Orange Patina Marble Surfaces

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The Science of the Total Environment 308 (2003) 111–119

Micromorphology, composition and origin of the orange patina on

the marble surfaces of Propylaea (Acropolis, Athens)
Kyriaki Polikreti*, Yannis Maniatis
Laboratory of Archaeometry, NCSR ‘Demokritos’, Aghia Paraskevi, Attikis 153 10, Greece

Received 10 June 2002; accepted 6 November 2002


This paper is an attempt to contribute to the discussion started in the 1980s and continuing until today, on the
origin of orange–brown patinas observed on marble surfaces. SEM and XRD were used in the study of the orange–
brown patina growing at the east stoa of Propylaea, at the Acropolis of Athens. The patina consists of an extremely
compact, homogenous, 500-mm-thick layer, mainly of hydroxyapatite. The outer part (50 mm) of the layer presents
an orange colour attributed to iron in clay particles, which were deposited on the surface of the patina and have
gradually been diffused in the bulk. The interface between the phosphatic layer and the marble is very uneven and
full of cavities colonised by microorganisms. The phosphatic layer penetrates into the grain boundaries and fills the
empty space between the grains. The presence of biological attack at the interface causes progressive erosion and
detachment of both the patina and the marble. The minimum presence of oxalates, the absence of microorganisms or
remnants of them in the phosphatic layer, the homogeneity and compactness of the patina, give evidence against the
theory of biogenic origin. It is suggested that the layer originates from an artificial coating deliberately applied onto
the marble surface for protective or aesthetic reasons, when the marble had already been weathered. Possible manmade
pastes are suggested.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Marble; Phosphatic patina; Crust; Orange patina; Acropolis

1. Introduction of a few millimetres, well adhered to the marble

surface with colours varying from dark brown to
This work attempts to contribute to the contro- light pink. This ‘ochrish tint’ has been reported by
versy, which started in the 1980s and continues to scholars, painters and travellers of the 19th century
this day, on the origin of orange–brown patinas (on the Parthenon columns), it is visible on pho-
observed on marble surfaces. These patinas have tographs of the beginning of this century, but has
been detected on several Mediterranean monu- almost disappeared today.
ments and consist of a compact, usually hard layer Its main constituents are oxalates and phos-
phates while high concentrations in Si and Fe have
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q30-10-6503326; fax: q30-
also been reported (Del Monte et al., 1987; Kouz-
E-mail address: eli et al., 1988; Lazzarini and Salvatori, 1989; (K. Polikreti). Fassina, 1995). Oxalates are not always present

0048-9697/03/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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112 K. Polikreti, Y. Maniatis / The Science of the Total Environment 308 (2003) 111–119

(Kouzeli et al., 1996) and the concentration of Fassina et al. (1993) report the presence of a
silicon varies, depending on the natural or anthro- yellow–brown film on two pillars, brought to
pogenic factors involved wpast treatment with Kes- Venice in 1258 AD. The presence of oxalates and
slers’ method for example causes increase in Si phosphates is accompanied by high concentration
(Fassina, 1995)x. of silicon. The presence of silicon is attributed to
Two theories have been suggested for its the transformation of fluorosilicates, which accord-
formation: ing to the archives, were applied onto the pillars
(a) The ‘artificial coating’ theory. A group of in 1892. The treatment with fluorosilicates, in three
researchers believe that the oxalates and phos- successive applications, was done according to
phates have been produced by the bio-degradation Kessler’s method (1883, Fassina et al., 1993). For
of complex proteins, which were used as protective the presence of phosphorus, they refer to Ran-
materials. Such materials could be the white of some’s method (1856, Fassina et al., 1993), which
egg, milk, calcium caseinate, animal glue, linseed consisted of three application steps: (a) calcium
oil, etc. phosphate; (b) barite solution; and (c) alkaline
Kouzeli et al. (1988) report the presence of an silicate.
orange patina on a Parthenon column, which con- Papakonstantinou (1994) detects amines, hydro-
sists of two layers: (a) a superficial one (thickness carbonates and carbonylic groups on orange–
of 100 mm) consisting of aluminosilicates, calcium brown patinas of the West Zoforos of Parthenon.
carbonate and phosphate and occasionally gypsum; Casoli et al. (1997) detected amino acids and fatty
and (b) a soft, white inner layer (1 mm), consist- acids in orange patinas from the Baptistery of
ing of calcium carbonate and oxalates. The unifor- Parma, indicating the presence of egg proteins,
mity of the patina and the presence of phosphorus animal glue or linseed oil.
support the hypothesis of a treatment with a (b) The ‘biogenic origin’ theory, explains the
substance such as casein, egg white or animal presence of oxalates by the action of oxalic acid
secreted by microorganisms, which colonise the
glue. The patina covers the broken surfaces of
monuments (Del Monte and Sabbioni, 1987; Del
sculpture, which are dated approximately 379–385
Monte et al., 1987). The interface between the
AD, a fact that dates the treatment during the
oxalate layer and the marble is very irregular, with
transformation of the Parthenon into a church
marble crystals rarely isolated in the oxalate crust,
(527–565 AD).
an observation indicating that it is not a layer
Lazzarini and Salvatori (1989) report the pres- deposited on the stone but rather a transformation
ence of this patina, called ‘scialbatura’ in several layer within the stone. The transformation is done
Roman monuments. They detect brushstrokes on by a metasomatic process, which can form up to
the patina, and suggest a protective coating made 20 successive layers. As for the colour, varying
of calcium caseinate (a well-known glue), proba- from honey–yellow to orange–brown, it is pro-
bly with a small amount of yellow–brown ochre. duced mainly by carotene-carotenoids or fungal
The proteolytic activity of some heterotrophic melanins (especially by the black fungi of the
bacteria, streptomycetes or hyphomycetes is Dematiacea group) (Krumbein, 1992; Urzi et al.,
responsible for the hydrolysis of casein. They also 1993; Sterflinger and Krumbein, 1997).
report the existence of patinas without oxalates but More recently, Garcia-Valles et al. (1997, 1998)
with high amounts of phosphorus (20%), silicon report that these patinas show an up to 95% content
(25%), iron (5%) and aluminium (7%). of micritic to microsparitic calcite, which is formed
Jenkins and Middleton (1988) report the pres- by the mineralisation and successive diagenetic
ence of oxalates on the surface of the Parthenon processes of epilithic colonies of microorganisms.
sculpture and architectural pieces from the Elgin The orange–brown colour is produced by the
collection (British Museum) and attribute them to organic matter (melanines, carotenoids or keroge-
the use of some vegetable or animal substances ne), trapped between the crystals of the biominer-
for producing paint. als. This process is repeated giving the patina a
K. Polikreti, Y. Maniatis / The Science of the Total Environment 308 (2003) 111–119 113

stratified structure. Due to the climatic shift to

dryer and hotter conditions, the microorganisms
avoid the surface due to the lack of water and
intense UV irradiation. They penetrate the patina,
creating a fissure-net along the interface, where
they live. There, they erode the stone causing
detachment of the patina.
Since we do not know if this patina is artificial
or natural, the problem of cleaning or consolidating
it remains unsolved. Besides, these patinas are
reported to keep the relief details and protect the
surface from further weathering (Kouzeli et al.,
1988). However, they are destroyed by acid rain,
since they were reported to exist on Parthenon Fig. 1. Cross-section of the orange–brown patina (polarised
light). The outer coloured layer varies between 40 and 70 mm.
surfaces by scholars of the 19th century but have
almost disappeared today (Jenkins and Middleton,
1988). Optical microscopy shows a compact, homoge-
neous, non-crystalline, 500-mm-thick layer, which
2. Material studied and experimental techniques covers the marble surface on all samples (Fig. 1).
The outer part of this layer (50–70 mm) shows a
Two types of surface samples were taken with yellow–orange colour and an extremely homoge-
a surgical blade, from two different locations on neous texture. Below the outer coloured part, the
the south wall of the east stoa of Propylaea, layer is whitish and shows a number of cavities,
Acropolis (Athens). The first type includes patina which are multiplied as we approach the marble
samples with yellow–orange patches on a pale grains. The total distance from the top of the
white base while the second type includes grey– patina to the healthy marble bulk is approximately
black surface samples, full of cavities with black 1 mm.
biogenic material. X-Ray diffraction detects calcite (CaCO3),
The samples were analysed with optical micro- ankerite wCa(Mg,Fe)(CO3 )x, hydroxyapatite
scopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and ana- wCa5(PO4)3(OH)x and quartz (SiO2 ), in all sam-
lytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with ples. No calcium oxalates were detected.
EDX microanalysis system using a detector with
removable window for detecting low elements, 3.1. Scanning electron microscopy
down to atomic numbers5 (boron). The semi-
quantitative elemental analysis was ‘standardless’ 3.1.1. Outer surface
(accuracy of 1–2%) and obtained with EDAX The outer surface is relatively smooth and flat.
software. The microanalysis gives mainly calcium, alumini-
um, silicon, phosphorus, and in lower quantities
3. Results magnesium, sulfur and iron (Fig. 2). Calcium and
phosphorus represent the hydroxyapatite of the
Under the stereoscope, the outer surface of the phosphatic layer. Sulfur is attributed to gypsum
patina sample shows an orange–red colour on a crystal aggregates, occasionally seen on the sur-
whitish, non-crystalline layer. Black colonies or face. EDX microanalysis gives elemental propor-
remnants of microorganisms are visible at the tions on Fig. 2 (aluminiumysiliconycalcium),
lower parts of the whitish layer and in the marble which indicate clay minerals. The presence of iron
crystals. In places where the patina has been in the clay gives the outer surface a red or yellow
removed, the marble grains under the coating are colour (orange appearance), depending on the clay
corroded, showing large cavities. density. Red coloured areas appear to have higher
114 K. Polikreti, Y. Maniatis / The Science of the Total Environment 308 (2003) 111–119

Fig. 2. Typical EDX spectrum of the outer surface.

concentrations of clay minerals, compared with Fig. 3. Colonies of microorganisms appearing from cracks on
the yellow ones. the outer smooth surface of the phosphatic layer.
The low intensity of the carbon peak indicates
the small contribution of biogenic factors in the apatite wCa5(PO4)3(OH)x. The proportion of CayP
formation of the outer surface. Only rarely, the is almost 2 (Fig. 5), which ensures that the
continuity of the outer surface is interrupted by presence of calcite in the layer is not critical. In
small cracks, which reveal colonies of microorgan- addition, the low intensity of the carbon peak
isms (their micromorphology indicates black fungi, together with the XRD results, indicate the possible
Fig. 3). These colonies appear usually as chains presence of oxalates is also not important for the
or spherical aggregates of spherical formations, formation of the layer (the average intensity of the
which penetrate deep in the interface between the carbon peak due to carbon coating was taken into
phosphatic layer and the marble. account).
3.1.2. Phosphatic layer Magnesium, aluminium, silicon, potassium and
The phosphatic layer is extended to a thickness iron are also present in the phosphatic layer. Their
of approximately 500 mm. Its amorphous nature,
homogeneity and absence of any obvious crystal-
line structure are its main characteristics (Figs. 4
and 5), especially at the outer 70–100 mm. Cavi-
ties (diameters ;50 mm) are observed in it,
together with fissures continuing the cracks appear-
ing on the outer surface. As we approach the
marble surface the diameter of the cavities increas-
es and in contact with the surface, are inhabited
by microorganisms.
Table 1 shows a semi-quantitative chemical
analysis of this layer (EDX). Calcium and phos-
phorus are the two main constituents. Several point
analyses at different locations give very similar
results proving that phosphorus is very homoge-
neously distributed. These observations in combi-
nation with the XRD results, lead to the conclusion Fig. 4. Compact phosphatic layer at the right top and cavities
that the main constituent of the layer is hydroxy- with microcolonies at the interface ‘phosphatic layer-marble’.
K. Polikreti, Y. Maniatis / The Science of the Total Environment 308 (2003) 111–119 115

Fig. 5. Compact and homogenous phosphatic layer and corresponding EDX spectrum.

relative concentration, however, indicates that and analysis grain-by-grain of the interface leads
these elements are associated with clay minerals. to the firm conclusion that the original ‘undis-
The clay minerals are clearly abundant in the first turbed’ thickness of the phosphatic layer is approx-
5 mm from the outer surface but decreases pro- imately 200 mm. However, the phosphatic layer
gressively with depth and becomes negligible after usually fills the cavities and penetrates between
the first 50–70 mm. This gradual decrease indi- the marble grains (Figs. 6 and 7) to a depth of
cates that the clay minerals originate from environ- 500 mm. In many cases, the presence of cavities
mental depositions, which are subsequently can be associated with crystals that have been
absorbed in the phosphatic layer. removed (noted with asterisks in Fig. 6) and in
other cases, the phosphatic layer has penetrated
3.1.3. ‘Phosphatic layer–marble’ interface
The interface between the phosphatic layer and
the marble is by no means even or smooth, but
shows numerous cavities with a diameter of 30–
300 mm. The grain boundaries are corroded and
the marble crystals are loose, down to a depth of
approximately 400 mm inside the underlying mar-
ble. Isolated marble crystals were not observed
inside the phosphatic layer. Detailed examination

Table 1
Semi-quantitative EDX analysis of the phosphatic layer

Element Oxide
Al 0.09 0.17
Si 1.29 2.76
P 19.3 44.3
S 0.88 2.19
Cl 0.10 0.12 Fig. 6. General view of the patina under the SEM (the asterisks
Ca 36.0 50.4 indicate cavities most probably corresponding to missing mar-
ble crystals).
116 K. Polikreti, Y. Maniatis / The Science of the Total Environment 308 (2003) 111–119

patina. We are going to discuss these questions

separately although the arguments and speculations
sometimes overlap.

4.1. The origin of the patina is natural or


The morphology, thickness and homogeneity of

the phosphatic layer, as well as the unexpected
smoothness of its outer surface are indications of
an artificial coating, deliberately laid on the marble
surface. No biogenic remnants or peculiar shapes
indicating bio-mineralisation of microorganisms
were found in the mass of hydroxyapatite. The
layer does not show any stratified structure or
differences in crystal dimensions from the top to
Fig. 7. Magnification =10, showing the interface between the inner parts. Living microorganisms were not
marble crystals and hydroxyapatite (Msmarble, Has
Hydroxy-apatite). found in it, except in the cracks and at the
interface. The hypothesis thus of a metasomatic
between marble crystals (Fig. 7) that were obvi- process or bio-mineralisation (Del Monte et al.,
ously loose and opened up prior to the occurrence 1987; Garcia-Valles et al., 1998) cannot be sup-
of the layer. The missing crystals must have been ported. Besides, the presence of oxalates (if any)
dilutedydestroyed by the biological action of the is negligible and calcite is not in abundant to
microorganisms or removed during the polishing indicate calcification processes. Furthermore, this
treatment. simultaneous absence of oxalates and calcite (in
These cavities are usually full of colonies in the high amounts) does not support the hypothesis
form of spherical aggregates similar to those proposed by some researchers that the oxalates
observed on the outer surface (Figs. 3 and 8). On have been gradually transformed to calcite by UV
the cavity walls, pyramid-shaped crystals, the irradiation (Kouzeli et al., 1996).
micro-analysis of which gives only Ca, are usually
present. This is a form of calcite, ‘spiky calcite’
as it is usually referred (Garcia-Valles et al., 1997,
1998). It is observed only at the interface between
crusts and marble and is attributed to the chemical
action of fungi on the marble crystals.
When the outer part of the phosphatic layer has
been removed, the surface is full of cavities with
depositions and colonies of microorganisms. The
composition of the depositions is mainly silicon,
aluminium, potassium, iron, which indicate clay
particles and small amounts of sulfur, indicating
gypsum. The microorganisms have the same shape
and morphology as those found in the cavities and
cracks of the orange patina and interface.
4. Discussion
Fig. 8. Cavities in the marble matrix, colonised by microor-
A lot of critical questions arise concerning both ganisms, at the interface between the phosphatic layer and the
the formation and the evolution of the phosphatic marble.
K. Polikreti, Y. Maniatis / The Science of the Total Environment 308 (2003) 111–119 117

4.2. What is the origin of the orange–brown use of fluorosilicates on Acropolis monuments, it
colour? is not reported that such procedures were per-
formed (Papakonstantinou, 1994).
The colour of the patina originates from the
presence of clay minerals (bearing iron oxides) in 4.4. What was the original composition of the
the superficial layers. The progressive decrease of coating?
the clay content with depth indicates environmen-
tal origin, i.e. atmospheric depositions, which have Several recipes have been proposed by the
been absorbed in the phosphatic layer. The various researchers of orange–brown patinas, always
shades of orange correspond to different clay according to ancient bibliography or the archives
mineral concentrations. The environmental origin containing the studied monument’s conservation
of the colour leads us to the conclusion that the history. Most probable components are casein
original colour of the patina and consequently the (milk), egg white or animal glue (Kouzeli et al.,
manmade coating was white or whitish, as the 1988; Lazzarini and Salvatori, 1989; Melucco
colour of the inner parts of the phosphatic layer. Vaccaro, 1996).
We have to note here, that analysis of the samples Pliny (Natural History, XXXVI, 55, 177) refers
with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to the use of plaster worked with milk (calcium
in order to detect fungal melanins (Saiz-Jimenez caseinate) and saffron. Calcium caseinate is a
and Shafizadeh, 1985) did not detect any traces of strong glue, widely used until a few decades ago
organic radicals related to melanins. in the field of restoration (Lazzarini and Salvatori,
1989), but according to Kouzeli et al. (1996)
4.3. When was the protectiveyaesthetic coating treatment of marble surfaces with sodium silicate
applied? solutions containing casein or calcium phosphate
did not result in films similar to the well-known
In an attempt to answer this question, a few orange–brown layers.
deductions can be done based on the study of the We think that pulverised animal bones diluted
interface between the phosphatic layer and the in an appropriate solvent is the most possible
marble. A first invaluable observation is that the recipe in agreement with other researchers (Martin-
marble surface is very irregular and the grains Gil et al., 1999). Collagen contained in the bones
have lost their cohesion not only due to the action could also act as an adhesive. Archives of the 11th
of microorganisms. The phosphatic layer usually century report the treatment of the stone surface
penetrates between the marble grains and in the with an animal glue before the application of paint
grain boundaries, indicating that when it was (Melucco Vaccaro, 1996).
applied, the marble had already been weathered. Ransome’s method (1856) includes a first appli-
If the coating had been applied on a healthy marble cation step with calcium phosphate, but the next
surface, and the corrosion of the marble came two steps (barite solution and an alkaline silicate)
afterwards due to microorganisms, the cavities on are expected to have left detectable remnants (high
the marble surface would be either empty or full concentration of Ba and Si). More extended
of microorganisms alive or dead. This hypothesis research is thus needed to confirm the original
means that the application dating lies far from the content of the treatment material.
ancient times and it was done for conservation and
protection purposes. 4.5. Why the patina gradually disappears (at least
Reference to the Acropolis conservation since 1950)?
archives cannot illustrate the situation. Although
N. Balanos, who restored Acropolis in the begin- The disappearing of the patina seems to result
ning of the century, reports that he used a water- from the corrosive action of two factors: microor-
proofing substance without naming it and A. ganisms and acid rain. We have to emphasise here,
Shabonnier (a colleague of Balanos) refers to the that the phosphatic layer does not seem to be a
118 K. Polikreti, Y. Maniatis / The Science of the Total Environment 308 (2003) 111–119

favourable substrate for microbial growth. Neither progressively destroy both the patina-marble and
on the top of the patina nor in its bulk were the marble crystal cohesion. All results lead to the
biological factors detected. The microorganisms conclusion that the microorganisms are always
(most probably black fungi) live only at the growing under the phosphatic layer and never in
interface between hydroxyapatite and marble. or above it. Whenever the biological factors are
There, they destroy not only the marble cohesion observed in the phosphatic layer, it is in cracks,
but also the adhesion of the patina on the marble which could have been formed by penetrating
surface. It is nowadays accepted that biological hyphae as the microorganisms try to avoid the dry
attack is mainly mechanical (stresses caused by conditions of the surface and intense ultraviolet
the penetration hyphae) and not chemical (secre- irradiation. It is obvious that the phosphatic patina
tion of acid and dissolution) (Diakumaku et al., is not a favourable living substrate for
1995; Sterflinger and Krumbein, 1997). The microorganisms.
increase in the microorganism biomass causes local The phosphatic layer is being destroyed and
pressure, which loosens the crystals and results in detached due to the biological action at the inter-
chipping and detachment. The process is acceler- face between the patina and the marble, with the
ated by acid rain, which dissolves hydroxyapatite contribution of acid rain. The exposed surface
(Kouzeli et al., 1996). Finally, the marble surface, presents a great number of cavities and holes with
full of cavities and fungal colonies is exposed to silicate depositions and microorganisms. This
all types of weathering factors. whole procedure indicates a biologically-induced
corrosive process, which is responsible for the
5. Conclusion decay and removal of the protective coating.

The overall consideration of the analysis, which Acknowledgments

was done on the surface samples from the South-
east wall of the Propylaea, leads us to the following This work was funded by the National Institute
interpretation for the structure and origin of these for Scholarships of Greece. We are indebted to K.
layers: Babanika, conservator of the archaeological site of
The marble is covered by a very compact and Acropolis, Athens who introduced us to the prob-
homogenous layer consisting of hydroxyapatite, lem of orange patinas and gave us the permission
which has most probably been applied on the for sampling the Southeast wall of the Propylaea.
surface for aesthetic and protective purposes. The We also thank G. Doganis and A. Galanos, for the
orange–brown colour is attributed to iron oxides invaluable information they gave us, on the historic
together with clay minerals, which have been and conservation aspects of the issue.
deposited on the surface and gradually absorbed
by the phosphatic layer. References
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