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Ce ASSIGNMENT—1 )xeeenemnssncccennennnens ‘inaenene| 2 )) we coos) “Teacher's Sign eae ee (8 Marks) 1, Polis of coalition has become the ultimate truth of tndian politics these days. No doubt, a coalition gives the chance and pleasure of running a government, but in the course of time, ter I friendship, deceit and blackmailing GoM be Lea ofbrutal termination ofa ccaliin pwemmen. 2, The Indian society i divided into different religions, caste, sects and regional mindsels, There are regional parties having special zones for them, These small and regional groups never hesitate to indulge inthe act of blackmailing fortheir own purpose, There ino discussion on the buming and relevant topics of nati have become a severe headache for our nation. Their main ambition is to achieve power at any 3: The soul of India lies in the unity ofits diverse culture but the main inspiration forthe politics of coalition is to get an easy access to the throne. The Indian culture aims at unifying its people of different sects while politics keeps an eye on dividing the Indian masses into castes, regions and religions 4, Incearly post-colonial period, ideologies were meant to unite different sects of people. The Congress was a union of people from different points of view but the Communist Party, the Jansangh, and the Socialist Party were totally based upon their strong ideologies. They were quite dedicated to build a society, rather a nation, based upon nationalism, communalism or socialism. In order to stengthen their ideology among the party members, they used to onganise special camps and sessions, 1,1 On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following questions; (Ix 8= 8 Marks) (i) What type of Government is the ultimate truth of Indian Politics now-a-days? (a) Single party govt. (6) Coal (c) Communist govt. (@) None of the above (ii) To achieve their goal, regional parties. (a) blackmail the govt. (b) support the govt (0) give money to the govt (A) criticise the govt (iii) The main focus of the coalition govt. is to (a) raise social issues (0) achieve power (i) The main focus of the socialist party remains on (@) building a society (c) educating people (6) The political ideology in the early post-colonial period was to ‘@) bridge the gap between the rich and the poor _(b) abolish poverty from the country (0) unite different sects of people (d) widen the gap between the rich and the poor (4 What do the communist party, the Jansangh and the socialist party do to strengthen their ideology? They (a) spread awareness among people (b) organize special camps and sessions (€) go door to door to explain their ideology __—_(d) follow the constitution of the country strictly ii) Indian is known for .. - in its diversity. ) A coalition government fails to achieve stability due to temporal friendship and deceit. (True / False) ion govt (b) work for public interest (a) serve the down-trodden (6) building a nation (all of the above BE Em J] | | Teacher's Sign = : "= ASSIGNMENT—2 eR TOD e carefully: read the passage carefully (8 Marks) tion of Fundamental Rights is LA a iat a eee ii is meaningless unless there is an effective machinery for the enforcement of De canal of the Constitution were in fayour of adopting special provisions guaranteeing the Right to Constitutional Remedies. This is what Article 32 seeks to provide, four secti . Ben id aus Be oe Ree ae first section is general in scope and says that “the right to move the Supreme cee Proceedings for the enforcement of the rights conferred by this partis guaranteed.” a Pee site 32 a ae for the enforcement of the rights. However, the Court will not entertain appliatio unless the matter falls within th _ ed Breed lof te Constitution, in the scope of any of the Fundamental Rights guarantee 4 Ashe guardian eee, Rights, the Supreme Court has two types of jurisdiction—original and appellate Under its original jurisdiction, any person who complains that his Fundamental Rights have been violated within the territory of India, may move the Supreme Court seeking an appropriate remedy. The fact that he may have a remedy in any of the High Courts does not preclude him from going directly to the Supreme Court, 1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following questions: (I< 8=8 Marks) (9 How many sections has Article 32? (a) Two (6) Three (0 Four (@ Five (ii) The supreme guardian of Fundamental Rights is the (@) Parliament (0) High Court (ii) The soul of Fundamental Eights is (a) the right to constitutional remedies (6) the right to livelihood (i) How many types of jurisdiction does supreme court have? (@) Two types (b) Three types (0) Four types (A) Five types () Any person who complains that his Fundamental Rights have been violated within the territory of India may move to the (@) Local court (b) Supreme court (@ Indiciary (b) the right to life (A) the right to express one’s opinion (6) Lok Sabha (d) Supreme court (©) High court Our Fundamental Rights have been guaranteed in which part of the constitution? (b) Part I (d) Part IV 32 provides a guaranteed remedy for the enforcement of the to constitutional Remedies is not a Fundamental Right, (True / False) a ‘Read the passage carefully: 1 Itis widely acknowledged that education cont understood much earlier the fact that individual i or halfseducated counterparts. In terms of lites are disappointing. According to ecor country’s economic development, 2, India has launched an ambitious proje 2 Penn atte emai mae Abhiyan, to provide Primary education to all children. One ene © reduce the large number of drop-outs from the schools because (8 Marks) ' to economic development. The developed world a anne education have an edge over their non-educated ere ichievements as compared to several Asian countries Poor performance of India on the literacy field has affected the ignificantl 11 On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, (@ The project Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan aims to provide (a) high education to all (b) primary education to all (c) mid-day meal to students (d) books to students (ii) The major air of the government has been to (@) spread education among the underprivileged (6) increase the number of drop-outs from the school (0) reduce the number of drop-outs from the school (@) achieve hundred per cent literacy in the country (iii) Investment in education aims to achieve answer the following questions: (1x 8 = 8 Marks) (@) physical growth (5) economic growth _(c) general health (@) timely growth (i) Unskilled and trained labours are generally (@) productive (b) alittle productive __(c) knowledgeable (@ illiterate (9) Enhanced knowledge and skills symbolise (@) defined labour force (6) quick labour force (©) productive labour force (d) half-productive labour force (vi) Literacy among people can check ___{@) corrupt practices (b) employment (©) death rate (d) traffic rules ii) Political stability greatly depends on . of the common people. Participation in the local self-governance body discourages the local economic factors. (True / Falsg a ASSIONNEAT- ———————————— Time [ 30Min.| Max. Marks (12 | Marks: /42 Sign ead the passage carefully: (12 Marks) {literacy makes a person enemy of mankind. Its like a curse on his life, on his family and on his nation because the work of illiteracy is that of an inhibitor, This is to say, the more the illiterate people in the country, the harder jrwill be for the country to develop. We can clarify this fact with an example. 2, America whose iliteracy rate is below 5 per cent and Canada whose illiteracy rate is around 8 per cent are developed countries, whereas countries like Turkey and Iran with illiteracy rates of 61 per cent and 43 per cent respectively are underdeveloped countries. Uneducated population is unskilled and less productive. It is a fact that it is always tougher and more expensive to train illiterate people than educated ones. 4, Due to ignorance and lack of rational thinking, they are easily deceived by intermediaries and employers. Again, taking an example of the glittering diamond industry of Surat, the labourers who cut and polish diamonds are largely betrayed just because 95 per cent of them are uneducated and the diamond companies take fullest advantage fit, They enforce on them overtime and low wages 2.1 On the basis of your reading of the above extract, answer the following questions in 30-40 words each: (2 <4 =8 Marks) (0 How does illiteracy make a man enemy of mankind? (i) Why are countries like Canada and America developed countries and countries like Turkey and Iran underdeveloped? (ii) Why are illiterate people less productive? (iv) Why do intermediaries and employers exploit the illiterate people? 22 On the basis of your reading of the above extract answer the following: (1 <4=4 Marks) (In paragraph no.2, ... means the same as ‘untrained? (a) developed (b) growth (©) unskilled (@) rate (ii) In synonym of ‘illiterate’ as given in paragraph 10.3 18 mr... (i) In paragraph mo.2, the antonym of cheap 18... (a) expensive (b) developed (c) educated (d) under-developed {iv) The antonym of “blessing’ as given in paragraph no.1 1s ... Teacher's Sign 3 ead the passage carefull ia Wark} 1, Sometimes kids will need a small Push in the right direction. Victoria encouraged her seven-year-old son, Philip. fo tke part in their local library's summer reading club. For every book report a child wrote, he received a raffle ticket. ‘atthe end of the summer, sports prizes were rafMled off. Philip, who'd painstakingly produced seven book reports, won an autographed picture of a hockey star and had his name and one of his reports printed in the local newspaper. ffthat’s not possible, encourage children to write letters to editors on current affairs, or about school-related issues.) “Philip moaned and groaned about writing the reports, but in the end, he was happy he put the effort in,” . 2 totes his mother. “And his ability to express himself really improved.” 4, “It’s the daily doses of stimulation—intellectual, creative, esteem-building—that parents can give their children that have the greatest impact,” says an eminent researcher. In an informal study conducted in 1998 other re searches surveyed successful college students about how they spent their free time from ages five to 12, then compared their activities with those of troubled youngsters 4, They found that the successful ones were more likely to play spontaneous games, more involved in household chores and more likely to engage in playful activities with their parents. questions in 30-40 words each 21 On the basis of your reading of the above extract, answer the follow (2 « 4=8 Marks) (i) What do kids need sometimes? (ii) Why did Victoria encourage her son Philip? (fii) What did a child get after writing a book report? (is) Why were the college students surveyed in 1998? 22 On the basis of your reading of the aboye extract answer the following: (i) In paragraph no.2, means the same as ‘complained’ (a) moaned (b) printed (©) improved (@) raffled (ii) In paragraph no.3, the synonym of ‘inspiration’ is (iif) The antonym of ‘dishearten’ as given in paragraph no.2 is ear -(@) local (b) encourage (c) current (d) express The antonym of ‘unknown’ as given in paragraph 10.3 18 sn. (1 *4=4 Marks) << ASSIGNMENT—14 jum fe} Marks (>) . nee the passage carefully: (12 Marks) is physically impossible for a well-educated in b bi i | It is physically impossible ted intellect e pimaney the chief chest of his 4 Beaty tin mee lellectual or brave man to make money the chief object of his : ee : Principal object of his life, All healthy people like their dinner, battdinner isnot the main object of their lives, So all healthy-minded people like making money, ought to like it joy the sensation of winning it; 3 y ‘And enjoy ng it; but the main abject of their life is not money; it is something better than money. 2, A good soldier, for instance mainly wishes to do his fighting well. He is glad of his pay—very proper justly grumbles when you keep him ten years without it—still, his main notion of life is to win battle paid for winning them. 3. So of the doctors. They like fees no doubt, ought to like them; yet if they are brave and well-educated, the entire object of their lives is not the fees. They, on the whole, desire to cure the sick, and if they are good doctors, and the choice were fairly put to them, they would rather cure their patient, and lose the fee than kill him and get it And so with all other brave and rightly trained men; their work is first, their fee second—very important no doubt but still second. 4, But in every nation, as I said, there are vast numbers of people who are ill-educated, cowardly and more or less stupid. And with these people just as certainly the fee is first and the work second 0, and not to be | 21 On the basis of your reading of the above extract, answer the following questions in 30-40 words each: | (2 4=8 Marks) (i Why can’t money be the chief objective of an intellectual or a brave man? (ii) What is the main objective of a good soldier? (iii) What is the entire object of the lives of good doctors? (is) How are those people for whom money is first and the work second? 22 On the basis of your reading of the above extract answer the following: (9) In paragraph no. 1, _. means the same as ‘goal’, (a) winning (b) sensation (c) object (@ principal ) The synonym of ‘conquer’ as given in paragraph 2 is paragraph no.3, the antonym of ‘healthy’ is . i (b) sound (c) doctors (d) patient he antonym of ‘small’ as given in paragraph no.4, is . (Lx 4 = 4 Marks) a Tyre — 11 _— ASSIGNMENT-12 : Time | 30Min.| Max. Marks Sedan | | Mans = 2 Teacher's Sign | ao aed (12 Marks) : ar j is actually a miniature tree in t is ° eee eeeey aioruler ee Itis cut down to a mini version ofits original. Bonsai cultivation paiorn Core it originated in Japan, it was actually the Chinese first cultivated hese ; ing that must capture people’s eyes about a ‘The first thing that mu "yes about a Bonsai is its shape. TI lowed Bree less Tene tinea here are certain rules to be follower a tone s has to be followed. Take the total space of your plant sod its container and Parts, horizontally and vertically, After you get a proper division of space, Aen consideration the front, back roots and sides of the plant. Thar are three basic steps to shaping your Bonsai : pruning, si id an’ 3 Tt and form by eliminating foliage, Use a pair of sha Se eee eo Fp pruning spears to remove all buds, except those on ee ouside ofthe trunk. This forces the growth up and out 4, Pruning is done only once. After getting the initial desired shape, nipping the plant helps to maintain that shape. Depending on how you nip, it controls growth and make the plant less or more dense. 6, The acual art lies in wiring after the frst two steps; this involves bending and twisting the branches to give the Bonsai its shape. 11 On the basis of your reading of the above extract, answer the following questions in 30-40 words each: (2 «4 =8 Marks) () What do you understand by the word Bonsai? {i What are the 3 basic steps to shape a Bonsai? What is pruning? (i) What are the rules of pruning and sniping the plants to make a Bonsai? (j) What are nipping and wiring? i 12 On the basis of your reading of the above extract answer the following: (1* 4=4 Marks) (i) In paragraph no.4, means ‘sustain’. (a) desired (6) nipping (c) remove (d) maintain (i) The synonym of ‘teal’ as given in paragraph no. is ... (ii) In paragraph no.5, the antonym of ‘false’ is (@) actual (6) bending (c) twisting (d) shape antonym of “giant” as given in paragraph no.1, is a cectionB Part Il — Grammar 3 INTEGRATED EXERCISE ‘OR PRACTICE 1. CLOZE (GAP-FILLING) which a short extract is provided with a few blank s yords in such @ way that the extract becomes meaningful, to do the task: | the extract carefully, ve a general idea about the sense of the extract, syllabus one has to fll in the blanks with suitable prepositions, let in the use of tenses and verbs, Tis question caries 4 marks, paces, Students have to fill in the blanks with one | articles, conjunctions and tenses. Complete the paragraph given below by filling in the blanks choosing the correct option from those that follow: (1% 4@4 Marks) el @ (a (ii) an people moan about poverty as a great curse; and it seems to (id) the (iv) any k@ accepted belief that if people only had (6) @ on (Hi) at plenty of money, they () be happy and useful (iii) to (iv) above and get more out of life. As a rule there (c) .. (c) () then (i) when more genuine satisfaction in life and more obtained (iti) where (i) how @ . life in the humble cottage of the poor (d) (i shall (ii) will ‘man than in the palaces of the rich. (iii) would (iv) should @ (a (ii) the (iii) an (i») some () @ shall (ii) would Oe ee We should use life with ES care. We should remember Nes o tee that it (a) hea only once. Besides, it can be (iii) could (ov) is taken ba . [tis extrer (@) (i) for (ii) from (arenas the maximum use of it. (€) jase (iii) of (iv) on we have hard work to do, we should do it now, We shouldn't @. «vw it for tomorrow because it will hamper our suc (@) (i) was given (ii) is given (iti) will be given (iv) can be given oe (b) @ made (ii) make The term ‘Mahatma’ means a great soul. So, the phrase (td) was made ae take Gandhi means Gandhi, (a) . great | (0) (Dif One ‘oul. Atfirst he repudiated the title and begged his friends (iti) that (iv) since et). call him so, Sometimes, in the midst | __ (4) (i) left (ii) was left of severe disappointments, (c) people called (iii) leave (iv) has left _ tim by that exalted title he said emphatically, “I do not ‘Wish that people (d) .. give me that honour tY more. | am the opposite of Mahatma, I am Alpatma”. aon ce Percent of the geographical area (a). a Wet forests uy and covered (6) _ forests, The ee and the Pine forests occur (c) «. : a (00m above mean sea level. Manipur is home +e 500 varieties of orchids. ‘Siroi Lily’, the only terrestrial lily in India growing on the tops of the Siroi Hill. eat i on peal () for ©) @ from (ii at (it (ey with (©) @ with (ii) from (iii between eis (@) @ above (i) across aia () 0 pe Helen Adams Keller was (a)... first deaf- blind person to eam a Bachelor of Arts degree. The story @ how Keller’s teacher, Annie Sullivan, broke through the isolation inspired (c) anear complete lack of language, allowing (d) .. - girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, has become known worldwide. (a) @a (i an (iii) the (iv) any (6) @ on (ii) upon (ii) on (iv) of (©) (@ by (ii) for (iii) under (iv) from (@ (jan (ii) up (iii) the (iv) some edges Vocational Education prepares learners for jobs @ are based on manual or practical activities. It traditionally considered non-academic and totally related (¢) 01.0 fa ‘specific trade, occupation or vocation. Here itis sometimes . as technical education. (ii) who d (d) (@) that (ii) was, (b) ( were (iii) will (iy) had (0 of (i) aw (iii) to. (iv) on @O% (ii) upon (iii) at (iv) under Pay: RK. Narayan is the (a) cn Widely Indian writer (6)... ~~ the English ang His first novel Swami and Friends (c) age published in 1935, and since then, he (d) Writing steadily. (a) (@) more (ii) most (iti) much (iv) many (6) @ in (ii) on (iii) into (i) upto (0) @ are (ii) is (iii) was (iv) were (@ (i) was (ii) have been (iv) has been (iit) had been =; — Most ofus fail our efforts (a) selfimprovemex because our schemes are too ambitious and we neve have time (6) ..... carry them out. We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resoltion everybody so that we look even more foolish when ve slipback (c).. . our bad old ways, Aware o these pitfalls, this year I attempted (d) kee my resolution to myself, I limited myself to two modes ambitious, to do physical exercise every moming andi read more in the evening. (a) (iin (ii) at (iii) on (@) for () @in (ii) under (iii) to (iv) over (¢) (@ into (ii) over (iii) upon (iv) across (@) (i off (i) up (ii) to (iv) at where (iv) how 0 SENSIS PA Lance & Leo

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