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Teaching Profession

Demands a total commitment to total transformation of the learner

What is teaching?
 Occupation
 Myriad activities
 An act itself
 Process/set of actions to induce learning
Source: R.A. 7836: Phil. Teachers’ Profession act 1994
- Profession concerned with classroom instruction at the Elementary and
secondary levels in accordance with curriculum prescribed by the Department
of Education
- All persons engaged in teaching at the elem. and secondary levels
- Competence or skill expected of a professional
- a member of a profession
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers - (R.A. 4670) - Licensure
- The state should ensure and promote quality education
Dimensions of the teaching profession
1. Knowledge - master your major/all subject
2. Social - deal/communicate with others
3. Ethical - knowing what is right and wrong
4. Professional - continue to grow professionally
Elements of Teaching and Learning Process
1. Learner - core
2. Teacher - played varied role in the classroom
3. Learning environment - venue/ classroom
4. The curriculum - list of subjects
5. Materials of instructions - resources to facilitate instruction and learning
6. Administration - high ranking officials in school
Historical Foundations of Education
- the parents will demonstrate and the child will emulate
- practical - security and survival
Egyptian: Athenian
- development of mind and body
Egyptian: Spartan
- development of body - security
- values
Traditional Schools of Philosophy
Idealism (Plato) - reliable form of reality, inductive reasoning
Existentialism (J.P. Sartre) - individuals create their own realities
- Activities: create, draw or act
Realism (Aristotle) - scientific reasoning
- use real objects to learn
Pragmatism (J.Dewey) - learning how to learn
- direct experience
Contemporary Philosophy
Perennialism (life-time) - education is constant
Essentialism - basic movement, critical core of knowledge and skills
Humanism - intellect/ innate goodness
Rationalism - reason out (how/Why)
Progressivism - learn best in real life activities
Constructionism - idea of constant change (upgrade)
Four Pillars of Education
1. Learning to know - life long learning (acquire information)
2. Learning to do - acquire practical skills
3. Learning to live together - understanding of others
4. Learning to be - develop one’s personality
Recruitment, Selection and Placement
1. Posting of vacancies
2. Creation of personnel selection board
3. Submission of application
4. Assessment of the appointing authority
5. Posting of selection line up
6. Screening and evaluation of applications
7. Posting of appointments

National Competency-Based Teacher Standards

1. Social regard for learning (SRFL) - the teacher serve as a positive and
powerful role models of the value in the pursuit of different efforts to learn
2. Learning Environment (LE) - providing a social, psychological and physical
environment within which all students.
3. Diversity of Learners (DOL) - teachers can facilitate the learning process
even with diverse learners.
4. Curriculum (Curr.) - elements of the teaching-learning process
5. Planning, Assessing & Reporting (PAR) - alignment of assessment and
planning activities
6. Community Linkages (CL) - ideal that classroom activities are meaningfully
linked to the experiences and aspirations of the learners
7. Personal Growth & Professional Development (PGPD) - teachers value
having a high personal  regard for the teaching profession

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