Cause and Effect Text and Problem-Solution Text

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Cause and Effect Text and Problem- Solution Text

Cause is anything that prompts something to happen. It is the reason that brings
something about. Effect is result the is brought about by the cause. It is what the
cause yields. Causal analysis deals with the relationship between or among at least
two happenings and answers the questions “why” and “how.” The purpose of causal
analysis may be divided into three: informative, persuasive, and speculative.

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How to Identify a Cause and Effect Text?

First, it discusses a topic that can be the cause, the effect, or both.

Second, it gives support to the claim.

Third, it uses certain transitions to signal cause and effect.

Cause and Effect


Ana wakes up late. She is late in class.
There is a heavy traffic congestion.
She has to walk for 1 kilometer.
Cause and effect essay does not only discuss one cause and one effect relationship
but it also discusses the following relationships:


Ana wakes up late. She is late in class.


Ana wakes up late. She is late in class.
She misses the test.
She gets minus 2 in the attendance.

Other cause and effect relationships are too complicated because the cause and the
effect are interconnected depending on how one views things this is called causal
chain. Causal chains are commonplace in writing a cause and effect essays, but it is
important to maintain the order and coherence in the essay and to avoid losing
focus. Therefore, the writer must identify the primary and the secondary causes and
effects of the situations, and concentrate on the immediate rather than the remote
causes and effects.

Causes Effect Cause Effects
Studied well the days Acing the college Praises from family,
before the exam. entrance exams. friends, and teachers.
Sleeping early the night Scholarship.
before the exam. Enrolling on your
Arriving early at the preferred course.
examination center.
When dealing with causal analysis, be wary of the logical fallacy Post Hoc Ergo
Propter Hoc or faulty causality. It happens when one assumes the event A is always
the cause event B and/or event B is always the effect of event A.

e.g. Emma wore her lucky bracelet when she passed exams. The lucky
bracelet made Emma passed the exam.

Click the link below to see more examples of logical fallacy,

Transition words used in Cause and Effect

Cause Effect
because of in the event that as a result
as granted (that) under those circumstances
since as / so long as in that case
while on (the) condition for this reason
lest (that) in effect
in case for the purpose of for
provided that with this intention thus
given that with this in mind because the
only / even if in the hope that then
so that to the end that hence
so as to for fear that consequently
owing to in order to therefore
inasmuch as seeing / being that thereupon
due to in view of forthwith
If accordingly
... then henceforth

How to Write a Cause and Effect Text?

A cause and effect text follows the structure of any academic text. It has an
introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

A. Introduction
This part must introduce the topic and state the thesis statement.

B. Body
There are at least two paragraphs to support the claim in the thesis
statement and supporting details as evidences. One paragraph should present
an antithesis or the opposing side’s argument and deny it.

C. Conclusion
This must summarize the thesis statement and the claims you mentioned
in the body.
(For more tips on writing a definition text, click the link,

Problem- Solution Text

Problem is the dilemma or concerning issue that needs to be addressed.
Solution is probable remedy to the issue. Problem and solution pattern focuses on
either the problem or the solution in a particular area or situation. With this pattern
one can write about the problems in their community or society that need to be
addressed and be able to offer solution. Some of the main purposes of problem and
solution text are written below.

a. Interest the reader in the problem

Make sure that the audience is concerned with the problem, so they
could easily understand, accept and negate the writer’s points.

b. Convince the reader that the problem is important and needs to be solved

The readers must see the point why the problem is significant.

c. Explain the solution clearly

To avoid confusion, make sure your points are concisely and logically

d. Convince the reader that the solution is cost-effective and feasible

To convince the readers that the solution offers more advantages to


e. Convince the reader that the solution is better than other solutions

Comparison is used to highlight that the solution suggested is the best

solution so far.

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Transition words used in problem-solution texts
Problem led to
answer dilemma
so that cause
solution issue
solved puzzle
result since
of disadvantage advantage
question because
in order to as a
in order to

How to Write a Problem and Solution Text?

A problem and solution text follows the structure of any academic text. It has an
introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

A. Introduction
This part must describe the problem, explain why it must be address, and
introduce the thesis statement.

B. Body
This part must explain the solution clearly, give details about the solution,
and show the feasibility of the solution.

C. Conclusion
This must summarize the thesis statement and the claims you mentioned
in the body. This may tell the readers what would happen and present facts,
statistics, and expert testimonies.

(For more tips on writing a definition text, click the link,

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