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Lesson 2: Digital Skills

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, the teacher should be able to:
a. discuss the importance of digital skills in relation to becoming a good digital

Time Frame: 3 hours

As teachers adjust their teaching to effectively match the new digital world of
information and communication technology (ICT), they must be clear on what basic
knowledge, skills and values (of literacies) need to be developed by digital learners.
These basic literacies will not replace the 3Rs (reading, writing and arithmetic), but
they will be complemented by five essential skills to equip students for success in the
millennial world. Rather than call them literacy skills, these are better referred to as
Fluency Skills, conveying the ease and facility in acquiring and using them. These
are Solution Fluency, Information Fluency, Collaboration Fluency, Media Fluency and
Creativity Fluency.

1. Solution Fluency
This refers to the capacity and creativity in problem solving. It requires whole
brain thinking executed when students define a problem, design the appropriate
solution, apply the solution and assess the process and result. We can acquire
solution fluency through

a. Define
Define Distinguish a clear problem-solving
approach and avoid the classic “ready,
Debrief Discover fire, aim” problem solving.

b. Discover
Deliver Dream Here you analyze what decisions
brought you to this point and what could
Design have been done to create different

c. Dream
This is the visioning process in which we not only imagine what is possible but
also remain open to what is impossible.
d. Design
Design becomes the process of gap analysis, breaking out all the necessary
steps to get us from here to there. It is a Plan to guide us as we work is created
during this stage.
e. Deliver
Design becomes the process of gap analysis, breaking out all the necessary
steps to get us from here to there. It is a Plan to guide us as we work is created
during this stage.
f. Debrief
Debriefing allows students to develop ownership of the solution and a sense of
accountability. This also allows students to look at the final product/process and
determine what was done well and what could be improved upon.
2. Information Fluency
Information Fluency is the ability to interpret information unconsciously and
intuitively in all forms and formats in order to extract the essential knowledge,
authenticate it, and perceive its meaning and significance.

This involves 3 subsets of skills, namely

a. an ability to access information.
b. an ability to retrieve information.
c. an ability to reflect on, assess and rewrite for instructive information

a. Ask
Students need to be able to ask good
questions to get answers.

Assess Acquire
b. Acquire
Knowing the “How and Where” you can
access this information. Having a
Apply Analyze balanced perspective doing your
Research and finding varied

c. Analyze
The Analyze stage is where you filter the information you gathered in Acquire,
you ask yourself whether the information authentic and if there is a bias. You
look to engage in deeper levels of meaning and understanding of the material.
d. Apply
Here you take the filtered information and apply it to real world problems (or a
simulation of one). This is where smaller pieces are joined together to find
e. Assess
You must be able to look at both the product and the process.
3. Collaboration Fluency

This refers to teamwork with virtual or real partners in the online environment.
It is a team working proficiency that has reached the unconscious ability to work
cooperatively with virtual and real partners in an online environment to solve
problems and create original products.

a. Establish
The Establish stage is the foundation
that the rest of the collaborative process
rests upon. Organization and an
Examine Envision understanding of one’s role within the
group are its defining characteristics.

b. Envision
Execute Engineer
During the Envision stage the group
collectively develops and to what the
outcome of the collaboration will be.
Criteria for the outcome are also
created in this stage.

c. Engineer
In the Engineering stage, all the steps for a successful plan are laid out for the

d. Execute
Here the plan is put into action with a focus on the development of a tangible
solution or product.

e. Examine
Examine involves looking back at the process and determining if the group
challenge was met. The group looks for areas of improvement, recognizes
contributions and gives constructive feedback/criticism.
4. Media Fluency

Media fluency is the people’s fluent use of media in order to interact more
efficiently with the world and their society. This means that there is a need for
analytical mind to evaluate the message in a chosen media, as well as a
creative ability to publish digital messages. Media refers to channels of mass
communication (radio, television, magazine) or digital resources.

a. Listen
Listening is about measuring the
effectiveness of messages being
communicated by media. It’s about being
able to look critically at the content. This
involves a careful consideration of both the
Listen Leverage
message and the medium.
b. Envision
Matching the medium to the message and
the audience is the critical component of
Leverage. Leveraging means learning how
to communicate effectively, and being able
to identify the most appropriate medium for
getting a message out.

5. Creativity Fluency

Creativity Fluency is the process by which artistic proficiency adds meaning

through design, art and storytelling. It is about using innovative design to add
value to the function of a product through the form.

Creative thinking involves imagination, basic use of the scientific method,

communication, problem solving, making interpretations.
a. Identify
The Identify stage is where you ask
yourself “What is my task and what do
I need to create?”
Inspect inspire

b. Inspire
Using various sources to fill your brain
with sensory information. Inspiration
Imagine Interpolate can come from anywhere: from
scanning remote memories,
visualizing, flipping through
magazines or listening to music.

c. Interpolate
Pattern recognition is used in this stage. To interpolate means to find a pattern
or meaning with known information. The brain often connects the dots by
searching for patterns, alternate meaning, and higher-level abstractions.

d. Imagine
Imagine is where the synthesis of Inspire and Interpolate unites in the birth of a
new idea.

e. Inspect
The last step involves referring back to step 1 and evaluating if it met the original
plan or idea. With our new idea imagined we have to now stand back and
inspect. Does our idea meet the criteria we originally set out? Does it match our
definition and is it feasible? Will it work?

Instructions: Make a creative infographic illustration about the 5 Digital Fluency

Skills. Add textual information to support each fluency.

Duke, S. (2021). Digital Fluency. Digital Fluency. Retrieved on March 5, 2022 from
Lucido, P. (2012). Educational Technology 2, 2nd Edition. Quezon City, Philippines.
Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

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