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Report #3

Mariana Carranza Esquivel 199475

What I did in my weekend is just to relax and also made a lot of homework, it’s a
little bit tired to do the same routine. I have been telling the same story since my
first report, nothing changes. On Friday I woke up really early to take my
Macroeconomy class, I always remember what I had for breakfast because I go to
the same place always, the name of the restaurant is Naturally good that is a fit or
healthy restaurant and I always order a banana, cocoa and coffee smoothie and a
spinach panini, it tastes excellent. After that I returned to do the housework and I
take care of my little cousin, sometimes its very stressful for the reason that he
cries a lot, what I do to keep him calm is taking him to the park, and put some paw
patrol videos on YouTube and watch movies until he falls asleep, then my uncle
picks him up at my house, aft6er that very exhausted because taking care of little
baby’s isn’t easy. On Friday night I went to Applebee’s with my parents to saw the
NFL games, we had some alcoholic drinks and buffalo boneless, I had a really cool
Friday, it was the only day that I did something different since report 1.
On Saturday I also woke up very early, like 6 00am o’clock to take a 40-minute
marathon with my dad, my mom is always taking care of us by driving the van
behind us, I admire her because she has the patience of driving very slow just to
make sure that we are okay. When my dad and me finished our marathon, each of
us take a really cold-water bath. After that I brush my hair and makeup to get ready
to work, Mom did for me some delicious blueberry pancakes and a milkshake of
strawberry with Oreo. On Saturdays I always made a cheat meal and I always
prefer to do it on my breakfast. Last weekend I worked three hours from 10am to
1pm, then I went to my grandma’s house because she did some menudo for us,
personally I don’t like too much menudo, I’m more like team pozole. On late night I
went to my spinning lesson, it consumes me. My mom says that I already look like
a grandmother, because I fall asleep since 9pm.
On Sunday I didn’t do nothing, I just help my father to wash the vans, and I took
like 7 naps. My weekends are very boring, most of the time I prefer to lie down in
my bed all day and spend some good time with my family watching movies or
series and eat junk food than hanging out.


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