAB BU ee ly ‘Sand Washer + Computerized Universal Testing Machine Sand Siever + Universal Testing Machine - Mectanical with Attachments Raid Drier ‘+ Compression Testing Machine ‘Sand Mixer / Muller * Torsion Testing Machine Digital / Rapid Moisture Tester ‘+ Pendulum Impact Testing Machine Permeability Meter / Mechanical/ Electrical * Spring Testing Machine Sard Rammer + Rockwell Hardness Tester Infra Red Moisture Testor ‘+ Rackwel cum Brinell Hardness Taster Universal Strength Machine- Mechanical / * Brinell Hardness Tester Hydraulic / Electrica’ Computorizod ‘+ Fatigugo Testing Machine Hardness Tester — Mould, Core * Tensile Testing Machine + Erichsen Cupping Tester = == * Vickers Hardness Tester + Daficion of Beam Apparat = chp ._ 7 ) Ps eS ey CMI Flow Through Fluidized Bed (CM2 Flow Through Packed Bed (CMé Flow Through Helcal Coi (CMB Plate & Frame Filters Press. (CMI1 Power Consumed in Agitated Vesse! (M23 Fluidized Bed Heat Transfer Unit (CM24 Absorption in a Bubble Column (M25 Absorption in a Packed Colum (CMZ6 Determination of HTU/HETP of a Universal Testing Machine. Packed Bed Absorber ‘Mechanical Version (M28 Wetted Wall Colum (CM29 Bubble Cap Distillation CM33 Simple / Steam Distillation (CM34 Liquid — Liquid Extraction (M35 Packed Colurm Extraction CMT Rotary Drier (OMA2 Tray Drier CMA3 Triple Effect Evaporator 5 CM#4 Single Effect Evaporator CMA8 Plug Flow Reactor » (CMO Tubular Fiow Reactor = I Rockwell Handnese Testor Totton Teting Machine Fatigue Testing Machine Pendulum Impact Testing Machine THEROY OF MACHINES + TMO1 Universal Vibration System(Vib lab) ‘+ TM02 Universal Governor + TMOS Static & Dynamic Balancing Apparatus + TM04 Cam Analysis Machine + TOS Whiting of Shaft Apparatus + TM06 Motorized Gyroscope + TMO7 Strain Rosettes *+ TMO8 Siip & Creep In Bett Drive + TM09 Epicycic Gear Trainer + TM10 Journal Bearing apparatus + TMI Dead Weight Pressure Gauge + TM12 Turn Table Apparatus + TM14 Diffused Light Research Polariscope + TMI5 Balancing of Reciprocating Masses + TM17 Wear Testing Machine(Pin on Disc) + TM18 Dynamometer setup- Proney / Rope/ Band Brake/ ‘Working Model of Various Mechanisms * (Mechanics of Machine Lab) Universal Vibration System{Vib lab) eur Beating Apparatus at ‘Motorized Gyroscope Universal Governor Research Poiarscope Whirling of Shaft Apparatus METALLURGY & METROLOGY LAB + Cut-Off Machine mn = : + Hand Grinder + Single & Double Dise Polishing Machine + Metalographic Specimen Mourting Press + Hoat Treatment Furnaco (Mul Furnaca) + Jomeny End Quench Apparatus + Profile Projector Profile Projector ‘+ Too! Makers Microscope + Microscopes — Monocular / Metallurgical Binocular / Co-axial/Tinocular- Upright & lnveried + Computerized image Analyzer + Autocolimetor (Accuracy 10sec, 3se>, tec) — a Metallurgical Microscope + Floating carriage Micrometer + Optical Flat & Monochromatic Light source ‘+ All Metrology instruments ~ Calipers, Micro Meters, Dial Gauges, Vernier Height Gauge, Gear Tooth Vernier, Bevel Protractor, Slip Gaugo, Sine Bar & Sino Contor, Surfaco Plato. Granto or Cl, Surface Roughness Tester Autocolimeter Hot Wire Anemometer Test Setup Sud Displacement (VDT) Measurement * Strain Measurement Setup * Displacement |LVDT) Measurement + Temperature Measurement Sotup + Load Measurement Setup + Pressure Measurement Setup + Torque Measurement Setup + Speed Measurement Setup ~ Stroboscope/ Optical/ Magnet Pickup Temperature Neesurerent Sep + Diforontal Pressure TransmitorTanoe + Force Measurement Setup Strain Gauge Type/ Proving Ring Type © + Strain Rosette iets * Level Measurement Trainer PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY LAB Pressure Measurement Setup * Lathes — Students (Belt Driver), + AllGared, Capsian, Turret _ ‘Sting Machine * Miling Machine * Grinding Machine © ‘Slotting Machine + Driling Machine * Planning Machine * Shaping Machine + CNC Machine- Trainer/ Production * Too! Dynamometors ~ Latho Dril / Miling/ Grinding Dating Machine Se ee Electrical Engineering - AC & DC Machines, DC Supply unit Civil Engineering — Geotech & Concrete Testing Machines. Survey Lab - Total Station, Digital Theodolite Chemical Engineering Heat/Mass Transfer Lab, Reaction Engineering > ‘ < Tig Welding Mactine Heavy Duty Lethe Machine STEAM TURBINE TEST Ri With Aatomatie Beller, Condenser, Separating & Throttling Calorimeter Experimental Stoam Turbine Tost Rig ST: O1 PEO — seg es ta MCO1 Basic Phoumatic Trainor a were MCO2 Electro Pneumatic Trainer a MCO3 Basic Hydraulic Trainer MCO4 Electro Hydraulic Trainer Ta CEU hs :e Vertical & Horizontal Condenser = Separating & Throttling Calorimeter Finned Tube Heat Exchanger Model : HT17 Solar Flat Plato Collector i HT22 Thermal Conductivity HTO9 Emissivity Measurement Apparatus ‘of insulating Powder ee { | LIST OF PRESTIGIOUS CUSTOMERS vy National Institute of Technology - Allahabad, Calicut, Trichy, Surthakal, Warangal, Raipur. Dayananda Sagar University - Bengaluru. Christ University - Bengaluru. v Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI) - Hyderabad, Dehradun, Jaipur, Tripura, Ranchi. vy KLUniversity - Vijayawada. v Aditya Group of Engineering Institutions - Kakinada, v _ VR&PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology — Vijayawada. v _ Kumaon Institute of Technology~Dwarahat. v Trinity College of Engineering -Thiruvananthapuram. v Marian Engineering College - Thiruvananthapuram. v Gandhi Group of Institutions- Bhubaneswar. v Hindusthan College of Engineering And Technology - Coimbatore. v__ Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology - Karur. vy MIT&ANNAUniversity—Chennai. v SRM University - Chennai & Tirchy. v _ Jaywant College of Engineering & Management - Karad. v Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Vizianagaram, K adapa. v _ K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering - Mumbai. v_ ST.Marys Group of Institutions — Hyderabad, Kolkata , Guntur. v _ ABES Engineering College - Ghaziabad’. vy BITS—Palani. v National Engineering College - Kovilpatti. vy ViTUniversity—Vellore, Chennai. v _ Bapatla Engineering College—Bapatla. vy College of Engineering - Thrivananthapuram, v NallaMalla Reddy College of Engineering Hyderabad. v _ RVEngineering College - Bengaluru. vy Jayachamarajendra college of Engineering (JCE) - Mysore. v PES College of Engineering - Mandya. v Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) Cochin. v Acharya Nagarjuna University - Guntur. v _ GITAMUniversity—Vizianagaram, Hyderabad, Bengaluru. v Konark Institute of Technology - Bhubaneswar. v Directorate of Technical Education (DTE)—Mumbai. v Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (BIT) ~ Hyderabad. v_ Bharath University - Chennai. v Manipal Institute of Technology - Manipal. Anna University—Chennai, Tirchy, Villupuram. Correspondence Address: Sales Office : #146, Teachers’ Layout, 6th Cross, Off. University Road, Nagarabhavi, Bangalore ~ 560 072 Telefax : +91 - 80-23186574 | Mob. : +91 -9243065580, 9632149412 Web site: , Email: | Factory : Site No. 18, Survey No. 137, Machohalli Gate, 17th K.M., Magadi Main Road, Bangalore - 560 001 Tel : 080-65007342, 28633601 Regd Offic: 116, Garden Vis, Negarbhan Ros, Maruthinagar, Bangalore - S60 072 Branches & Representatives Chennai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Hosur, Hyderabad, Kolkatta, Mral, Nagpur, Varanas Authorised Dealer

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