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•_, ARTS&, f fej

Er^irmTAiNMENT Get tickets for
' Hurst honors Burleigh dur- the big game.
ing Black History Month. page 3
page 3

Vol. 74 No. 14 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 38th St. Erie, Pa. 16546 February 7, 2001

Mercyhurst goes green

Mercyhurst Green to conduct campus-
wide study of environmental impact
der to present the findings at .academic cel-
By Zack Venable ebration. ^
Merciad writer Dr. Chris Magoc, assistant professor of his-
tory and creator of the project, said that many
In the spirit of this year's Academic Celebra- other colleges and universities have done simi-
tion, Mercyhurst Green, the college's environ- lar studies. Penn State University has been
mental awareness group, will be conducting a conducting one since 1998. "There are.sev-
scavenger hunt to determine what Mercyhurst eral hundred schools around the country that
is and is not doing in regard to the environ- have gone 'green.' Many of them have begun
ment. The scavenger hunt was an idea that their work doing-a campus-wide environmen-
came out of the "Greening the Campus" work- tal audit. Essentially, it acts as a baseline for
shop held fall term. environmental performance for the college,"
Lisa Danko, biology lab supervisor/lecturer explains Magoc.
and one of the organizers of the event, stresses There is added incentive for those who par-
the importance of the endeavor for all who par- ticipate in the scavenger hunt. First, second
ticipate. "The purpose of this is to change the and third-place cash prizes will be awarded to
way we think on and off the campus. Ameri- those teams who produce the most thorough
cans are so used to consumption. We need to reports and give the best presentations. Afterv
realize that we cannot continue to throw away ward, all of the collected data will be included
valuable resources/ said Danko. in a publication. "Students who participate will
Students who register for the scavenger hunt become co-authors of this report. They will
are to form teams of three to five people. The be producing one of thefivechapters on envi-
teams will then scour campus, collecting data ronmental assessment here at Mercyhurst,"
that deals with environmental issues. says Magoc. J
Things to be studied during the scavenger Students can use the scanenger hunt as a ser-
hunt include, but are not limited to, paper us- vice learning experience or receive honors Zack Venable/Contributing photographer
age, energy consumption, recycling programs, credits for it. The deadline to join the scaven- Every year on February 2, the world waits for a fuzzy little animal in Punxsutawney,
carbon dioxide production and water usage. ger hunt is Feb. 7. Students are encouraged to Pa. to predict whether or not there will be six more weeks of winter or rf spring is just
The goal of this project is to collect as much contact Lisa Danko as soon as possible at ext. around the cornerlUnfortunately, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this year, a
information as possible on the subject in or- 2373 for more information. sign that there will be six more weeks of blustery, cold winter weather. I -

MSG to hold town meetings

The idea for the town meeting format was
'Insomniac' to air spring term
By Sara Seidle proposed by senior representative Perry Wood
and sophomore representative Kristen Brown. Sarah Foster," said Verdi.
Merciad writer By Sara Seidle Because he will no longer be able to host
According to Wood, the town meeting format
originated during the founding of the colonies Merciad writer "Hurst Rock," Verdi is starting his own
show scheduled to air at a later time that
Mercyhurst Student Government has made a in America. better fits his schedule. The new show will
few changes in the schedule and format of its Wood said, "The New England town meet- Hurst TVs "Hurst Rock," a talk show
produced, directed and cast by Mercyhurst be entitled "Insomniac." Tentatively, the
weekly meetings. On the first Monday of each ing is a chance for the student government of show will be airing two nights a week,
month, MSG will hold a New England town Mercyhurst College to reach out to its base students, will be losing one of its hosts
; spring term. Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 11:30 p.m. to
meeting n place of its regular meeting. Mon- and communicate more effectively with them. midnight.
day, Feb. 5 marked the first time MSG held The ability to share ideas in a constitutional Junior Jeremy Verdi, co-host of the show
along with Sarah Foster, who is also a According to Verdi, the show will follow a
such a meeting. order is imperative." The entire MSG body late night format similar to that of NBC's
voted on the proposal, officially amending its junior, will no longer be able tofillthe
One of the reasons for the change is to in- position due to prior commitments. Verdi is Conan O'Brien and CBS's The Late Show
crease student involvement. "Our meetings constitution to include the new format. with David Letterman. He said it will
a member of Mercyhurst's cross country
have always been open to students, but we "The New England town meeting should be team which competes during spring term. "I combine aspects from shows like Saturday
wanted to open them up more, make them an experiment in student involvement,** said love Hurst Rock, but I'm on scholarship for Night Live, The Daily Show and The Man
more visible to students," said Tracy Fischer, Wood. He added that the new format should cross country. It is myfirstpriority," said Show, both on Comedy Central, and also
MSG president produce in the students a feeling of duty and Verdi. i j . ' contain a segment similar to Jay Leno's
The New England town meetings will be obligation to the college. Verdi will continue his involvement with "Jay-walking".
held in the Student Union Great Room instead In the months that MSG holds a student fo- it
Hurst Rock" as executive producer, but is , Verdi said he will possibly have a sidekick
ofthe MSG Chambers. Thetc will be a change rum, there will not be a New England town not able to be present when the show airs to host the show along with him as well as a
in the regular agenda to allow students who meeting. According to Wood, "The New En- from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through live band. There will also be a new set.
attend the meetingtimeto voice their concerns, gland town meeting should function to bol- Thursdays. Verdi said that anyone interested in being a
questions and ideas to MSG as well. "The ster constituency and student forums, not re- "I don't know who my replacement will part of the show, either on the air or behind
meeting will be open to anyone just walking place them.** The next New England town be. We are starting to look for someone now the scenes, should contact him at ext. 3161.
by,** said Fischer* meeting will be held Monday, March 5. Anyone who is interested should contact

For your information
Eriej County Council to decide
Joe Clark lecture cancelled,
sexual orientation issue "The absence of sexual orientation as a pro- MSG plans to reschedule
By Ellen Learn tected group is not good law ... and this im-
Merciad writer portant legal change needs to be made," said Mercyhurst Student Government apologizes for any inconvenience caused
HRC President William McCarthy. 1 to students by the cancellation of the MSG Lecture by Joe Clark that was to
The Erie County Human Relations Commis- Approximatly 70 people attended the meet- be held Tuesday, Feb. 6. Due to adverse weather conditions Clark was un-
sion met recently and unanimously passed a ing. Some individuals that made statements
supporting the addition of "sexual orientation"
able to make the trip from his homeun Newark, N.J. to Erie. MSG is in the
resolution to include "sexual orientation" as a
protected category in the anti-discrimination included^Dr. Bob Cogan, a representative of process of trying to reschedule the lecture for sometime during the spring
ordinance in Erie County. the NW PA chapter of the American Civil Lib- term.
Mercyhurst student, Tim McNichol, said erties Union, Dorothy Stoner, OSB, a visiting
instructor of religious studies at Mercyhurst
"It's a very positive move. It would be really
great to have sexual orientation included in College, and.Mary Louise St. John, OSB, Correction* [f
the ordinance just in case a problem did oc- Maureen Koseff, president of the Erie/ In the Jan! 31 issue of The Merciad a story on the Center City Child Learn-
cur. It also brings awareness." McNichol was Crawford chapter of Parents, Friends and Fam- ing Center ran on the front page. The tone of the story lead readers to be-
involved in Mercyhurst's Gay-Straight Alli- ily of Lesbians and Gays and Heather
ance last year. Malobisky, co-editor of Pride News. Several lieve that the center was not open yet when in fact it is. The Merciad apolo-
The current Erie County Human Relations members of the the community also attended. gizes for any confusion caused by the error. Anyone interested in obtaining
Commission anti-discrimination ordinance In the York, P.a. ordinance "sexual orienta- more information on the Center City Child Learning Center located at 139
provides protection against discrimination in tion" is defined asl'male or female heterosexu- W. 24th Erie should call 459-1982*
employment, housing and public accommo- ality, homosexuality, bisexuality, or any other
dations, such as restuarants and hotels for cat- gender identity practice as perceived by oth-
egories of race, national origin, religion, sex, ers." This means that all sexual orientations
age and disability. It does not include the cat- are protected; gay, straight and bisexual, not
egory of "sexual orientation." only homosexuality.
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, It is up to Erie County Council to decide
Lancaster and York all include sexual orienta- whether or not "sexual orientation" will be
tion in their ordinance. According to Michael included in Erie's ordinance. The council and
K. Mahler of the Erie Gay News, Erie is the its solicitor will view the proposed changes
largest city in Pennsylvania that does not in- and vote on the amendment some time in up-
elude "sexual orientation" in its anti-discrimi- coming weeks.
nation ordinance.

Mercyhurst Police and Safety Log

Jan. 26, 2001 Feb. 3,2001
McAuley Hall 3830 Briggs *L
Toilet paper dispenser was fLarge party'where alcohol Oil Change Service rXoSu
written on. was being served^to minors Performed I n 3 Q Minutes Or it'sf R f - £ 1 &# ' «r.j.». .

t e c * * * * J | S & E i £ B B futf Service 0 « Chcnge JM^'attlsrb'flfjt ]

Jan. 28,2001 Feb. 3, 2001 * »Hp*t i fmetiuc lx?M
v m * * * » V » tfadta

3938 Briggs 3809 Briggs •&**•*! r<*[

• * * * * * «a*0** -»r*:^;-'.i

Keg was found in apartment.

10 \t*&* " : v * fl* * K ¥ w f ^ S - r . i t

A basement window was 4s l a w At.

Student referred to college. b k wim beer bottle Batteries

S * » * » ,5;...-. ;> ,

Jan. 31,2001 -^ *CTCe3C4*

Feb. 3, 2001
4012 Briggs J •fcntali Ncv* Brdfc* ?-c: or S>oet
^lMBWfit»«eftfl«V««r (>*«*»

4012 Briggs • CKwk firoW And wro fxt At i

Loud party, abuse of quiet

Loud music after hours.
hours, excessive noise, illegal Attention Mercyhurst
gathering. !M$K£ Students and Staff
Feb. 3,2001
Feb. 3,2001 McAuley Hall ^ William C.Riley 10% discount on all
Duval Broken furniture piled in the Store Manager non-sale services/items
1320 E. Grand view Blvd.
Erie. PA 16504
to those who show their
Intoxicated students, under- hallway. 814-825-7909 IDrV

Laker Inn Lunch Menu February 5, 2001—February 10, 2001

Use your dining dollars. Food's great, so is the service. Also open for midnight snacks.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday^ Friday 1 Saturday
Cobb Salad Bagel Sandwich Sizzling Salad Taco Salad Deli Sandwich Cheeseburger
Bread sticks Fruit Cup 20 oz. Drink*: 20 oz. Drink Soup Small French Fries
20 oz. Drink 20 oz. Drink* 20 oz. Drink 20 oz.lDrink
Hours: Sat. 1 p.m.-7 pjn. Sun. 3£p.m.-l a.m. Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m.-l aim. iFri. 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m.

Tribute to Erie native artistlBurieigh
In celebration of Black History Month, the tion. Fearing that this indigenous American
Dinner and a movie
Mary D'Angelo Performing Arts Center will music might die out, Burleigh, encouraged by
be honoring Erie native Harry T. Burleigh's
spiritual music Saturday, Feb. 10, at 8 p.m.
the compser Dvorak, created arrangements
for over 100 of these songs. As a result, The Grotto 'O Brother'
in the PAC. .$ Burleigh, more than any other person, is cred-
Burleigh was ited with preserving and
America's first black J
concert artist, composer
making accessible "to
the world this rich vein
Check please )S Ticket stub
of art songs and arranger awp^: of uniquely American By Kristin Elizabeth Purdv
.•*••*->- By Phil Pirrello
of spirituals for concert music. Merciad writer Movie critic
use. After graduating •••-"••

- •v Saturday's concert in-

from the National Con- cludes musical works Looking for a good home cooked meal? Look "O Brother, Where Art Thou? 99

servatory of Music, he presented by II the no further.

became a leading bari- Mercyhurst College Many of you walked past the cafeteria and The Cohen brothers have provided humorous,
tone soloist of his time, choir, Mercyhurst right past the Grotto, curiously looking inside if not sensationally overdone films about the
performing before such \ chamber singers, and and wondering. Of course, you have to put in lives of simpletons in the most complex of
File photo a reservation to eat here, but the service and situations, usually based on criminal
notables of the day as Theodore Roosevelt,
the Archbishop of Canterbury and King Ed- MaryAlice Brown, Charles Kennedy, Hayes the quality of the food is well worth the meal. activities. Where they succeeded with "Rais-
ward VII of England. Moses, Tina Porter and^narration by Mel Meals cost between $5.50 and $9 for a three- ing Arizona," "The Big'Lebowski" and
The spiritual, a form of black folk music Witherspoon. course meal including ah appetizer, an entre, "Blood Simple," they have fallen short with
that developed during the experience of sla- Come and enjoy music that illuminates your a starch food, vegetables, dessert and bread. "O Brother," in terms of having the formers'
very, had been transmitted in an oral tradi- soul. Seating is reserved. Tickets are free to At any normal restaurant, this type of meal cinematic impact. This film throws everything
Mercyhurst students. could run you near $20. Save yourself the trip at the wall, but very little sticks.
Liturgical Dancers out of Mercyworld and sample the vast array
of dishes the Grotto has to offer.
The plot: The film borrows its plot from
Homer's "The Odyssey." It opens with the es-
Hotel Restaurant and Industitutional Man- cape of three prisoners from theirchain gang
agement students are hard at work in and out in the 1920s Mississippi.
By Charon Hrib of the kitchen, serving up lunches and dinners The leader, Ulysses Everett McGill, (played
Contributing writer throughout the week. Students create the with great comedic range by George Clooney),
menus based on themes and ethnic foods, cre- doesn't much want to take along company,
As of September 2000, the Mercyhurst com- ating a complete three-course meal that but because he is chained to Delmar (Tim
munity has officially been blessed with the complements itself. Blake Nelson) and Pete (John Turturro), he
addition of a Liturgical Dance Ensemble. The Grotto is a non-profit organization run has no choice. McGill convinces them that
Sponsored by the Rev. James Piszker and by HR1M students who are fulfilling lab re- there is a hidden treasure waiting for them, so
Geraldine Rosinski, RSM of Campus Minis- quirements for classes. Whether they're in the they go along for a ride.
try and Tauna Hunter of the Dance Depart- kitchen cooking, serving you, or managing, ^Butthi^ride is a bumpy one, as the three
ment, this group has been active not only with {Photo by Mark Santillano
they're hard at work and gaining valuable ex-| goofy cons encounter a Cycloptian con man
campus worship, but has also been working Heather Richmond, the dancers performed perience. portrayed by John Goodman, who delivers a
hard to get involved with Erie's community. in the community at the Pine Valley Nursing Meals are planned, but if you decide that performance that reminds us of how great he
Mercyhurst's Liturgical Dance Ensemble is Home. what's on the menu doesn't suit your appetite can be, as seen in "Lebowski."
student directed by junior Elisabeth Shelton. The Liturgical Dance Ensemble has cur- for the day, there are always alternatives to the The journey concludes with a disturbingly
Including Elisabeth, there are 14 dancers in rently sent out letters to various churches in standard meal. funny KKK rally that precedes an act of na-
the group. Members include (seniors) Sarah the Erie community in hopes of sharing their The a la carte menu gives diners the option ture that hints Divine Intervention. The film's
Lucovich, Gretchen Koskoski and Bruce gift at five Masses during the March and April of an onion loaf for $3.50, a grilled chicken middle act felt like-115 days, not 115 min-
Sneed; (juniors) Elisabeth Shelton, Shannon months. salad for $5, or filet of scrod complete with utes. | fc ™
Seedhouse and Maria Ellis; (sophomores) As for on campus events, those wishing to appetizer, starch, vegetable and dessert for The good: The film is basically a few short
Tanya Trombly, Heather Richmond and Laura see the Mercyhurst Liturgical Dance En-
$8.50. jft ; movie segments strung together into a feature,
Moore; and (freshmen) Janet Struckley, Leah semble perform can look forward to their
Lunches are served Tuesdays and Thursdays and those little vignettes are better than the
Bannier, Liz Nahser, Lindsay Roller and dancing at Palm Sunday services in April and
with seating from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and whole.
Kelsey Pohm. at the Graduation Masses in May. dinners are served Wednesdays and Fridays The sequence concerning the fugitive's en-
This past year the Liturgical Dance En- The group currently consists of dance ma- with seatingfrom5:15 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Res- counter with the Sirens is mesmerizing in its
semble has been active in establishing their jors and dance minors, but according to ervations are required, as seating is limited to simplicity. Using only the Sirens' hypnotic -
group. Thus far, the group has danced on cam- Shelton, the group would like to extend its the maximum of 60 diners, so plan accord- song, it provides a brief instance where we
pus at the Mass of the Holy Spirit, the Candle welcome to the entire student body in the fu- ingly. Stop by the Grotto to pick up a flyer of actually care about McGill's motley crew.
Light Christmas: Mass and with the aid of ture. scheduled meals and to make your reservation. 1 also enjoyed the scene where McGill and
You will be pampered and served by the company sing a blue-grass song that becomes
NttMt? JU\x §m*j !.<!{»?
finest at Mercyhurst in the setting of a high- a pop hit around the country. It's a catchy tune
lAtBslle An Affair of
Love ifpr »«»«^!7»z~rxr! _


class facility. HRIM students enrolled in the and Clooney and company sell the vignette
applied service class learn how to be profes- perfectly.
sional servers and move gracefully with con- The bad: 1 left "O' Brother" feeling par-
Playing at the fidence. While dining in the Grotto, you' 11 feel tially satisfied, as though I had ordered Lon-
PAC as if vou're awayfromcampus in a ritzy res- don Broil and got a Steak-Um instead. It is
Feb, 14 at 8 p.m. taurant, eating one of the finest (and well- not a bad movie, but it is a bad Cohen movie.
priced) meals you've ever sat down to. I don't expect films like "O' Brother" to
Girlfight Any tips left for waiters go to a scholarship satisfy all my movie-going needs. But I do
fund for HRIM students, so don't be shy, it's expect them to not make me ask why such a
Playing at the all for a good cause.'' great collection of talent and ideas are set
For reservations, call the HRIM office at ext. adrift in a not-so-great movie.
I I Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. 2565 or stop by the Grotto tucked in the south-
west corner of the Egan dining hall.
"O Brother" has a case of the coulda,
shoulda. It leaves the audience wondering if
.•« r
'J*2«<«« U*»*mm fc*0 Students free they shoulda seen something else.

The Street Beat!

"Show Me Love movie in the PAC Feb. 7 at 8 p.m. Blues Beaters playing at Quaker Steak & Lube Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. to 10 p.m
Coffee House: Fade 2 Shade — band in the Union Feb. 9 from 10:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m The Pat McGee Band playing at Docksider Feb. 8

Tribute to Harry T. Burleigh in the PAC Feb. 10 at 8 p.m. "The Uninvited"—play at Mercyhurst's North East campus at the Alex Theater Feb. 10 at 8 p.m

Diversity 101 Dance in the Union Feb. 10 from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m M

Chicago-The Musical" at Warner Theater Feb. 13 at 7:30 p.m.

THE GOOD ... Valentine's Day suggestions
• This weekend marks the beginning of the MSG shuttle bus service. Now students of age February 14, Valentine's Dayr|is a dreaded
do not have to worry about finding rides to the bar and other students will have a chance to
attend events off campus. Remember to bring your student IDs, because you must have
holiday fot the majority of the population for
any number of reasons, ranging from no sig-
Left to write
them to be able to ride the bus. f
nificant other to who cares.
There are three very common negative Annie DeMeo
• For all of us who are pumped about the great season that the basketball teams are having
thoughts that permeate the minds of people
this year, this coming weekend is full of b-ball fun at home. Both the men's and women's*
during theifirst two weeks oflFebruary. 1) I
teams will be playing both Saturday and Sunday. So go and support the teams to another Valentine's Hater #2, "Gag me!") pink-hearted
have no money, what can I possibly get for
victory or two this weekend. J I books you wijl ever see. Most of these books
him/herUhat signifies my undying devotion.
Gosh, girls/guys are so hard to shop for when are betweentfive and ten dollars. Perhaps
• The Pat Magee Band will be playing this Thursday at Docksiders. Most of Erie seems to you are limited to the Dollar Store! 2) I hate you'll find the Valentine version of your
be pretty pumped up about the show and it should be a good time. Tickets are only $8. the very existence of this Hallmark-created, honey's favorite childhood book, or maybe
foolish day for people to love each other. I you'll stick to something basic like, Guess how
• For all of those who love Pepsi you will be able to enjoy it on campus for another decade would like to get my hands on the person who much I love you?
as the company just renewed their 10 year contract. Sorry all you Coke fans out mere, And, finally, make that special someone a
: created this day and what I wouldn't do to the
but CVS isn't that far of a walk. '* }. I * $ M i 1I Valentine. You know, the whole nine yards,
person... Wouldn't a spontaneous day for lov-
ing be so much sweeter than this over-com- like in second grade art class. (Use paste for
THE BAD ... mercialized bombardment of rose-petals and authenticity.) Construction paper, doilies and
• What is up with the radio in the Rec Center? Does anyone else find it odd how it cuts in pink hearts?! 3) I am going to go and buy my- glitter may be the answer to your financial
and out of the music? One minute your are working out, sweating to the beats and the next self a box of chocolates and wallow in my sor- Valentine woeS. OK, these items do cost
minute your are plunged into an eerie silence. Is it a problem with the reception or the work rows hoping that next year this day isn't quite money, but ask some of your education major
of anti-workout spirits? Whatever the problem, walkmans have become almost a necessity as depressing, knowing tomorrow^when I friends and I am sure that they could supply
to a workout in the gym. weigh 100 pounds more I am going to feel 100 you with all the necessary materials free of
times worse. cost, all you will have to do is listen to their
• Is there a particular reason why students who choose to live on campus have to For all those Valentine's Day haters in the endless stories of student teaching.
pay to stay in buildings that would be considered substandard in many peoples opinion. world, and I am sure there are quite a number Valentine's Day Hater #2: You are right.
Students in several buildings on both Briggs and Lewis have complained about such of you on this very campus, I offer you the Valentine's Day is ridiculous, but, it's not as
problems as mold growing on the walls and faulty electrical power. Outside of Mercy world solutions to all of your problems. bad as Sweetest Day. So, lighten up, show your
these problems might be enough to cause health violations. But here, students are given Valentine's Hater #1: Money is not the point affection ... authentically. Find a biography
bleaching agents, rags and told to just keep wiping the mold off. We pay money for this? of Valentine's Day nor should it be the point on St. Valentine or a Qreek frqytboJijiMp^rvig
Can't we solve the problem instead of putting a band-aid on it. of your love and hopefully not the point of your Cupid. Then, you aren't neglecting the day set|
relationship. The following are three cheap gift aside for loving, but you're not giving into the
• Do people not understand the point of a library? It is supposed to be a quiet place that* ideas that are sure to melt your sweetie's heart socially constructed norms for how we should
students can go and study without the distractions of talking and music. Yet, many students whilessaving you precious pennies.fcldea show affection.
act as though it is just another hangout, talking and laughing in voices that are not library numero uno, write a poem out of sweetheart Valentine's Day Hater #3: This year, the
quiet. If weieel the need to talk and gossip and relate weekend tales while doing our^ . hearts, you know the chalky candies that you movie industry had you in mind! Find some
homework, we should do it either in our apartments or the Union. Have some respect for can't not seem to get away from in February. friends and go see the scary movie "Valen-
your fellow students who want the library to be quiet.k i Since, few like to eat these candies, why not tine." A horror flick is the perfect way to quit
slap some rubber cement on them and make a wallowing and have a good time. Afterward,
THE UGLY ... cheap, yet thoughtful gift. Who knows maybe go to Dairy Queen and get a yogurt blizzard.
• Do people really have such a problem locating a garbage can or a toilet when they feel *Hot stuff, Kiss Me, I Love You" will be sweep- If you're with friends, ycgyycir't feel the need '
the need to rid their bodies of alcohol and everything else that.they ate that day. Most ing the nation someday, making you a famous to pig out (as mucfi). T f
students are truly sick of seeing piles of vomit littering the campus after a weekend of poet. j if It will be an excellent Valentine's day this
partying. If you have such trouble holding down what you consume, maybe you shouldn't Idea B, head to Barnes and Noble, go down year if you want it to be. Try not to whine,
be consuming at all. Or at least aim for a container. the escalator straight into the children's sec- complain or gripe to your friends too much, i
tion, and there, before your very eyes will be a Just employ these- suggestions and have-a-%
• The weather these days has given some people some definite clues as to why Erie is table filled with the most adorable, (I know happy love-filled^hate-free day.
sometimes referred to as Dreary Erie. Students look forward to the days when the sun
actually shines and the ground isn't a mud pit.

M o b y a n d D i d o to p l a y Springfest (if w e ' r e l u c k y )

How's that for a future headline
The term is almost over and that only means Then through some of our connections we would be willing to pay. We could probably
spring is on the way. heard that SAC would be able to afford a make enough money from ticket sales that,
Now I know when you are walking to class Famous last words $7,000 act and still have money left over. even after paying off our debt, there would be
and the cold wind is making your nose feel Which meant, to me and my friends, at least, a Considerable profit left over.
like it is going to fall off that it is hard to be- that we might be able to get an even bigger act Washington and Jefferson, a school of 1,500
lieve that spring is on its way, but it is true. that might charge a little more money. students, that is as many students as was in
Heather Cvitkovic
And with the coming of spring term, among The Clarks are coming, someone told me. many of our high schools, had Busta Rhymes
other things, is the annual (well I am not re- OK, first let me say that I love^The Clarks. I come to their school. They charged students
ally sure if it is actually annual, but doesn't tioned that Dido, of the Eminem "Stan" fame, have seen numerous shows of theirs in Pitts- and they were willing to pay. So are we, for
that sound better) spring concert sponsored by was going to be playing at her boyfriend's burgh and in Erie. I know every word to every someone cool.
SAC, often referred to as Springfest. college in Boston. We were all excited at the song that they sing. I know every band SAC and MSG say they are always willing
I was not here last year, so I do not know prospect that such a famous musician actu- member's name and personal history. But to to hear and take into consideration student sug-
who was at the event or what activities there ally plays at college campuses. My friend then me, The Clarks seem so accessible. I could go gestions. So, Rob, this is my suggestion (and
were. Many students around campus however, mentioned that Dido only charges $7,000 to to Pittsburgh next weekend and see them. But a few of my friends, also). We want someone
had some discouraging remarks to make about play at such venues. it is not everyday that we might get to see Dido. cool. Someone that we might not normally be
the event. In succession our jaws dropped to the And then it hit us. Two years ago (or maybe able to see. Most of us are willing to pay the
Have no fear Mercyhurst, Rob Kosko is at ground and our minds began reeling at the pos- three, whatever) the 10,000 Maniacs came and price to see them. For Dido I would pay $10.
the SAC helm this year. This is the student sibilities. What if we could get Dido to come they charged students a fee and they charged Nelly Furtado would be cool. Moby would be
that brought Splendor to the parking garage and perform here? Or better yet, if someone non-students a bigger fee. And no one com- even cooler. I would pay $20 to $25 to see
for Fall Fest and many other fun weekend ac- who has become so popular does not charge plained because it was cool to come to him. J | Wi J
tivities that keep students occupied. And hardly that much, what other act could we get? So Mercyhurst College, the college on the hill, to There is a point to all this rambling about
anyone seems to be complaining anymore. the investigation into who to get for Springfest see this big name band. So why can't we do it Moby, Dido and cool bands. As a senior I want
So what is in store for us this spring term in began. again ? a memorable Springfest. I don't want The
terms of SAC events, and more specifically in Now we could never get the Dave Matthews If we can't afford a really cool act, why can't Clarks or some other local band. I want the
terms of Springfest? What wonderous band Band ($75,000) or Third Eye Blind ($65,000) j we borrow the money, charge students and oth- flash, glamor and glitter of a big name star. I
will enter the heralded gates of Mercyhurst and to come and we could never get someone cool ers and then with the profits pay back the want Gannon and Edinboro kids to beg to be
entertain the cheering masses? like Paul Oakenfold ($2,000/hour to spin), but money that we borrowed. If we had a big name able to come to our campus to see a concert. I
My friends and I were sitting around dis- maybe, just maybe, there was hope for a act students from Edinboro, Gannon and Penn want a memory worth looking back on.
cussing this very topic and my one friend men- semicool act. State-Behrend would probably come and also

^ —
Boy-bashing trend
What as your favorite album right Megan Cvitkovic
Calling all the single ladies! It's time to celebrate
and show off that single identity in a brand new
<• * * . i
* - *
way... with fashion!
If you're finding yourself without a signifi-
%-**/srW$ C&G&K cant other this time of year, don't panic and cry,
there is hope — well, not in the way of dates,
but perhaps a little light hearted trendy humor
will lift your spirits. *
Recently in New York City a MAN created a
line of T-shirts specifically designedforthe bro-
ken hearted or just simply mistreated woman.
With slogans like "Boys Cheat" and "Boys Lie"
you'll be sure to draw attention to yourself on
V-day, or any day for that matter, plus you' II be
i expressing your true feelings right where it wil I
"My favorite albumrightnow is Jen- My favorite album is Harry Connick
jl m a big fan of Dawson's Creek and surely not be missed, a T-shirt! Can it get any
nifer Lopez's 'J-Lo.' There are a lot Jr| 'Come By Me^f ? I Ideally like the soundtrack. It's got better!
of really great dance songs. Right now — Greg Kline, sophomore a lot of good songs on it." The creator of these oh-so-fitting tee's says
I am really into anything "Jennifer" — Katie Daniel, senior he designed them because females today are al I
and I think this album is better than about girl power and showing off their femi-
herfirstone." nine identity.
— Heather Cvitkovic, senior "I have always enjoyed Sara McLachlan's The popular tee's are currently only available
music, no matter what mood I'm in. So choos- "Bob Dylan, 'Greatest Hits Volume 3* be- at limited retail locations but stores, like
ing an album would be hard to do." cause you get a wide variety of songs on one Con tempo, have carried variations off and on.
|- ^&eVe?bbmesbhme radio I listen to. %i
— Jamie Dudich, senior album." % \ I | | | 'i But if you really like the idea of wearing some-
Pf—*0iria Gottuso, senior — Josh Demnyan, junior thing that says "Boys Lie,*' make atinytee your-
"Grateful Dead, 'Terrapin Station.' I like the self, get creative.
"Creed, 'Human Clay,' because I like their songs from the Grateful Dead in that era." ««ft
My new favorite CD in the whole wide So if you've ever felt that one of those
message. I also like the Family Value Tour — Derek Marsh, senior world is David Gray, 'White Ladder.* I have "Boys..." slogans was so very true, and we
CDs. There is such a mix of different bands. been listening to it everyday since I got it!" all know through experience that to some ex-
They have rap and hard rock, a variety to lis- "My favorite album would be The Eagles, — Sara Seidle, junior ^mt#fM^lf$^f99M tent they are, sport one, if just for the fun of it.
ten tO." 4 j^dlsk ^J& 'Hell Freezes Over.' I like it because it has a You never know, just when you think you'll be
— Matt Mihelic, senior great variety of music to listen to." "Dave Matthews Band, 'Crash.* The CD al- all alone for this day of duos you may find some
— Kelly Croll, senior ternates from fast to slow and you don't nec- guy (or for the guys some girl) that really wants
" AJU Difranco, Dilate.' Her CD describes how essarily know what is coming and some of to prove that T-shirt wrong. Well, we can dream,
"1 don't like one particular CD, I really like his best songs are on there.* For example, can' t we?
I feel sometimes. Her songs are basically about
relationships on this album, it I;a5 to do with mixed CDs." * Of course there are other ways to handle the
'Crash Into Me* and 'Tripping Billies."* loneliness of being solo on the 14th, like dress-
being a strong woman." ^ ? — Ryan Moton, freshman Nick Folino, sophomore ^ ing in black, but that's not necessarily as fun
— Hillary Grennan, junior >] and trendy as a cute little tee with an attention
*i*i, ^ — grabbing slogan. -


In response to the article about the Freedom Monte Carlo Night and many other events.
Zone, I would like to voice my own opinion. I Also, it is in our proposed budget at the be-
am proud of the Freedom Zone, not only be- ginning of the year to have a newspaper and
cause I am a member of Student Government thus we have formed the Freedom Zone.
and happen to write articles for the paper, but I may be biased as well as Sara for writing
because of what it stands for and how much the article because I am a member of Student
time and effort is put into it. Students can sub- Government. Yes, Mercyhurst does already
Zack Venable Editor in Chief mit articles to The Merciad, but it is known have one newspaper, but what's the big deal if
Executive & Administrative Editor that not everything will get published every we have another? There is no need to start a
Heather Cvitkovic time. However, the Freedom Zone is open to
Sara Seidle Managing News Editor rivalry between the two, because MSG and
everyone to write an article about. The Merciad are two separate entities and
Kristin Purdy Arts & Entertainment Editor
Features Editor I know that coming into Mercy hurst we are should be treated as such.
Adam DuShole to be instilled with a wholesome morality and I do read the paper every week and will con-
Annie DeMeo Sports Editor
a Catholic vision. Still, there are things that tinue to read it, despite the article. However,
Annie Sitter Photography Editor happen that may hinder this perfectness that
Copy Editor there is no reason why two newspapers on this
Leslie Echan we would all like to achieve. The Freedom campus cannot coexist, as they are doing right
Stacv Norris Advertising Manager & Regional Zone, which has come out with at least two
Exchange Editor now. One is no better than the other and al-
issues at this point, is not meant to be written though you may think that the Freedom Zone
Mike Tanner Local Exchange Editor to inform people about being moral and mak- is a far cry from what the students' want, then
Phil Pirrello Movie Critici ing moral decisions. maybe we should really listen to exactly what
That is not Student Government's job. What it is the students want, which is to be able to
Staff Writers we do is represent the students' and their views, write to a newspaper on issues that may not
KateCywinski Stacy Norris which is part of what the Freedom Zone is all be so serious and where they can voice their
Megan Cvitkovic about. It is not always meant to be entirely opinions to be heard and have their problems
serious and there will be mockery on some is—! dealt with. -
The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercy hurst College. It sues. If the Freedom Zone's last issue was so So let's have the Freedom Zone, if not for
appalling, then I would think that President MSG, then for the students. And if you have
is published throughout the year with the exception of mid-term and final Garvey would have something to say about it,
weeks. Office at 314 Main. Telephone 824-2376. Fax 824-3249. E-mail any further comments, contact Lindsay Chris-
which, to my knowledge, he did not topher, who must not have anything better to
<merciad @ mercyh>. And for my last point of order, MSG does do with her time than put the Freedom Zone
have other important things to do than, and I together. But I would think that the people who
The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must he signed, quote from the article, "waste time putting work at The Merciad would understand what
but your name can be withheld on request under certain conditions. Letters something like this together." Some of the vari- it means to put a newspaper together.
are due on the Monday before publication and should be no longer than ous things that MSG has worked on this year -Jennifer Yope
500 words. All letters should be submitted to Box 485. include the Rec Center, shuttle bus, Joe Clark,

Who says students aren'tractive?
Celebrating 75 Years Activism & blood drives

A look back at Mercyhurst's past

Once again, The Merciad brings you a blast effect does that type of production have on the
from the past in celebration of Mercy hurst's environment and the people who produce it. 1 (
75 years on 75 acres. should hot always come down to the "bottom
This week's article, entitled "Consumption line" of buying whatever is the cheapest.
with Conscience" in a 1995 edition of The The SAC coffee house volunteers and I have
Merciad, discussed many of the same envi- switched to a new coffee company called Equal
ronmental issues that are being dealt with cur-Exchange. While most other companies exploit
rently in the "environmental sustainability" developing world coffee farmers by paying
forum. That's right it's time for another ... them barely enough for their goods, Equal Ex-
Flashback change buys its coffee from small co-opera-
by Judah Sussman tive farmers. These farmers grow the coffee
Most of us do not realize what affects our ac- organically, without the use of chemicals or
tions have on the rest of the world. We are a pesticides.
society of consumers, everyone. We need to It is also beneficial to conduct business with
consume food to stay healthy, land to live and the local farmers, which cuts out the middle
grow on and materia] goods to satisfy our ever-man. The Equal Exchange is able to pay 40
growing desire for luxury items that rape the percent more than most other coffee compa- file photo
nies. The company has helped many small vil-
land of her natural resources. Is there any hope
lages directly an indirectly by setting up clin- Nine representatives from the Mercyhurst community joined over 100,000
for us and our planet Earth? marchers for the annual Pro-Life March protesting the passage oftftoe Supreme
I would like to think so. We need to start ics, schools and accessible roads in many of
• these areas. f Court's Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in 1973. Mercyhurstj
I invite everyone to come down to the Laker participants, here pictured in front of the White House are (left to right): Chris-
^ ^We need to Inn and taste this coffee on Wednesday nights.
I also ask that each one of us be cautious about
topher McKee, Leah Corrigan, Neil Corrigan, Jonathan McGovern, Kayla
Mallon, Christopher Knestrick and Richard Ortiz. Not pictured are Melissa
Ortman and Liz Kahn.
what we consume.

consume **Now we quickly leap ahead to 200Land ...

Fast Forward: Academic Celebration
Mercyhurst is going 'green,'sin April at this
On another related activify*here's going to be a
year's Academic Celebration. The inspiration
satisfy our for Academic celebration was sparked by the
"Greening the Campus" workshop held ear- Community Blood Bank
lier in December.^
ever-growing The workshop stressed issues of recycling,
preservation of natural resources and pollution. Drive at the Hurst I
Academic Celebration's theme, entitled «rri
desire for "What on Earth are We Doing?" focuses on
caring for earth and all its inhabitants, espe-
The newly formed Mercyhurst Rotaract Club, a college branch ofj
cially the state of the welfare of future ecol- the Rotary Club, is sponsoring a blood drive in conjunction with
luxury items ogy, f Vi I \
The entire celebration is filled with events,
the Erie Red Cross from noon until 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12 in the
Mercy Heritage Room. Interested students should contact
each emphasizing different aspects of human-
that rape the ity, nature and the interdependent and intimate
relationship that the two share.
Gennifer Tyson, director of media relations, at 824-3315 or Kerri
Ruschak, Rotaract president, at 824-2836. §3 fc T \
A few events that promise to be quite inter-
land../™ esting include a presentation by the Green
Party, dubbed "Green Politics," an exhibit of
small, thinking big. We can cut back on the nature-inspired artwork, a lecture on the in-
amount we consume by making conscious de- justices of animal testing, as well as a work- Do you know...?
cisions about what we purchase with our hard- shop held by a nationally recognized environ-
earned money, taking into account the people mental sustainability expert, George Bandy.
that produce what we purchase and the effects Ellen Learn
This year's celebration promises to be one
of production on the environment. of the best. Don't miss out, not only will it be
We should consider several things when we fun, it will be for a worthy cause. Melissa McGraw is a senior at Mercyhurst.
purchase an item. How was it produced? What She is an art design major with a concentra-
tion in graphic design. One of her class assign- MERCYHURS1
ments was to design a 75th anniversary logo
for the college. Upon completion of their de-
signs the class presented their designs to the
president of the college. Melissa's design was
When reflecting on the moment she found
out her design was selected, McGraw said,
Dr. Forsthoefel wishes to sell his 1990'Grand "When I found out my logo was chosen it was
Marquis, in excellent condition, with new an honor and I was excited my art work was
recognized. It feels nice to give something back 75th logo by Melissa McGraw '01
transmission, power locks, windows, seats, to the school for the education it has given school. She began her college career as an art
me." She will receive a $100 cash prize for therapy major and then switched to education.
antenna, stereo and cassette, vinyl roof and the logo design. Education, however, wasn't what she was
valid inspection sticker. Recently, McGraw was also asked to create looking for either. So when searching for new
$ $
Mercy hurst-North East's 10th Anniversary a major she stumbled upon graphic design and
107 K miles, no rust! j logo. J & .£.< I • 5 ; # became interested. She had always had an in-
McGraw grew up in North-East right across terest in computers and had always loved art.
|$ 2,800 or best offer $ $
the street from Mercyhurst-North East. It was It was the ideal combination. In May McGraw
Call 824-2353 only fitting, therefore, that she attended the will graduate with a bachelor's degree, leav-
branch campus upon graduating from high ing her logo as her mark.

Women pick up win in home finale
By Matt Jensen Millar and Lyndsay Barch, was the lone goal
Merciad writer of thefirstperiod out of six Laker shots.
The second period got off to a bad start for
The women's hockey team played its final the Hurst as Findlay wasted no lime in tying
home games of the season February 2 and %'r the game 1:07 into play, The remainder ofthe
The Lady Lakers came away with a win and a period was scoreless, although the teams com-
tie in two close games over the visiting Findl ay bined for 21 shots on goal.
Oilers (15-10-3). J " '$ The third period was a different story as the
These positive results improve the women's Lakers came out strong and took a 2-1 lead on
hockey team's conference record to 3-1-2 for freshman forward Jessica Dillabough's third
first place in the inaugural year of the Great goal ofthe Season. Findlay answered by net-
Lakes Women's Hockey Association. The ting its second of the night at the 16:00 minute
Lakers' overall mark is 12-15-3. mark ofthe third. Mercyhurst sophomore cen-
Friday, Feb. 2 was a seesaw battle as the ter Tracy Logan broke the tie, giving the
teams traded goals all night in the 3-3-over- Lakers a 3-2 lead one and a half minutes later.
time tie. Sophomore forward C.J. Ireland This goal looked like the game winner, but the
opened the scoring on Groundhog Day with a resilient Oilers found the back ofthe net with
power play goal 12:45 into thefirstperiod. The only eight seconds left in regulation, forcing
goal, assisted by freshman forwards Britney an overtime period.
The teams remained deadlocked through a
five-minute overtime period. The Lady Lak-
Hockey team ers got in only five shots in overtime.
Sophomore goalie Tiffany Ribble made 15
saves for the Lakers while her counterpart,
retains top Erin Blair, made 21 saves for the Findlay
Oilers. Annie Sitter/Merciad photographer
Mercyhurst's Britney Millar (one assist)
spot in MAAC earned second star honors for effort in the
Lone senior, Amber Natali, plays in her final home game at the Mercyhurst Ice
for her 22 saves.
The Saturday matinee had much of the same was scoreless for the first 15 minutes until
By Annie DeMeo close defensive play as the night before. Sopho- Dillabough found the goal to put the Lakers up Dillabough earned second star honors for an
more forward Seanna Murphy notched the 2-0 This was all the scoring needed for the assist and the game-winning goal.
Merciad writer
first goal of the game at the 6:48 mark of the Lakers as the Oilers could only muster up one The Lady Lakers conclude their regular sea-
first period. This would be the only goal ofthe goal late in the third period; son next weekend at Wayne S tate. Friday, Feb.
The men's hockey team split conference games
period giving Mercyhurst a 1-0 lead at inter- Senior goaltender Amber Natali got her fourth 16 the women play at 7 p.m. and Saturday the)
on the road last weekend. The even play
mission. The cleanly played* second period win ofthe season and receivedfirststar honors play a matinee at 1 p.m.
helped Mercyhurst retain the top position in
the MAAC and increase its lead over Ion a
College to four points. jt *
Friday, Feb. 2 the Lakers took on the Hus-
kies from the University of Connecticut. The
Spring sports start up despite groundhog's prognosis
men scored two goals per period Friday night, Tpm Redland lost hisfirstset to Jeff Straub,
while holding the opposition to only one goal By Annie DeMeo 4-6, and then came back to defeat the opponent
per period. Merciad writer with decisive sets with scores of 6-4 and 7-5.
Both teams had 24 shots on goaLbut Laker Baseball $
goalie Peter Aubry blocked 21 shots, while his Feb. 2 at Gobbler's Nob in Punxsutawney, Pa. The baseball team begins its season this week-
counterpart only managed to keep 18 out ofthe the groundhog emerged to offer a glum pre- end. The men will be traveling to a non-snow
net diction: six more weeks of winter are in store. covered Mt. Olive, N.C. Saturday, Feb. 10.
The Lakers went up 2-0 in the first period, Spring sports, however, are starting up re- The Mercyhurst College baseball team had a
added two more during power plays in the gardless of the negative prediction. successful 2000 season,finishingwith an im-
second and got two insurance tallies in the The rowing team, tennis teams and baseball pressive 35-18-1 overall record and a 24-6-1
teams are in the midst of beginning their 2001 conference mark. Head Coach Joe Spano was
third i W named GLIAC Coach-of-the-Year. The im-
Tom McMonagle continued his streak of seasons. With two of the sports kicking off last
weekend. pressive play culminated in afirstplace seed in
impressive play since returning to action from the North Central regional playoffs.
a groin injury on Jan. 12. He powered the Rowing
offense with two goals (including the game The rowing team started their season Satur- The Lakers look forward to having another
winner) and three points. i day, Feb. 3 at the Pittsburgh Indoor Rowing exciting season with returns of individual stand-
Championships. LauraRush has won the event outs from the 2000 squad.
Jeff Gould, Louis Goulet, Mike Muldoon
the past three years and led Mercyhurst this Junior outfielder Ben Wiand set one-season
and Peter Rynshoven also scored for the Lak- and/or career marks for at bats, runs, hits, and
year with a second place finish in the open
ers. stolen bases in addition to being named first
women* s event.
Saturday. Feb. 3 the Lakers met a Quinnipiac team all-conference. He was also named to the
Teammate Shandra Brownfinishedjust be- I J' Fll© photo
squad ready for revenge after the Lakers 6-0 region first team and the ECAC Division II
hind Rush, nabbing a third place medal in a
humiliation ofthe squad two weeks ago. Mer- All-Star squad. the conference first team.
field of 34 competitors.
cyhurst got on the board in the first three Freshman infielder Matt King was chosen Best of luck to members ofthe baseball team
Pat Forefinishedthird in the open men's
minutes of the first period with yet another GLIAC Rookie-of-the-Year. • this weekend, and over spring break as they
event* claiming the first medal in four years
McMonagle goal assisted by teammates Eric 9 Junior pitcher Kevin McTigue, also made make their annual trip to Florida.
Ellis and GouleM :
, for the rowing team: Dave McCoy placed
From that point on, Quinnipiac dominated fourth of 37 in the men's open lightweight;
and Natalie Senesefinishedthird in the open
the game. They answered the Laker tally with
one of their own to end the first period in a
deadlock and went on to pick up one goal in the
lightweight women's event.
* Tennis
MSG Representative Positions
The tennis teams served up some spring
second and two in the third. Quinnipiac cruised
to a 4-1 victory. time action last weekend as well. The women's CURRENTLY AVAILABLE:
team lost to Slippery Rock in a match Satur-
"We're in the middle of a tough stretch," said
head coach Rick Gotkin." We've played two
day, Feb. 3. Slippery Rock prevailed 8-1. 2-Senior Repositions
Alison Hughes picked up the lone win for
away gamesforeach of the last four weekends,
and we travel again next weekend."
Mercyhurst, defeating Jesse Bango decisively, 1 Junior Rep position
6-4,6-4. _**' | ^
The Lakers take on American International
The Mercyhurst men's team also lost in a
Submit letters of intent to Cass Shimek in the Union
College Friday, Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. and UConn
Saturday, Feb. 10 at 7:30 p.m. "We're getting
Saturday match with Slippery Rock. The men by Monday, March 11.
dropped the match 7-2.
to know the state well," Gotkin joked. "This|
will be our third weekend in a row in Connecti- Dan Fitts picked up a win, defeating Mike
Usher in two sets by scores of 6-4 and 7-5.
Questions? Contact BillylByrnes at ext. 2737


Ladies team struggles on road
THE WEEK and shooting 54 percent from the field (19 of defeating the Lady Lakers 85-70,
Binghamton, 17-6 overall raced out to an 8-
By Jay Puskar 35). jj .'
0 before Mercyhurst finally got on the
IN REVIEW. .. Merciad writer With Wayne State mixing their defenses
throughout the game, the Lady Lakers had scoreboard with Krista Usher's lay-up with 16
minutes left in the first half. The Lady Lakers
great looks at the three pointer, but shots just
Home sweet home! would not fall for Mercyhurst as they went then made a 9-4 run to cut the Bearcat lead to
MEN'S BASKETBALL! That is what the Mercyhurst women's bas- 19 percent (7 of 27) from downtown. just one with 14:21 to go in the first half, but
Mercyhurst lost at Wayne State 79-73 for ketball team is looking forward to following Wayne State, 10-9 overall and 5-6 in the that was the closest Mercyhurst got the entire
the sixth time in a row Monday, Feb. 1. WSU its final road trip of the season. GLIAC, out rebounded Mercyhurst 43-34 and night.
led by only a point at halftime, and two with For the fifth consecutive time, the road was had four players in double figures. Shana All-American candidate Bess Greenburg fin-
8:43 left, but they went on a 14-2 run to put unkind to the Lady Lakers last Thursday as Lynch knocked in a game high 30 points and ished with a game high 35 points (13 of 22
the game away. Jamal Holley led the Lakers the Wayne State Lady Warriors defeated Mer- 12 rebounds for the Lady Warriors I shooting) for the Bearcats. Sarah Cartmill had
with 20 points. Rich Bradley contributed 16, cyhurst 91-74. After Kelly Bitters made a jumper to make 22.
and Brent Swain and Justin Shouse each con- The loss dropped the Lady Lakers to 9-11 it a 20 point Lady Warrior advantage, Mercy- The Lady Lakers, 9-12 overall and 5-7 in
tributed 15 points. overall and 5-7 in conference play, including hurst went on a 10-0 run to cut the deficit the GLIAC were never intimidated by the first
Mercyhurst will have a week off before a 1-9 record away from the Mercyhurst Ath- down to 78-68 with five minutes to go, but year Division I program.
opening a five-game conference homestand letic Center. Amy Gal la and Krista Usher each that was the closest Mercyhurst was able to Mercyhurst got solid play defensively and a
to end the regular season. The men's team is finished with a team high 21 points, with get balanced offense attack, especially in the sec-
9-0 at home. Rebecca Sandor netting 12. Now that Mercyhurst's tough road sched- ond half when the Lady Lakers were only
In the first half, Wayne State jumped out to ule is completed for the regular season; they outscored 42-39.
a quick 12-4 lead, but senior forward Meredith can center their focus on stringing big wins Amy Galla finished with a team high 19
Koncsol nailed two three pointers in 27 sec- at home. points and six rebounds. Holly Horton tallied
| MEN'S VOLLEYBALL onds, cutting the Warrior lead to 12-10. Mer- The Lady Lakers have been terrific at home 14 points, while Krista Ross had 12 and
cyhurst trailed 25-15 with just over 10 min- with a 7-1 overall record and 4-0 record in Rebecca Sandor had 10.
Mercyhurst evened its record with a five-
utes to go in the first half when they went on the GLIAC. That impressive record was put The next two games coming up for the Lady
game win at Juniata. The scores were 23-30,
an 18-9 run to cut the WSU lead to just one. to the challenge Monday night as Mercyhurst Lakers will be Thursday Feb. 8 at 6 p.m. when
30-18, 22-30, 30-24 and 15-13. Josh Becker Galla, Sandor and sophomore guard Holly hosted Division I Binghamton Bearcats in a they host GLIAC foe Ashland and Monday,
led the team with 22 kills, while Jon Samolis Horton were key to the Laker outburst.
had 52 assists. non-conference game. Feb. 12 at 6 p.m. when Gannons visits the
IPFW handed the Lakers their first confer- Having just a 42-38 lead at halftime, Wayne Right from the opening tip, the Bearcats MAC. I '< f* J
ence loss with a 3-0 win Friday, Feb. 2, at the State broke the game open to a 74-54 lead took command of the game in the first four Both those games can be heard live on 88.5
Athletic Center. The scores were 30-25, 30- with 9:23 remaining by dominating the boards minutes in route to their 10th straight win by and 104.9 WMCE.

16 and 30-27. Becker had 11 kills, and Samolis

had 24 assists.
Tuesday, Feb. 6 the Lakers evened out their
record again, sweeping visiting D' Youville in
three games. Scores were 30-18, 30-23 and
30-23. Josh Becker led the team with 12 kills.

The Mercyhurst men's and women's
basketball teams will play their Annie Sitter/Merciad photographer

home double header with Gannon Katie Lorincz of Parma Heights, Ohio Sophomore guard Holly Horton shoots Freshman Krista Ross takes a free throw
passes the ball past a defender in past a tough Binghampton defender. shot In Monday's loss to Binghampton.
Monday, Feb. 12 at 6 and 8 p.m| Monday's loss. She had 14 points in the Laker loss. She contributed 12 points for the Lakers.

Mercyhurst students will be

admitted free of charge with a Women's team needs student support
student ID. Let me begin by saying that this is not an- game tomorrow night against Ashland and
The evening is expected to be a other column about the lethargic nature of Saturday afternoon versus Findlay. Both
sell out, so get to the games as Mercyhurst fans. We've had enough of those
over the past few years. Fans are starting to
Off the rim games are crucial for both teams. Saturday's
women's game starts at 1 p.m. If you can't g
soon as possible! Don't let appear. They are coming out because the Lak- make those, definitely come Monday night,
maroon and gold over power the ers are winning. regardless of any other activity. This game only
MAC like it did last vear. If vou This is. however, an article about balance. Adam Marco happens once a year at the Hurst, so let's sup-
arrive at 8 p.m. and expect to get The average attendance at a Mercyhurst men's port both teams as they head for the playoffs.
a seat, you will likely be disap- game is about 536 fans; a major increase over Adam Marco is a senior communications
the attendance per game for the past four sea- hearing about is the Gannon game at the
pointed. Even ticket-holders Hammermill Center Jan. 22. The Mercyhurst
majorfrom Leechburg, Pa.
sons. The average attendance at the women's
from the Erie community will be game, however, is less than half of that at 252. fans were there in mass and although outnum-
turned away once the gym Why is there such a difference? bered, they managed to completely drown out
reaches its capacity.
A specific section will be roped
The teams play on the same night, with a
few non-conference exceptions. The women's
the Gannon fans. This, no doubt, helped el-
evate the team's intensity and carry them on to
Help Wanted
off for students, so that they can games always start at 6 and the men always
follow at 8 p.m. And many times, that aver-
victory. By the way, the men's team won. And,
the women lost, with very little student sup-
J |Need money?
provide assistance to the teams age attendance is calculated toward the end port.
as the "Sixth Man.'* So, come of the women's game as fans trickle in to Monday night (Feb. 12), both teams will take
Looking for students to
and cheer, loudly. watch the men in action. on Gannon again, this time at the Mercyhurst answer phones for
MSG has purchased pom-poms Ask any player on any team and I guarantee Athletic Center. The women will play right Erie All State Insurance.
that will be distributed to the first that they will say how much a crowd can ef- before the men at 6 p.m., as usual. The men's
fect a team. It's a give and take relationship. game will be packed as always. Can we please Starting pay $6.50/hr
300 students.
And, don't forget:
If the crowd is large and into the game, the come out and support the women as well? Both Greaffor college students!l
team is more likely to feed off that intensity, teams are still in the race for a playoff spot and
and vice versa. This is regardless of location. these games will be the most important games
Very flexible hours.
"You wish
A major highlight of the power of the sixth left on both teams' schedules. Questions ?
you were man that no Laker fan should ever be sick of Make the attempt to come to the women's
a Mercyhurst Laker!"
Call Steve or Keith 866-0085

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