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eS Fan A pnoe’ PA Carol Read * Mark Ormerod Escaneado con CamScan j LA wos bts JT) SEAS) Tiger Street Club! aa _— Lesson 1 Watch the video clip. Listen and read. Ask and say. mi WRB Im Ele. we mn —_ g Hello Im Nasim, Tigor Sree! 1o0, fl a7 BEL ive in Tiger sheet 14 8, im Clare.|m eight This pf _'s our club I's cool = 0 \'m Ben. Im nine, Tell us about you! What's your lrame? How old are you? Where do you live? Welcome fo the Tiger Street Club, We speak and read in English Hello, everyone! We clo amazing projects, foo let's lear and play together Come and join theTiger Street Club. | its exciting and fun! We want fo be friends with you! ) Look for things in the Tiger Street Club. Ask and say. Listen and check. Ow, => mH Gee the shoe?, ° Escaneado con CamScani » ‘Lesson 2 Vocabular Listen and say. Play the Tiger Street Club clapping game. aH Thurscery tai Tuesday | Wednesday eA Friday Saturday sunday habet rap. *@) Listen and say The a , A,B,C, D.E ct Sing The alphabet rap with me. FGHIJ. Say the letters every day. K,L.M.N,O. Rap with me, come on, let's go! PQRST. Can you spell your name to me? UVW.X,Y,Z, Get the alphabet in your head! iste MONDAY y ~) Go to Activity Book page 89. Make the alphabet cut-out cards. Play Arrange the letters. Escaneado con CamScani Oe BB Boar 5 Lesson 1 Vocabulary Listen, read and look. *!) Wo read @ story about « thie! in Tigor Street We find out about how children in the UK use computers. 1 playgames 2. listen to 3 watchfilms 4 usea 5 goon music excursions = 6 lake photos 7 help people 8 paint pictures 9 make things 10 do sports Escaneado con CamScani Lesson 2 Af @ Watch the video clip. mm @ Listen and read, Act out the story. Sub meet in.a shed) —___— The chikien listen | Hey! Look oI suse. Who's that man? lay games. One meade kal this. ts anew ine called Tiger Team, scaneado con CamScani for your club I's my old computer. Read and say True or False. Listen and check. ) 1 The new magazine is called Tiger Team. 2 The man on the ladder is a window cleaner. s Mrs Jones's laptop. 4 Mrs Jones gives her old laptop to the club 3 The thief tal @ Read and reflect. @ think the story is The tory ends in EEE Think about it: > Is itimportant to help people? CLUB VALUES 5s tovcoyounsoine fr — afairy tale Escaneado con CamScani {watch films. I don't paint pictures. Yes, | do. oO Look, read and say True or False. Correct the false sentences. 1 I don't paint pictures 2 Idon't take photos 3 | watch films, 4 Ido sports « dont =do not a @) ® Look and play Guess who. Do you listen to music? Yes, | do. : A ‘ ’ av No, I don't. # Youre Ben! @ Ask and say what you do. | (@) Key learning outcome: ask about and say what oct (8) ‘Grammar: | (paint pictures). | don't (make things). Do you (do sports}? Yes, | do./No, I don’t Lesson 4 Grammar, Listening and Speaking © listen and repeat. Say, 4 At the club, we run and have fun in the sun Do you use a computer? Yes, we do. And we listen to music, foo. Escaneado con Camscani Lesson 5 Reading © watch the video Presentation. Name three types of technology. a © listen ana read. TRUE or FALSE ? You see text and images on the scr You use the keyboard to type, he mouse fo click on the scree You n. You use the printer to print documents, Now try our Se an @ D0 you play online games? @ D0 you watch DvDs? @ D0 you watch music videos? @ D0 you write emails to your fami © D0 you use the inlemet fo find out interesting focts? © Do you write for a class or school biog? © D0 you use a computer fo do homework projects? @ D0 you use a computer fo write stories? 2 oa a ‘suogsanb EL 0) $3, s0ms0Y ayn 2,04 ssuogisanb g-p 0) $24 J0M50Y aoa Aah 3) suonsanb g- 0} $34 MS we 3 Find out what | 10 Oa ne *www’ stands for ~_ Escaneado con vam Lesson 6 Video, Reading and Writing What do you use a computer to do? © Watch the video, How many children do Clare, Ben and Nasim talk to? jd ® Watch the video again. Copy the list and tick the activities you hear. Write one. more activity. @0 B emails v pases online qanes music videor Liew | use Gd CO ba Ce) ached use a computer at home, at school and ‘at the Tiger Street Club, At the club, | use _a.compuler to write emails. also aps music videos and play online games. At school, | use a computer to write stories and do projects. | also find out about {hings on the infemet. Athome, | use Mum ‘and Daa’s computer to look at photos ‘and watch DVDs. Tiger Street Club Report In the UK ... Many children use a computer at school fo learn about different subjects and do projects. Some children also keep a class blog. At home, many children use a computer to do homework and play games. “by Ben \ i ROSES a i it €© Prepare your project cat home. Think about and soy. @ & * where you use a computer «what activities you do on a computer Plan and write your project > Go to Activity Book page 10. {cainng‘o) My words to remember: a EACN screen keyboard document ©) printer internet email Escaneado con Camscani Lesson 7 Conse @ listen and repeat. Act out. lidation and Extens 1) @ Read and listen. (READING CORNER: finished the } Why don't you check your answers | with a partner? Dear Mrs Jones, nk you very much for the computer, Tha You're very kind. The computer is. rite emails ~ ike fantastic! We use it to w" this one! And we use it to write for the Tiger Team Magazine We hope you're well. Please come and see us at the Tiger Street Club again soon. (Can | work (with David? Best wishes, Nasim, Ben, Ellie and Clare Im Squirel.| ive inthe shed at |'m Fox. I livein the Jf And I'm Magpie. | live in yorden at number 7.J{ the tree at number 9. Oh nol i's big, but its empty! Escaneado con Camscani 2: = 1 Vocabulary Listen, read and look.) Weleam about) mammals and reptiles, ee ee We find out about cnimals at Cofswold Wille Park Say The Tiger Street word rap. ) 1 teeth 2 tail 6 wings 7 shell Play Say what its got.) B Do the : : (13) Escaneado con Camscani Q Listen and read. Act out the story: a @ The hare sits under a tree. The tortoise walks by. He’s very slow, but he doesn't stop. Tce tay eT eT ey Escaneado con CamScani The tortoise walks and walks, The computer game encls The hare stands up © The hate ties fo catch the tortolge, but i's too late, Hurray! [Now I've got time to check my or ‘and play a computer gare, too, h no! Look at the Hoise, Quick! the Does the tortoise deserve to win? Oo Read and answer the questions. Listen and check. *” 1_ Has the tortoise got long legs? 2 Is the tortoise slow? 3 Has the hare got a shell? 4 Who wins the race? © Read and reftect. ° This siory is (SSWSSEND CB | think the story is (IGIeVeR) / There (89 / EHD « moral to the story | My favourite characteris @RBNOHORSD / QHERGID. TIGER STREET Think about it | _ » Isitimportantiouse — your time well? cLUp yALUeS ® How do you use your time well? a SCaneado con Camscan it hasn't got fur (Has itgotateite No, it hasn‘. ee « it’s got = ithas got « hasnt = has not Read, look and think. 1 Ithasn't got fur. It hasn't got legs. I's got scales. ( 2 Ithasn’t got arms. It's got feathers and a beak. | tseQ | 3. It's got fur, claws and a long tail. tsaQ Play Guess the animal! No,ithasnt } Yes it has. 7 | > s 4 | \ cm) Uy | f Yes, its. [) Choose and say. ¢ The hamster has got whiskers) (The lizard hasn't got fur 3 aig Escaneado con Camscani is for Grammar! Listen and repeat. Say, #!) ® Fantastic, ? 2 I's a thin lizard. It’s got pink skin, big wings and whiskers i's a cheetah. It's got green feet, teeth and a beak = Listen and read. Sing A figer has got sharp teeth. ) ‘tiger has got sharp teeth. ‘Amonkey has got a long fail A bird has got feathers. And a fish has got scales. ‘An elephant has got big ears A cat has got whiskers and claws. A rabbit has got soft fur. ‘And a crocodile has got jaws. Uisarabbit.) [ i a7) E Z Escaneado con Camscani oe the video presentation. Name ree Mammals and three reptiles. listen, read and answer. listen and check. #) Feralas mS REPTILES i different. Mammals and reptiles re GER TT ye got Sl ‘Mammals have got warm rhe S fur or hair. Most mammals have tis eee Baby mammals drink their mother's milk. Ry cold blood. Thisisachameleon. | Thisisamatmose. i's 0 | Thisisa stor This is dred panda, ifs got scales and a ind of monkey. Ifs got forfoise. Its gota | It’s got red fur and long tongue. grey fur and small eyes, beautiful shell. + along tail 1 Have mammals got warm blood? 2 What do baby mammals drink? 3. Have all reptiles got a shell? 4 Do most reptiles lay eggs? 5 Which animals in the photos are reptiles? 6 Do you prefer mammals or reptiles? Play True or false. Mammals have got fur. -_ True! Is a gila mon: \ mammal or ar Say your favourite animal. My favourite animal isared panda. its got beautiful fur Escaneado con Camscant Lesson 6 ©, Reading and Writing Watch the video, What animals do the children see? qj Watch the video again. pcre the table and complete. @) Meerkat» | Ostricher Appearance! ff é f Interesting Jacts Listen and read. Answer the questions. ” Tiger Street Club Report AM : In the UK ... bel: cg Description: | There are lots of farms | hgydigah | and wildlife parks with interesting animals. Dacia | Children visit them on school trips or with their gees family and friends. See epare your project Think about and say. [P © the name and type of animal ‘© where they live and what they eat * a description of the animal © what special features they've got Go to Activity Book page 18. outcom vovg io) My words to remember: Apr a 0) ~Escaneado con CamScanr lid 1 \Solidation ar = listen and repeat, Read and listen. § Act out. i) \ ae ER: - mG oe $ D) sSspPECT ® PLEASE @ {iS Got omang n ‘ PLEASTimalsit” | DON’T FEED - " Has t got = — information ANIMA: LL about where WORLP they live? ym is = THE ANIMALS cain 4 pec Boon use hash longer te Yes it hos. And it's got 3 information about what they eat. iant! Lets have a look. €) Listen and read. 4) What the matter Magpie? r>] \ tee Street br strange animal inthe sheet. 1 hook! ae YA \t Ln . 2, Ny BEET! No, but it moves. Ifs very I think Magpie is Oh, you sily animals! slow.Come and see! fight. I's an alien, ly animals! Of course \( Not an alien. m a hedgehog} { = ivi Mende 19 Do in| ce | 2d) (© Goto Activiy Book page 19-Do the Lesson 7 and Lesson 8 Unit 2 Review) EScaneado con Lamscant NN re Lesson 1 Vocabulary Listen, read and look. ) We learn about exercise ‘and do a fun workout. aL We find out about different kinds of exercise children do, @ Soy The Tiger Street word rap. 3 play table tennis 4 do judo 5 do karate 6 ride a bike 7 tideahorse 8 skateboard 9 rollerblade —_—‘10 ice skate > ® Play ‘Can do’chain. 9 & ‘ican rolerblade. And you? Ce ee ae ee ee a} Dect CL ° oe 2A Sports story ist fen and read. Act out the story. *!) O ivisive ys Bede LiMencheser er? speives in [Oy rine years 014. she wants Ios - let Her favourite toys a bol, Jammm)| football win he Dove atschook. 4 ; Me Go away iy We don't want c gil on our tan ry iy plays football with the Poys in |) the park after school every, day. When Lily is fifteen, a football coach watches her play. Youcan play ootballvery }} { Come on.lily How many ¢ well Ly. Do you want to iry ff] \_ Pressups can you do? oa BY cr join a professional earn? — Ke \ gee r Oy f 1) _Liy trains with the football team every day. t Ci ee 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,90,a hundred, Very good. caneéado con Lamscani Itisn’t easy. You Bl need fo work hard. y eee te ee @ One day theres an important fooibail © ‘iy scores one... wo .. vee match. One of the players on the team is ill |__ goals in the football match. Can you play for the team today, Lily? Wow! What Idon't know. She's a star Yes, gits really can play football 6 Read and say True or False. Listen and check. 4) 1 Lily's favourite toy is a doll, 2 Lily wants fo play football with the boys. 3 The coach thinks Lily can’t play football. 4 Lily can’t do a hundred press-ups. 5 On the day of the match, Lily is ill 6 Lily scores three goals in the match. © Read and reftect. iinnk he soy is HEED GD - GH Lily (EBAY / EBB clay tootball very welt 4 Think about it: TIGER STREET Can girls and boys do the same things? clUp yALUES >» What things can you do? : \ . Escaneado con Camscani No, can’t She can't ice skate. oe Look, read and say. Fi fpen can ride a bike. He can't ice skate. oe Play Guess who. ‘Can you rollerblode? Yes,Ican, BE} (Con you stateboors?, 2 No, | can’t. (2 you Ore? 4 f Yes, om. ® Ask and answer for you. Ce Re ea Oe Reed 1s FO ammar Lesson 4 Grammar, Listening and Speak ing oO listen and repeat. Say. can play table tennis, ice skate and rollerblade. He can do sports, He can play football, ride a horse and play basketball © listen and read. sing / can play football 19 q) can play football and ride a bike. \can swim and skateboard, too. | can't play tennis or ride a horse, Tell me, what can you do? My sister can dance andice skate. She can do judo and karate, foo. She can't play tennis or basketball Tell me, what can you do? My brother can dive and rollerblade. He can row and play basketballl, too. He can't do judo or karate, Tell me, what can you do? - (“isnumber2. He can ride a bike Coca Activity Book page 91. Make the sports cut-out cards. Play Memory. Lesson 5 Reading ® Watch the video presentation. Name three types of exercise, @& © Listen, read and answer True or False. Listen and check. ” 1 Workouts give you exercise. 2 Exercise is bad for you. 3 Workouts keep you healthy, 4 Workouts help you sleep well 5 Workouts help you concentrate. bia ©@ Play Ask and show. 2 4 Escaneado con CamScani Lesson 6 \ Come to our PE lesson at (school, Watch us do a workout J Q Watch the video. What are the children practising for? i © Watch the video again. Read and choose the correct word, Mi! 1 Ellie can / can't jump in the sack. 2 Daisy can / can't jump in the sack. 3 Clare can / can't keep the egg on the spoon 4 Daisy can / can't keep the egg on the spoon. © Listen and read. Answer the questions. ’) 222 Tiger Street Club Report In the UK... Children do two hours of PE every week. They also do sports after school. Some PE lessons are in the school gym. Other PE lessons are outside in the playground or on the school playing field. My exercise PE is my favourite lesson. In PE we have races and play games in the gym. We also do workouts and dance hip-hop. I can do workouts and I can touch my toes. I can’t dance hip-hop and I can't run fast. After school on Mondays and Wednesdays, we play football. On Fridays, we swim. On Sports Day, we do a lot of fun races. The egg and spoon race is my favourite race, Our families come and watch. It's brilliant! by Daisy I play footie in PE at school a) Prepare your project Think about and say. * what you do in PE at school : © exercise you do after schoo! * what you can/can't do ‘© what you do on Sports Day lif you have one} Plan and write your project Go to Activity Book page 26. pbolahheneaina | My words to remember: Seen as Chet tara} LEARN | workout stretch touch : Ree cepa) i fum around PE race Escaneado con Camscani ee 4 Lesson 7 Conso onan @) Listen and repeat. et Act out. Sat { READING CORNER: ees a iu wim a WORKOUTS FOR Kips WHEN: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AFTER SCHOOL, SATURDAY MORNING. WHERE: TIGER STREET HALL DON'T DELAY! @®) Read and listen. 4) & ei af Yes, of course. I's 'C.Do a workout’ Listen and read. Walk on, c fis ee g 2 a ‘ ; v iV a < 3 R] Comeon.Letsdo yj aes = “ a workout together. \ \eFo) SPST sa © fod NAL 3 * 4 BEM Look! I's 0 CD called es (at By a A 39 ‘ Bi Viorkouts for Animas’. [Ii Lvee a oe bel Oh no! SOD. Bed | can't do it age (© Go to Activity Book page 27. Do the Lesson 7 and Lesson 8 Unit 3 Revi a Escaneado con CamScani Lesson 1 Vocabulary Listen, read and look. 1) Say The Tiger Street word rap. * 1 ff @@ 2 water 4 chicken 5 salad Ez aa * 9 strawberries 10 ice cream 6 yog © listen and play Repeat if it's true. bid * | 2 The Earl of Sandwich Lesson 2 A legend ; f @ listen and read. Act out the story. OQ) It's the year 1762, John Montagu is the Ear of Sandwich. Sandwich is a small town in England. In the evening, the Earl of Sandwich | sees his friends. Sandwich, f00. Scaneado con Camscant © Read and answer the questions. Listen and check. 4 1 Who is John Montagu? 2 Where is Sandwich? - 3 What does the Earl eat for lunch? 4 What two things does the Earl eat for dinner” 5 What do his friends call the Earl's food? © Read and reftect. think the sandwich is o (GBBe) / (BRED invention my language, we (GUID / GERBERA word similar to sandwich Think about it: TIGER STREET 3 sit important to eat healthy food? cLUp vALUgS 7 Wht heal socks Sovscer This story is (im Lesson 3 Grammar and Speaking e listen and say the missing words. Lear: ) He likes ... She likes -.- oe Look, read and say True or False. Correct the false sentences. 1 Clare likes sandwiches and crisps. 2 Nasim likes strawberries and yoghurt. 3. Ellie likes ice cream, but she doesn't lke salad, 4 Ben likes chocolate, but he doesn't like salad. 5 Clare doesn't like chocolate. 6 Ben likes salad, but Ellie doesn’t like salad. 0 Ask and answer for you. Do you ike chicken sandwiches? Yes Ido. ® Say what your partner likes. RMN gs 62) Pa cee ec cs Se Lesson 4 Grammar, Listening and Speaking 0 Listen and repeat. Say. 237 Lizzie eats chicken, biscuits and sandwiches. Tyler likes ice cream with slices of nice, white bread, @® Listen and read. Sing [ike food. ) Pa I like food when it's delicious. Tike food when its nutritious. Some food is good for me to eat. ‘And some food Is a special treat! love ice cream. | like bananas, too. But | don't like yoghurt. What about you? | love strawberries. | ke chocolate, too. But | don't like chicken. What about you? love salad. | ike sandwiches, foo. But | don't like crisps. What about you? ifSlunch 1. He likes chicken and salad 0 fs Lunch 1 i? Go to Activity Book page 93. Make and sort the food cut-out cards. Play Snap! CUNY IE nee Raeu Lesson 5 Reading ‘ \ @ Watch the video presentation. What has a healthy meal got? i! ’ © Listen, read and say True or False. ) listen and check. si) . giirivetate on . vVe-a- py t AFG! y Lelia ' eee Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and fire. They help Ce t You grow ond stay healthy. You need to eat five portions every doy. ec Here ore five fun ways to eat fruit and vegetables! | Bf sagey Fake tuitice totes You can use fresh fruit or fruit juice. Use different kinds of fruit to make different colours. ‘Moke a funny face with salad and eat it, Its fun and its good for you, too, Make a smoothie of fru, milk, yoghurt cand ice cubes Mmm. Delicious! ~ 1 Fruif and vegetables help you stay healthy. 2 Youneed to eat two portions every day 3 You make a smoothie with canots 4 Youneed to add sugar fo a fruit salad. and cheese. Make a fruit solad, Use any fruit you like, but don't add sugar! 5 You can make a funny face with salad. © Ploy Question chain, @ Doyoulike vegetable sticks? (Yestc0,) . Find out what vitamins: \ We get from oranges. Lesson 6 Video, Reading and Writing Watch the video. What food does Clare love? © Watch the video again. Copy and write Clare, Ben, Nasim or Jack. @® Ee 4 Caney | 2 ecto Qo. 3 shepherd’ pie, i 4 salad | 5 chickew sandavich 8 | 6 chocclate Ruedas | © Listen and read. Answer the questions. * Tiger Street Club Report |~ In the UK ... Bi hcvea packed Tees Ihave sandwiches, fruit, a yoghurt and fruit juice, | like chicken sandwiches and cheese: sandwiches. | also like oranges, bananas and apples. | love natural yoghurt, foo. | don't like tuna sandwiches or } tomatoes. My favourite lunch is when my mum hidesa chocolate biscuit in my lunch box ~ is a special treat! ) My friend Ben has a hot lunch. He likes vegetable soup cand he loves shepherd's pie. by Jaks Lots of children have lunch school. Some children ave a packed lunch, They bring food to eat in a unch box. Other children. nave a hot lunch. » Prepare your project Think about and say. * the kind of lunch you have at school © what other food you like/don't like * your favourite food © what food your friend likes/loves. Plan and write your project > Go to Activity Book page 34. Learning to} My wold Ta eee LEARN | vitamin eee) sugar raw ) | packed lunch treat 2) Escaneado con Camscani Bote Understand a video about school Se eet ion @ Listen and repeat. ® Read and listen. , Y) Act out. eile} f READING CORNER; 1 bonana Sony. I don't understand, eas What’ a'smoothie’? Tnotural yoghurt 1 small glass of milk 1 small glass of orange juice: Sice cubes ‘Ah. thanks. 1g like smoothies, 1 Put the ingredients in a bleng 2 Blend until smooth 3 Pour info a glass and drink Now add milk, yoghurt and ice cubes. Quick! Put the lid on the blender, ‘Cheese, chicken and nut. smoothie is delicious! Escaneado con Cams 5e) BY Things We Do Every Day Lesson 1 Listen, read and look, read a story about a kir We learn about lime zone ry day, e Om” “4 2 jaa ee ay taal mg 3 get up 2 have 3 brushyour 4 gotoschool § have lunch breakfast teeth sa 3 ; " A 1 b , we 4 5 go home 7 have dinner 8 havea 9 puton your 10 goto bed shower pyjamas 8 Play Mime and guess. a= ifs ‘brush your teeth’ Key learning outcome: name dally activities and talk about routin Vocabulary: daily active Lesson 2 © Listen and read. Act out the story. King Midas is a greedy man, He loves gold More than his daughter, Prince want everything Go away, 200.1 want fo count my gold. I want to be rich ich fo tum 8 the next day, King Midas wakes up at seven « Wow! The clock is gold. Fantastic! 8 My hairbrush is gold This is brillant! Hello, Zoe. What's the matter? Come here Let me give you a hug, Ohno! My daughter Vigil is gold. Help! Genie! Escaneado con CamScani Read and say True or False. Listen and check. by a Vidas loves gold, 2 King Midas meets an old woman. 3 Midas can have three wishes. 4. King Midas’s son tums into gold. 5 King Midas asks to change his wish. 6 The genie helps King Midas. Read and reflect. ® This story is (@EBISEINEIOND GRE | a taiyicie ihink the story is (ean) / HBEBED : Gina ng Midos (i GD srccey, zoe loves (GO) GERGeD ' GREGEHE Think about it: TIGER STREET >? Why is itimportant not to be greedy? clUp vALUgS Are you ever greedy? Escaneado con Camscani Lesson 3 8 Listen and say the missin: {have breakfast at eight o’cloc i don’t get up at half past six (3:00) No, | don’t | brush my teeth. He goes fo School at half past eight. She has a shower every doy. oe Look and say. H (Doyou goto bed) (No, don't 4 ct half past eight? Oy osetia) Yes, om, re ru Yes, | do. Remember! e |go home. You have lunch, e He gets up. She goes to bed, — No, don't. get up at haf past seven, >’ Grammar! | i a5 | ae mi oa iF ® Lesson 4 Grammar, Listening and Speaking ¢ ) Listen and repeat. Say, * s a snack with her cat at five o'clock every Saturday, SG banana in the car in his pyjamas at half past six No, she has breakfast ) Z_at haltpas! seven. = ~ _Escaneado con Camscant Lesson 5 ® Watch the video presentation. What time is itin Boston and in Melbourne? © listen, tead and answer the Questions. Listen and check. ts light The world has got 24 time eae zones. That's one for every hour of the day. When you get up in the morning, its time for people on the other side of the world to go to bed. Ws nine oclock ot igi Sydney. Ifs dark. Sona cat home. Sometimes he Is twelve o'clock goes to bed at nine dda midday in London = Emily is at school , tentacles. This is « starfish. | Ws resting in the rock pool. It's safe This is alittle seahorse. from the waves. 1's swimming in the rock pool. | 1 Rock pools are big pools of sea water. 2 You need to wear shoes to explore 1 3. The crab has got sharp spikes. 4 The jellyfish is catching tiny animals. 5 The seahorse is swimming in the rock pool. Play Name the animal. Its the crab, Escaneado con CamScani (yates Video, Reading and Writing Watch the video. Who i . writing to? at Ee Sere souce: Pal ‘amazing! What are we 7 ee | Watch the video again.Who says each sentence? Say Ben, Clare, Ellie or Nasim. @B as What are you doing, Nasim? > He's riding on a donkey. Let’s go to Tourist Information. Look, the Grand Pier! What do you do with this hovereratt? Listen and read. Answer the questions. Tiger Street Club Report yaar rar =| In the UK «- Dear Aut Rash. fany children go tothe hope ye wel hong 25 aside in the summer. It's cacside. Were sta ‘ometimes cloudy or raining, the beach Ht l somihere ove (ots oF FUM RINGS [4 ng Mee tg 5 do on the beach. You can _ go for donkey rides and eat fish and chips. You can also write postcards to your family at home, like this one. sof fim q can esc cen elon want the holiday to er See you soon foe fom Nei 3 »® Think about and say: { a + vers you ats anenengmemama. ore vou and your friends are doing * the weather Go to Activity Book page 50. My words to remember: 51) ai Escaneado con CamScani Consolidat; olidatio lation and Extensi and Extension Listen and tepeat. Act out. st) Read and listen. ; 1 READING CORNER: } J | > A shell is lying On the wet rock: It's small and round, Grey and brown, Smooth and shiny A tiny animal is living In its perfect home. Don't worry, Magpie) Magpie is happy. mcoming, Hes singing j panic! Here | ‘moutting the @ ey 52) Go to Activi je Lesson 7 it 6 Revi tivity Book page 51.Do the Lesson 7 and Lesson 8 Unit 6 ) n 8 Unit 6 Revie! Escaneado con Lamscani ne ATi malt) PNA Lesson 1 Voc Listen, read and look. ‘ ) 0 We leam about feamwork in the theatre We find out about a: traditional play. @ Say The Tiger Street word rap. *) 2 audience 3 stage Acostume _ 5 lights ‘Stone Soup Play ‘Programme Soript ow a 8 ticket 9 programme 10 poster 6 makeup, jain © do the gpalltag é 6 Play a chain. J Key leaming outcome: name and talk about theatre Meo eS Lesson 2 @ listen and read. act out the play, SEE TE cers TOR Anton, Dina, Boris and Klara are hikers, They walk in the mountains for many days, I'm hungry. A Me too. But we haven't got any food, Look! There's a village, We can ask f f x ae for food there. Anton, Dina, Boris Dina, ind Klara a village. They knock on the de mee ; the doors oft mee of the houses, S Hello. We'te hikers and we' ind we're hi ise share your food with us, a ¥ No, sony. Idon't want to share my food N Who is it? DINA Hello, We're hikers and we're hungry. Please share your food with us. KLARA Hello. We're hikers and we're hungry. Please share your food with us. YOUNG WOMAN No, sory. Idon't want to share my. food with you. NARRATOR The hikers knock on the doors of more houses in the village ‘S Idon't like the people in this village. NA They aren't very kind. Let's teach them a lesson. Do you know the Stone Soup story? IN Yes! What a brilliant idea! Peres NARRATOR Anton, Dina, Boris and Klara: put stones and water in a pot on their camping stove. The people of B the village come and watch. OLD MAN What are you doing? a e Soup play? vi rR ele oat @© Read and reflect. ? 1 detective stor The play is At frst, the villagers are y Think about it: 92 |sitimportant to share? > What things do you share? Lesson 3 Grammar and Speaking ¢) 6 Play the Tiger Street Club ‘can do’ board game. J © Name four parts of a computer. © Say two things you use a computer to do. © Say two differences between mammals and reptiles. © Nome two mammals and two reptiles Soy two reasons to do workouts. © Soy two instructions for 0 workout. @ Say how many time zones the world has got. © Nome the country that has got nine time zones. © Name two reasons to eat fruit and vegetables. W Name two fun ways to eat fruit and vegetables. (W Say what you need fo do when you explore rock pools. (E:_Name three animals you can find in rock pools. 5s tO iS r Gmm Lesson 4 _ ar Revision! 0 Listen and repeat t. Say, @ IS wearing a skirt with Stewart loves s; spots and Peaking on stage with a script ort, strawberries and spaghett ©} listen ang read. Sing Its the Tiger Street Club Review. Its the Tiger Street Club Rt 1ew. Come and watch our show. Look at our make-up and the lights. Wete nearly ready to go. We'te the actors, we're on stage We're wearing costumes, too. You'e the lovely audience. ‘And our show is just for you. Be ready to smile, be ready to laugh At the stone soup in our play. Ifs funny and its delicious. Enjoy our show today! r — (He's number 6. Cee Cad te ka c Ro sentence cut-out cards. Play Senfence bingo. @ Watch the video presentation. Name three ways you can help. @ listen, read and answer the questions. listen and check, ) LEciotpadiom | You need lots of people to put on a show. I's hard work, but it's also fun. You prepare the show affer school and at the weekend. The actors ; need fo rehearse. There are many other jobs, too. Everyone needs fo work os a team Seema Ue nee) 5 ern Im ptinting the tickets 1 Do you need lots of people to puton a show? 2 When do you prepare the show? 3 What do the actors need to do? 4 Are there many other jobs? 5 What does everyone need fo do? _ © Play Mime and guess. Are you reading a script? ie & Yes, that's it! Perfect. a ( E Join the others and sing the song ® Listen and read. * i 24 @ Read and listen- —— [READ ING CORNER: DING CORN roe ogeat ea ree dal & Satu! Pos uke isthe Tiger street CUP Review pay stone SOUP SsTone Scene 1: Si ee SONG: H1 letsd Tsar chon You can dance sisdo an end-otyearshow Jey | nai sing, Squirel. FESO Squirrel. We're a teamy ee Ih. yi It's only a show for our fflent You don't need to be shi Escaneado con CamScani Look and match, 7 money Look, read and answer the questions. ‘os, She wants to ty some toys for her ndchildren, Layla | Jack. She wants | uy one toy for Jack FF {one toy for Layla | k likes animals sof buys the monkey. J alikes sportso she s the boll ] J ] ow much money has Kath got? 2 How many toys does Kath want to buy? 3 How much is Jack's toy? 4 How much is Layla’s toy? | 5 How much are Jack and Layla’s toys 6 What is Kath’s change from 40 euros? | logether? Look and choose a toy you like. Say the price. & | rs | like the elephant. a | ~- 15 euros. ee he 44 How many toys? | How much is if? It’s 10 euros. Key learning outcome mathemati: read about shopping ond solve a Maths problem OT Escaneado con Camscant Shopping places oe Listen and say. ®) 4 jarket market butcher's bakery superm 8 Listen and say.Who shops in the town centre? 4) aires) Isbig. ‘She can't buy all her food there. There is a free bus. | Going to the town centre takes more time. SCaneado con Lamscani Look at the town Plan fo, Scart ro 6, Copy and co; hey Mplete. the key, mee the ena ach hou: or ber seg U Park — sho i PS market ) zi hehe Key “Re next to. 25556 opposite ?ead and match the headings to the Paragraphs. afocestolive b Transport c Ouiside spaces d Shopping ? e@ ere is a beach where you can see lots of There are lots of shops in Scarborough. There ds and animals. There are lots of parks and is an old market in the centre. xrdens where you can walk and relax 0@ : 00 su can travel by carorget the bus.Inthe : There are lols of houses on the edge of the fown centre, you can walk around easily. = fown. Inthe town centre, there are lots of flats. Write about your town. Ee” & Inca town, there’ 0, bige pata | ts nent to the: } ee ede There are lots of parks, There is amarkel | inthe centre onthe edge of the lown \'s next to/between/opposite the shops Work in QrOUpS oF pairs, Invent a town and draw a town pian. Use the internet and language like this: TX fn Think about life in a fown.What is important in a town? Write a list. dake. Quiside spaces Shopping Things to do Places to live Create a key for your town plan. —_—_—— Thisis our fown. There's a big park. There are lots of houses opposite the pa (64) Key learning outcome 67) Coliaboratve task: invent ond draw o town plan q nl Look and match. Point and say old or new. VW beoks 2 games 3 toys 4 teddies this is Claudia’ bedroom. iM, 1868. le This is Ben’s bedroom in there are two beds, Clacidias sivter | 2018. There is one bed. There sleeps in the bedroom, t00. | - are lots of toys, but there isn’t ateddy.There aren't lots of books. There are sone toys. There are fvcteddies, | | | There isa computer in the bedroom. mhere are lots of books but there isn't secompute,clandia and her itr play together | | Ben loves playing computer games. slot. Tha ike playing uns inthegertetstee ) | He likes playing board games. too. ‘Their favourite game Us hide and. ee 4 Sometimes, he plays with his big sister. 2 Claudia likes playing in the garden 1. There are three teddies in Claudia’s bedroom. 4 Bennever plays with his big sister. 3. Ben joves playing computer games. Ask and answer. 2 so att &, She plays with her sister. | He likes playing computer games | There is/isn’t c computer. | | There are/aren't lols of books. i ponnnisisa if Key learning outcome (65) Social Science: read and understand about children's toys: Escaneado con Camscani ( Transport in cities Listen and point, @ cars bicycles underground buses trains Listen to the radio Programme. What's London's big problem? =f) [London before cars » a 5km per hour b &km per hour c¢ 16km per hour This picture is of London before/after cars. People are walking Key learning outcome People are travelling by bus, Social Science: listen to and understand a radio programme about transport : a tacensenemmtinartons Sassen hemi tees ren Escaneado con Camscani # Before and Cia * Read the two le . 0 Hers Suickly. What year are they from? Bist fal : Deorfitends 1 aes 2 Ul » iyrana 11th August, 2018 avilage cates ge j a fn My name Is Claire and | et live ina city called London, oe BeforeLwalk, ive in anew apartment. ae lens. Welve got 45, ' get up at 7.30. Before | go to school, | love playing computer games. After school play games orgo fishing After school, | do my homework. Then with my friends. Fishing is Fun! >) ' watch TV. Thave dinner at five oblock, 1 Ihave dinner at 6.45. Yours sincerely, Love, Ronald Claire vnere do you live? Nhat do yolu do before school? Vhat do you do after | When do you have dint Answer the questions for you. a er Sorsbon 2018 p Use your answers to write a letter. yy.) sg oie small town, eee 2nd October, Tith August, 3ist March quarter to seven = 6.45 [six forty-five) 2 What ,..? When ...? Where Imagine\an old| place Work in groups or pairs. Find out about the history of a place you know. Use the internet and language like this: (this is aplace in my town. ) Thi class “There isn a whiteboard There ae lols of books, bul 100 years ago. there aren't any computers ce) Step © Thinkofaplacethatyou ==“ } imagine the same place know. a 100 years ago. Draw a picture, a playground a classroom a house Sicp "Label the picture, What is Sf different? Lets choose the market, Do you agree? | (68) Key learning outcome Collaborative task: imagine, Yes, 1do,/No, I dont draw and describe a familiar place 100 years ago oer: — , Escaneado con Camscant tJ Listen and fead. Answer the questions, Lots of chi ; en Mee pate simple Halloween costumes. They pumpkins to rah vi iM games. Some children also use naitte fake Halloween lanterns. They visit their ‘gibours and friends and Say ‘trick or treat’. People give them food to eat and special treats. en celebrate in your country” Listen and sing Come to the 8 Make a pumpkin ~ Halloween party! ”) 4 mask. Conon cecal mb Amo ieeecmoneh ala ec acl + get a fright! Omer Meander ancora Come as a skeleton, a ghost or a bat. Come to the Halloween party olen Paseo ii eke lk cake i Halloween lante | originally from reland s Escaneado con CamScani It’s @ tradition for many people to have crackers at Christinas. Crackers have got a paper crown, & small gift or toy and a joke inside. One person pulls one end of the cracker and another person pulls the other end. The cracker goes ‘pop’ and the contents fall out. What's your favourite king at Christmas? ‘A Christmas stocKING! J Question: These crackers have got Some great jokes inside! Ha hal These crackers ANSWER: i Question: Why can't a Chris free stand up? ANSWER: Because it hasn't gop any legs! eo Listen and sing The cracker song. *) JA x Crackers are for Christmas, A paper crown, a funny joke, I Listen to the pop, pop, pop! A smalll gift or toy. y | Lets pull a Christmas cracker. Crackers are for Christmas. ¢ J And see what it's got. They bring fun and joy! 8 Play Find a partner. 0 Make a me cracker. Yes it has. A box of ten crackers Ca cost 10 euros or 1,000 Escaneado con Camscani World Book Day is a special day for children to celebrate reading. Many children get a free fe eles at sre They take the book token toa = % ook shop and choose a book they want to read. all these books fo ond eoencs. TRE . A NEHG MF | haven't got a favourite kind of Me, too. lalso like fairy book. | Jove all kinds of books! tales and books with facts. Ask and say. What's your favourite kind of book? Listen and sing We love books! 4), \. jove books be) brate together. 2 love to read, In all kinds of weatner dventure stories, fairy tales. hs and legends foo: n facts or poems. QP gy love to read, dO you? cee ‘ark Chien in more than Make a book ™ 100 countres celebrate World Book Day. Key learning outcome: say and practise language for World Book Day Vocabulary: adventure story, myth, legend, fairy tale —— { Vocabulary } 4 ’m going shopping vith] Hi tm sofia. ! Hi ends. ike shop, | 0 at ‘po you like shopping? S weekends. Ve igo? what do you buy? a supermarket Mb shopping oe |c sports shop | d department stor e marke’ e the words in your notebook. You can buy food, clothes @ = writ 4 It is one big shop. It has got different floors. and sports equipment. s. They sell fresh vegetables, meat, etc. 2 There are lots of very small shop: 3 There are lots of different shops in one big building. 4 Where can you buy milk? 5 Where can you buy trainers? 6 Where can you buy jeans? » © Talk to your friend about shopping. f LANGUAGE HELP. Use your shopping words. like Igo to... What are your favourite shops? Where do you go shopping? What do you like buying? pecan { Go shopping in Andalusia! ) Read ai 0 in internet guide to shopping. - we isin the centre of the city. You BD thes, ce to go shopping. Cala SirPes Neier erent ‘diferent shops, for example cl 4.00. Then, in the aftern@o” shoe shops, The s! en at 10.00 and close a : i it at 17:00 and close: x that's 7 hours of shopping! aera in malaga = -0 you lke fresh food? Atarazanias Market inthe co Malaga is full of amazi Sey) 4 Pen rata a Seen hate on ae i ‘ Bs ious. ae ‘Andalusian sna e bulaing is vary beautiful. Part ofits mors than ‘years old! It has got a very big and beautiful window with pictures of ‘Malaga’ history The market is popul lar with local jpeople and tourists. in the centre of ae {Go to the Aleaiceria Bazaar it the cathedral and the Plazo, Bi la, The bazaar is small, but ep and afew stalls. You can't drive 0 be jp bazaar because the streats ae slowly and ook at the crafts te il There are many beautiful gifts, for and handmade boxes for 65. _1@ Read and say yes or No. n travel to Calle Sierpes 07 Sierpes open at 11:00. ww building: rists like the market. the train. You cal The shops i calle The market is in ane Local people and tou! the bazaar is very big: You can buy a handmade box in Granada for €10. Qe Bk your friend about shopping: Talk about the items on the list. (aihere cont buy ojumper? You can go to Calle ) tshirt Sierpes in Seville. rug = — _ box open and close? iti TT aAuawna jumper snack LANGUAGE HELP Where can | buy». You can What time do the shops open? They open at ... How much is ... 2 inthe morning, they open ft 10:00 and close at 14:00. Its .., euros Escaneado con CamScani (Read th formation and write directions. (Read the in ) oO Look at the information, Complete the sentences in your notebook, Avenida dela Paz Calle San Bernardo The [NMI goes to Nervién Plaza from Avenida de la Paz. If you are in Calle San Fernando, you can go to Nervién Plaza by Sill. You can take the {ANNIE from Calle San Bernardo to Nervién Plaza. To get to Nervidn Plaza from Avenida de Jerez, you need to go by cel wa rat | Pe BwWwN = = Look at the map and read the messages. Write answers to the messages in your notebook. I'm next to the supermarket. I'm next to the café. Where's the sports 'm going to buy a Where's the clothes shop? shop? inreonatoeeve teste for my cisital camera. mm V'm going to buy a jumper nae in front of the tay shop, 2PM Where's the technology > 4 sea 1AQPM eo OK. You're on the first level. You turn right; and go up to the 2nd level. Turn right again. You walk straight on. The clothes shop is nextto LANGUAGE HELP. a café. 130M 7 I'm going to (buy) ... I'm not going to (buy) ..- I'm in front of ... It's next to... Write a message in your notebook asking for help. Answer your friend's message. Escaneado con Camscani ~y’ “SF, Final task: Do a project ) , » Plan and presenta shopping excursion to your class, REMEMBER! Choose a gift for a classmate, " Investigate and use the internet, Use this language: Where are we Which shops are What are we going to go? } (een it going to buy? | — 27 i/ Choose a city. Where are you Choose shops. Which shops going to go? are you going to visit? 25, You need to buy lassmate. What are you going to buy? You've got © a gift for a cl | we're going 10 visit a department store. I's near the train station, | My present is for Ana, She tikes clothes and her (a “favourite colour is red. I'm going 10 buy her a red skirt, (7s Escaneado con CamScani Hil'm Samuel. I'm excited because this ox the Book Fair at school. We bring a boo home and talk about it. Then we exchang a friend for a new book. | love reading pag What do you read? What's your favourite; a poem b animal story | ¢ adventure _ d historical e fairytale _f biography 4 _g fantasy story Read and write in your notebook. j In this type of story the characters go on a journey or quest in a different world, There is magic. The story can be in the future and a different world. It has futuristic technology. These are short stories about different topics. They rhyme, and have rhythm. 4 This is a traditional story. There are good and bad characters, and they sometimes use magic. 5 It’s a true story about a persons life. Another person writes it. 6 The story has a lot of action. The characters go to exciting places and do dangerous things. wn © & ~% Talk to your friend about books. What is your favourite type of book? When do you read? Do you have a favourite author? _ Escaneado con Camscani 7a) Writers Blog ) Read about famous poets. Who ; o's your favourite poet? i My favourite is Rafael a s your favourite post? Jaber from E1Puero de Forme, ts Actanio Maced Santa Maria in Cadiz Why do you like his powms? Why do you like his poems? His poems are amazing. ! also love his drawings. Do you have 2 favourite Do you have a favourite 2 poem? Yes, | do. My favourite is The girl who goes into the eat When | read it, can see he gil in the sea, and she is weaning 2 white skit. ild’s name in your notebook. @ = Read and write the ch 1 He likes Lorca, 4 He likes the musical verses. 5 His favourite poem 's about animals. 2 She likes Machado. 3 She likes amazing poems. 6 He doesn’t have a favourite poem. friend about a poet. Use the questions from the blog. 89 © Ask you! Why do coon nsooen?) ( Pee ore Wonderful. } ; Oa Do you vonstonnterm) (ws ah Like. Ti tiert :) Zz LANGUAGE HELP Why do you like ...? Do you have ...? Yes, | do. No, I don't. A Escaneado con CamScani < — Jiménez Read about the story. Match the text to the pictures in your notebook, — ( Read about the story Platero and me by Juan Ramon ae eee ammeter ° ut a grey donkey called] 5 soft and his eyes are The story is abo! Platero. His fur i black. He lives with a man. The man opens the gate and Platero runs into the field. He loves the pink, ~ blue and yellow flowers. 2 o Platero always comes when the man. calls his name. He loves eating oranges, grapes.and purple figs with honey Platero is gentle, but he is also very strong. The man rides Platero on Sundays. The people in the village like Platero. | like. him too! 2 o © Read the story. Add the words from the box. First, | turn him loose, and he goes to the meadow quickly, and ... » Fy 28 = 6 | — Plan and write a story about an animal in your notebook. Ask your friend about their story What is the animal? What colour is he/she? lat does he/she eat? Is he/she big or small? What does he/she do? a a What do you do wi th him/her’ 9 Escaneado con CamScani LJ SS nal task: Do a project language: * nome ? 0 2 story is it? characters? Choose a story. What type of story is it? Who is the writer? » Plan and create a leaflet c about your book for a 800k Fair. Investigate and use the internet. Use this es: What type of ) (Who are the “= (Say What happens?) Wa Who are the characters? Draw and write about some characters. What happens in the story? Draw and write about your favourite scene. Create your leaflet and talk about your book. There are some good and bad characters in the story. There is gir, o white rabbit and o Queen My favourite scene is in the 7th chapter. It’s about a tea party. There are lots of cokes ond biscuits. The Hotter is drinking cup of tea with friends. It’s 6 o'clock. Alice hasn't got a cup of tea She isn’t happy. Escaneado con CamScani

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