Narrative Quiz Managerial Economics

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Managerial Economics (2nd Quiz: Narrative)

Submitted by: Audrey Gayle Gervacio
Course: BSMAC 1 (Block A)

Industry X is characterized by perfect competition, so every firm in the industry

is earning zero economic profit. If the product price falls, no firm can survive. DO
YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE. Discuss and present your side.

Disagree. Several firms in a competitive industry will exit the market if they incur
an economic loss. An economic loss occurs when the price goes down below the
average total cost. As these firms leave the industry, the production of supply
decreases, and the prices rise. When the price increases high enough, the
economic loss is alleviated, and exiting becomes unnecessary. As a result, the
market price will briefly increase above the average cost curve, resulting in
economic profits for the existing market firms.
On the other hand, these economic profits entice more firms to enter the market.
As new firms enter, the market supply curve shifts to the right. As the supply
curve goes to the right, the market price falls, and economic returns for new and
existing firms in the market decrease as well. Entry will continue to move supply
to the right as long as there are profits in the market. This will come to an end
when the market price reaches the zero-profit level, where no business is making
any money. So my answer is that some firms survive if other firms exit the

Why would a firm that incur losses choose to produce rather than to shut down?
(Make your logical justification as manager.)

When revenues fall short of total costs, losses arise. Revenues may still exceed
variable expenses, but fixed costs will not. If a firm is losing money, it will want to
reduce the losses. Shutting down can decrease variable expenses to zero, but the
firm already has paid for fixed costs in the short run. Consequently, even if the
business produces no supply, it will still lose money since it must pay for its fixed
costs. That is why as long as the business pays its variable expenses, losses will
be kept to a minimum. All costs are changeable in the long run. As a result, if the
company is to stay in operation, all costs must be paid.

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