Modern Physics and Electronics: Topic

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Lovely professional university


Modern Physics and Electronics

Topic:-Laser, action and einstein’s theory of

laser,type ,its applications in industry and magnetic



DOS: 9-may-2010

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mr. Bharpur singh Avanish kumar

Deptt. Of physics Roll-B61 10906950

It is my great pleasure to work under the able guidance of

our teacher Ms amanpreet Kaur. I am very grateful to her
for her valuable suggestions and ideas which have
brought my term paper to its completion.
I am also very thankfull to Lovely Professional University
who have have provided us the best faculity and best
infrastructure like the internet facility which is a pool of
knowlelge and the library which is providing us the best
books which helped us a lot to compete the project.
I also acknowledge the help and support I got from my
parents and friends. They played a passive role in the
development of this term paper.

1. introduction
2. what is laser
3. types of laser
4. overview
5. characteristic of laser
6. operation
7. laser devices
8. Laser components
9. einstein theory of laser
10. application
11. reference

The word Laser is an acronym for light amplification by
stimulated emission of radiation.A laser is a device that
creates and amplifies a narrow, intense beam of coherent
light. Atoms emit radiation,we see it every day when the
"excited" neon atoms in a neon sign emit light. Normally,
they radiate their light in random directions at random
times. The result is incoherent light. The trick in generating
coherent light of a single or just a few frequencies going in
one precise direction is to find the right atoms with the
right internal storage mechanisms and create an
environment in which they can all cooperate to give up
their light at the right time and all in the same directi

The ruby laser, a simple and common type, has a rod-

shaped cavity made of a mixture of solid aluminum oxide
and chromium. The output is in pulses that last
approximately 500 microseconds each. Pumping is done by
means of a helical flash tube wrapped around the rod. The
output is in the red visible range.

The helium-neon laser is another popular type, favored by

electronics hobbyists because of its moderate cost. As its
name implies, it has a cavity filled with helium and neon
gases. The output of the device is bright crimson. Other
gases can be used instead of helium and neon, producing
beams of different wavelengths. Argon produces a laser
with blue visible output. A mixture of nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, and helium produces IR output.

Lasers are one of the most significant inventions developed

during the 20th century. They have found a tremendous
variety of uses in electronics, computer hardware,
medicine, and experimental science.
Wavelengths of commercially available lasers. Laser types
with distinct laser lines are shown above the wavelength
bar, while below are shown lasers that can emit in a
wavelength range. The height of the lines and bars gives an
indication of the maximal power/pulse energy
commercially available, while the color codifies the type of
laser material (see the figure description for details). Most
of the data comes from Weber's book Handbook of laser
wavelengths [1], with newer data in particular for the
semiconductor lasers.
Types of Laser

 According to their sources:

1.Gas Lasers
2. Crystal Lasers
3.Semiconductors Lasers
4.Liquid Lasers
 According to the nature of emission:
1.Continuous Wave
2.Pulsed Laser
 According to their wavelength:
1. Visible Region
2. Infrared Region
3. Ultraviolet Region
4.Microwave Region
5.X-Ray Region

Characteristics of Laser

Highly Monochromatic:
* Laser ray is highly pure beam of light with respect to the
wavelength and the frequency of the photons forming it.

Highly Directional
* laser beam is highly intense and very narrow beam this is
because its divergence is very small.

* Laser beam transfers in straight lines approximately

parallel to each other.

Highly Coherent
* The laser photons are coherent,in phase and have the
same direction.
Fundamental of Laser Operation

1.Excitation of the atom:

* The Ground level (E1): It is the nearest energy level to

the nucleus. e.g. the ground level for Hydrogen atom is (K)
level while that for (cr) atom is (N).
* The excited levels: They are levels whose energies are
higher than the ground levels.

1) Transition of an atom from lower energy level (E1) to

the higher energy level (E2) requires absorption of a
quantized amount of energy equals the difference in energy
of these two levels.

2) Transition of the atom from the higher energy level (E2)

to the lower energy (E1) is accompanied by the emission of
an amount of energy E= E2-E1 in the form of light
quantum (photon) of energy (h.v)

where (v) is the frequency of the emitted radiation.

In 1917 , Einstein showed that emission can exist by one of

the two following ways:
1) Spontaneous emission:
It takes place when the atom moves of its own from the
higher energy level (E2) to the lower energy level (E1)
emitting a photon of energy (h.v). Therefore the
spontaneous transition occurs by its own without control
i.e.there is no relation between the incident and emitted
photons with respect to their direction or phase. so the
emitted light photons are incoherent. The spontaneous
emission takes place in all traditional sources e.g. neon
lamp, sodium lamp-----etc.
2) Stimulated emission:
It takes place when a photon of energy (h.v) passes by an
excited atom so the atom is stimulated to emit a photon
having the same energy , frequency and phase of the
incident photon. Therefore we obtain two identical photons
which are in the same direction. And these two identical
photons stumuli another two excited atoms thus we obtain
(4) coherent photons and so on.

The stimulated emission is characterized by:

The emission of new photon in addition of the initial one.

The photon in the stimulated emission , has the same
energy of the initial photon , consequently it must have the
same frequency and wavelength.
The waves associating the two photons initial and that
produced in the stimulated emission are in phase.
The conditions needed to obtain stimulated

Exciting a large number of atoms to exist in the higher

energy level.
Doing enough arrangements to enable most of the emitted
photons to emerge in the same direction.

Laser Devices

This section discusses the historical evolution from

microwave lasers to optical lasers and finally to xray lasers.

Microwave Laser
Optical Laser
Gas Dynamic Laser
X-ray Laser
Plasma Laser .

Lasing in Two, Three, and Four-level Atoms

For the sake of our studies, let's first consider a laser
medium whose atoms have only two energy states: a
ground state and one excited state. In such an idealized
atom the only possible transitions are excitation from the
ground state to the excited state, and de-excitation from the
excited state back into ground state. Could such an atom be
used to make a laser?

There are several important conditions that our laser must

satisfy. First of all, the light that it produces must be
coherent. That is to say, it must emit photons that are in-
phase with one another. Secondly, it should emit
monochromatic light, i.e. photons of the same frequency
(or wavelength). Thirdly, it would be desirable if our
laser's output were collimated, producing a sharply defined
"pencil-like" beam of light (this is not crucial, but clearly a
desirable condition). Lastly, it would also be desirable for
our laser to be efficient, i.e. the higher the ratio of output
energy - to - input energy, the better.

Let us begin by examining the requirements for our first

condition for lasing, coherence. This condition is satisfied
only when the lasing transition occurs through stimulated
emission. As we have already seen, stimulated emission
produces identical photons that are of equal energy and
phase and travel in the same direction. But for stimulated
emission to take place a "passer-by" photon whose energy
is just equal to the de-excitation energy must approach the
excited atom before it de-excites via spontaneous emission.
Typically, a photon emitted by the spontaneous emission
serves as the seed to trigger a collection of stimulated
emissions. Still, if the lifetime of the excited state is too
short, then there will not be enough excited atoms around
to undergo stimulated emission. So, the first criteria that
we need to satisfy is that the upper lasing state must have a
relatively long lifetime, otherwise known as a meta-stable
state, with typical lifetimes in the milliseconds range. In
addition to the requirement of a long lifetime, we need to
ensure that the likelihood of absorption of the "passer-by"
photons is minimized. This likelihood is directly related to
the ratio of the atoms in their ground state versus those in
the excited state. The smaller this ratio, the more likely
that the "passer-by" photon will cause a stimulated
emission rather than get absorbed. So, to satisfy this
requirement, we need to produce a population inversion:
create more atoms in the excited state than those in the
ground state.

Achieving population inversion in a two-level atom is not

very practical. Such a task would require a very strong
pumping transition that would send any decaying atom
back into its excited state. This would be similar to
reversing the flow of water in a water fall. It can be done,
but is very energy costly and inefficient. In a sense, the
pumping transition would have to work against the lasing
It is clear, from the above diagram, that in the two-level
atom the pump is, in a way, the laser itself! Such a two-
level laser would work only in jolts. That is to say, once
the population inversion is achieved the laser would lase.
But immediately it would end up with more atoms in the
lower level. Such two-level lasers involve a more
complicated process. We will see, in later material,
examples of these in the context of excimer lasers, which
are pulsed lasers. For a continuous laser action we need to
consider other possibilities, such as a three-level atom. In
fact, the first laser that was demonstrated to operate was a
three-level laser, Maiman's ruby laser.
In the above diagram of a three level laser the pump causes
an excitation from the ground state to the second excited
state. This state is a rather short-lived state, so that the
atom quickly decays into the first excited level. [Decays
back to the ground state also occur, but these atoms can be
pumped back to the second excited state again.] The first
excited state is a long-lived (i.e. metastable) state which
allows the atom to "wait" for the "passer-by" photon while
building up a large population of atoms in this state. The
lasing transition, in this laser, is due to the decay of the
atom from this first excited metastable state to the ground
state. If the number of atoms in the ground state exceeds
the number of atoms that are pumped into the excited state,
then there is a high likelihood that the "lasing photon" will
be absorbed and we will not get sustained laser light. The
fact that the lower lasing transition is the ground state
makes it rather difficult to achieve efficient population
inversion. In a ruby laser this task is accomplished by
providing the ruby crystal with a very strong pulsating light
source, called a flash lamp. The flash lamp produces a very
strong pulse of light that is designed to excite the atoms
from their ground state into any short-lived upper level. In
this way the ground state is depopulated and population
inversion is achieved until a pulse of laser light is emitted.
In the ruby laser the flash lamp light lasts for about 1/1000
of a second (1 ms) and can be repeated about every second.
The duration of the laser pulse is shorter than this, typically
0.1 ms. In some pulsed lasers the pulse duration can be
tailored using special methods to be much shorter than this,
down to about 10 fs (where 1 fs = 10-15 s or one
thousandth of a millionth of a millionth of a second). So,
the output of a three-level laser is not continuous, but
consists of pulses of laser light. To achieve a continuous
beam of laser light a four-level laser is required.

Here, the lower laser level is not the ground state. As a

result, even a pump that may not be very efficient could
produce population inversion, so long as the upper level of
the laser transition is longer lived than the lower level. Of
course, all attempts are made to design a pump that
maximizes the number of excited atoms. A typical four-
level laser is the helium-neon (He-Ne) gas laser. In these
lasers electric pumping excites helium atoms to an excited
state whose energy is roughly the same as the upper short-
lived state in the neon atom. The sole purpose of the
helium atoms is to exchange energy with neon atoms via
collisional excitation. As it turns out, this is a very efficient
way of getting neon atoms to lase.

Laser components

All lasers have three primary components:

 Medium
 Pump
 Resonant Cavity
The laser medium can be gaseous, liquid, or a solid. These
could include atoms, molecules, or collections of atoms that
would be involved in a laser transition. Typically, a laser is
distinguished by its medium, even though two lasers using
different media may have more in common than two which
have similar media.
There are three different laser pumps: electromagnetic,
optical, and chemical. Most lasers are pumped electro-
magnetically, meaning via collisions with either electrons
or ions. Dye lasers and many solid state lasers are pumped
optically; however, solid state lasers are typically pumped
with a broad band (range of wavelengths) flash-lamp type
light source, or with a narrow band semiconductor laser.
Chemically pumped lasers, using chemical reactions as an
energy source, are not very efficient. So far, these lasers
have been made to work not so much for their usefulness as
for their curious operation.

Up to now in our discussion of laser theory we have not

really seen how the beam is generated. We know that
photons emitted by stimulated emission travel coherently in
the same direction, but what is it that defines the beam
direction and what allows the intensity of the laser light to
get large? The answer to these two questions is coupled
together in the resonant cavity. Laser resonant cavities
usually have two flat or concave mirrors, one on either end,
that reflect lasing photons back and forth so that stimulated
emission continues to build up more and more laser light.
The "back" mirror is made as close to 100% reflective as
possible, while the "front" mirror typically is made only 95
- 99% reflective so that the rest of the light is transmitted
by this mirror and leaks out to make up the actual laser
beam outside the laser device.

The resonant cavity thus accounts for the directionality of

the beam since only those photons that bounce back and
forth between the mirrors lead to amplification of the
stimulated emission. Once the beam escapes through the
front mirror it continues as a well-directed laser beam.
However, as the beam exits the laser it undergoes
diffraction and does have some degree of spreading.
Typically this beam divergence is as small as 0.05o but
even this small amount will be apparent if the beam travels
long distances.

Even more, the resonant cavity also accounts for the

amplification of the light since the path through the laser
medium is elongated by repeated passes back and forth.
Typically this amplification grows exponentially, similar to
the way compound interest works in a bank. The more
money in your bank account, with compound interest, the
faster you earn more interest dollars. Similarly, the more
photons there are to produce stimulated emission, the larger
the rate at which new coherent photons are produced. The
term used for laser light is gain, or the number of additional
photons produced per unit path length.

The last question to address in this section is: why is the

resonant cavity called by that name? What does resonance
have to do with having mirrors on either end of a region
containing the laser medium? Recall that when we
discussed resonance on a string, we spoke about the wave
traveling one way along the string (say to the right)
interfering with the wave reflected at the end traveling back
to the left. At a resonant frequency, there are points at
which the two waves exactly add or cancel all the time,
leading to a standing wave. At other frequencies the waves
will randomly add or cancel and the wave will not have a
large amplitude. The case of a light wave traveling back
and forth in the resonant cavity is exactly analogous in that
only at certain resonant frequencies will the light wave be
amplified. The required condition is easy to see. The
mirror separation distance, L, must be equal to a multiple of
half a wavelength of light, just as we saw in the case of a
string. In symbols, we have that L = nl/2, where l is the
wavelength of the light and n is some integer. In the case
of light, because of the small wavelength n is a very large
number, implying that there are a huge number of resonant
frequencies. On the other hand, only those resonant
frequencies that are amplified by the laser medium will
have large amplitudes and so usually there are only a few
so-called laser modes or laser resonant frequencies present
in the light from a laser, as shown in the figure.

Laser Components
Einstein Theory Of Laser
Albert Einstein in his paper in 1917 gave the principle for
the laser based on the coefficient of the absorption,
spontaneous emission and stimulated emission.

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Applications of Laser

The laser has contributed to humanity as a powerful

scientific tool for expanding human knowledge and in its
many applications that help people directly. It has been put
to work in a vast range of applications and has assumed
many forms.
In communications:
Engineers recognized the potential of the laser to replace
electrical transmission over copper wires, but how to
transmit the pulses presented enormous problems. In 1960,
Some Scientists transmitted pulses of light a distance of 25
miles the laser produced an intense and extremely narrow
beam of light that was more than a million times brighter
than the sun.

In Search of a medium:

Unfortunately, Laser beam is easily affected by

atmospheric conditions, such as rain, fog, low clouds, and
objects in the air, like birds. Scientists suggested a number
of novel schemes to protect the light from interference,
including shielding it in metal tubes and using specially
designed mirrors and thermal gas lenses to navigate around

In Telecommunications:
Telecommunications relies today on photons, as tiny
semiconductor lasers transmit light pulses carrying billions
of bits of information per second over glass fibers.
Wavelength division multiplexing technology uses various
wavelengths, or colors, of light to transmit trillions of bits
simultaneously over a single fiber.

In medicine:

Laser is used in the field of medicine after inventing the

carbon dioxide laser, which soon permitted surgeons to
perform highly intricate surgery using photons, rather than
scalpels, to both operate on and cauterize wounds. Lasers
today can be inserted inside the body, performing
operations that a few years ago were almost impossible to

Today, lasers are also used in a wide range of

applications in medicine, manufacturing, the construction
industry, surveying, consumer electronics, scientific
instrumentation, and military systems. Literally billions of
lasers are at work today. They range in size from tiny
semiconductor devices no bigger than a grain of salt to
high-power instruments as large as an average living room.


1. Newage publisher, laser and nonlinear

2. Macmillan publisher ,laser theory of application,k
3. University pulisher ,laser ,e.a siegman

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