Ahm 533 - 534

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Be ara >> AHM 533 PASSENGERS OCCUPYING CREW SEATS 4, PASSENGER AIRCRAFT Passengers travelling on crew seals shall be treated as passengers for weight and balance purposes. They shall be Included in that class of service for which they have been accepted. Passengers travelling on crew seats shall be accounted for in the balance calculation according to the actual seat location, ‘an explanation shall be given by an appropriate remark, including destination on muli-sector fights, in the S1 box of the loadsheet. Example: 1 pax on fwd crew seat; 4 pax in cockpit. 2. ALL CARGO AIRCRAFT Passengers travelling on crew seats on all cargo aircraft shall be treated as crew members for weight and balance pur- poses and consequently be included in the crew figures. The code CAT according to AHM 510 shall be used to identify ‘such passengers, Load Control—AHM 534 >>> AHM 534 WEIGHT CONTROL OF LOAD RECOMMENDED that: Members shall adopt the following procedures when weigh- ing and handiing load in order to achieve a corect load distribution and carrier weight contro. 1, BULKLOAD Trolleys, carts, etc. loaded with bulkload shall be weighed prior to dispatch to the aircraft by use of a weighbridge of acceptable accuracy (see AHM 941). In the absence of such facilities, a tally should be made of the individual weights of each piece loaded in a trolley, elc. Cargo Manifest weights shall not be used for this purpose. Note: if standard baggage weights are used, a loaded trolley/cart need not be weighed. The determined net weight of the bulk load shall be entered con a trolley tag or weight slip which is to be attached to the tralley/car, etc The tag or the weight slip shall contain the following rminimurn information: destination; fight number; ret weight or number of pieces of baggage. ‘These weight figures shall be recorded in the Bulk Section of the ULD/Bulk Load Weight Statement andior on the Loading Instruction/Report and be checked with the Loadsheet figures, The tare weight marked on the trolleysicarts shall be period- ically checked for validity, especially after technical modif- cations have been made. 2. UNIT LOAD DEVICES (ULDs) ‘The weight of ULDs and their load shall be determined prior to dispatch to the aircraft by use of a weighbridge of ‘acceptable accuracy (see AHM 941). In the absence of such facilis a tally should be made of the individual weights of each piece loaded in a ULD. The weight of the ULD shall be recorded on the ULD tag immediately 0 avoid mixing up ULT tags and ULD weights. Personnel shall ensure and check on the bull-up module that weight indicated on the scale, atthe time when weighing, is correctly recorded on the ULD Tag. ‘Cargo Manifest weights shall not be used for this purpose. ‘Note: ULDs loaded with baggage need not be weighed wien ‘standard or average baggage weights are used. The number of luggage pieces however should be recorded on the ULD tag The determined weights of each ULD and its load (see AHM 540) shall be recorded on the containeripallet tag as per AHM 420 and on the ULD and Bulk Load Weight Statement @s per AHM 520, and in the ULD/Buik Load Weight Signal as per AHM 581. These figures shall also be recorded on the Loading Instruction/Repor. The tate weight marked on the dolly shall be periodically checked for validity especially after any technical modif- tations have been made. This is imporiant when the tare weight of such equipment is checked to determine the gross ‘weight of ULDs. 363 Scanned with CamScanner , =a TATA Airport Handling Manual >>> AHM 181 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR PASSENGER AGENTS IN CASE OF SUSPECTED COMMUNICABLE DISEASE ‘The following are general guidelines for Passonger Agents (Check-in and Gate) when facing @ suspected case of Communicable disease at the departure alfport. During an Gulbreak of a specific communicable disease, the World Health Organization (WHO) or member states may modify or ‘add further procedures fo these general guidelines. However, these general guidelines would always provide a basic famework of response that would reassure passenger ‘agents and help them manage such an event. ‘A.communicable disease Is suspected when a traveller: — Has a visible skin rash or, — Has a severe cough or, — Is obviously unwell andlor, — Complaints of any of the followings = Severe cough * Fever Bruising or bleeding without previous injury Persistent diarrhea * Skin Rash (non visible) + Persistent vomiting Most of these signs and/or symptoms may not be obvious af wrest olntor, However, when in doubt regarding the health of pe aveller especially during an outbreak, refer to the airing procedures. 1. Call your supervisor 2. it supervisor agrees with your concems and if medical ‘Suppor is available (own medical department or outside Gesignated physician or group) contact that suppor immediately. 3, i supervisor agrees with your concems but medica! upper Is not immediately available, deny boarding ang sepFtne traveller to oblain medical clearance in accoré- nee with your airline's policy. For some countries you nay also have {0 Involve the company’s Customer ‘Complaint Resolution Official (CRO). 4. ttassistance Is required to escort a sh the sick traveller is coughing, ask him/her to wear 2 face mask, If no mask is avaiable or the sick traveller cannot folerate the mask, e.g. bocause of breathing difficulties, provide tissues and ask him/her to cover the mouth and fhose when coughing, sneezing or taking. 5. If masks aro available but the sick traveller cannot tolerate @ mask and the ain recommends that desig- fated passenger agents should do so under those reumstances, he aiine should ensure that thelr pass- fenger agents have adequate training in lis use fo ensure they do not increase the risk (for example by more tedunl hance contact or adjusting and removing ick travellor, and if 96 Scanned with CamScanner wort

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